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New name, same game, only BETTER! Started by: biotch27 on Sep 15, '16 21:11

Kayte and cutie's eyes followed Eric as he was taken to the Boss's office. He looked so frightened and his wife was trembling with fear. cutie could only imagine the pain that she was going through right now. Seeing the man you love, reach the... peak of his life. cutie saw Eric also walk into the office so she sat down with Kayte by the seats. Kayte pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes, and let out a deep sigh. It was a hard night. The boss was looking Paul in the eye when he was shouting at him, and cutie could see how terrified Paul was. His soul was being picked at. The boss did not tolerate this kind of shit, and it was only right to give him a punishment of some kind. "Do you think he'll live?" asked Kayte. cutie sat back and looked surprised. She thought Kayte would know the answer to that, since it was her uncle they were talking about. "The boss doesn't give second chances." cutie replied, and it was the last thing cutie said about it to Kayte. Their conversation was continued with talks about the latest drive by shooting seen on the news that morning. 

Paul, Eric and The Boss was still in the office. A long ass discussion, cutie thought. 

Suddenly, the door flew open and Paul sprinted out with his tears flowing down. He saw his wife and he reached out his arms to hug her. The lady put her hands to her mouth and cried. cutie didn't know what was happening and she stepped forward to grab him...

The last thing cutie, Kayte, Eric and Paul's wife heard was the gunshot. 

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Eric peered out of the office door and shook his head, then looked at cutie and Kayte. The screams of the wife were almost loud enough to deafen you. "Bring the lady inside my office," the Boss demanded. Eric and cutie did as he asked. "Madam, I am sorry for what you just witnessed, but this is business. Since you just witnessed this, and given the fact that this was your husband, we have a problem. We need some kind of assurance that you aren't gonna run your mouth and try to damage my family. So what do you suggest? In my book, we can handle this one of a few kinds of ways." The woman composed herself and admitted that "Paul never told me much about his time in the life. Just bits and pieces. He told me about the old warehouse and some other things, but I had no idea he would pull something like this. Kidnapping a woman is not something that I condone, but I don't know the ins and outs of it." The Boss took a drink of his coffee and said "what are the ins and outs for you, how are we gonna fix this little problem?" The woman was obviously afraid for her life. Paul got what was coming to him, but the wife really had not did anything wrong...yet. "I am opening the floor to suggestions," the Boss said. Eric chimed in and said "sir, with all due respect, can we work this out to where the lady has a chance to prove that she is not going to rat. Can she either be relocated to one of our family controlled estates or put under our careful watch? I think that whacking her is a bit extreme in this scenario." The Boss agreed, reluctantly, that the wife can live and that she would be under close family watch and relocated to a home that is owned by the family. 

With business all done, Eric finally drove Kayte back to her home. "Well sir, that was the most interesting date I have ever been on, in a good way. I look forward to seeing more of you...hopefully." She tiptoed up and gave Eric a peck on the cheek and went inside her home. Eric returned to his place and tried to rest some. He wanted to clear his mind of everything from the past two days, except for Kayte of course. He was very glad that cutie was safe again. His next orders were to go out to the West end and handle the job of securing the docks to import the Mexican imports the family was now going to bring in. 

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They all went back home, after a night full of trouble and surprises. cutie was starting to think that both of those words were the same thing. cutie just wanted a peace of mind - but she knew better than to not keep being on alert. Every time something succeeded, something else failed. It wasn't just in the crime world. 

cutie felt herself drift off to sleep and reminding herself of the morning ahead. 

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Eric strolled into HQ, ready to get the specs on the job at hand. The Boss grinned wide and said "Eric, my boy, I just wanna let you know that these dock owners are not going to just lie down and take it. We gotta try to negotiate with them, but we gotta remember who we are, we don't take no for an answer. I want full control of those docks, as soon as we can get it. I got you a place on the West end for a week, because I on't know how much time securing the dock may take. Also, keep your phone contact limited to just a very small list. Myself, cutie, and really that's about it. We will keep Kayte posted on how you are doing but don't call her while you are gone on business." Eric nodded. He loaded a briefcase of money and a bag of clothes into the car the Boss had bought him, and he shook a few hands. He started the engine and headed out to the West side. 


Meanwhile, cutie also had an assignment from the Boss. This was to involving roughing up some pimps that were not sharing the proper % of profits with the family. This was not acceptable conduct and the Boss sure as hell wasn't gonna stand for it.....

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Eric pulled into the condo that the Boss had set him up in at the West side resort. He hadn't yet thought of a gameplan for what he was going to do/say to the dock people but he knew that he was going in packing an also taking some cash to possibly smooth things over. He thought about Kayte, and wondered if he would ever see her again. He figured that maybe he was just being used by the Boss to occupy her because of her past bad relationships, but he really didn't mind. Kayte was very attractive and she seemed like she really had a soft side to her, despite being the Boss's niece. 

He waited until night to go down to docks for the first time. He could not see any ships coming or going, and the mood was really calm. Almost too calm. He walked up to a maintainance man and said "who is in charge here?" The cleaner barely looked up and said "well, I get paid by the Henry Corporation but the real guy in charge is Sanderson Lyles." Eric had never heard this name but he did not give up questioning the man. "Ok, so who the hell is this Lyles guy? And furthermore how can I find him?" His tone of voice was a little sharper and it got the man's attention. The man finally put down the rake he was using and walked closer to him. "What's yer business here pal? I'm just a simple janitor that is employed by the Henry Corporation. I got nothing to do with no nonsense about people trying to track each other down." Eric took out a small amount of bills and started thumbing through them. "Maybe I can persuade you tell me everything you do  know and then I can figure out the rest? So once again, where is this Lyles character?" The janitor, who was already barely getting by, could not turn down this chance to get money. "He lives over on Addison avenue. In a small office above the grocery store," he said as he stuck out his hand. Eric placed the bills in his hand and looked him square in the eyes and said "this never happened and you never saw me." Eric also wanted to be sure so he pulled out the gun in his pocket and started wiping it down. "I would hate to have to use such a shiney rig on someone like you who works a lower level job at a dock on graveyard shift." In the morning he would call the boss with the info he had. 

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After making contact with the Boss, Eric made it his goal to track down any leads on who Sanderson Lyles is and how he is related to running the docks. The question was no longer who would control the docks, eventually the Family would, but the question was whether Lyles would peacefully give it up or if there would be any issues. He drove his car down by the docks again, but saw nothing and no-one. The sun was coming up and he knew business would start booming. Soon, this would be the Family's business. One thing that he knew is that dock owners and unloaders love to drink. He made his way to the West Side bar to see if he could get any info. 

Eric entered the bar and noticed something odd. All the patrons began looking at him and a hush went over the room. This is odd, he thought. He walked up to the bar counter and leaned in to the clerk's ear. "What's the word on Lyles?" The bartender laughed and poured him a drink. "You, eh, looking for a job sonny boy?" Eric nodded in thanks for the drink and said "something like that, yeah." After downing the shot he leaned in again. "Yes, I am looking to do a job, for a specific reason, and it would help if the dock owner was able to approve." The bartender waved his hand at a man who was in the corner of the room. The man walked up and looked Eric up and down. "This way sir, to the back office." The man, who Eric knew was basically a guard, led him to the back office. The office stunk of old cigarettes and a husky man was seated yelling obscenities into the phone. "Tell em I won't settle for more than 25% of my estate and that's f*ckin final," he yelled into the phone. He then hung up and turned to face the guard and Eric. "Fuckin divorce lawyers, that bitch ain't gettin a dime outta me." Eric puffed up his chest a little and said "How bout I get some business done with you?" ......

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Eric had learned a lot about 'negotiating' by watching cutie and the Boss at work. So he got uncomfortably close to Lyles and made direct eye contact. "I don't really care about your shit with your lawyers, I just wanna know about when are you willing to negotiate on these docks?" Lyles threw back his head and laughed. He looked at his guard and said "Tony, I thought I told you only serious people should be allowed back here? Who's this fuckin clown?" THe guard looked slightly embarassed but finally spoke up. "The guy said he needed a job, boss, so I thought you might hook him up." Lyles nodded his head and said "he needs a job alright, he needs to occupy one of the coffins around the corner." Eric was just about tired of all this nonsense, but he wanted to get out of this alive. "Lyles, I work for someone, someone pretty damn powerful, and he believes that you should release control of the docks for me to be able to secure the Mexican freighter El Sacrfice and the shipments that come in on it." Lyles looked down at some of his papers and said "so you's the ones who been taking in the Mexican shit, eh?" He calmly pulled out a handgun from under his desk and laid it on the desk. "Tell ya what, you get outta here and maybe I forget I ever saw you, if not I will make sure you never return to my dock again, Tony take this guy away from me, I am done with this." Eric knew that right now was not the time to be brave, so he allowed Tony the guard to take him outside. Once they made it around back of the bar, near the dumpster, Eric decided to send a message. First, he asked Tony if he had a smoke he could bum. The guard gave him one. He then began coughing and bent over onto the ground. Tony, like any fool would do, rushed over to see what was wrong. As Tony leaned over him, Eric pulled the gun from his suit and unloaded two silenced shots. He dumped the body in the dumpster, but left enough of Tony showing that Lyles would get the message that this shit was real. He quickly returned to his condo. and he knew that things were about to get serious. 

He wondered how Kayte was doing. He wondered about how cutie was doing busting up the pimps in the Center District, and he wanted to do the Boss solid on this job and forever be seen as a loyal part of the family...

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Forever grateful was the family for everything that the Boss had done for them. cutie kept it in mind to remind herself of who she was doing this for. She keeps a tight grip on a mans collar, currently on his knees begging for a second chance. She looks down at the man in disgust. "Money is the root of evil, and you crossed the line buddy. Now I will let you go but you tell your mob boss that the Boss would like a bigger share than what we are getting right now." She didn't need to explain the consequences. The man knew what she was saying and he nodded in haste. cutie let him go. A stranger was passing by on the sidewalk, and she quickly recovered by fixing the man's tie. She looked the man in the eyes, and he saw how much control she had over him. cutie left the district with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that she was able to get the job done without having to use her pistol. No blood, no nothing. Just some clear instructions and a strong character. cutie liked those kind of people. Those who are able to get the memo quick, rather than the ones who try to spark up an argument which cutie usually has to deal with most of the time. Her heels make clacking sounds along the sidewalk as she reaches her car. She unlocks it and hops into the drivers seat. As she starts the engine, she starts to reminisce on everything. The family had a new name, more people were adhering to the idea of a new future that the family would create for LA. All the political councils, lawyers, salon owners, pastry makers and just about every one residing in LA were aware of who was in their presence. 

cutie reached the villa, and checked to see if biotch27 (Eric) was still at the docks looking for the owner or if he returned already. She opened the door, and asked another family member. "He's not here cutie, but he did call to say that everything was under control. Told us that he went back to his condo to get a few things." cutie nodded and said thanks. She walked back out of the villa and adjusted herself into her car. The ride to Eric's house felt longer than usual, but after all, cutie was far too tired to drive at a fast speed. She couldn't get any sleep, just thinking about what happened the other night to Paul. Their own family member. Huh, who would've thought? 

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Obviously, Lyles had not recieved the message well because when Eric returned to check out the bar, from a distance of course, he could see shattered windows and a "closed" sign on the door. He thought maybe Lyles was not as bad-ass as he seemed. Eventually, a meeting was arranged, with Lyles, three of his guards, and Eric. Lyles had agreed to turn control of the docks over to the family, on two conditions. One, that he was allowed to leave town and have no official dealings with the family. The second, was that the family take care of his attorney fees and handle his divorce, leaving him free to leave town and have nothing holding him back. He wanted to retire off of the money he had made from the dock business and fade into history. Eric called cutie and relayed the requests to her, so she could inform the Boss. Basically, the family would control the entire West Side docks, so they could bring in not only the Mexican drugs they wanted but they could also tax every single thing that comes through the docks. In return all they needed to do was take care of Lyles attorney's fees and allow him to leave the area. Seems like a good deal, but what would the Boss say? 

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cutie took the call and looked into what Eric had said. She wanted to make sure that Lyles was telling the truth and all. cutie drove back to the HQ and searched for the file on Sanderson Lyles. Indeed. This man was an upcoming divorcee, that just wanted a break from everything. cutie couldn't imagine what pain he must feel to go through something like that. 

To leave everything behind after so many years. cutie shook her head. It even hurt to think about. Her family was her everything. 

She had told Eric later that day that she approved but she would tell the Boss before she starts paying any fees. 

Finally, everything was settled. The Boss had confirmed it. He leaned back in his chair, looking at cutie. "I want to meet this guy. Y'know, before he leaves. I think it'd be rude on my part if I didn't go. We're taking all his wealth for crying out loud." 

cutie nodded. "I will arrange that with Eric, sir." 

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Eric stayed in the West Side for a couple more days than expected, just to keep a close watch on Lyles and make sure no funny business was going to go down. The Boss arrived and met with Lyles. They handed him a transaction paper that would give the deed to the docks to the Boss and make it look like a legal transaction. "How you gonna get outta taxes buddy," Lyles asked the Boss. "I will handle things from here on out, no need to worry, so let's talk about you," The Boss said. The Boss wanted to see if Lyles had any idea that his life could easily be ended just as his top guard's had been. "Lemme get things straight. We pay for your divorce, or rather we handle it for you, and you skip town and retire outta sight?" Lyles was obviously regretful that his life had came to this, but he smirked and nodded. "Consider the divorce done, but I am a little leery about just letting you skip town like you was never here," The Boss said. He pulled a small gun from his coat and held it to Lyle's head. "Why shouldn't I ease my mind?" Sanderson Lyles leaned into the gun. "Go ahead then, my life couldn't get any worse, I try to act tough when I'm running these docks and hell, I tried to scare your boy over there," he said pointing to Eric, "but I am really a damaged man who is kinda looking for a way out, so so what you gotta do." The Boss pulled the gun away and took a step back. "Ya know, it takes a real man to admit when he is overwhelmed. So many idiots now days just keep hoarding more and more pressure on themselves until finally they get those damn ulcers and shit," The Boss said. He allowed Lyles to leave, hoping to never see him again, but he knew that this was a good gangster. He turned to Eric and said "now, for you getting me this huge piece of financial gain, I am gonna give you a choice. You can either have the docks as full commander of our shipments in and out, or you can marry Kayte, which is it?" Eric thought for a second and said "Why not both?" The Boss grinned and said "I like your style kid, but let's take things one at a time, hop in my car and my driver will take us to celebrate," he said as he motioned to his other men to secure the docks for business.

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alessandra met up with Eric and the Boss back at the headquarters after they had finished what they had needed to do that day. It was not long before she found out about the 'game plan.' She squealed and gave Eric a playful pat on the back. "I'm so happy for you!" Other members of the family were there and they cheered Eric for his efforts. alessandra still felt uneasy after the Lyles situation but when she thought about how the mercy of her boss let him get away, she didn't think that Lyles wouldn't have wanted it any other way. There was way more things alessandra and Eric had to sign but surely it would be done by next month. She smiled at her Boss, and gave her a mysterious look as if there was more to be done. alessandra turns to Eric and already sees him following the Boss into his office. She sat down with them and the Boss pulls out a card. "As you guys know, our security is top notch and all - but we need more. More trained guards. We are approaching Christmas and I will not let anyone take advantage of that holiday when all of our family members are out." The Boss hands alessandra and Eric the card. It was a minimal and simple design, with block letters that read: PROTEZIONE INC. Serving under the headquarters of Chicago and Los Angeles, we offer full protection and security services. The Boss nods as a black mercedes waits for them outside. 

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While riding to get more info, Eric (biotch27) asked alessandra what she thought about The Boss giving Lyles a little bit of mercy and letting him fade into oblivion basically. He was curious about why the Boss took a chance of letting someone who knew the mob was taking over the dock, get away so easy? Another thing started creeping into his mind. He wanted to find out more about the protection agancy but he also was wondering about Kayte. He wondered if his two and a half week trip to the West Side had caused her to forget all about him. As the black merceded pulled up at the location, the two hands of the Boss stepped out and were led into the office to discuss the ins and outs of the protection agency.  

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The owner of this private security company was actually not one the Boss would usually send them to, this one was a new and upcoming business that "seemed" to be trusting so the Boss just sent Eric (biotch27)and alessandra to check it out. Eric shook the owners hand and smiled with ease as the owner welcomed them both to take a seat. "How are you today sir?" alessandra says confidently. She sees the man gracefully nod and waves his arms in the air. "Ehhhh could be better. How are you both? Your Boss told me in advance you guys would be here. I'll tell you ALLL about this place..." He replies. "Call me Miguel or Migs for short." Then Migs starts going on a forty minute talk about how his business started, threats that he has overcome along the way and of course why they should pick PROTEZIONE INC. As they discussed the cost of hiring guards, alessandra noticed Eric to be lost in thought. But maybe she would talk to him about it later. Moments later, they were all done and everything was settled. Eric and alessandra were happy with how this went, and Migs had their full trust. "Have yourself a good night Migs!" alessandra says as she walks out his office. They get in the car and head back to the headquarters. alessandra walks up the stairs with Eric and then figures she would ask him now. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" She asks. 

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Eric turns to alessandra and answers her question with a question. "How about you?" He asked. 

alessandra let out a deep sigh and leaned against the wall. "I dont know... Still pretty shocked about what the Boss did for Lyles. I'd imagine he's probably on a plane right now to some place faraway singing happily to a jazz song. I mean after all - it's not everyday that when you step your foot into some trouble you leave this place with a bullet in your damn body. Maybe the Boss gave him a chance because of Lyles' humility to accept the fact that he did something wrong. Notice how he didn't even fight back, so yeah. Anyways, whats up with you and Kayte? Plans for Christmas with her?" alessandra winks.

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Eric turned to alessandra and grinned a little. "I am going to ask for her permission to have a Christmas with her, yes," he said. "You think this Migs guy is completely on the up and up? Have you guys ever even heard of this company before recently?," he asked. Alessandra shrugged and answered, "the Boss wants to fortify things before we all go our separate ways for Christmas. Worst case scenario is that this company does not work out, and really all we lose is a few grand and the incovenience of having to off some people." Eric was tired, the trip to the West side had drained his body. He bid his friend fairwell with a hug at her door, and he drove off to head home. He reached his condo and tried to sleep. He had now secured business for the Boss, he was trying hard to date Kayte, and the family was growing richer each day. How could anything possibly go wrong? 

You had to ask......

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It was a little bit after midnight, and alessandra was up researching all about this company. She thought about what Eric (biotch27) had said, and she did kind of think this was some risky business. Especially when we're their first clients. Might trick us. She rested her chin in the base of her palm. Her eyelids started to drop and she agreed that she should get some sleep. alessandra didn't know if she overwhelmed with all that is happening or she is scared for what is to come in the future. Maybe both. Being scared was something alessandra tried to get over, but she still always had that at the back of her head that something bad will really happen. 

After all, she had recently been through a relapse and now she is just trying to get back to her 'normal' state of mind. She fell asleep that night wondering what would happen in the morning. alessandra always trusted her dear friend Eric, and she was happy that she could see him everyday or at least talk to on the phone. Whether it was updates, advice for what to wear on a date night and "what gun is better for long distance?" 

Morning came and alessandra quickly rose out of bed. She got changed, had some breakfast then headed over to the family headquarters. alessandra saw some of her friends wave and she returned a warm smile. A lot of time has passed since alessandra first time meeting Eric. She wonders what would happen now.

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The next day, Eric was summoned to take one final trip over to the PROTEZIONE building to get papers signed to finalize the deal. Since having a body guard is not illegal, the deal was perfectly ok to put in writing without the family risking getting into trouble by the feds. However, of course, Migs was no idiot. He knew who he was protecting. He laughed a big hearty laugh and said "kid, I know your money has drugs and hookers written all over it, so eh, just keep your mouth shut about how yous guys make your money, pay me, and I won't ask any questions, capiece?" Eric (biotch27) nodded and said "yeah, that's probably best for all involved." Migs was all set to dispatch around 30 of his best men to protect the specific members of the family that the Boss deemed needed it. Also, some would be used to beef up security at the HQ. With the deal all set, Eric left the business and headed to see if Kayte was available to chat. 

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First, however, he stopped by the HQ to get the morning report from the Boss and to chat with alessandra. He always enjoyed ribbing her about guns and about her bad-ass mentality...for a girl....hell, for anyone. She was just a bad-ass period. He was happy to have her as a friend. "Hello their gorgeous, how did you rest," he asked her? "I plan to go see Kayte after we present to the Boss for morning report. I got the papers signed already today, I really hope this shit is for real." 

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How cute. Eric really liked this Kayte girl. alessandra was glad to have Kayte as a friend, and knew she would give the love that Eric (biotch27) deserves. That's all alessandra ever wanted. For him to be happy in life. alessandra didn't think about relationships much, or maybe she stopped trying after her last breakup. Anyways, that was another convo. She listened to Eric's plan. "Yeah sure, the Boss is in his office just doing some big boy business. I need to run some errands after this too." She replied cheerfully. alessandra was probably lying without knowing. She would just go to a local pizzeria and have lunch by herself. alessandra went first upstairs then Eric followed behind. Once they reached the Boss' office, Eric took out the paperwork. The Boss dropped whatever he was doing and looked up. "Well well what do we have here?"

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