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Jun 02 - 09:53:59
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My Life. The Final Part. Started by: -Vehellione- on Jun 20, '09 13:02

My father wanted me to read this to you all.. His last journal entry.

I was one of two consiglieres in The Spanish Inquisition. Life was fantastic, I was earning money for my boss, I was improving everything about myself. Every day was a challenge for me, I was always pushing the boundaries. Then I got a call from the boss.

"V" He said. "You have worked for me for a long time now. You always have time for the family, and relentlessly earnt me money. I want to introduce you to someone."A man who I'd never seen before walked through the door as Premier freed up his seat for him. I knew he must be important..My boss didn't make room for anyone who wasn't. "I'd like to introduce you to the Godfather of our city, Thomas Rourke." Although at first this statement gripped me with slight fear, I realised that the boss wouldn't be doing this for any bad reason.

It was then that the Godfather began to speak. "I hear good things about you V. Every day I receive reports of how you are squeezing every penny from the shopkeepers we protect, how you knock over every post office in a 500 mile radius, how you help immigrants fresh off the boat, how you look after and protect those who are in our family. You are an astounding example of a mafioso, and have truly grasped everything which we hold dear to our lives. Therefore today, it is my great pleasure to tell you that myself, and Premier are offering you a once in a lifetime chance to start your own family within this fine city." At first I was completely gobsmacked, as I could not believe what I was hearing. Then it began to dawn on me the position which had been offered to me, and the trust which they were planning on placing in my hands. These hands which had seen much bloodshed, much sorrow, and even more happiness than all those combined. Of course there was only one answer I could give. There was lots of talk that night, none of which needs to be repeated in my journal, but we agreed everything and I was ready for my family.

Over the next few weeks I set up my own Headquarters. I was visited frequently by friends and family, all offering well wishes and congratulations. Everything was going so perfectly, my Right Hand Man and I were taking care of business, our family was starting up.

I was minding my own business one night, on the run from the police as I'd just knocked over a 7-11. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a well known man, Alfonsi Timello. Then what I saw confused me incredibly. His Right Hand Man lifted his gun and took fire at him, missing by mere inches. I was in shock, I had never seen such betrayal, so I jumped on the first plane home. I spoke the Godfather, Thomas Rourke and my old family head Premier about what I had seen. 

Never did I expect what happened next to happen. At some time during that night, a time which of the top of my head I can't remember, my mind is racing too fast for specifics, the hitsquads of families took aim at the highest ranked family members from Alfonsi Timello and Alfonsi himself and sent them to their graves. 

Although I'm not sure on the specifics of what happened, I'm sure I can sleep easy tonight. I turned off the light in my Headquarters, jumped into my car and headed home.

Although my father would've loved to have continued down this path, he was left to sleep with the fishes that night. In his honour, I have read you all his last journal entries.


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On hearing an old friend of his reading a loud. Jono stops and offers V a cigarette.

Hallo matey, nice insight into the last few days of your father.

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Marley reaches to shake V Jr.'s hand

Your father was a good man. I knew him personally! I looked up to him when I was only a young mobsta myself.

He conducted himself in a way that influenced my thought process on what a good mafioso should be.

He will rest well because he died for a great cause. He died so I can stand here now and speak with you.

Marley feels emotional, so he lites a joint

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Listens to the journal being read and fiddles with himself... err... fiddles with his fingers. After the speech was done and gone, he walked over to V.

Nice... I swear I didn't fall asleep during the speech. REALLY, I DIDN'T.

After shaking the mans hand, Sherlock jumps onto his horse and rides off... his hair flowing in the distance.

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*Skull steals Sherlock's hair and uses it as a wig.. I hope it doesn't bite.

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Pulling his hat low to shade his eyes from the setting sun, he squints off in the direction of a familiar voice.

"I'm sure your dad is looking down from heaven right now and smiling from ear to ear at how you turned out. Make him proud."

The silver watch, swinging like a pendulum from the long chain tells him what he already assumed, beer thirty. Time to head off in search of the nearest cold beer.

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Will, upon hearing the words of a son, could do nothing but shed a tear. It was a moving tribute to a man Will's father knew. And upon hearing more about the man, he felt compelled to stop for a moment and add a few words.

Your father was a good man.  I did not know him, but frequently read of the name in my father's journals.  Even up to the last day of your father's life, and the struggles he went through.  Your father did the right thing those last days of his life.  As difficult as it was, and knowing the end result, I'm sure he would have done the same thing over again.  Just as I'm sure you would do the same thing if you were to encounter that situation. 

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your father was a good man, he was a good friend of my father and he spoken highly of him.

May God Rest His Soul.

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Your father served his city and family well. If it wasn't for your father who knows the traviesty that could have kept going on.

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Jimmy overhears Jr. Vehellione speach about his father. And reminds himself about his own father. Seeing his own Godfather Adrian die... and he having to deal with the aftermath himself understands the burden jr. Vehellione now carries.

I have read about you father in the papers also, but never talked with him. My father never talked with him either, but knew he was a good man. It is now time for us to move on, and try to do greater things. My father put a look of time and energy in his work also and losed his life fighting along with his family. Now i have been given a home in NY and will serve my family the same way my father served his. We have inherited ours fathers knowledge and wisedom. Lets make the most of it! Good luck to you Vehellione... see you around!


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