Get Timers Now!
Jun 02 - 14:05:19
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The importance of jobs Started by: Maedhros on May 26, '15 21:23
"What does that grave digging job mean to you? Probably not much, unless you are desperate for cash or you have an obsession with the dead. What does it mean to the civilian or thief trying to get in the real life of the mafia? A lot. These jobs from families are his obvious entryways into the 'real' stuff. From doing poor jobs for a family to being associated with them. And possibly the radical and life-changing step from associate to a man of honor - a Made man!"

"But surely there are other ways of getting these small timers to you? Should you approach them when they're fresh off the boat? Possibly even when they're good civilians, not even criminal yet? And then there is the chance that you'll find them lost and confused: A perfect opportunity to lure him into your organization. Stress the fact that he'll surely die without a family and he'll be prone to taking you up on your offer of a place to stay."

"Some prefer to have people approach them, to wait and sit idle, while others might offer the lad work and shelter. Are we so arrogant that we expect people to come to us - while we need them as much as they need us. There is plenty of room available to new immigrants, and if you're not actively approaching people and if you don't take the time to connect with them, you are not only missing out on one of the most wonderful aspects of this world, but you're also making yourself useless. What is your HQ worth, when you don't try to fill it with all your effort? What value does your sponsorship badge hold, when you don't teach?"

"And some of us would like to judge their potential associates with their ability to send you a nice story. Do stories make you money? Does it get you loyalty? Does it give your gun a boost? No. I am of the opinion that the only reason for (longing for) such requirements is the desire to see done sort of standards being enforced - even if they're false and hollow ones."

"And we have to worry about the quality of sponsorship and a common definition of 'whoring'. Too often are civilians approached while having no ties to the criminal underworld. Too often is the communication between sponsor and (future) associates too sloppy and poorly worded. Much of this can be fought due to privately addressing these problems to the sponsor's leader, and sometimes a public showing off the horrendous telegrams in question works better."

"In short, I must urge the importance of the family jobs as the dominant and superior medium for recruitment purposes."
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Louis stops by the young man making a speech and tips his hat.

"Bueno sera, paisan. I must say, I enjoy the jobs which are offered out to the fresh faces to our shores. It offers insight and limits the number of job offers which follow. We often forget that it is they who should be seeking out work for our sponsors, not the other way around.

"The natural evolution at this point would be for selected sponsors to be given access to manage their own job boards within the districts. Encourage the new blood to explore the city, find someone that they want to work for and make contact."

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When my father was one of the leaders in Los Angeles, he had a personal policy to never contact someone about recruitment unless they had done a job for him, in order to find quality recruits and people who at least had a slight interest in joining his family.

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Yes, we are arrogant enough to expect people to come to us. The same message is consistently drilled into these civillian's heads. "Find a family or die." So why not allow them the opportunity?

With this in mind, any person with half a brain would think about asking who the stronger families are and if it were me, I'd rather bring in people with a bit more initiative. Alas, many leaders will see it as how quickly they can fill their HQ's and with that mentality the recruitment process will be of poor standard. It's not about casting out a huge net and gathering in a load of shit, I'd rather allow the talent to approach me. For me that would show a lot more character. It would also mean that I'd have to either be in a city that is considered a powerhouse, or I'd need to stand out somehow.

These days, leaders just don't stand out enough for me but that's another topic entirely.

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The problem, Aniki, that has made that attitude necessary is the member-whore accusations that get thrown around (though more in the past few months than now)

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Maedhros darling, why get your hands dirty when you can let the huddled masses yearning to be free do it for you?  Taking out the trash? Immigrants, sewer work? Immigrants. Working at the docks? Immigrants.  You see what I mean?  Then you watch closely.  Anyone stand out to you?  A strong, hard worker who just wants more for his family?  Pull him aside.  Someday he may be the backbone of your empire.  A little rat faced weasel who's got his hand in the pot?  Pull him aside.  He's just the kind of sleaze you need to use as a fall guy.  

Why step out into the harsh light of day and look like some desperate palooka when you can sit up in the catbird seat and wait for pushovers to come to you?  Why, you're literally doubling your work when you go running around like a dog after scraps. 

Anyhow, that's how I see it.  The wheat and the chaff are already planted together, why pull em until you know which is which? 

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Lillian dabs her forehead with a silken handkerchief and smiles.  I'm sorry Maedhros.  I absolutely agree with you, my remarks were meant for Aniki, but I seem to have gotten my tongue tangled.  Anyhow, I still stand by what I said.  Let them come to you. 

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I'm confused Lillian. I thought that's what I said? Let them approach you?

How have you agreed with Maedhros and then in the next sentence stated civilians should approach the leaders/sponsors?


Praefect, care to elaborate on what you mean by "that attitude"? I'm genuinely unsure of what you were referring to.

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The same message is consistently drilled into these civillian's heads. "Find a family or die." So why not allow them the opportunity?

This attitude. The attitude that people need to find families, rather than families find people. 

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Tony Capazzo steps forward to give his insight and inject his opinion on to the crowd.

"Firstly, Maedhros, I must give you kudos once again for bringing a great topic to our streets. You've done a wonderful job over the last few days of doing such things. 

Now, onto the topic at hand. For me personally I've always preferred the idea of workers coming and doing jobs for me. It shows alot about them, that they are willing to get their hands dirty and most of all are taking initiative.

I don't look at this as being idle and I don't mind others sponsors approaching the person before they do any jobs for them. Will I have probably missed out on a person? Sure...potentially someone great? Possibly. The point is the person didn't take the initiatve to come out and do the job for our family. It wasn't meant to be.

In addition to all the above I rather not be a family to bombard a new person with millions of messages. I can remember when I first graced these shores. I was completely brand new to this world and was immediately hounded. It was really overwhelming but nonetheless I took my time and spoke with everyone. Some new recruits may not be this way and might even be turned off by the whole thing."

Tony nods as he continues.

"Having the person reach out is my preference. NOW with ALL THAT being said I just want to say I have reached out to new guys before as well. If I ever noticed a day or so has gone by and the person still has not found a family I will then approach the person. I'd approach him, not to interview him, but merely to give a helping hand. Asking if he or she is okay, if they are understanding everything and if they need help with anything. I always try and make it a point for them to talk to different families so they see whose a good fit for them and who they too would be a good fit for. Through this simple conversation I have been able to get to know people and sometimes they eventually ask me for a position within the family. I am not contradicting myself because I never asked or offered this person a spot in my family only offered my help just as I would do if someone was asking for it in our coffee shops for example."

Tony pauses a moment then proceeds with his views. 

"Now all this is grouped with one main idea, sponsoring the right type of people. It doesn't matter how you find new members or how they come in contact with you AS MUCH AS who these new members are... 

I have always learnt from past leaders of mine that quality always comes before quantity and I too share those same sentiments. I would proudly take one hardworking, well rounded mafioso over 20 half assed ones. There is no point filling your headquarters up with people who don't do anything. That doesn't help you grow and it only promotes laziness within the HQ when you have a majority of people doing nothing. 

So to sum it all up whichever preference you choose to use, it's just that...a preference but the one thing that should always hold true is to make sure the person is a quality person, or at least has the makings of becoming one."

With that Tony tips his lime green ribboned fedora and takes a step back allowing a chance for the next person to give their two cents on the matter.

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Aniki  This is the problem with allowing me to drink peach schnapps straight from the bottle after curfew.  It seems I agree with you and Maedhros.  I believe my inebriated brain stuck on the thought of "casting a net" as the process of offering starter jobs.  I can see now you were referring to the idea of gathering workers at the docks without ever having seen what their work ethic is, and hoping a few of them stayed on.  Which can occasionally work out for both parties, but usually ends with someone in the bay.  

Forgive my addled speech last night.  I've had enough burnt toast and black coffee to burn off the fog. 

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Spring had been listening for a little while. She nodded at some points and shook her head at others. Soon enough she was stepping forward with a polite smile for everyone that she saw.

"Excuse me a moment please."

She brushed a few strands of hair out of her eyes and carried on once she thought she was being listened to.

"I think jobs are incredibly important. It lets the sponsors, leaders and hands among us know who is perhaps interested in learning more about our organizations. However, do I think that if someone does a job you send them a direct invite to your organization? No sir, I do not.

I strongly believe that everyone should be spoken to first. You can't gather an impression just because they do a couple of jobs for you. I also believe those that are new to our shores should know that not every family is the same. Each leader has their own quirks and ways of doing this. Sometimes people will fit in well with it, and sometimes its like trying to stick a square peg into a circular hole. It just doesn't always work out.

So lure should not be the word used in this case. You should not be trying to lure just anyone into your organization. Ask yourself a few questions first, Do they fit in with your beliefs? Do you think you can manage to get along with whichever goals they have? Granted keep in mind you won't always see eye to eye with people. I mean everyone has their own brains and if we were all the same things could get a bit boring around these parts.

That being said I don't think there is anything wrong with reaching out. Everyone needs some assistance to get them started on their lives within our community."

Spring turned on her heel and wandered into the crowd. She had said what was on her mind and now she wanted to listen. It never hurt to see multiple ideas or opinions.

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Seeing a crows around a man, Medb stops to listen. First she only listens to the main speaker, kinda zoning out while others give their two cents, and paying attention again when her boss spoke. She might as well add to the chatter.

There are really a couple different ways to look at this. Having a civilian do a job for you before you approach them definitely shows initiative, that they aren't going to just be sitting on their ass all day. At the same time though what if the civilian does a job for another family and gets sucked into them when they would have been a much better match, and happier, in your own family? There really is no way to tell what the right answer here is. What if one family strictly approaches every new face they see as soon as they see it? That would give even less people a chance to do a job, provided the sponsors were successful even half the time. That lowers the count of jobs being done significantly while that one family rakes in the numbers.

Of course, if they were to do that then they would undoubtedly get a few bad apples, but they would have more of a chance at grabbing that golden apple. Their family would fill up in no time, surely with some bums sleeping late into the day, but they would also have one or two people busting their asses to prove their worth. Sooner or later they could get tired of the bums leeching off of them and kick them to the curb, opening up more room to start all over again.

What if the civilian, brand new here, does a job and is approached and, not knowing any better, joins the first person that asks them to? For all they know, they might not get along with the crew. It might not be what they were looking for. Maybe the only thing said crew is good at doing is recruiting with a silver tongue while lacking in other areas. This would be a good time to have multiple people approach them, to give them an option. Of course they always have an option, but it's hard to say no to the first person who shows you any sort of decency. You don't want to disappoint them and join another after doing a job and showing an interest in them. So, if you don't do a job for anyone, then you are not obliged to join into any family and maybe you wouldn't feel as guilty. I don't know. It might be different for others.

Now, doing a job can still be a good option when looking for a home. It makes it easier for sponsors to focus on you rather than all the hundreds of new people pouring off the boats. It lets them know that you are interested and not just window shopping but maybe thinking of actually making a purchase. Without the stress of dozens of candidates, the sponsor can relax and take things slow, get to know you without the pressure of forcing you into something that might not work out well for either party. 

Like Tony, I offer help rather than a hand out. I don't tell them that they can stay at my place, I don't tell them that they need to join a family or die on the streets, I don't tell them that I'll pay them if they join me. I offer them help. If they need help I gladly do what I can to assist, all the while getting to know them, observing how they ask questions, how they deal with problems, and see if they would be a good fit in my family. On more than one occasion I have sent civilians on their way, advising them to find another home, because so many would take in anyone willing to accept an invitation whereas I want only the best.

The point is, both recruiting options are viable. It just depends on how you handle the situation, how you talk to them, and how they respond.

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