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The The Started by: TheOneAndOnly on Nov 11, '07 14:23
Walking fast with his hands in his pockets, TOAO tried to remain inconspicuous. Buildings flashed past him, and his eyes searched ahead for his usual customer. Finally he saw him standing near an alley way. Walking up to him, TOAO dragged him down the alley, and pinned him against the wall

"I told you not to tell anyone about the new stuff" He growls at the man

"Sorry One, its just so good I had to tell everyone" The man replied, trying to save his life

Smiling to himself, TOAO then lets go of the man, and out of his pocket pulls out the new drugs entering the streets

"So what do you want today?" he asks the man

Brushing himself down, the mans eyes suddenly get a greedy glint to them

"Have you got any Bacon? No wait. I want cheese today! Actually, that english breakfast tea was really nice last time"

After handing the product over and grabbing the mans money, TOAO laughed to himself. Tipping his hat, he muttered

"A new market to make money in"
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Dude, you gotta smoke that bacon...

I'm like tripping bad off of that shit...

Bacon is hardcore.
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The man in the royal blue suit walks up to Tyler_Durden

Pssst. I got some eggs. A whole lot of em. You down?

He shows him a plate full of slightly overcooked eggs.
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I don't know, these eggs are looking a little burnt...

I like that bacon though.
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Come on, how bout some English Breakfast Tea then?
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*A scruffy faced man is seen standing on the corner in a long coat*

I got some fresh tums for sale.

*pulls apart his coat to reveal several rolls of tums*
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I definitely need those tums...
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TOAO stands on the corner of the street. Before him he sees many new dealers, and a warm sense of pride emerges within him. Seeing the news products spread so quickly was not what he had expected, but it was a welcome change. The food revolution had started

Turning to LuigiMario, he hands him some English Breakfast Tea

Its on me, enjoy it
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*Guardian Stands there watching as people are buying/selling products.He decides to start selling his own*

Heyyyyy You!

Yes you!

I got some Canadian Bacon ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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The scent of sizzling bacon lead Jordan to the new dealer on the street. She looked over her shoulder for police or witnesses before she approached TOAO.

I heard you sell the best breakfast items on the streets. I'm looking for a large quantity of eggs to supply to breakfast junkies in Chicago.
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Carlo hears the sirens moving closer rapidly and begins to clear the area of their illegal selling of Cheese, Eggs and Bacon.

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Walks over t Sarfas and smiles say tums? I need tums, give me all your tums.....Now...I need them now.......why aren't you giving them here man.....Oh're messing with the wrong instrument.....
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Walks up to TOAO and starts to speak in hushed tones

Psst One 'n Only you got any HP sauce, I've got plenty of bacon but I wanna cut with a bit HP.
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Seeing Jordan approaching him, TOAO gets ready for a new deal. After listening to his request, TOAO smiles to himself. "The best breakfast items ey" He thinks. "I could get used to this".

Handing over a large amount of eggs, he sees Jordan off with a smile. Suddenly TOAO hears his lookout Carlo shouting. This could only mean one thing. Placing all his product back within his coat, TOAO quickly exits down an alley. Whilst hiding there from the police, Cadeus shuffles up beside him. Slightly out of breath, TOAO asks him what he wants, and his surprised to hear the unusual request of HP Sauce. Turning to look at Cadeus, he tells him

"Are you sure? Thats some pretty potent stuff. But if you do want some, I just got a special shipment in. This stuffs pretty rare so it will cost you a bit"
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