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Marietta's Birthday Started by: Rourke on Jul 15, '09 19:45

Rourke had the date circled on his calendar for quite some time now: July fifteenth, better known as Marietta's Birthday. He spent his entire day preparing for the legendary party to be held in honor of the Godmother of Detroit until finally things were setup. Rourke stood in the middle of the streets, placed a large megaphone to his lips, and hollered at the crowd.

Come one, come all! I am hosting a party for Marietta's Birthday today! Here is my invitation to you all:


Date: July 15th. Today. Marietta's Birthday day, duh.

Time: Right Now

Place: Right Here

What's Going Down: Party of Epic Proportions

Things to Bring: Alcohol for Rourke, Presents, Cake, Food

Please RSVP as soon as possible

You notice Rourke has sealed it with a kiss. You find it odd that such a masculine, handsome man wears a lipstick with such a bright shade of red, but you quickly forget about it. Rourke again grabs hold of his megaphone and bellows:

Happy Birthday to you, Marietta! May your day be wonderful and filled with presents!

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Singing and hungover from the huge birthday celebrations of the night before, I see a transvestite shouting something into a megaphone, intoxicated as I was and head still pounding, I steer clear and continue to sing.

"Happy happy day, dear Marrietta, hicough, happy happy day, dear you. Happy happy day, deeeeeaaar MARIETTA, happy happy day, from me."

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I hate to tell you this, Rourke... but her birthday is tomorrow.

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Happy birthday godmother

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Rourke put his listening horn into his ear and leaned closer to Kates.

Eh, what did you say deary? Her birthday is tomorrow? What in blue blazes is this? I have it clearly marked on my calendar that today, July 15th of whatever year we are currently in, is her birthday! Rourke ripped the calendar off his wall and shoved it violently in Kates' face. Dost thou wisheth to goeth againsteth mine wishes, knave of the court?

Rourke put on chain mail and grabbed a sword out of a nearby dragon carcass.

Prepare to eat thine words, witch!

Rourke stabbed Kates in the left breast and watched as it collapsed with an audible POP.

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Watches Rourke, muttering to himself, take out a butterknife and swing it wildly with a glazed look in his eyes.

My goodness.

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