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Not Las Vegas' Finest Hour - Prinny_Fabolous Started by: Kerrrupt on Apr 10, '10 05:01

Kerrrupt steps out of his unfinished HQ accompanied by his RHM and approaches the masses.

My RHM will outline the recent happenings from Las Vegas. Let this be the bad news out of the way to leave room for only good news to follow.

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Posted as Pollo-Cacciatora by Kerrrupt.

It is with great remorse that we the residents of Las Vegas bring news regarding the death of Prinny_Fabulous. It disappoints us that even before we have had the time to properly settle in and be introduced that we have had to cut down "one of our own" due to an unacceptable mistake.

Earlier this evening it was brought to the attention of all the new auths of Las Vegas that Prinny_Fabulous was an offender of member whoring.

As most know, this is not something to be taken lightly.

Over coffee, we had the task of discussing the most morbid of matters and we the crews of Las Vegas made the joint decision to remove Prinny_Fabulous of their leadership.

Though we come from different parts of the country, we have all agreed to hold the expectations of Las Vegas in high order and we see no room for such actions.

We will continue to work together and resume our course of rebuilding Las Vegas and not let this blunder distract us.

All the best.

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Bruiser steps off the curb and begins to speak to his old friend Don Kerrrupt.   I am sure this was not an easy decision, but one that had to be made nonetheless.   Rest in Peace Prinny.

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A brave and difficult decision no leader would want to make immediately following their ascension to the post, certainly not made easier by the nature of the power structure in Vegas.

Not the most glamorous start that had been hoped for, but the silver lining is the display of true leadership and testicular fortitude shown with this course of action. Bravo, darlings.

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"This marks a difficult start for this great new city. however, what must be done must be done. member whoreing is unacceptable under any circumstances. the LVCF is behind this move 100%."

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I can pretty much only echo what has been said before me. But say this I will.

I am incredibly please, although the death itself is not a good thing, to see leader of a city to stick to the rules by the letter and enforce them.

I remember times in the past when influential member/leaders had rules bent around them because they gave strength to others and it was benficial to see them live.

I applaud you and your 'balls on this. I cannot put into words how glad I am to see this..

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With two members, they can't have been any good....even at whoring.

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Must have been a hard decision but good to know that Las Vegas is behind whoring

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Mystery stands on the corner and shouts into the air, getting peoples attention again. He was clearly flustered. Sighing as people were gathering with curious looks on their faces he spoke up,

"As I am sure you have heard by now," Mystery tips his cap to Kerrrupt and Pollo. "One of the recent Vegas auths has been shot. I assure you all that this is nothing to worry about. It was a hard decision for myself and my fellow auths to come to, but one we felt was necessary."

"Prinny was caught member whoring, and instead of admitting to it, tried to deny it in a mail to myself.(as well as a mix of unacceptable mails with Deimne.) The stance of this thing of ours as a community is firm one on member whoring."

People whispered amongst themselves, the group growing quite large now.

"I will and can not speak for all of vegas, but I myself feel like I was damned if I did, and damned if I didn't. If we as a whole decided to have Prinny killed(Which obviously we did,) we could be seen as war-mongers. I assure ayou this is NOT so. If we did not have Prinny killed for breaking this firm rule, then we would be seen as unable to control the leaders in Vegas. I feel that if it were any other auth in any other city, their respective city leader(s) would also take this route, and I for one could not justify letting it slide just because of the "newness" of the auth/crew."

Mystery tips his hat and nods solemnly.

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"Must have been a hard decision but good to know that Las Vegas is behind

Behind whoring? I think you meant that we're against whoring, sir.

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I think he meant that Las Vegas had put this episode of whoring behind them, Boss Mystery.

However, I am extremely happy that the other crew leaders did not let Prinny Fabulous slide just because Prinny was a fellow new auth. I am also proud to be in the company of such distinguished Mafioso who put the rules above all else.


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Stone takes a chew of his cigar,spitting out the remainder of its tip before speaking..................

Rules keep our world turning,it`s necessary we see the bollocks to enforce them.

This should serve as a warning to all.

I applaud the decision.

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Marley thinks to himself, "Don't get cought big bad crewleaders. If so, thats yo azz"

Marley pulls a joint from behind his ear and lites it.

Cough, sneeze, cough

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Yeah sorry Mystery should have worded it better.And you guys acted fairly and justifiably as well.I agree that any other leader in another city would have acted the same way.You guys are showing true leadership early  out.Definitely a good fit for the jobs  Diemne had given opportunity too obviously for a good reason :)"

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There isn't much more I can add to this than echo the sentiments of the previous additions. It's good to see that Las Vegas has a set of leaders who are willing to act on problems as soon as one is recognised, even if that involves the taking out of a leader so soon after they were asked to set up. Scandia has a point too though, which begs the question of what kind of rubbish Prinny was mailing to new players considering they had gained no members through their clearly inefficient member whoring. I mean, if you're going to break rules which is going to get you killed, you should at least make an attempt not to suck at it.

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I feel that this was a justified response to an unjustified, undignified and un-Vegas like activity; Member-Whoring.

I applaud my fellow LV auths

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I doubt that was the real reason 

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I can assure you it was.

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Oh ok, it seems such a minor offence to me really, my opinion (doesn' t matter much but ill share it anyway :P) it doest matter if you actively recruit as long as you train and guide them too 

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It's probably invited by those a little lazy to recruit :P, hope I am not overstepping my boundaries, oh well :P

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