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SICK and Tired of seeing this? Started by: Dudley_Dooright on Jul 10, '09 06:34

I actually gave that idea before in the Suggestions Alley. No one seemed to listen.

But yes I very much like the idea.

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Lets not arguing how people spend the money to buy some Protection, because it takes a lot of effort to get that kind of money. some people get it from their loyalty and worthy for their family and some people get it from their huge luck like Mr (not Mrs) LuckyNellerie.

after all like GF Thomas Said I survived that long because I worked with a group of people who all understood what it takes to win, be successful, and trust one another. The money for bodyguards can't buy that. plenty of bg's don't guarantee anyone to live and safe forever.

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you do what you gotta do to win if they want cheaper bodyguards who cares? its not your problem its not anyones problem. In fact its not even a problem

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NO what they don't aint right but hell what we all do aint right we're criminals so who the hell cares. It's not the hand your delt it's how you play it.

If you got a little cash in your pocket and you can buy for cheap then hell good for you but, we all know people remember whats done in the dark. Until then if it's not hurting you physically or then let it go.

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Scratches his head and wonders if this should even be on the streets. Thoughts start flooding through his head and he stares into the distance while considering all of the thoughts one by one."Damned people with their diseases, OOCitis is reaching absurd proportions these days. Suggestions for Gods? Gods know it all, why would they need suggestions from us little ones?? Gods in city halls, now that's a laughable concept. It also makes me wonder about the logic of some of these people, a rank like Made Man or over is given to you with the idea that you are a trusted associate, that you've done exceptional amounts of work to reach it and it's an ultimate honour. Why would you sincerely ask for that to be taken away? Is money and bodyguards worth more than the rank of Made Man these days? I'd go as far to say that it is the fault of the crew leaders that Made Man reached a low point when it comes to the honour that the rank should receive. This is just another prime example of that... CLs promoting people to Made Man, demoting them for cheap bodyguards and promoting them all the way back again? If someone asked to be demoted back to the rank of thug after achieving Made Man, they should never acquire the rank of Made Man again since they can't have appreciated it fully..."

Shaking his head slightly, Marc0 glanced at the crowds around him again and sauntered off without saying a word.

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Well said Marc0. Spoken like a true gentlemen

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It was more spoken without taking a breath... but, yeah, had a good point.

Dropping someone down to thug just to fill them up with loads of bodyguards I feel is now more of a tactic than anything in this thing of ours, it's not right and shouldn't be allowed; but it's common sense to take advantage of it and people who do not aren't breaking any Mafia codes or laws, they're just using that advantage. We all would in that same spot.

Glances around to add in some filler so that people don't get bored with his little rant, then promptly continues.

It's something that would need to be intervened by the Gods. Not by us. We're merely just using what was given to us and unless what is given to us is changed, it's not our faults that it's used.

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Here I must say. I have to agree with ThomasRourke.

Demoting to get more Bodyguards is ok if you are Wise Guy or below. Once you hit Made Man, thats it. You can't go back down anymore unless you are demoted for certain reasons.

I have never been demoted to get more Bodyguards and Im pretty sure that Im not going to ever as I would prefer to keep what EXP I have gained as it is.

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I cannot agree that it is an ethicalĀ  nor a very clever thing to do. It leaves you open to attack during times of war but not only that, it weakens your family during the same period..

I cannot honestly believe that bodyguards allow themselves to be whored out like that. I mean if it were me, I would demand alot more money off someone who has been in this world for 20 days rather than someone who has been here two. I'd feel the new guy deserved and needed my protection because he was unsure of his feet. Where as the older guy knows his way around and just wants me to stop a bullet or to look good.

Maybe the Bodyguards should be going on strike demanding that the Mob Bosses no longer force them to work for their lower ranked members when they know the ropes and their lives may be more at risk. Maybe the discount prices the bodyguards feel obliged to give to the younger ones should work on age instead of rank within a family?

They will be as bigger a target whatever they do really..

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Bighead, your idea sounds pretty clever although I'm sure it won't fly, but what did you mean at the beginning? How does it leave you open to attack in times of war?

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Incidentally, who sets the standards for this? The crew leaders and right hands? Ah yes, we follow their fine example! Not that I would name names, but I know of a Don CL at the moment who was demoted from Consigliere to thug and there is currently a RH who has recently done the same thing, gone from Consigliere to thug. Always good to see that the example being set is that Consigliere is worth less than as many BGs you can fit in a plane. Excellent.

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