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Capo Di Tutti Capi Started by: SexyMcSexington on Sep 22, '09 10:16

Capo Di Tutti Capi is Italian for "boss of all bosses" or "boss of bosses". Is another rank I think should be put into the game. Why well for someone to gain something after being the rank of Godfather for so long. I mean there isn't much left for that person to accomplish after Godfather.

This rank would be voted on by the current Godfathers and their right hands. The majority vote winner would be the one who gains the position. This rank would become and country leader of all crime. They would vacate their current city's Godfather position and allow someone else to take their place.

They would only be allowed a "crew" of 3 including their self. So that would be the Boss their right hand/Underboss and their true Consigliere/adviser. The Capo Di Tutti Capi would gain tribute from every person in the game just like the current Godfathers do in their respective city.

This position would mainly be a adviser role to the other Godfathers. A deciding vote if say a new city head needs to be appointed in another city that is currently in turmoil. All the Godfathers put the person they think is deserving and then votes are cast if a tie comes up the Capo Di Tutti Capi makes the deciding vote.

Cons to this well most will say it will be a favoritism thing which is a possibility of course but that can be said about any position held currently.

I think it would take some playing of the political field to set yourself up to be the possible Capo Di Tutti Capi as you will want to be trusted by all the other figureheads or the majority anyway and they will have to believe that you will be fair in your judgments. Otherwise they wouldn't vote for you to become the Capo Di Tutti Capi in the first place

There would be no stat boost or home city boost for this person and they would give no boost to anyone. Like I said it would be a political post more than anything. Something like a retirement for one that wishes to still be involved but doesn't want the workload that goes with being a Godfather.

I guess that is pretty much it. I'm sure once its posted I will see something that won't make any sense to but I think we all do that sometimes. Just a idea I had.

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People would just vote for themselves, creating a stalemate. Even if they didnt, I don't like it as a feature.

Yes, the position of 'Godfather' never truly existed - but there was always a top dog in each hub of organised crime. However, there was never one central figure that was so much more powerful and respected that he received tribute from each mafia syndicate in the country.

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Well in reality the heads of the city didn't get money from everyone that came into their city to do crime either. As each really didn't allow others to come into their city and do crime on their turf. So everyone stayed in their own area to make money on their own turf.

Like I said its more of a figure piece. Just like when Luciano organized the families of New York he was "appointed" as the head of the board aka the Boss of all Bosses. Even though he didn't rule over all he was the one who voted to break up the disputes that came from time to time.

It was a way of keeping the peace. Each had their own thing and if they disagreed a meeting was held and they voted on it.

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I have also played a few games where this was how it worked and it worked fine. There was no stalemates the most respected and trusted person got the position. After awhile they would even step down and  retire or die and the next person took it over.

To be honest it wouldn't have to be voted on it could just be a new position put in. That had some benefits of holding that position. Just like when a Godfather is appointed now. The oldest and most powerful usually gets it.

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Arguable. The majority of organised crime was the likes of rackets, insurance scams, illegal betting - any of which would earn a Leader a percentage if it occured on his turf. In contrast, Luciano (as your example would have it) would not earn a further percentage on this due to his role in the Mafia Commission.

Even as a political/mediatory role though, I really can't see it working - in 5 years here I can't honestly say I've seen a circumstance where 'the rule of the gun' hasn't eventually been applied.

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I like the idea of a Capo di Tutti Capi. I don't like the idea of it being subject to a vote. It should be point-based like the other ranks. It does give something for the Godfathers to strive for, seeing as the position of Godfather seems to be much easier to reach than it used to be (whether through new coding or because of the current style of more friendly game-play).

However, I think the position should be able to be lost without dying. If a new Godfather puts in much more work than the current Capo di Tutti Capi, and overtakes him or her on points, then the Godfather should get the promotion and the Capo di Tutti Capi a demotion (which might possible demote the local Godfather to Don). But this should be checked, say, every month or so (to stop the position changing every few minutes if the points are level).

It creates a much stronger rivalry between leaders/families; the success of your opposition has a direct effect on your own power-position, which is not so much the case today. This should actually be applied to Godfatherdom as well. If a New York Don, for example, puts in a lot of effort and manages to take over ThomasRourke, after the monthly check this Don will rank to Godfather and ThomasRourke will drop to Don.

Because, to be fair, a Godfather who gets lazy, and who begins to lose the reigns of power, will lose the respect he used to have, with this respect instead directed towards the new hardcore gangster mo'fo'.

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I like your addition Awesome and as you can see in a later post I said that it really didn't have to be voted on was just the first thing I thought of at the time.

The reason I like the part of one Godfather moving down and one moving up is its true that some get a bit lazy and someone wanting the position really probably doesn't have the manpower or resources to overthrow the current Godfather and kill him or force him to step down. This would be a better way and give the current Godfathers something to strive for.

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