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May 18 - 10:41:50
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Another Day in Paradise (City) Started by: Daria on May 17, '17 06:25

A pool of blood slowly seeped into the grooves of a tiled floor, trailing from a frail figure laying face-down in the center of a large home on the outskirts of Paradise, Nevada. Daria approached the corpse and gently kicked a small revolver from the dead man's right hand, placing her own firearm in her jacket.   Observing the several gunshot wounds that had ripped through the dress shirt and wool coat that he had worn, she turned to Lillith.

"I promised you you’d make it out alive.  They never seem to really put up a fight.”

Lillith groaned in response as she leaned against the rail of a staircase she had been sitting on, a small bullet wound grazing her arm.

“It’s just a flesh wound.  The bullet didn’t even get lodged in you.”

Daria dropped a small first-aid bag in front of her and shook her head as she produced a small bottle of grain alcohol and a cloth.

“I guess this time is as good as any to have the talk.. this is the day, after all.”

Daria knelled on the staircase and adjusted her glasses, examining the wound.

“Lillith, dear.. you're getting very, very, very, old." Daria began, as she padded her arm to soak up blood.  The newly-minted Godmother protested.  "Hey! I'm not that o-"

Predicting this, Daria removed the pad and doused her wounds in grain alcohol, smiling as the blood washed away.  Lillith yelped in pain, throwing the verbal kitchen sink at her as she fidgeted in pain.  Sweet nothings, they were not. 

"..but it’s not a bad thing, because now you’ll be replacing our dead friend, over there.  Congratulations!”

They both glanced at the body that was just a few feet away from them, with blood that had now trailed towards the front door of the residence. 

“As it stands, you're going to start to experience some symptoms that come along with your.. seniority." she continued, producing a cotton pad as she disposed of the blood-soaked cloth.

“Insomnia, irritability.. night sweats. You'll also soon discover that you will be seemingly unable to have more than 10 people in your immediate presence at any given time."

Lillith's eyes widened.

“No more laying low.  You’ll be notorious from here on out.  You’ll feel like you’re being watched around the clock, and your time will be devoted to upper-level management”

Daria wrapped the wound tightly in gauze and continued.

“After the initial symptoms wear off, you may experience an elevated sense of being, and you might find that certain activities in our line of work will be a little less.. difficult.”

Daria tapered off the gauze and fastened it to Lillith as she checked her watch. 

"Looks like the night is coming up on us fast, so we’re gonna have to get walking.  I made sure there was a car waiting for us, a block over."

Daria leaned herself up against the staircase; the new Godmother of Paradise followed suit.  As they walked down the stairs, Daria took one last glance at the body spread across the floor.  There was much work to be done.

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Disorder had sat in the car for a while waiting for some sign of Lillith returning. While he sat his mind wandered back over their path together and the interesting ways chances and opportunities could unfold. He would have never predicted he'd be sitting in a car, excited to see this woman take the mantle of Godfather in his old district. But he was. And she was. And most of all she deserved it. 

He looked out of the window again, he'd looked so often he'd nearly worn it out. He rolled it down and took a large swig from his flask. The drink was good, it helped. He heard the gun shots in the distance. Now he just waited to hear that voice again. It should have increased his tension but it did eh opposite. He became calm as he knew there would only be one winner in that fight and when the shooting stopped, so did his nervous excitement. He sat back in the seat and smiled.

The two women came out of the building and headed over toward the car. Disorder put the drink away and fired up the engine. He got out and stood arms spread, massive grin on his face. When Lillith arrived in front of him, he embraced her warmly, picking her off the floor and spinning her round. Feeling a bit dizzy from the drink he put her safely back on her feet and kissed her on each cheek.

"You did it! My dear you did it! I'm so happy for you!"

He smiled and although he was lost in the moment, Daria certainly wasn't. In fact she was acutely aware that there had just been multiple homicides and a veritable bloodbath in the mansion just behind them. She couched and chimed in.

'Far be it for me to suggest there are better times and places for this, but really, there are better times and places for this. I think the cops that are about to arrive would probably find it a little too coincidental that some of Las Vegas' most prominent criminals were standing right beside the scene of a high profile gangland murder?'

"Good point."

The three of them got into the long black car and it slid off along the road to nowhere and across the district toward The Agency's headquarters in Paradise.  

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After putting the finishing touches on Mafie Zero’s and sending them out to the streets is when it dawns on him……Lillith actually did it. She ascended to the highest ranks. He reminisces about his time in Paradise, since his move no matter how much The Loop has become his home. Nothing compared to Paradise.

It swelled him with pride to know that the little agency from whence he came from has grown into it’s own little empire. It almost brings him to tears …..if he could cry.

Reports said that the body was in all kinds of a mess

He was sure that the old godfather had taken a huge beating….he knew what Lillith was capable of first hand. 

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She sat in the car with Disorder and Daria on either side of her. Part of her was celebrating, the other part was worried about if the investigation into the slayings would lead them back to her. She'd been careful to leave no traces of her being there, Daria had done the same... Still, it had to stand to reason... "Oh fuck it" she thought to herself "Nothing is going to get me down."

Daria, you remembered to grab the baseball bat right? I don't remember where I dropped it. It's all still a blur. So much blood. Do you think there'll be a scar on my arm? I don't like scars... You really showed your true colours today. Where are my sunglasses?

She looked over at Disorder who was shaking his head and smiling at her in a reassuring manner as always. She'd come to view him as a big brother over the years that he'd watched over her from The Strip.

Thank you for helping out today. I couldn't have done it without you. You put up with a lot of shit every day yet still found time to be there for me and those I call my family. Nothing I do can ever repay you for your help. Cookies every day for life will have to do... Maybe muffins... Fresh bread? I'm sure I can get a bakery to do my bidding. Daria can barely fry bacon let alone make a crumpet.

She looks over at Daria who was staring out the window, still absorbing what she'd witnessed... 

You ready for the next chapter sweetie? You think you have it in you to do this a little bit longer? We should get back to the hotel and help everyone pack up and move. I'm sure Baba_Yaga and Hisoka are looking forward to a few new faces in their headquarters.

Oh, and don't let me forget to send Malachai a basket... full of dead fish and a few stale cookies. It's what he deserves trying to add to his fame using me! Such a shoddy attempt!

As the car pulled up to The Agency she sighed deeply as she stepped out knowing that a new life had begun for herself and her family. There was no way to thank them enough for their support and hard work... 

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Lacey was waiting patiently in the Exiles HQ for the phone call from Malachai to let her know everything went well. She mulled over the possible outcomes in her head, muttering the cliffnotes to herself.

"Lotta blood for sure. Gunshots definitely. Daria could handle herself in case anything went wrong right? Lillith was no slouch. It would be fine. She looked after me, maybe I could have taken a late flight out and helped her. For Christ sakes, Disorder was there.. what could go wrong?"

Waves of worst case scenarios marathoned through her head over and over.


"Fuck!" She exclaimed loudly, and quite accidentally, shaken from her daydream of what-could-have-beens. unholychickenz shoved open the door of Lacey's office.

"Everything alright?" chickenz said as he realized the layout of what was unfolding. Lacey nodded and motioned for the door to be closed.


She picked up the phone and slowly drew it to her ear.

"Hello?" She said as confidently as she could.

"Lacey, it's M. Just got word, everything went as planned. Prep those pallets of whiskey and get them over to The Agency HQ immediately. There's a new Godmother and thy name is Lillith."

Click. Lacey let out a sigh of relief and muttered under her breath:

"Well deserved, Lillith."

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Baba_Yaga watches as the newly appointed Godmothers car approaches The Agency headquarters, as Lillith get's out he approaches,


"Godmother Lillith, pleasure to see you back here and now be working for you even more now you have taken the godmother position"


Baba hands Lillith a large bottle of champagne and a small bag..


"Please accept this bottle from my personal stash, i think you will find it's a rather nice vintage and in the bag, well i thought i'd get you some cookies!"

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Outside of the Agency headquarters was Hisoka shuffling a deck of cards while nervously chewing on his favorite brand of gum, BungeeGum. He was sitting on the stoop awaiting Lillith's return as he spots Baba_Yaga out from the corner of his eye checking the time on his pocket watch.

"Hey Baba, any idea when they're supposed to be back? I wish I could say I'm not worried, but I know that ole gal hasn't been getting any younger. Hell just yesterday she was going on about something 'back in her day'."

Smiling he quickly checks behind him, making sure she wasn't stealthily listening in.

"Although I did read a mail she sent before leaving stating she was being escorted by the lovely Daria and Godfather Disorder. I suppose what really could go wrong, right?"

Looking over he notices Baba giving a long drawn out shrug before hearing a car screeching down the street. Both men look over at the direction it came from before looking back up at each other with a slight grin of hope. Just as they had thought, it was them! Moments later the car peels into the drive way and the group exits the vehicle. Hisoka quickly rushes over checking to see if anyone was injured.

"Is everyone alright?"

His eyes widen seeing a gun shot wound on Lillith's arm, tearing a piece of cloth from his shirt he begins to wrap the wound temporarily until the family doctor could sew her up.

"Sheesh you had us all worried about you! I seen you left your cane by the door and I was wondering how would you defend yourself!"

Hisoka snickers while wiping his nose.

"I'm glad to see you at least made it back to us in one piece. From the looks of it, it was a bloody fight and in the end you came out victorious. Congratulations in your newly earned title of Godfather, I can't say what an honor it's been working alongside you here in the paradise city."

Reaching in his jacket pocket Hisoka reveals a wooden box filled with hand crafted joints, specially rolled and packed from Germany.

"These are for you. I happened to pick them up a while back on a business trip, saving it for a special occasion. I couldn't think of anything more grand than your achievement here today."

Grinning he hands you the wooden box before giving you a slight pat on the back, heading over to celebrate once more in the Agency headquarters.

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Cassiopeia stood outside the brand new building that was now housing The Agency. She had put on her fanciest dress for the occasion and her new shoes looked amazing, but they were pinching the hell out of her feet. She shifted her weight every few minutes, holding tightly to the bouquet in her hand. It had taken the butcher a ton of convincing that bacon roses were going to make anyone happy. But she had paid double and knew the next time she was in town, the butcher would gladly take her business. 

In her other hand, she held the best bottle of champagne she had ever tasted. This was a celebration after all, nothing but the best for Godmother Lillith. When she saw the car approaching, she smiled and smoothed out her dress. As Godmother Lillith emerged from the car, Cassiopeia squealed and ran towards her. She threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly. When she pulled away, she thrust the bacon rose bouquet and the champagne towards the Godmother.

"Godmother Lillith, this is a day of celebration and joy. Congratulations to you my dear, this is a well deserved moment for you."

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She inhales the deep, smokey aroma of the bacon roses and resists the temptation to start nibbling. Drawing Cassiopeia into a warm embrace she sighs happily, as if heaven had just touched her through the hands of this lovely woman. An angel sent to her. After a few moments she releases the young woman.

My dear, Cassiopeia, my love, you are an amazing woman who brightens my life every day. Your gifts...

She breathes in the aroma of the roses once more. No rose had ever made her so hungry...

I would be lost without you. Please, come help us celebrate. I'll even share these with you. Thank you, thank you... 

She winks and takes Cassiopeia's hand in hers and enters The Agency with her friend and food intoxicated already by the bacon love.

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Chickenz had been standing outside of LaceyGodreaux's office for hours. He had known something big was going on, as it's not every day the Right Hand tells one as.. Insignificant as himself to stand outside her office and make sure nobody disturbs her, as well as to "be ready for anything". He pondered this as he stood guard. This was important, he figured. But, the why did not matter. He was doing as he was told.


Chickenz was snapped from his thoughts when he heard a very loud "Fuck!"


He wheeled around, shoving open the door, gun drawn and barged in. "Everything alright?" he asked, looking around.


Chickenz heard the phone ring, and seeing the nod and motion from LaceyGodreaux to close the door, holstered his gun and closed the door behind him. He heard the part of the phone conversation pertaining to the new Godmother, but did not recognize the name. He knew, however, that this was a big achievement. As such, he nodded to the crew's Hand.


"Please, pass along my congratulations, for what it's worth."


At that Chickenz turned, leaving the office to make sure the aforementioned whiskey was delivered, assuming that he was no longer needed to keep the curious folk away.

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 Hoosier makes his way up to the new Godmother.


My dear Lillith, I know how busy you are so I will keep this very short. I am so proud of you for achieving this wonderful feat. Our bloodlines have worked together on and off for so long and it never gets old seeing you achieve new heights. Congrats on your wonderful feat and thank you for being a wonderful friend. I'll make sure to bring Malachai around a bit more often for family dinner, lord knows he needs to win some brownie points.


Hoosier smiles and motions for Big Daddy Birdaythion to bring in his gift. The burly behemoth hauls a keg from Hoosier's private reserve and leaves it in the bar in Lillith's headquarters.

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