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False advertising Started by: Orithyia on Sep 01, '13 10:05

If you call what she said a smartass sarcastic comment, then I would hate to see what you would call yourself right now.

People are afraid to speak up on either side, respectfully presenting an argument is a completely different thing then bashing the fuck out of an admin and bringing up past issues with who the fuck ever.

She never did any of those things. Maybe you should've been preset if you want to comment on it? All she stated that she was too afraid to speak because Izzy might lash out at here. And he did, at the smallest thing. I didn't see any act that deserved what she got. Only reason he isn't doing it to you, is because you're defending what he believes in, which there is nothing wrong with that. People who don't agree though, tread lightly.

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When someone get's banned off IRC and you continue to agitate, one can wonder?

I wasn't talking about her with that part, so I didn't need to be present for whatever bullshit happened in the baby pen.

No he wouldn't because if I had a problem with something, I would present it in a respectful manner to search for a resolve. Simple, eh?

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When I say continue to agitate I mean, go against why someone was banned with a sarcastic and smug "I'm afraid to type" bullshit line. You can see no wrong with people that share the same opinion as you though, oooooooohhhhhhhh wells.

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Well, obviously she had every right to be scared to type. Because that's all she typed and was banned lol.

I'm just calling it how I see it.

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Yeah, all she typed was a sarcastic response to undermine what was done and further instigate her cause, no problems right?

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Timon, please stop presenting it in a false light.  She was told to walk away before things get nasty the very last time I talked to her.  She continued to chime in.  She was removed from the chat before things got worse.

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Because that's all she typed and was banned lol.

Erm, no it wasn't.

Throughout the whole debacle there have been unhelpful comments and interjections where they weren't needed. Perhaps take your own advice and be there to see such things if you want to comment on it?

Though I fully admit that the above incident is something I wasn't a witness to and was until now unaware of. But to think that there weren't any other incidents and such comments is to completely misrepresent the situation.

For what its worth, there have been many people getting very worked up over this situation and when that happens then there will always be someone that eventually gets the rough treatment, whether that person was fully deserved of that treatment is down to those involved to decide on, as only those involved know 100% of the facts.

Most of us will have saw bits here and there but may not know the complete story and shouldn't jump to conclusions, whether thats in defence of Admins or in defence of users we happen to like.

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Well, Squishy, why was I banned?  I don't think you and I had any such talk recently, and all I said was "why"

Or what about Anomaly, who I think said nothing other than "Are you serious" after I was banned.

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Like I said before, if you call that sarcastic and undermining... I disagree. Not much else to say about it. It didn't seem that way to me. There is a lot worse things said on iRC believe it or not.

You can see no wrong with people that share the same opinion as you though, oooooooohhhhhhhh wells.

I guess that street goes both ways? :/

You haven't exactly been accepting to anything said from this side. Pot calling the kettle black? Certainly.

You've been a smartass just like me this whole thread, still changes nothing at all. Calling the CLs selfish cunts, etc. You must be a saint though and mean well... Lmfaoooo

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falls over 

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Squishy, I digress. Then she should have been banned yesterday for acting out of line? Today she said 2 sentences, none of which were out of control. She was actually holding back her opinion and keeping it to herself, scared to speak up. That much was very clear to me. As for the others, they wanted answers for why... Instead of explaining to them, you banned them...

This is very childish play from all parties to tell the truth. Surely there is some common ground we can come to besides "Fuck this, it's either my way or fucking leave".

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I do, she essentially said he was banned for no reason and that she's afraid she would be banned for no reason. That is undermining why someone was banned and essentially being sarcastic. See it for what it is.

How so? I'm not defending anyone throwing around cheap shots simply because they're my friends or they share the same opinion as me. There is no pot and there is no kettle.

Exactly, that's what this thread calls for, fun and games! I'm presenting it the way it was brought out, I got a foul fucking mouth too, I know when to filter it though.

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adsfkid, honestly, which admin are you a sock puppet of?
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Well, Squishy, why was I banned?  I don't think you and I had any such talk recently, and all I said was "why"

Or what about Anomaly, who I think said nothing other than "Are you serious" after I was banned.

Because the entire thing has crossed over the line.  How many more days do we need to do this?  I've used up all the patience I have.  I really don't have it in me to explain, yet again, that going on a campaign to cause as much problems as possible, will eventually cross over the threshold of what is tolerable, and you will be escorted off.  You were removed from chat for 1 hour in hopes that would serve as a warning before things escalated even more. 

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adsfkid, honestly, which admin are you a sock puppet of?

No need to be a bitter bitch, I don't share you opinion, sorry :(

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Discussion of what our vision of what this game is supposed to be has crossed a line, and we can't keep doing that anymore? Really? Come on. We're doing nothing more than trying to tell the admins, as customers, what attracts us to your game, so that you can better satisfy us as customers.

We're trying to defend a vision of a user-run sandbox-type RPG where the admins give us the virtual equivalent of a tropical island and say "do whatever you want, just like everyone else!" Back when Marietta was in charge of Detroit, I said something to the effect of "What's great about this game is that it's literally Lord of the Flies." That post seems to have dropped off the bottom of the forums by now, but I still believe it.

We need less admin directives and more "eh, they'll muddle through it, eventually." If someone implements a stupid mugging rule (be it either too strict or too lax), someone else will shoot them for it in time. Just like how if someone implements a stupid "tax to enter my city" rule, someone else will shoot them for it in time. Over time, we'll come up with a set of baseline rules that work pretty well. We don't need admins telling us what the "best" set of rules are. We have guns, wackstat, and plenty of time to work that out for ourselves.

That's what made this game beautiful and got me hooked. And frankly, that's why I've played less and less over the last few years. There has been, at least until recently, less and less ability for the average player to shoot someone in the face for stupid decisions, and more and more interference in the ways that the top dog runs things as a result. I'd like to see both tides reversed.

And I don't think I'll ever accept that I've voiced my opinion too much. Voicing opinions are what forums are for.

No need to be a bitter bitch, I don't share you opinion, sorry :(

DeadlySin, is that you?
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I spend money on this game (I admit, more than I probably should). If I feel strongly about something, I will express my opinion. You don't want me to continue to put money into this game weekly? Push me away, like you are now. Refuse to come to a middle ground where there is a lot of controversy and let it see if it can play out.

It's my right as a paying customer, to express my views how I please. Want me to kick me off and ban me from this place because I disagree with something and see that it's not going to change from the "fuck you, my way or leave" attitude? So be it.

I'd rather it be that way than me be silent about it with my thumb up my ass in the corner.

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Actually, I lied. "It *should* be my right as a paying customer". My bad.

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"DeadlySin, is that you?"

No Drunky, it is not. Carry on harboring the one sided grudge and jumping to the wrong conclusions though, it's very amusing to watch.

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That's funny. I could have sworn I was reading your words.
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