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Phantoms of Philly Started by: gizaro on Jun 23, '09 02:27

As the rain pours down over the rooftops of the the local bars, gamblin' halls, and establishments of Philadelphia, a great crash of lightning strikes the soap box podium near SPIRIT HQ. Instantly, after the flash, Gizaro vaporizes onto the podium. Standing there in his patented sunglasses to cover his red eyes, Gizaro reaches up to adjust his glasses. He then pulls a leatherbound tattered notebook from his jacket and places it on the podium. A crowd gathers as the rain subsides for a moment to listen to the announcement. Gizaro clears his throat and then speaks.

Attention all ghouls, ghosts, ruffians,and mobsters of Philly. I am here to announce that Don Odd has bestowed a great honor unto me this night. I have been allowed to have my own crew in this great city of ours. This new crew shall be officially called, I Fantasmi di Spirito Mafia, but will be known on the streets as the Phantoms of Philly. Our crew will continue with the great tradition of the SPIRIT organization and will represent it as a subdivisional branch. We as a crew, will continue my tradition of running in the shadows. We will perform by our acts not our words. At this time I would also like to announce my new RHM Uncle_Sam.

Sam materializes next to the podium and nods to the crowd.

Gizaro continues

Sam has been a loyal member of SPIRIT and is a great family man. He will serve our organization, SPIRIT, and the city well.

I would like to thank everyone who came to Don Odd's announcement party last night. I would also like to publicly thank Don Odd again for his trust and support in me and my family members, Paul Walker for being a great mentor, friend, confidant, and for kicking my ass all this time to get me in shape. Mr FCUK, Sidious, Angie, and Kizzy for their examples, knowledge,support and their overall kick ass style. The rest of the SPIRIT are awesome, thanks for everything. SPIRIT for LIFE! Look everyone it is Don Odd over there.

The entire crowd turns to look for the great Don Odd but no one is there by the river where Gizaro was pointing, as the crowd turns back around they see nothing but a faint bit of whispy smoke where Gizaro once stood, and with that the rain begins to pour down again.

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Congrats Gizaro, Hope all goes well.

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Congratulations on your new family gizaro.
I wish you the best of luck with your family and I'm sure you will make Don Odd of Philly a proud thing. (Hes odd so no one knows what he is)

DK shakes gizaro's hand

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Congratulations Gizaro, its good to see the Great city of Philly filling back up again with leaders.

well done!

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Congrats Gizaro, you will do great I am certain. You most definitely deserve this opportunity.

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<em>As Gizaro disapears into the rain Sam steps up on the soap box and decides to say a few words to thank everyone</em> Thank you Odd for allouing me to join Gizaro in his family, and thank you Gizaro for alouing me to join you in this epic quest to reach the top. I also would like to thank Mr FCUK, Sidious, Angie, and Kizzy for always being their for me and helping me along the way.  <em>Sam points off into the night sky as everyone looks to where he was pointing as he disapears into thin air</em>

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that up their is an epic fail.

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Congrats Gizaro

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Congratulations Mr Gizaro! I wish you the best of luck in all that you do.

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Congratulations Sir.

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Congrats Gizaro

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Marietta applauds with the rest of the crowd at Gizaro and his Right Hand's disappearing act.

Bravo! she calls excitedly, walking over towards a young man that works for the Phantoms.

He smiles towards her, holding up a book and a pen as she approaches. Happily he calls out, "Hello there M'am!". She winces at being called M'am but nods towards the young man to continue. "Any comments you want to leave for Gizaro and his family? I'm taking this autograph book to him later tonight. Feel free to write whatever you like!"

Pausing thoughtfully for a moment, Marietta takes the pen and writes out in tidy cursive:

Congratulations, Gizaro! Don Odd speaks very highly of you, and so it is very exciting to see you get your chance over in the City of Brotherly Love.

The best of luck to you and your new family as you start this great adventure together. I hope that you enjoy many long years of success and happiness with the other crews of Philadelphia!

Oh, and congrats to Sam too. He's a good guy.

Handing the pen back to the young man, he calls "Thanks!" to her as she turns on her heel and walks down the street to find the nearest bakery. This called for pastries.

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LilWayne walks upto gizaro.

"Congrats gizaro and I wish you and your family the best."

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Congrats to you.

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Congrats man

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