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Why do we try? Started by: TheNihilist on Mar 21, '17 18:50

For the record, this isn't me bitching, whining, complaining, or an any way disagreeing with "the current state of things" or anything of that nature. It's simply an observation and in turn a question I would like to pose to you, the general public. More a debate on philosophy regarding our world in general than a commentary on our world currently.

I ask a simple, yet layered and complex question. Why do we try? Why do we put such effort into this way of life, the way of the mafia? 

You see, at it's core, everything we do is pointless. Finite. In the end each of us dies, whether it be the mightiest godfather or the lowliest goomba, we all end up six feet under eventually. We could have spent our time on this Earth working a nine to five, slaving away like the common folk. But here we are robbing stores, running drugs, killing people, evading the police. We have chosen a difficult path. A path without a regular paycheck, but with the potential to bring in so much more. Is that our only reason for our way of life, to make as much money as possible before we finally bite the bullet? To live somewhat comfortably in our short time here?

Do we do it for glory? To be remembered by our fellow mafiosi? A wise man once told me that heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Is this the ultimate goal, to be considered a legend and "never die" so to speak? Not in the sense of being eternal in life, obviously, but in the fact that things we have done have actually changed the world in some way? I can think of several examples of this throughout our world's great history, but it's probably best not to list them at this moment, I'd be here all day.

Do we do what we do because that's what our ancestors did? Are we only in this life to carry on their "legacies?" Because it's all we've ever known? The majority of us were raised by at least one parent who was a criminal - if not both. Are we just destined to follow in their footsteps, to be criminals just because that is what we know?

Is it for happiness? Are we really that sadistic and cynical that we experience joy through killing each other and dealing drugs to junkies in back alleys? I can think of a few people like this (I'd probably have to include myself in that), who just love doing what we do. They live this life out of pure joy and wouldn't want to do anything else with their lives.

Sometimes I lie awake at night and just think about the pointlessness of it all, and wallow in my existential dread and self pity. But I always get up and keep on plugging away, earning that cash and killing those Durds. I have my own reasons, and I'm sure you guys do as well. What I've listed are just a few of the things that could keep a person going in this cold, heartless world. 

I'm curious, what keeps you going? When the streets get a little rough or you feel like you're just repeating the same steps every day, what keeps you coming back for more?

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Xtian was passing by until he heard a man ranting about trying and whatnot. He decided to listen.

Once the man said his piece, Xtian smirked. He opened his mouth and spoke from the crowd around him. "A thing about that sir. You see, if we give up and just quit trying, then what are we doing then? The only way to truly lose in a game of poker, blackjack, etc. is if you give up. So you see, the people who don't want to give up are sore losers. We want to win the game that life has given us, because we simply don't want to lose. At least, that is only one of the reasons."

"My favorite reason for living is simply because I don't want to leave yet. I don't want to leave everything I have done yet, because that will turn into nothing. I don't want to leave my friends yet, because I know that when I leave, they might leave to follow me too, and it's one heck of a trip to get to the afterlife. I don't want to leave my conflicts yet, because I want to live through the conflicts I have to deal with to become stronger and shape myself the way I wish to. I want to keep living because I don't want to leave everything I have ever did, met, and survived through. I hope this answers your question, sir." Xtian finished his piece, smiling behind his mask. He hoped that changed a few things for those thinking of giving up and losing.

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Joe listened with interest before stepping forward

"I think your question ultimately boils down to one of the oldest questions every asked - what is the purpose of life? And I think the answer is different for everyone."

"For some people it is in fact the glory - the desire to make a mark on this world of ours that will forever be remembered. For others, they enjoy the intrigue and are happy to never be known as long as they can personally know that they made an impact from the shadows. For many it is simply the joy of spending time with friends as they follow the shady path. And, yes, I am sure for some it is simply following in the footprints of those before them. Most, are likely some mix of all of the above as well as more personal reasons."

"I think the more important question for everyone to ask, however, is "Why do I try". I think in order for anyone to truly be happy in this life of ours - or any life for that matter - they must first determine what it is they are trying to accomplish because if they don't know the answer to that question they may well come to the end of a goal only to find they are not satisfied because they were chasing the wrong one."

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A friend of mine once told me something that has struck me as the core for the lives we are living here. Once you're in, there's no getting outI find this qoute to be very relatable. 

Personally, I have several reasons for staying here like all of my ancestors have had. First of all, it's like a routine to me. Petty here, felony there and busting people from the jails. I could be living with a regular job, a regular way of spending my spare time - instead, this is where I ended up. I can't say I'm surprised about it, because I'm not. It's almost like an addiction. All this adrenaline rushing through your body as you rob the local post offices - one after another. It's almost like a gambling addiction to me.


Secondly, it's the community. There are so many great people around here - if you and your ancestors have been around for long enough, you have probably heard about all of them and all the great things they have achieved. It doesn't have to be known to the whole world. Sometimes it's just a matter of those around you. 

Throughout the time that I and my ancestors have been here, amazing people have been crossing our paths. Friends for eternity. I am sure this is what holds most people here. The place we run is more social than I have ever seen in other sorts of organizations, and it wouldn't be this great without us. Without the eternal friendships that make our children continue to grow up in this world. 


A third reason, like you said yourself, could be for the chance to achieve something. It could be anything at all - from being a respected member of the family you're currently in, to becoming a Godfather of your own city. It is very different from person to person, but I think this is one of the biggest reasons along with having friends. Without either of these, I am sure that one would lose interest very quickly. If you don't feel like robbing another bank, why even bother? There are better ways of spending your time than killing another one of those damned Durdens. Unless, of course, you have grown to love it. 

Once you're in, there's no getting out - fortunately?

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Disorder listened to TheNihilist speaking and pondered the further reaching questions in it as he listened to the others adding their thoughts.

"Great topic for a discussion. Its something everyone has a slant on and there is no right or wrong to it.

I'd have to say a couple of the points already raised, ring true for me also. The community and friends being a particularly strong reason to want to keep showing up. But the more fundamental reasons for what keeps me going personally, are perhaps a course of examination beyond the obvious."

He noticed a couple of skeptical eyebrows and one eye-roll and smirked.

"Don't worry, I'll try not to be too twatish about it.

At the start, its easy to post up goals in front of yourself. Achieve this rank, attain this level of wealth, acquire this amount of power, gain this level of public recognition, etc. This is the most natural thing in the world and the principal source of motivation for many of us. As most of us travel along our paths, to varying degrees we achieve some of these goals. At some point our lives will be cut down, then the next of kin will appear on these streets and start over. Often with a lot of their parent's friend's children along side them. Similar friendships and personalities, make more refined plans than before and off the cycle begins again. The main motivation underlying all this, as was stated, ends up being friendships and the love of chasing a dream.

You say many crave fame and recognition beyond their death. To live on in fame or infamy is an intoxicating drug for sure. After all, vanity is the most seductive and reliable of friends. But I have to say, as a point of focus this is flawed. Self absorption is corrosive and blinding. For all the right light and mirror may make us look nice and feel better, harsh light and an unforgiving mirror shows the truth, and this is the place where real work can be done. But I digress...

I've achieved a great deal of the things people dream about. As did my father. I've worked hard and had a lot of help from wonderful people. A lot of help from people that opposed me too! There are beneficial lessons in almost everything, you just need the eyes to see them. As I've been fortunate enough to be a part of many successful things and to work with a few extraordinary people, it would be reasonable to wonder what continues to motivate me. I could wonder about how I will be remembered, but honestly what good will that do me? How does that enhance my life now? Who the hell am I to define myself in the thoughts of others? That's their business. Who the hell am I to think I have an effect on that? 

No, what motivates me is philanthropy. You may well think that's a bit rich coming from someone who has buried so many people, but honestly its not. Life, especially our life, fascinates me. From the brand new Thug, to the Wise Guy striving for his button, the Boss developing a reputation, the new blood Crew Leader trying their best to learn the ropes and make the grade, I love the fucking lot! The cocky gangsters who mouth-off bravely in the streets and then suicide within hours, the underground groups hell bent on revenge, the enterprising business people, the bold street speakers, the timid first timers sponging all the help they can get, the articulate entertainers who occasionally produce public performances that border on art in their brilliance. I love it all. You are all absolute magic to me. 

Every day I wake, there is cause to smile, to question, to wonder, to laugh, to be upset, to feel every emotion the world has to offer. The longer I'm alive the more I see life in cycles and I'm even more absorbed in seeing different bloodlines evolve in different directions. To see the chance happenings have far reaching impacts on people's views of the world and the way they travel through it. Honestly, the entire experience is an absolute feast of entertainment!

This thing of ours is a million movies every day. You just need the eyes to see it. And when you see it for what it really is, you will be forever motivated."

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Why do we keep on going? - oRagnar asked while chuckling?

Now we can make that answer as easy or as complex as we can. For some it could be the glory that you mentioned. They want to be remeberd as legends, icons who made the change. Some decide to go down as the villains. Some decide to go their whole life not showing their face and be in the shadows making a big difference anonimoysly. Like mentioned before me, there are some who do not enjoy the life of the mafiosi once they've had a feel of it however the only way out is 6 feet under. 

What keeps me going?- continued oRagnar raising his eyebrow.

There have been endless times when i've sat behind my desk, a little bit drunk pointing the gun to my head. I've even pulled the trigger a couple of times however somehow it hasn't fired. I remember the old days when i was wondering around snatching purses. It was way better than and simpler. I had aspirations to be the top dog in this thing of ours. Didn't know much of how this thing of ours worked and went around harrasing and mugging people. Good ol' days. 

What happened in between ? As i gained more knowledge and moved up i was given the nod to have a little crew of mine. Things were still rolling the same, I was just showing some other kids how to get more money and teach them a few skills. That thing continued and expansion came along the way. I thought i was still pursuing my old goald, what i had failed to realise was that i was making connections and getting attached to many people along the way. I remember when i didn't bat an eye when bodies would fall in front of my legs. Now when i saw some people going out of their way, not following the rules that bind us really pissed me off. When i would hear that they had pulled the trigger on someone i happened to know, this desire of protection and revenge would grow in me. That had never happened before really. 

So, to conclude it in a short couple of words, what keeps me going for now is only the desire to keep the people i know safe and help them the best way i can so they can move up in the world, watch my home city grow bigger and stronger, and gambling also. Who doesnt love that!?

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As a guy who doesn't overly like the "current state of things" - this is a very interesting question.  Some days I ask myself the same question.  I mean, honestly it would likely get me further to go get a day job - yet I find myself putting the work in....




To "rank up and do something about it"??  Nah.  That's a myth that the heavyweights say.  We all know the second we become a threat we're gonna be eyed as fishfood.  Father time ticks on and the closer we get to that "threatening age", the closer we are to death.


For power?  Nah.  I don't need that.  I'm a grunt that's just happy to work for someone.  The amount of work it takes to be powerful is more than I am willing to put in.  I'll be the first to admit that I like my sleep.


For infamy?  Nope.  I don't think that's it either.  I'd be making far more appearances out here on these streets if that were the case.


The simple reason is family.  Belonging.  You find a good crew leader and you work for them.  You hope you can play a small part in their success.  You feel their struggles, you hope you can contribute.  There's a lot of good people here who work hard - and they deserve the best you can do.


It's kind of weird and inexplicable really.  I mean at it's core this life we chose is hopeless.  Yet here we are putting in full time hours.  

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Disorder is is not true you were handed your glory?

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Daniella listened to the people that were speaking, weighing the questions that the original speaker had presented and taking time to think about her own response. She waited until others had finished before stepping forward herself.

“An excellent question really, but one where the answer is fluid, for me at least. If you had asked me at the beginning of my career why I had come out to these shores, the answer would have been simple. You mentioned it already, truthfully. I came to follow in the footsteps of my mother. I was offered safety in the family of a dear friend of hers and I took it; I wanted the chance to carry on what she had started. I’m sure there was a part of me that thought I would make her proud, if you believe that it’s possible to make someone proud after their death.

But at the point that I am now in this thing of ours, my answer is different. No longer am I the disillusioned child of a fallen leader that I was when I started; I’ve accomplished most of the goals that I set out to accomplish. I did more than my mother ever wanted to do. Instead of simply following in her footsteps, I took my own route – I made my own choices and followed my own beliefs. The values that she instilled in me are still there, but they are more of a guiding compass then a firm trajectory.

I agree with what a few others have said; my friends and the people that I’ve grown close too certainly play a part in why I’m here. But what really keeps me going every day, at this point in my life, is simple. It’s the people in my district. Many of these people have been with me since the day I first set up my family and have grown alongside me every step of the way. They deserve a Godfather that is dedicated to them and their well-being. The effort that I put into my work every day is so that they can continue to grow and reach their own accomplishments. Sometimes that means making hard choices that not everyone will agree with.

Maybe that’s cliché and a few people might roll their eyes and not believe me when I say it, but that doesn’t matter much to me. Nothing makes me happier than being able to give someone their button, or more recently, being able to give someone who has been by my side since the start the title of Don. To give someone who has never had the chance before a new position, a new job, a new opportunity. To find talent and to help build it. Or to reinvigorate an older bloodline whose kin had perhaps given up and settled into mundane existence. That's what I live for these days.

This life is what it is and everyone’s answer is going to be just a little bit different. What matters is finding what works for you and reminding yourself of that when the going gets tough. We were all drawn to this work for a reason."

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I am rolling my eyes. 


I never was one into dick holding

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SylvestorJr I think you took a wrong turn somewhere, the salt mine is on the other side of town.

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Joe_Scalisi no surprise with your weak comment. However, you did confirm another form of redundancy. For this I toss you a nickle. 

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No surprise with your weak comment


Coming from a guy who I haven't heard an actual thought out or well stated argument from yet. You come out onto the streets and moan and bitch like a four year old and attack people instead of making actual arguments and you think my comments are weak? That's quite rich.

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I got your attention.

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Come to think of it Joe, I get more attention from LV and tips from elsewhere. I'm getting something right. ;)

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Pete listened to what everyone had to say about the man in front of the crowds questions and was intrigued. He didn't often speak up in the streets but he did enjoy stopping by and hearing what people had to say, and try to keep up with the on-goings around him. After all, knowledge is power, his father had taught him that. The people around him were discussing something that he often wondered to himself, so he decided to speak up today.

  "Excuse me everyone, but I believe the reason most of us live this life is simple. We enjoy it. Personally I enjoy it because it is almost like a daily challenge to my self. I like to set goals for myself, nothing major but for example... today I am going to make X amount of money, and when I do I feel like I have accomplished something. Everyone likes to feel like they have contributed or accomplished something regardless of how simple or extravagant your own goals may be.

  Of course there are bigger goals and things I want to accomplish that are going to take a lot more than one day, but if I take it one day at time and keep feeling like I am getting somewhere and making progress, I am going to keep coming back. 

 Another reason that a few people have already mentioned is the people. I have met a lot of great people living this life and if I went and got myself a simple 9-5 job I would probably never see them again. Anyways that's my two cents.. have a great day everyone!"

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TheNihilist listened intently as a few people gave him their opinions on his question. His face cracked into a rare smile as he began to understand the one true singular form of motivation it seemed everyone had. 

I want to thank you all for coming out here and responding to me. I wasn't really expecting much response, and certainly not from such important figures in our country. 

I feel I have been enlightened here, because although I obviously have friends in our world (some of which have spanned many generations), that thought had not occurred to me when I first made the speech. Certainly, the bond of brotherhood, that feeling of togetherness is what truly inspires and keeps us all hooked. It seems so simple to me now, but I was more focused on what reasons I thought were most likely. It's almost as though I took it for granted, that everyone had friends and enjoyed living this life in their presence. 

I overlooked it, but now hearing you all so united in your belief that friends and family are the greatest factor, I can help but agree. Those we meet,  and those our ancestors met, are surely the main reason we all return to these shores time after time. 

Again, thank you to those of you who came out here and gave me a serious reply about the topic. I am slightly less depressed than I was this time last week and will continue to reflect on my life and future. Perhaps I'll even branch out and try to make a few new friends, who knows?

He nodded to the small group and went about his business, he had business plans to attend to in New York.

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Roxie listens and just laughed to herself. 

I am going to be truthful and tell you exactly why I am here.  

My ancestors have no real legacy other than being hard working loyal family members.  Although some of them were taken away from this life far too early we have learned to adjust to the pain and move on.  We follow in their footsteps and hope to achieve better.  From their experiences I have been given the tools to become more knowledgeable, wealthier and stronger.     

I am here because this way of life ran in my mother’s veins and her mother’s veins, many generations and now runs in mines.   Although taken for granted we are supposed to be an organized criminal network with similar structure, methods, and interests I understand that I live and survive among some of the most ruthless mother fuckers that ever existed.  I’ve become intrigued by the betrayal of some and the manipulation of others.    This is not a game it’s a way of life.  You jockey yourself to be in a position to learn from these individuals.    I have been taught it’s WHAT you know and it‘s WHO you know.   You work hard in hopes you will gain some recognition.

It’s sad we have come to this state of affairs but FAIR or RIGHT isn’t an option. Authentic loyalty isn’t an option. Survival is the mainstay even if it means selling your soul to the devil. A class of violent criminals ready and waiting to make a name to define them by any means necessary.  Right, wrong or indifferent it’s what it is.

 This is our world no more no less, but no other lifestyle awards me more.  

“You can get busy livin’ or get busy dyin”

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