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May 10 - 04:21:17
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A reassessment of the Streets Started by: Cryptic on Mar 12, '10 07:07

The Streets. A place littered with soapboxes across the ground, people lined up next to each other talking about something they believe in. Cryptic stands at one end of the streets and looks at all the individuals standing around, their ears pricked as they listen to a speech that has caught their attention. His hands in his pockets and his head lowered, Cryptic begins his regular saunter down the middle of the Streets, only hesitating to pick up the topic of each speech and whether it peaks his interest or not.

Pausing to listen to the ramblings of a women called Tritium, Cryptic smiles slightly and turns toward her, paying her more attention than he'd paid the others. It seems the topic being talked about was about the future, things that she has foreseen happening and devices that she claims would be invented. As he turns away, chuckling slightly, he hears people tearing her down for what she has to say not being applicable to the life we lead and because it doesn't spark any debate.

Turning quickly, Cryptic swept through the crowd like a man on a mission and hopped up onto an abandoned bench to use that as his stage for a speech. Addressing any passers by, he begins to trouble them with the thoughts of a troubled mind.

I am starting to wonder if the purpose of the streets has been lost. It would seem that people prefer to recycle the same old shit than hear something slightly out of the ordinary yet original. Why should anyone coming to the streets *have* to spark a debate? Why does it have to be applicable to the life we lead? You know, I'd rather see variation, musings and different topics being addressed. Of course we're all businessmen, but is that the only thing that you can think about? Is your brain capacity too low to be able to talk about something other than the business?

Perhaps this is the case, perhaps that single brain cell that the morons of society share is flickering out. I know that creativity is not an essential strong point for most people in our business, but perhaps a more open mind is necessary when it comes to these Streets. I would much rather listen to a creative set of musings and "warblings", if you will, than the same reiterations I hear every week.

Cryptic pauses to take a breath, in an attempt to quell the frustration bubbling underneath. It was rare that the Godfather of Las Vegas loses his cool, calm exterior and descends into a rant. Looking upward at the sky, Cryptic slowly begins again.

Now I know that some of the people around here seem to need to see the possibility for debate. It is because of these narrow minded people that I will attempt to appease them so I don't have to pass out tissues when tears fall from their sad eyes if I don't make a debate of this. Henceforth, I pose a question to you.

"Why does something said on the streets need to contain some sort of debatable content or be applicable to the business we're in?"

I am not attempting to stand on sneakyrat's toes here as he asked a similar question earlier, but as I understand it his seemed to address a lack of respect toward the lower ranks. I am also well aware that my speech in itself isn't the most wildly creative one ever, and applicable to our business somewhat, and has the potential to spark a debate. So unfortunately I've ticked all the boxes, despite arguing that I don't see why something said on our streets should have to tick any of the boxes. The unfortunate irony of that.

I would rather see variation, new ideas and new concepts and the thoughts of a slightly senile businessman. I'd like to see a mentally ill person attempting to talk about life experiences, I'd like to hear about beliefs that people hold. Debate is fine, but should not be essential for someone to incorporate into their speech. That turns bitchy. These Streets are here for people to talk about what they want to talk about, not to address the issues facing the life we lead constantly. That's boring. I'd hate it if everyone lacked creativity and just versed the same bullshit over and over again. That is, in essence, stupid and narrow minded.

Cryptic nods his head at the few people gathered around him, staring at him with a bemused and slightly confused expression on their faces as they tried and struggled to grasp the concept of creativity and speeches that didn't conform to their normal set of unspoken rules. As he sat down on his bench to take a breath, he heard one of the lookers on turn to their friend and whine to him about how they don't understand.

"Typical." Cryptic muttered.

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You said it perfectly, Godfather Cryptic. It's refreshing to hear a seasoned mafioso such as yourself express this thought. You seem to be in the minority. Too many times, the new blood in This Thing Of Ours don't even want to venture into the streets at all for fear of what Tritium was subjected to, and that's just...sad. She had a right to speak, as long as she did it respectfully.

You already had my respect. Today you gained my admiration. Cheers to you!

Joy fades back into the crowd quickly, before someone accuses her of nuthugging.

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Pausing briefly on his run back to the new family HQ, Carlo listens to Cryptic and watches him intently.

There are two salient points to speaking in the streets. The first is not what you say, but how you say it. As you pointed out there has been a lot of disrespect shown to associates speaking in the streets in the pt because of no other reason than they are associates. Guys who should know better come out here and run their mouths because the outrank someone else. Pooh to that! Whre is the much lauded honoured society that we speak off, tht many off us profess to belong to?

The second point is that it doesn't matter what you say as long as it makes sense. Again as you pointed out, Tritium has reciently been on the streets espousing prophesy. She's not the first to do it, in fact I remember Panda doing something similar, if not on such grand a scale, but that was the fault of Boaby Wan kenobi and him teaching the art of far seeing to an impressionable young anthropomorphized animal. All I can say is this, thak heaens neither of you lived in North Carolina where such Divination is illegal. Thefact that Tritium's speach was entertaining has been over looked. Does it bare relevance to this thing of ours? No, but again that isn't important, these are the streets, not a council of war, or a great crime syndicate meet. What happens on the streets is life, in all its wonderous glory and diversity. Does it matter that some mad woman claiming to see the future comes out and proclaims atomic weapons, singers with mops on their heads or plastic money? I think not. Her freedom of speech is constitutionally guarenteed in this great nation, and although most of us flaunt the la given the chance, we are always the first to hide behind it when the Feds come knocking.

Meh, that's all I have to say on that.

Carlo nods to Cryptic and takes off to complete his early morning run.

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As you say, we are on about a specific example here, that of Tritium and her visions of the future. Whilst I acknowledged myself during her speech that it was well done, there can be little doubting that it's lies and nothing more than a crazy mumbling. The kind of information she was purporting to know can't be known by anyone, that's her problem. We all know fortune tellers are renowned for basically being con men and perhaps this is why a loving reaction wasn't forthcoming. Nothing wrong with a good con, as long as it's not on us. In actual fact, the originality shown by Tritium is little more than the airing of these "predictions" - for want of a better word - alongside a few slanty qualifiers - if you get my drift - designed to stop godly intervention for discussing things that shouldn't be discussed with such certainty. As you can probably guess, I've tried to word that in a certain way without taking us on a wander down OOC avenue.

I myself am wondering if the purpose of the streets has been lost. Usually, if I take something to the streets, I'd expect others to voice their thoughts on it. Infact, in coming to the streets, this is my sole aim much of the time. To engage people, to interact, to voice my thoughts, to hear what others think. I don't expect to come to the streets and have an easy way of it if I'm talking drivvel. No matter how harmless.

Of course people coming to the streets don't have to spark debate or talk about cosa nostra, I fully agree. They can talk about absolutely anything they like. They can debate, they can preach, or they can recite poetry if that floats their boat. By the same token, this same old shit we're talking about is as relevant now as it was to our ancestors. There is enough room for any topic people care to dream up but, in my opinion, that's not to say they're not open to the same honest assessment that is given to most street speeches. Originality is quite subjective is it not? To this day, once in a while I'll see something - that we would probably consider as the same old shit - looked at from a subtly different angle or perspective. Is it any less original than a speech like Tritium's? I wouldn't say so. Infact, it can be impressive, it probably takes more effort to take a unique angle on old material than it does to present these actually rather lazy supposed "visions" of the future.

Regarding creativity and originality, if this is the start of a drive for it by Las Vegas then I would be delighted to see it and would honestly hope to see it bloom. Down with narrow mindedness and stupidity you say, and I say I wholeheartedly agree!

Being part of the sensation - and yes people, it is a sensation - that is the Barble, I am all for effort, creativity and originality. By the way, the latest one's out now. Go get it. Plug over.

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Tucking the latest issue of the Barble under his arm and stopping near the newsstand to light a smoke, Alfonce overhears the latest proclaimer of civil rights and liberties. After hearing a story of ingenuity and either pure craziness or perhaps all out genius, he is summonsed by his own mind to a debate. Lacking the desire to speak out, he himself pondered the idea of city streets becoming no more than angry mobs anticipating a public hanging. Looking around on the ground he is thankful there are no rocks on these streets as someone may very well be stoned to death for their lack of education or their willingness to live and be heard.

Dropping his cigarette and swiftly stepping on it as he walk away, Al knew changes were going to come as they had for centuries in the world. Conformists and anticonformists would agree, although change isnt always easy, it is necessary for the greater good of the human race..

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sneakyrat listens to the Godfathers speach... clears his thoughts and speaks his mind!

Godfather Cryptic... i came out here in the streets and started a debate. That is true, and what i learned from it... and i am beeing sincere here... is that i understand that it was unecessary. It was necessary to me, but not for the streets. I had certain issues within my inner self that i wanted to clear out, to understand and to put them all behind me and try to be a better man. A better mobster... that was my true goal. I feel like i could be a better mobster, i always do. I am a hard working man and my goal is to resolve all the issues i have within my inner self, as i just mentioned. I was beeing selfish. That beeing said... i clearly understand your point. And i totally agree with you today!

Such debates is'nt really necessary, as we witnessed... it was going in circles. It gave me headackes... but i sure have learned from it. I must say that today my mind is at rest, for i have cleared my issues concerning respect. That is all behind me now and i am eager to hearing a original speach in our streets. The point you are making today, is a very good one. My bloodline has had it hard in the past, we did'nt get it all on a silver plate. I am a hard man, hard with myself... i kick my butt hard from my mistakes. But i sure as hell learn from them. I walk with a cane, but i am very proud. I am very proud to be surrended by such great men. Great leaders... this is why i set the bar high for myself. My story is a dark one... but my life changes for the better on a everyday baisis.

Thankyou sir Godfather, for bringing this to our attention. Again, i have learned and will be a better man.

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Before speaking his mind, sneakyrat looks around and makes sure the are no cops listening... after confirming all is clear... he starts...

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I feel I must agree with you Godfather, but with one exception. I respectfully disagree that there should not be debateable content in the ramblings,musings,speeches or whatever their owners call them. If the debateable content were to disappear then the streets would just become another noticeboard. I for one,enjoy listening to a reasoned debate, I also enjoy listening to the half thought out ramblings and see them get disected, and can learn from these.

I make no attempt to pretend to be a great orator like yourself good sir, but if I thought it was worth while speaking up about a subject dear to my heart I would. I would also listen carefully to the other points raised and attempt to clarify any issues raised.

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Silently nooding then deciding it time to speak Luigi finally opens hes mouth.

I am very happy to hear these oppinions which Cryptic voice for us. I do strongly belive that people only fully engage in what they fell part of and ownership over. To come out before your peers and express yourself nomatter if it be a story, a debate just voicing an oppinion or telling people you had f.....g enough. You MUST be allowed to be creative or it will become stale uninteresting and basicly teethless. In any ascept of life as soon as people start having strong views on how to express yourself lots is lost and many becoem mute. That being said offcourse there is frames the obvious here being the code of conduct that exist in this thing of ours and also the fact that theres many Venues if you will where you can express yourself and its important to find the rigth one for your intended appearence before people.

To sum up. If the price for having many active and happy persons taking active part in this thing of ours are that we must hear occasional ramblings and things which is out of place or simply meaningless nonsense it is definently a price worth paying in my oppinion.

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While I agree that it's nice to see fresh topics and ideas bought to the streets I must disagree that we turn to having originality for originalities sake. It's possible that it could open up doors for us that would make the streets a farce. At the end of the day we're mobsters and although from time to time people may loosen their collars and take a break from business when we're out here, predicting the future is going a little too far in my opinion. Speaking about such mysteries as the Book of Face and someone named Matthew Jackson is just ludicrous.

People have different perceptions of what the purpose of the street is. For me it's a place where I can express my views about particular topics, read the newest edition of the local rag or find out information on what's happening in our dear cities. It's also a place for humour, for story tellers and for celebrations when we announce new leaders or newly appointed Godfathers. Someone claiming to have superhuman powers and a crystal ball isn't something I'd expect to see out here, for me it also sparks the questions that if we encourage this type of thing then what will we see next? and where will the creativity end?

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I have to agree with Achilles.. However, I am not a mobster.. I'm a baker. Really...

She holds out a tray of cookies.

Any mention of other business going on in my rather large Fort is not true... We rent the extra space to a local theater group that is putting together a production of some independently written play about being a mobster... Yeah... That's it.

She takes a cookie and starts to eat it slowly.. Brushing the crumbs off of her lips she begins to speak again.

Since when do mobsters go out of their way to make a spectacle of themselves predicting things that can never be? What place does the "future" have in THIS time, THIS place? None, none at all. When was the last time you robbed a bank then went home and looked into your crystal ball to see if you'd have three sons or three daughters?

Creativity and originality are great, I encourage them as best as I can.. However, there is a time and place for crazy ramblings about things that will never be in this world.

Many times in the past we have seen such things as beauty pageants.. For him and her.. We've seen talent competitions.. Things that those in our line of work just shy away from.. It's not very erm.. She taps her finger on the side of her nose.. ya know? Honestly, when was the last time you saw Deimne walking a runway sporting Lucretia's latest designs? When was the last time you saw Iota on the street singing in front of a panel of judges? I highly doubt this is how they made it to where they are now.

She hands a cookie to a child staring at them hungrily and ruffles their hair.

Call me old fashioned, but there is creativity and then there is just speaking so you can be heard about topics that have no relevance to our society... The only thing a crystal ball should be used for is throwing down an impromptu bowling alley at some empty wine bottles on a Friday night after robbing the mail truck on its way out of town.

Our world is one of cycles. What has been done will be done again. You can still be creative and keep your activities relevant to what we do here..

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Frankie Catches a slight word on the streets and pays attention on what's being said.

Cryptic your right.Yes I can say your right because your a highly respected mafioso.And yes I believe on what you are saying. Ya see I've had my hands slaped here and there from Admin's telling me "Not street material" So I leave it as that. Yes I let it get carried away, Sometimes I let my feelings be known, and yes as Mafiosi as we have feelings as well. we have rage we have vendetta's we have someone we want to kill. That's our life IN here that's WHAT we do. And Even if I'm not highly ranked It still doesn't give me the right to speak. Everyone has the ability to speak, Maybe not as well as the RP'ers do, But we do.

There was a time when the streets were filled with Roleplayer's,Storytellers and Dreamers. Hell yes ! I've seen it I've played it. WE just lost touch with it to the capacity of trying to fill it with (TOPICS) and (SPEECHES) Put yourself in a role of a Mafiosi back in the day and talk about a topic or a speech. They never did nor do I think of them grabing a damn soapbox !! Grab your balls (sorry ladies) Be a Mobster Be a Gangster Be a Don or a Consig. Be THAT role and Lay it down Create that person right here and now in that roleplaying way that we should be.

Cause that's how Mafia Returns is.

Takes his Romeo Cigar out of his mouth and throws it on the streets

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After a long, hard days work Alfonce slows his car for the folks still standing in the streets from earlier that day. Hearing the words of Mr. Silvio, he pulled to the side grabbing his balls and spitting as he approached him.

"Mr Silvio, I must say I couldn't agree with your opinion more, the lady with that crystal ball was nothing more than a modern day con artist. No different than those medicine men with their know all, heal all potions from the west or the soothsayers and gypsies up north. Fortune tellers- I believe they call them, from the east I presume?"

"Anyway, I wouldn't let it get under your skin. Those types pass through now and again, speaking of passing through. Would you mind helping me clear a path here so I can get home?" I appreciate it.

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Hearing what Cryptic had to say Tyrion thought for a moment. Something unusual...something creative...Earlier that week he had come into possession of just the thing!

He left the crowd surrounding Cryptic only to return a short while later in a large truck. Reversing the van up to where the crowd had gathered, he and two associates got out, opened the back doors and started to unload two bizarre looking objects. Each identical to the other the associates wheeled the two enormous copper towers. Into position about twenty feet apart and then ran lengths of copper wire from each tower to separate boxes. The men turned various switches on the boxes and walked back to the truck.

Tyrion urged the people standing in wonder between the towers to clear the space between them and stand well back. When everything was prepared he looked over at Cryptic.

If its creativity you want... Check this out.

He flicked a switch on each box and a buzzing noise could be heard. The crowd stood in anticipation as the buzzing continued and built. Soon enough one giant spark of electricity snaked up around one of the copper towers like a vine around a tree. Seconds later another blue streak curled up around the opposite tower. The crowd took an extra step back with an audible drawing of breath. The intensity and frequency of the sparks built until both towers were covered in rippling waves of blue electricity, then all of a sudden stopped. The crowd began to clap but Tyrion raised a hand quieting them down.

Now, watch...

At that moment a massive arc of blue forking electricity lept from one tower to the other. Accompanied by a long unnatural sound. Then another. Then another. Leaping back and forth from one tower to the other, each producing a different tone as it went. Only a moment into this it became clear that the tones were in fact musical notes. It was some classical music. Music made in huge arcs of blue electrical wonder. Astonished the wide eyed crowd stood captivated by the other worldly magic playing out before them. After a minute or two the music came to a spectacular conclusion and the colossal arcs of light subsided. The crowd ripped up in applause. Cheering and the wondrous show.

He signalled his men who came and started to dismantle and remove the equipment stacking it back into the truck. Lighting a smoke he turned to the crowd.

These amazing devices were a gift from a man I had to good forutne to meet just a couple of years ago. A very clever man called Nikola Tesla. He's doing work for the Morgan banking family but he says his real dream is to invent a way to deliver free electricity all around the world, without the use of cables or wires of any kind. When you see these things, that he calls his 'coils', it doesn't seem so ridiculous after all.

The point is this. As amazing as these things are, they are a very rare expression of an utterly brilliant mind thinking light years beyond its time. As astonishing and beautiful as it may be to encounter such innovation, it's a long way from being relevant to our lives yet. Sure we can stand and wonder, have discussions about how things like this could affect the future but its not going to change how we live right now. It won't alter the price of the Barble or a bottle of whiskey, it won't change your quality of life or methods of business that your current family employs. So, in terms of day-to-day life, it's largely irrelevant in the here and now.

We speak about the things that affect our lives, we discuss how we can improve and refine our methods of living. As such, what you unavoidably and naturally find the same type of subjects being discussed. Yes it can occasionally be repetitive, and yes sometimes people lack creativity but we also have to have understanding. Everyone has a voice, that voice should be encouraged to learn, to grow and develop. Unless we allow room for such things, those voices that bore you today will never get chance to turn around tomorrow and present a confident, creative and practical alternative to any facet of our lives.

Turning to the gathering once more he smiles.

Thank you for your time.

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Robert blinks a few times and rubs the back of his neck, where his hair still stood on end.

Quite a show. However, I see one facet of this issue that hasn't been brought up by any of the other fine mafiosi that have already spoken.

Often enough, our cities have an influx of new mobsters that neither have the benefit of a established bloodline nor a well developed sense of how our world is. This lack of sense I mention involves the inherent nature of Our Thing and the specifics that apply concerning our day to day lives.

While I am sure each family has their own way of educating the young, the streets often serve in fulfilling that goal. My great-great-grandfather learned much about our way of life from reading the transcripts of old speeches on a variety of issues, some that have been debated on time immemorial. The next step of his growth involved the participating, albeit with a careless fumble every now and then, to the rehashing of said speeches. 

It may be a boring and wearying part of the cycle that is our lives, but immensely valuable for our younglings

Robert pauses and scratches his head in thought

"Younglings?" Seems...a poor word choice. No matter.

If you are announcing that mobsters in Las Vegas are busy thinking of newer ideas to bring to the streets, both that concern debatable ideas and otherwise, I hope to be the first to applaud such a move. It would be refreshing to see new ideas hit our much beloved streets, as one can only go over the same things so often before becoming weary and deciding to take a break from speaking. Turning into a mute is often the result of such weariness.

Now, pardon me, but I am off. I am most curious about that contraption that was before us.

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First of all, I appreciate the comments from the number of people who showed their agreement with me, even if that is only boosting my ego further.

Cryptic blushes.

Onto the individuals who were not nodding their head fervently with every word I said though, I will address one at a time to keep it more simple rather than mixing it all in together.

Carlo_Tiscalli - In reply to your comment, I agree that it is not necessarily what the message in the thread is, but how it is conveyed. I also have noticed some individuals losing their respect for people that are above them either in rank or position within another city, be it Right Hand or Left Hand. Perhaps that is to do with people setting a bad example, but negative reinforcement seems to be the only real method of countering it. I do however disagree that we have a freedom of speech. In case you may not have noticed, we have a system where if you disrespect someone who is bigger than you, then you often die. Freedom of speech is extremely limited in our line of work, limited to only being used against people who are smaller than you in rank or stature. Some people would do well to remember that.

Hoopi - I see your point, it is well substantiated and backed up by numerous points. However, your mum. Game, set and match there I feel.

Seriously though, I somewhat agree with you. Tritium's speech was voicing her predictions that she'd somehow seen. Who knows what could happen over the next, I dunno, 80 years? Just picking a number out of thin air there. In essence though, I thoroughly enjoyed something new, something out of the ordinary. I'm not saying every speech I hear as I walk down the streets should be totally unrelated to our line of work, of course not. I'm stating that perhaps 1/5 of the people that line the streets should be talking about things that don't qualify as being business related. You never know who's listening and I have a hunch that the cops might latch onto it if every person is discussing dirty business deals in broad daylight.

I think there's a fine line between being given a hard time over something, and being downright insulted. Were I to be in Tritium's position after the stick she received over her extremely far-fetched and imaginative speech, I'd feel insulted. Especially as a few of the people who replied are yet to make a speech that I've stood up and taken notice of anyway. That's hypocrisy at it's finest.

Oh, and a quick postscript for those who lurk in the Gwarble tower of love, I would like to say that your newspaper is imaginative, creative and original. Now take me off your deathlist, it's upsetting me. Massively. I'll forward the bill for two boxes of tissues to your office.

Crafty-Cockney - Once again I agree somewhat. As stated before in a reply to Hoopi, I am not saying that every speech should be some creative piece of wizadry that is a closed discussion. That would indeed make our Streets just a place where announcements are held and everyone else on the Streets can be seen standing around nodding their head idly with the odd "yeah, what he said." That is the other extreme. I think it's about finding the balance without using ridicule and slander on those who decide to think outside the box. Or think inside the crystal ball, in Tritium's case.

Achilles - See above. I never tried to suggest that every speech should be some far-fetched piece of fantasy. I am suggesting that originality is refreshing and can only take us to the next level when it comes to speeches. Once again I will say, it's about finding the balance.

DirtyLittleSekrit - The last crystal ball I looked in had a house with snowflakes on it and it required regular shakes to keep me amused. However, do you think it wise for mobsters to be standing on the streets, head and shoulders above everyone else discussing the Mafia in broad daylight? Hell, I'd rather fabricate something to do with furutistic flying machines than risk being thrown in jail for admitting to the world that I am a part of the American Mafia (all hypothetical, I happen to deal in crystal balls, enquire within for details). So in my opinion, ramblings can be more than just talking for talking's sake, it can be a way of having a cover so you are not discovered by the law enforcement.

Once again, I disagree that every thread should be relevant to our society. That is just calling to the cops to come and arrest all of us in connection to organised crime.

Cryptic glances down the street and notices a couple of cops standing at the end staring at all the people talking about organised crime with a bemused look on their faces. Lucky that those fuckers are on my payroll. Cryptic makes a note to have a word with the police commissioner about their presence near a Mafioso hotspot.

Tyrion - I interpret your excellent reply and fantastic example of ingenuity as a support for "finding the balance" and felt the need to remark on how exquisite that was.

Robert - Of course topics will be raised again and again, the dead horse can take a few more beatings yet I assure you. There is room for that, just like there should be room for wildly creative inventions such as the future that was predicted, wrongly I'm sure, by Tritium.

I'll finish this short speech as a reply with a keyword that needs to be remembered: "Balance."

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Yeah, but....

The penny drops and it echoes around his mind...."However, your mum."

Good point to be fair. I concede.

Raises his hands in a 'fair play' gesture. Soundly thrashed.

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The_Heb listens to the conversation nods, then starts to speak.

"People, these are the streets. It is something here for all of us. It is what we make of it. Some of us may have different ideas on what we should do around here, but we all have a right to do what we think should be done, up to the realms of respect and possibility. Live well, all of you"

The_Heb cranes his neck and walks away.

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