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Poor trigger discipline. Tsk Tsk Started by: Squishy on Sep 05, '13 20:14

Wow Dreadnaught, uncalled for. Don't forget hes still an Admin and besides he fucking IZZY. You don't fuck with the Z.

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I did apologized it private when I realized that I shot early. I was expecting for a punishment since I know I break a rule, but then, Squishy replied coolly.

To: belldandy
From: Squishy
Sent: Sep 05, '13 08:28

You stealthed, you would have got away with it too!


So, I thought it was already settled and also I didn't do it again. I was thinking that apologizing for my honest mistake is another mistake I made when I read this thread. But then, when you made a mistake, admit it, man it up. I accept this as a punishment for what I did.. I don't care if people criticize me for that shot I made. If bashing will make you happy, continue it.

For those who were listed here, this serves a lesson for us. Next time, we better read not just once or twice to fully see all the details.

On the other hand, I am happy that Squishy apologized for not handling this in a better manner. I greatly appreciate it. :) 

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I agree with Quinten. And on that, there are so many announcements and threads these days that we're a little desensitized to them. I get spam mailed at work from the bosses and occasionally miss something important because I'm so used to them sending shit (not saying all announcements are shit, but there are definitely those announcements that you think.,"ok, whatever." And click acknowledge.

Users fault for not reading? Sure. Admins fault for using the feature a ton? Maybe. Agree to disagree at least? I respect Squishy for coming out and apologizing. But I also think those that received a PM from the mafuckin Squish-master should have ceased immediately...receiving a mob mail from Squishy isn't something that happens everyday. Announcements are, however.

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"should have ceased immediately"


They did.  None of the people I mailed shot after I notified them. :)

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I run my district to a T first off MikeHunt. If you want to say I don't fine, that is your opinion (I could find some things to say about your leadership as well but I wont). You know zero about it, so don't humor me with your quirky jabs. Did I fuck up and not even notice the time? Yes! Did I continue to shoot after a warning?(I seen several people saying this) I didn't even get a warning, just so we are clear. When I realized I FUCKED UP, I messaged Izzy and enkindle on IRC and in game asap. Next time instead of saying "Godfather" you can say my name, don't be scared. To the others insinuating that I will now be a "suspect" of shooting MIA's before 10 minutes and ect, give me a break, those are two completely different situations that have nothing to do with one another.

Why didn't I say anything in this thread Mike? Simple, I talked to Izzy not you. Next time your an admin let me know, I don't have to explain myself to you in anyway, it is simple as that.

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I never judged your leadership. Don't read too far into something because you don't like me. 

I have no idea why you're so defensive when you've done something wrong. I wish the shoes were the on other feet so I can show you how to properly react. And that would be with an I admit it or with an I fucked up. And be gone with it. I mean a few people already have. The only thing I had to ever say in this topic is that it concerns me that with so many veterans and new comers here in this world, you find the veterans fucking up. Not the new comers so much.

And thank you for call me out specifically even though everyone else said the same thing as I did. Some responses were a lot worse though. Like good ole Bacon's. He did say everyone on that list should be admin wacked.

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Apparently you should read again what I said. I said I fucked up. I was also not going to say anything, until I seen these indirect knocks against me. I don't have to come out here and say I fucked up to make you happy. Again you're not an admin, I apologized to the right person and that should have been that.

I also pointed out Underdogs statement... Bacon is dead, so what would be the point of that?

When exactly did I say I did not like you? Perhaps you are reading to far into my statement? Most of what you said was trying to point me out specifically. Being ignorant, does not make someone right. Yes I will call you out. I am not a clam, I have a backbone.

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As Squish said as soon as he mailed us we stopped we are not talking about a persons profile we are talking about An admin putting up some BGS to shoot. He then came out and apologized for naming us that took some pride swallowing and for that I tip my hat to him.

As for some people calling for our heads or stirring the pot im sure if the shoe was on the other foot you would feel the need to defend yourselves like we have. 

I did not hurt anyone directly and have apologized to Squish and he accepted it, If i was to get wacked over shooting an admins test BGs once in my whole time on this game I would find it hard to want to play it ever again. 

If I was stupid enough to shoot a living profiles BGs I would however accept any consequences.

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And you still didn't have to come out here if you didn't want to, ChaosSpike. You could had just sent him a mail.


Why didn't I say anything in this thread Mike? Simple, I talked to Izzy not you.


And it would had been over. 


All of this defensiveness over something you did doesn't show people that you have a backbone at all.

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And he could have done he same Blaise, but this is ooc. And yes replying to this when people are saying something about does show someone I won't sit there and be like on cool.
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*oh cool. Good phone typing there :-)
But maybe your right this is about in game maybe I shall take it to mobmail.
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I'm not talking about because it was in OOC. You have strong feelings about something in particular, geared towards a certain person. To me it just seems like it would be solved easier without interference if it was in mail.

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Some of you people are clearly massively in fucking denial.


Sticks, chaos man the fuck up. Don't bitch and moan.


A mistake is doing it once, doing it twice, three times is blatant incompetence. How as an ingame person can you admonish anyone who shoots your MIA or a member who is IA when they have made a mistake.


Honestly you can't you really can't because quite simply you have shown clearly here you dont just make mistakes you do them again and again.


The thing about making mistakes once is you learn from it two, three times come on. You saw the post. Everyone knows we can't shoot admin based charaters or BGs without permission you have both been around the block enough times and to claim.


"I was doing RL things, I was on my phone" Sorry chaps the excuses don't cut it for me. If I'd been in Izzys shoes I'd have admin wacked all the characters who broke the rules. Simples.

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Sorry but people are just going to have different opinions, why do you think I was able to get the owner of this game to come out and apologize for this? Because it's not right.

Everyone just needs to calm down over this already. I have expressed why I was upset and I was apologized to, because of it. I have admitted I was wrong in many forms, I don't know how I'm not having a back bone. I'm standing up for something I believe in while telling everyone to pretty much "fuck off, you shouldn't even know The banes of whom did this." And sop acting like "you've never made a mistake". Because unless you're a click monkey mute, you've probably made a mistake or two, hell; even click monkeys makes mistakes.

As for me "making excuses". I don't give two shits if you think I'm "making excuses" or "explaining my side of things". As far as I'm concerned, none of you have the right to tell me to do a damn thing, until you can, kindly just shut up.

The same applies for everyone here. You are not my keeper nor my parents. I know how to play this game and I know exactly how most people would feel. Stop trying to get your jollies off by cornering a couple people and trying to claw through anything you can just for the fuck of it. 

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Well are we not lucky you are not him Underdog or we would all be dead...........................................YAWN

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Why shouldn't you be named or shamed??

You broke a basic admin rule and most likely should be Dd'd for it.

When you catch me dropping a bollock like you did be my guest and call me on it. However don't hold your breath sticks because its an exceedingly rare occurrence for me to do something as dumb as this.

As to "I know how to play this game" clearly you don't otherwise this thread wouldn't have your character name written in it. Simples.
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Hi underdog

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And thank you for call me out specifically even though everyone else said the same thing as I did. Some responses were a lot worse though. Like good ole Bacon's. He did say everyone on that list should be admin wacked.


somehow i get the feeling that i should have read this thread a lot sooner. MikeHunt, im gonna say this to you reguarding ChaosSpike. I think ChaosSpike was right to come out here and call you out. he is the only GF that i saw (there may have been more, i only skimmed the list). you as good as called him out and insulted his leadership. Now i will fill you in on a fact. I served with ChaosSpike when he was Deadpool's RHM. and to this day i have found only 2 CL's in this entire game that match both his and Alucards leadership style. I would serve under both of them again given the chance and opportunity in a future life in this world of ours. He made a mistake and took time to do something that he didnt have to do. he doesnt answer to any of us. Before questioning someones leadership i would respectfully ask that you at least serve under them first.

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Dry your eyes underdog you made your point 

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When did I insult his leadership? 

Did I say, "ChaosSpike you suck at leading. You shouldn't be a Godfather.". 


I said, "Good job setting the example CLs and Godfather".

Don't get twisted on something simple that I said. I'm sure he's a great Godfather to server under.

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