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V for Viladelphia Started by: ScipitaRourke on Jan 26, '10 20:26

ScipitaRourke is a whoooooreeeeee, ScipitaRourke is a whooooreeeeeeee, hahahahahahahahaha, whore.
Or you know what! ScipitaRourke is a tyrant! TYRANT! hahaha Tyraaaant weeewoooooo *hic*

Scipita fell over the bed whilest attempting to take off her boots, that last bottle of Tequila seemed to have been a little bit too much.
Oh what the heck she thought, high spirited she attempted once again to remove one of the boots, this attempt was even less unfortunate than the previous one landing on the floor.

Holy fucking shit! Her elbow had hit the bed stand and was now slowly getting thicker
Get it together girl! She was talking to herself furiously now. She had no desire to fall asleep on the floor or with these boots on. The hangover in the morning would be even worse.
As a last resort Scipita decided to start singing to stay awake untill her mission was accomplished or... just because she was drunk enough to do so.
I ain't got nobodyyy, and nobody cares for me...... Thats why I'm sad and lonely.... humhumhumhum
Ha! She shrieked out in excitement whilst one of the boots flew through the room. One down, one to go!
And within seconds she had released herself from the other boot, perfect! She climbed in the bed once again only to lose consciousness within minutes.

-3 hours later-

RIIING RIIIING RIIIIIING, what the hell. Who the fuck is calling me at this hour!
She grabbed for the clock on the bed stand only to realise it wasn't there anymore, must have knocked it over.
With all her power she climbed out the bed moving towards the phone.

"What!"she answered, Oh uh Morning Godmother, I was wondering if you've time to go over a business district proposal with me later?
Ever since Il_Siciliano had died the workload on her desk had increased majorly.
"Call me in 10 hours or so and we'll get over it" she hung up the phone, strolling back to bed. On her way back she passed the clock laying on the ground, 11:30 in the morning.
Wow, what time did she get home? She shrugged and landed in the bed once again.

- 2 hours later -

Knock knock, someone was rudely knocking on her door! Or was it her hangover kicking in?
It didn't matter, she was not getting out this bed for a while! What would people think if they saw her like this? She had to kill them for sure.
She turned around and pulled the blankets over her head, NOT HOME NOT HOME NOT HOME. Go away.

Within a few minutes the knocking had stopped and Scipita once again went to dreamland.
Or was it dreamland? It seemed an awfull lot like reality.

Thoughts shoot through her head, didn't I have an appointment at 11? Oh crap are the New York taxes handled?
Oooh Detroit casino, who was going to attend this week? Who called me earlier today?

Oh man the knocking again! LEAVE ME ALONE.

- 4 hours later -

Scipita woke up, it was all quiet, no knocking, no ringing... nothing. Just a hangover. She finally undressed from last night and hopped in the shower. 20 Something minutes later she came out dressed in a bathrobe.
She sat down in front of her make-up table, staring in the mirror. When did she get so old? Was it the workload? Was it the booze? Or was it just age?
Nahhhh. She was too young to consider herself old or too arrogant. Must be the workload.

Whilest Scipita was looking in the mirror she was reflecting on herself, why am I still doing this work she thought? I have an extremely capable boss to take over some of the tasks and responsibilities.
-V- had been with her nearly from the start, a great and loyal guy ,he had strong opinions about several topics, she admired his passion, yes it was time to sit down with him and talk business, he was ready.
-V- was what Philly needed, V for Philly! Yes yes, most excellent she would call V right away to set up an appointment, perhaps they could go for dinner later today and work on the details.
She knew -V- was the guy to work with to get rid of this whore name, to get rid of the lazy, to use her business district to the fullest and to build towards an innovative Philadelphia.

All out of a sudden happy with what she saw in the mirror she jumped up and walked towards the phone to call -V-!

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V sat in his cushioned chair in his office thinking about the day. He hadn't heard from the Godmother for a while, and he kept getting random businessmen turn up every now and again asking after her. He knew that she had been drinking the night before, so he wasn't overly worried. Just as he was about to leave the office the phone started to ring - He wouldn't normally have answered his office phone this late but as the Godmother had been away all day he decided he would.


"Hey V!"

V recognised his Godmothers voice instantly, she had a very... distinct voice.

"Hey look I was thinking about something and I wanted to share it with you."

"Okay, but not over the phone. You know how the FBI likes to keep an eye on us. I'll meet you at Alessandro's, in an hour? I'll pay."

"Okay sexy V, see you there."

V hangs up the phone. She sounded more hungover than he'd heard in a while. V hopes to god she didn't come up with this idea while she was drunk. He grabs his overcoat, walks out the door and climbs into his car.

"Take me to Alessandro's please, and step on it."

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An hour? A BLOODY HOUR? How was she to get ready in an hour. MEN!

Scipita quickly jumped up and started getting dressed, in between she yelled at the maid to get her some coffee whilst she lit a cigarette.
Ok Multi-tasking time! Seconds after she got all her clothes on the maid came in with the coffee. The maid looked rather shocked at Scipita's appearance but wisely tried to hide it.
Annoyed by the disapproving look on the maids face, that obviously was noticed Scipita demanded the maid to get a car ready for her.

Whilest she sipped her coffee she quickly threw on some make-up on her face, finished her cigarette and grabbed a pair of shoes.
She was all ready to go!

Alessandro's Fabio, take your time, I want to be fashionably late as always.

15 Minutes later than agreed with -V- she walked into the restaurant, it was quiet but afterall it was wednesday night.
She spotted -V- at one of the tables and noticed him standing up to greet her.

As they sat down the waiter quickly poured in some wine and took their orders.

-V-, I've been thinking.... Scipita began, I am in need of a strong underboss.
An underboss that handles the day to day administration, thats there to handle situations and makes the right calls during urgent matters.
Someone I can trust and build on.

You're the person for the job -V-, you've proven yourself over and over again.
Now with Jono, Quirinus, Morgan (GRHS) and Paul_Vidi (GRHS) gone. Philadelphia has a lot of rebuilding todo.
I'm in no hurry though, good things come to those who wait!

I think you're my man V. What do you say huh?

Scipita quickly finished her glass of wine, there was no better medicine than alcohol to a hangover!

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V arrived exactly fourteen minutes late - He knew the Godmother liked to arrive 15 minutes late and always accounted for this. Bloody women.

He ordered from the bar as soon as he got there, he knew she would want some alcohol - especially with that hangover. The waiter pointed V to a table. He took a seat facing the door.. He always made sure he could see the entrances and exits. No more than five seconds after he had sat down he saw the Godmother walking through the door. He could see straight away that she had had a heavy night of drinking, but he chose to not say anything and smiled broadly at her.

They sat down and the waiter poured the wine and they made their orders. V picked up his glass and took a sip. As the Godmother explained the things she wanted him to do, and that she wanted him to be Philadelphia Underboss, V felt the excitement grow within himself. He had to use all his effort to hold back the huge smile which was building inside him.

"What do you say huh?"

"Yes, Godmother. I love Philadelphia and the people which make it, it would truly be my honour to do this for you."

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Jimmy made his way through the crowd. He could not help but shed a smile and extend his hand to V

Godmother you have made a fine choice in this man. He has worked hard for this day and he is an inspiration in the eyes of many a new arrivals. His work ethic and his principals will surely make great presence within Philly.

Congratulations V I know you will make proud our Godmother and city.

Jimmy extends his hand once more only this time displaying a bottle of fine whiskey for the newly appointed V

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Congratulations -V-! 

I know you will do a great job in helping "The Tyrant" rebuild Philly :)

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Rory applauds, grinning from ear to ear.

-V-, My old friend. I have know your bloodline for a few generations now. I watched you go from strength to strength. teaching me along the way. I admire your work and attitude. And i congratulate you on your success. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the only man for the job, to begin the process of rebuliding philadelphia. I wish you all the best and hope i can be of assistance.

Rory Tips his hat to -V- and his Godmother before disappearing into the swelling crowd.

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V is for V as is V is for Villy!

Good Sir V you have worked hard and showed amazing talent and ability that I have seen my few short days on these shores. It is a wonderful day to celebrate such a glorious achievement. The citizens and the city hall of Villy have no idea what their in for. I am sure you will have some innovative new ways to help us achieve our goals and making sure our activity goes undetected by those pesky detectives. Vell Vhis Vis Vonderful! Vongrats V!


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Way to go V!  Congrats on your promotion I know Philly will be that much better now. : )

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Arabface raises his hipflask to -V-

Congratulations are in order, for a fine man, and a fine city. I wish you all luck in Philly, although I'm sure you won't need it.

He takes a swig from his flask and then retires into one of the seedier parts of the city to enjoy himself...

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Congratulations and my highest respect to you -V-

This is a great step for your good self, and a great city has just gained an Underboss more than worthy of the title.

I am very much looking foward to the seeing the work you will do for our fine city.


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He smiles stood before V.

Boss, you have been given the oppurtunity to make some big changes, and I'm glad your the guy whom Scipita saw fit to run this fine Money Machine we call a home city. I hope to see Philly grow and prosper and create memorable Mafioso.


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Congratulations and my highest respect to you -V-

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Zuldazar smiles at -V-

Wow... -V- you have been given a fabulous job to undertake here and Zuldazar is very proud of you. Zuldazar can't wait to see what you have in store for our wonderful city. Very nicely done -V- and Congratulations.

Zuldazar stomps over to -V- and gives im an Orc hug

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Derice walked in the restaurant after a busy day, he walked straight to the toilet, he looked in the mirror as he washed the blood of his hands, the black-eye wasn't so bad .. sometimes he wished he was a little stronger .. well he wished he was a lot stronger actually .. 

The toilet flushed behind him as he turned his friend came out, "Gosh you stink" Derice said.

"You look like shit !" He said and stood next to him to wash his hands "V has been made Underboss of Philly"

"Some jerk did not want to pay" Derice explained then turned to his friend "V, Really", the man nodded, Derice raised his brow "Well good for him"

"Good for Philadelphia too" The man added.

They both walked out of the toilet, Derice was surprised to see V and Godmother Scipita sitting at a table.

 At the bar D ordered a bottle of  1933 Pinot Noir "It's for that Man, tell him it's from Derice" He told the bartender as he pointed at V, then left the establishment  

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