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Jun 02 - 18:17:51
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Last words... Started by: dago on Dec 21, '07 16:36
The other night, as my father was locked in a long, midnight battle of wills with a man he once trusted with his life, he called me on the telephone. He explained to me that he might not be long for this world—his adversary had the element of surprise, a great deal more experience, stronger allies at his side, and a gun far more trained. He wanted to make sure no words were left unsaid, in the event that the unthinkable should happen.

Lo and behold, the unthinkable did happen. That night my father, TylerDurden, saw his reign over Los Angeles come to a crashing halt. However, before that fatal shot went through his brain, he instructed me to go to my safe deposit box. In it, I found a note—his final words to the world.

"This is TylerDurden, speaking from beyond the grave. If you are crying, please stop. I've never had any use for tears. My life is complete, I am gone. Don't cry for me. And don't cry for the memories. Never look back, there is too much to do in the here and now.

As a young man, I never sought the power that would inevitably come to me. I was a simple lad, with a simple demeanor—never aggressive, always friendly and approachable, looking to make a living and to let my neighbor do the same. My friend and mentor, the great Cthulhu, felt that these skills would translate into a great Family head. Appparently, Mr. McTavish, Mr. Axe, Mr. Prophet, and all others involved in this battle felt otherwise. And, in this case, it is their opinion that matters.

I will not go into specifics about any of these men. Many leaders have used their final words to curse those who brought about their demise, but I have precious little time, and they are not worth any of it.

Looking back on my life now, as a man on the brink of death, I can only impart my final wisdom on all of you. I have lived a full life, and have known many roles—young, fresh-faced newcomer, star Earner, Right Hand Man (at least on a temporary basis), young idealistic Crewleader, and now, finally, resigned and beaten Crewleader. And, let me tell you, the face I loved wearing the most was "Friend." Though I loved and cherished every one of my Juggernauts, my happiest days were as a carefree, innocent lad under the great Cthulhu. My best memories are not of wars and takedowns, of rogues and back-door meetings, but of talking sports with my good friend Gaara (who I see finally got the family he has been longing for—friend, I wish you the best of luck, but I caution you not to let it destroy you like it destroyed me), talking about life and the power-hungry nature of humans with another good friend and mentor of mine, ElainaDeLuca, and confiding my secrets in my good friend Zadie. As a leader, I was not allowed to be the friend, and I regretted that. My job was a great blessing, and a terrible curse.

So if it really is the big, shiny headquarters and adoring throngs of worshippers and ass-kissers you want, go for it. But be warned, true happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have. I once knew that happiness, but let the pursuit of fame and success ruin that. Don't you go making my mistakes.

There are many of you who are staying by me until my dying moments. To you, I say thank you. Your unwavering loyalty and staunch support gives me the energy to continue the good fight.

I leave you with the words of the great Winston Churchill, a man who I regard as one of the greatest to ever live. 'The day may dawn when fair play, love for one's fellow men, respect for justice and freedom, will enable tormented generations to march forth triumphant from the hideous epoch in which we have to dwell. Meanwhile, never flinch, never weary, never despair.'

My time here has been great. Soon, I will be at peace. Thank you, and goodbye."

My father and I were never estranged, but we were never really close. However, despite my great education that he financed for me, I will not for an instant pretend to be anywhere near the public speaker he was. There was a paragraph warning the current leaders of the dangers of getting into bed with a loose cannon like Prophet, but in light of recent events, I have cut that out, for obvious reasons. There are several questions I wish to raise, but I will give others the delightful chance to do that. I can't have all the fun, after all.

I hope my father has found peace. I hope that, in time, I can come to forgive those that wronged him. I hope he made his friend and mentor Cthulhu proud. I hope that the two of them can sit down in the great HQ bar in the sky, working for the greatest Crewleader of them all, toast to each other, and share a drink, as friends often should. I hope.
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Misty Smiles listening to The kid speak, her tears had already been cried, her screams of rage muffled, and her twisted struggle to figure out how to go on, over, or at least she hoped it was.

I never thought I'd loose my dear friend, and, as some will point out, I never thought I'd work with his killer, though it was not him that I was joined under his cloak to help, it was the children of Mr. Durden's crew.

I'm standing here as one of the few people who was standing by Mr. Durden in his last hours, One of the few who stood loyally by the man she swore to, but also one of the few who can say they knew Mr. Durden as a friend.

Many will yell at me for my past actions, and if they wish to, they can come talk to me and I'll tell them my side of things... why I did what... but for now, let me say that Tyler Durden was a good man, and that I hope beyond hope that another family like his is in my future.

Did Caesar deserve the blow that came at Brutus's hand? and did his people like what they read in the pages of his will? I will leave it to the past to decide.

Good bye good and honorable man, I will miss you.

Misty turns and slips off into a small bank of mist and fog and seems to fade from site. he piece said.
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Caesar and Brutus? Honourable man? It's a bit early for revisionist history, isn't it? Tyler was killed for a reason, and everyone except his closest friends approved. Try not to forget that, and learn from his mistakes.

Dago, nobody wronged your father. He lived about a week longer than he should have. He was actually given quite a bit of leniency. Too bad he didn't use that grace period to make up for his shortcomings, but he stayed unapologetic until the end. I really wish you could see this and understand why so many had hostile feelings towards him.

Your father had great potential to be a leader, but that's all. Potential. He didn't yet understand the ways of the mafia. We are not vile street urchins. We are men of honour. Businessmen, first and foremost. The only difference between us and legitimate businessmen is that we will break the law to earn our living.

There is another land far from here where it is commonplace to barge into funerals and start spewing shit, or confess to the murder in front of horrified friends and family. It's one of the major reasons that true mafiosi scoff at those foreigners. They have no clue how to act like an honourable man, or what it means to be a mobster in this era. This is not that place, and your father would have done well to realize that and learn the differences before taking power.
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Frank tries to hold his tounge out of respect but finds this task too challenging and steps forward

I Apoligise Dago and no Disrepect to your Father but i have to agree with Kevin your father sometimes abused his power and

made some bad choices. Maybe instead of forgiving those who apparently Wronged him and thinking about being forgiven by those he wronged
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Cathy stands and listens to the ensuing conversation, her hands warmed by a hot cup of coffee. It was barely days from Christmas, the weather in the Streets having increasingly grown cold, but that didn't keep the woman away from listening to the different speeches and discussions.

She was about to walk on when she felt the urge to speak herself, signalling her button men she waits for them to stand on each corner of the Street and then starts to talk.

"Firstly Signore Dago, condolences on the loss of you Father. I will not speak ill of the dead, so I refuse to comment on how the man lived his life.

"What I can say though, is that the legacy of Signore Tyler Durden is one that we as a community should not forget.

"From the moment a leader is authed, they are under constant scrutiny. If their actions, their speeches, their Family are found to be wanting, then they will not survive very long in a world where cold steel does not accept excuses or explanations.

"There is typically a grace period. A time when the newly authed Leader is given the opportunity to prove themselves. In my own experience, this lasts 1-2 weeks but then action will be taken against them. Signore Durden lasted slightly longer than this, but it has been made very clear from the various speeches recently, that there were many that did not deem him to be worthy of his position.

"Whether that is the case or not, is not important. What is important is that we recognise that no one is untouchable. That we should not become complacent as Leaders because it takes just one bullet and everything we have been working for is ended.

"And that is how I will remember your father, Signore Dago. That is what I will keep close to me, so that I too do not befall the same fate.
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