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GAME CHANGE: Rebuild Mode Started by: Squishy on Jan 18, '16 17:21
It's quite possible it's an unfortunate necessity to shoot someone with a "R" tag, and it's ridiculous for someone to get a -1 for an increased chance of death by wackbacking, which is rather ludicrous.
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seems like its been long enough
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There are people that use the "R" to hide behind at this point. There are enough crews setting up that people can be housed. Is it really fair for those who behave in a manner that would result in their death normally to have this "R" shield still?
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Ugh.. sorry wasn't finished.

There are people that use the "R" to hide behind at this point. There are enough crews setting up that people can be housed.

Why should we get a -1 too? We already have a +0 on them. You can't say that someone mouthing off, hurling textual abuse, or threatening others should be a -1 and a higher chance of WB when that occurs can you?

Those suggesting a -1/higher chance of WB should think about things outside the box.
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When is the rebuild mode ending? Isn't there enough crew space now?

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I see accounts in the obits that have the R tag, but I think I have also noticed accounts get killed off that are real playing accounts that are missing the R tag, at first I thought that maybe this is only enabled on a city by city basis but rereading it states it's total HQs. So are there way to lose the tag, or never be tagged at all? I do agree that it could be potentially used to hide behind this tag and do things just to piss some people off. 

I don't know if it's me not being able to math or what but we can currently house 662 people, we have 147 free spots, 10% free space would be 66.2 spots, we have over double that. Am I right? Or just stoned....

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Ok, i think status should change like if someones ia. they lose the R. if they shoot, joined a crew etc.  I think they should have a basic grip if joined a crew, so know how to join another and if they shoot at someone dissapears so can be a +1.  

If is room for the population to join crews is the problem with crews  as i know only 1 was jobs board active when i joined my crew or 2 simply people just not interested game wise or needing long time like with -1 and 4h tags? At present i see them pointless is R's die anyway as didn't i read 4h gives no kill either so may as well be that.

Alternatively, will we just go back to crews bombarding the 30 mins off the boats just to try and retain members for the game as last time i played was frowned upon.

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Nobody hides behind an "R" tag.  They will and have entered suicide mode before anyone can pick up the gun. 

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Nobody hides? There's currently a 27 day old account behind an R tag, crew-less. The system is great and all until it's abused like that.

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As I read it, you can kill them but your choice if you want a 1 or not. I still do not see how they are hiding in this instance.


BEING crewless these days is a happening thing for a number of reasons.  No need to spell the reasons out as I am sure you are fully aware.

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Because the entire point of the rebuild mode is to sway people from shooting these accounts. If we just said screw it and shot the accounts while in rebuild mode what would be the point of having the feature at all? There are a few accounts that are on multiple times a day, sitting behind an R tag doing who knows what. But then again, from what I see we shouldn't even be in rebuild mode any longer as last time I checked to be on rebuild mode with our current standings we needed like less than 60 free spots and we have/had nearly 100 more available spots to house these individuals. Someone else can check my work if they wish. 

Seeing how there were quite a few UE accounts killed by players over the last week, and then a massacre of UE accounts a few days ago my assumption would be that the administration team is just busy and haven't been able to look into it give us an answer as to why we are still in this mode. 

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I don't know how many spots are available to house but  I will run with your number of 100 more available spots.  I ask why are there a 100  more? Why is it the job boards showing what work is available is scarce? 

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Maybe because sponsors are not online, or have toggled their sponsorship off. Families maybe not having jobs up at all or no money within the job coffers. There is a list of prereqs before a family is listed to be able to do work for. 

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And yet we see another city killed off (And most likely wont have anyone in it since you know, PH hasnt been filled yet either) and there are people still killing R accounts.

So yeah I still think that a -1 sounds like a great idea until cities actually start getting used again. It gets tiring seeing cities killed off and no one put there to fill them.

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It might be a good idea to change this feature so that players who join up with a family don't end up with an R tag on them when the family dies. Or worse, giving players an R tag if they are roguing out of a family without setting up Bold.

Actually, let's be completely honest. This whole feature is casualization garbage aimed at keeping a user base that doesn't want to play the game the way it's meant to be played.

It's not hard to find a family if you put in effort, just like life and other video games that someone wishes to be good at, effort is required. We should not be actively lowering the bar like this serving to those that will never be a part of the community and to those who know how to be a part of it, but just wish to exploit fun loopholes such this, for shits and giggles, because they have nothing else to do.

If someone doesn't want to join a family and wants to kinda be here just to watch what happens, I think a better idea would be to give them a non player account where they can't make money, can't shoot and/ or train but could read forums and send/ receive mail. As a trade off, no one could kill them...

(Watches as the entire site comes back that account)
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Now, if you click the (R) on a profile for rebuild mode it will bring you to which will show you the status and details of rebuild mode.

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Not sure if I understand this correctly; wouldn't the stats on that page mean we are out of Rebuild?

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Yes Aeus it does mean we are out of rebuild. That's what it means when it says Rebuild mode is off. Is there some reason why you think Rebuild mode is still on? :S

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Rofl. Believe it or not, I didn't even see the massive bit where it shows OFF.

I read the stats bit only and missed the totally obvious bit above it. Oops!

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I think thjs is a good way to go knowing all the wars tnat have been happening over the past month.
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