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Badly Run Crews. Started by: Piers_Field on Feb 12, '10 15:37

Some crews are run very well, like clockwork - others less so.

Anybody got any pet hates? Shot reports? Lack of HQ information? Lack of leadership? Unjustifiable wars? Ego-maniacal leaders?

Contemporary or historical - let's share and share alike!

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I hate Matterhorn.

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Matterhorn > SpaceMountain

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SpaceMountain > Matterhorn. Get it right. :)

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Boom boom shake the mofo room it's Drexl and his bad self

Shot reports, while sometimes tedious, contain very important data and are neccesary for crewleaders. But lack of leadership and/or HQ info I could see being very irritating. Fortunately my bloodline has yet to be in a crew where the Boss was an egomaniac, but that too could be a bit annoying I would imagine.

Unjustifiable wars? Since when did wars need to be justified?

I would have to say my biggest pet peeve is crews that dictate street appearances as a requirement. It makes for some really shitty appearances. My bloodline has always enjoyed coming out to the streets and speaking on issues when they have felt they had something to say, not because they were forced to. An uncle of mine ended up in a crew once that had such a requirement, and subsequently asked to be killed. What would always baffle me though was when certain crewleaders (now deceased) would come out to the streets and complain about the garbage littering the streets, while their very crew mandated street appearances as a requirement. Mo' diggity

Anyway Piers Field you never gave us yours? Let's hear it brutha.

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-Lucifer- is the most intelligent person in this conversation.

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i'm with drexl on shot records but wouldn't it be simpler to just say "i shot at x people, i hit x people, i killed x BGS and i missed x people." every time i see requirements for shot records it like eight diffrent items ony one or two of which apply to shooting. if you are training how are you supposted to keep track of how many times you have trained. if your maxed yah but other that?

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Thank you Matterhorn, you are, what can i say, better than SpaceMountain.

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Some crews are run well.. Others aren't... Sometimes you get value for money.. Other times you get blood on your hands..

Thank you for that imperative lesson!

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This might just be nostalgia, but the old folk around here seem to remember a time when leaders were highly independent and each had their own crew rules which weren't just simple carbon copies of the acceptable code of ethics. 

In Ganelon's crew, for instance, I remember there was a rule that a mafioso always had the right to defend himself.  This didn't mean submitting a form when you were shot at; it meant popping back at the audacious Goomba and not having to worry about being kiled by your own leader (for whom you've sworn loyalty and would gladly follow to hell and back) at the offhand request of a higher council.

This is more an annoyance I have when comparing eras than leaders.  Obviously times have changed and the current leadership has built the current model from experience (which admittedly does prevent an assload of bickering about who shot whom).

...Still that a Don can theoretically be executed for not following protocol before killing a disrespectful little twerp is something of an absurdity. 

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Filibuster, how do you suppose a hitsquad leader would be able to keep records of 20 shooters in an organized fashion when such "reports" are based off a casual sentence like that?

The reports are required in a certain format so that all look alike, so that when a war general needs to make a quick determination when time is of the essence, he can do so quickly and easily.

As far as keeping track of the number of times you've trained, that should not be too much trouble. Keep your report format with your shot record, and add one to it each time you train. If you can't be bothered to do that, you would be in way over your head actually trying to keep crew info organized if you were a Boss.

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Maybe somebody did'nt like what Piers_Field had to say, because he was just murdered.

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My pet peeve is sharing a crew with someone who doesn't know what the fuck merta is.

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Couldn't agree more with Noah.

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My pet hate is having my cheeseburger stolen everytime I buy one.

*Shakes fist at Iota*

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Thank god I'm not in Noah's crew as I have no idea what "merta" is.

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"Merta" sounds like a old jewish ladies name.

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Worst crew I have seen here in YEARS has got to be Fight club.  These poor fools can't show their face on our streets for 5 seconds without dodging bullets.

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Apparently when I try to pronounce 'Omerta' with the correct annunciation on the O as is the custom, a member from city hall runs along with an airhorn and censors me.

Sad times.

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Sorry about that Noah. I only try to use the airhorn whilst having loud sex with Swayzak.

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