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Jun 18 - 21:09:04
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The Infomation Started by: Rudolph on Dec 30, '09 21:28

"Quicker man your losing him!" I ordered Romance to drive faster after the hitman, I fired onto the car and shot the back tires. The hitter drove down an ally and drove is car onto a ramp and rolled the car over and over again, we pulled up behind it and waited for the driver to get out. A minute passed by and the dumb fuck crawled out blood dripped from his forehead.

"Wait here." I reloaded my pistol and got out the car, as I walked towards him he stood up and aimed his gun at me, without thinking about it I fired two shots into his stomace he let out a yell and fell back to the ground. I knelt down beside him and looked at him for a second, I stuck the end of my gun into one of his wounds. "Ahhh you fuck face shit head" He screamed louder then the girls in the club but this guy was different to the others sent after me he had a russian accent.

"Ok you russian fuck who sent you, give me a name and ill make it quick." I stuck the gun in deeper.

"You think im scared of you, the boss is coming for you." I fired another two shots into him and left him to bleed to death. I got back into the car and asked Romance to drive me back to the club.

It had been over 1 week and 9 hitters since the first attack and I was still no where near finding out who hired them or why. The first hitter attacked me and my cousin back in Philly and after I became Made and the family moved to LA I thought it would of stopped but they found me at my new home and at all three of my clubs the other 4 were in the streets, if they manged to escape then they were found dead in a dumpster the next morning.

Romance dropped me off out side the club and went home as I went inside. The last attack left the club in abit of a mess and instead of sending the girls home Brad decided to have them stay for his own entertainment.

"hey boss Mikhail is in your office."

"thanks Brad." I walked in to see Mikhail Faustin waiting for me.

"Mikhail my good friend what brings you here, you want a drink?"

"Im good not staying long, I have some infomation for you about these hitters. I had some men look into their backgrounds and it seems the ones who had family have been given money of a russian gangster called Alexander Sukharenko, he is staying at the Statler Hotel in Detroit."

"Thank you my friend if you are in need of anything just come and see me." Mikhail left and I called in Brad.

"What is it boss?"

"Gets some guys together were going to Detroit."

To be continued....

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