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The choice of the NY people - well, some of them. Started by: Rudy on May 24, '16 10:04

Azazel, it's pretty ironic that you mention how a Martyr doesn't have to be remembered, and then go on to name probably the most famous Martyr in history for your next point. Also, what happens today is not going to change anything really. The plans are still going to go ahead, no ruling will be enforced that something like this may never happen again and will have no effect on how business is dealt after wars. A martyr that will inspire absolute no change whatsoever. Sounds very successful to me.

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You know, I already spoke in here earlier, but I thought I'd speak again because something you've said has been bugging me Rudy. I've read through all of my ancestors journals, and the biggest thing I've read over all the journals is about family. Family is not where you live, and family is not your name. Family is the people you stand beside, the people you grew up with, the people you will continue to grow with and live with. 

I don't want to be harsh to you and say "you're talking shit and you've made a big mistake", but you have and I just did say that. Family is about the people you're with, not geography. You talk about "leaving the place where your heart is" - for me and I'm sure everyone else, our hearts are in our families. Not literally of course, that would be messy and probably mostly fatal. But you get my point I'm sure. It doesn't matter what your zip code is. It only matters who is standing next to you.

You also say "that died to keep the city safe for us". I have to disagree. The people that died, died to keep your families safe. They wouldn't care where you are stood, they would only care that you are still standing. And you have thrown away your own life, for nothing. You have thrown away your life after so many died to save it. I can't think of anything worse that you could have possibly done to the memory of those people.

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I am still unsure why you keep claiming he is trying to be a Marty? He is dying for something HE believes in, not trying to change the world in which we live.

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It was 303, or rather 303303 yes we know and actually there have been a few in the past and the very recent past that have been doing exactly what you are saying they didn't do(303 members that is). The success of a martyr is firstly to die for a cause, belief or principle that one holds dear to them. Rudy has completed step one for you which is stating what he believes in. Step two is dying, unless I'm mistaken he shall accomplish this piece of the puzzle later today. I don't know of a definition of martyr where they need to use violence, as far as I know the route of martyrdom is actually based off non-violence towards others if I'm not mistaken. So in these terms whether you like it or not he will be successful in this. Just because you do not believe in it yourself is a whole other matter. Yes he's not following his leader in this to those that are saying he abandoned them, but let's not call the kettle black here because your leader did the same damn thing, so if anything it is Rudy following in the footsteps of your leader.
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I'm sure one could ask what the difference is between a "useless crew leader" in Detroit and a "useless crew leader" in Los Angeles.


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First off, I never mentioned anything about violence being on the path of martyrdom, I just compared the two. It's you who has added two and two together to make five.  You've also mentioned two very important steps of being a martyr, but you seem to have missed the final, and probably most important step: actually inspiring change. This is not going to change anything, rules will not be made, there will be no "Rudy's rule" etched in the stones of history. It will simply fall flat on it's face.

DemTitties, it's been a pleasure, but this is getting stale now. Unless you are going to regale me with some amazing point, I'm going to step back, don on my spandex and practice my moves.

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Stefania, there is a difference between surviving the death of your city and causing it. Miss_Niki was the former. What caused it was Rayln's loyalty to WiggleFanGirl and MrOwl's and Viviana's loyalty to SpikeS. Despite some exhaustive efforts, they could not be saved. Miss_Niki owed no loyalty to WiggleFanGirl or SpikeS, so she was not targeted. I fail to see why this is so difficult for people to grasp. Was Lily a traitor against SpikeS as well, since she survived it? And Toby? All of Detroit? Are they all traitors?

But tell me, what was Rayln's record on "causing death" in her city? Three auths? Four? I think it was four of her own auths she ended up putting down. Maybe more, I could be missing some. And when her reckoning came she went out like a bitch, asking to be shot at TWICE. So please, relax on judging Miss_Niki for keeping her people alive when it seems your dear Rayln held the fucking record of most New Yorkers slain.

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Oh Cato. Your father tried to prevent all of this so I actually have a little respect for you. Too bad they ended up killing your father anyway. 

And she did cause it. Because she openly admitted that they approached her with the plan to take out SpikeS before Rayln and WFG4L were taken down. Had she shared that information with Rayln, their plan would've been gone. She would still have lived, she would have been praised for her loyalty and she would've been able to take Godfather of Manhattan. Now she's branded a traitor by many and sent away to DT to live out her remaining days. 

As for Lily and Toby, unlike with Miss_Niki I have no proof that they knew about what was going to happen before it happened. There's a big difference there. 

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Whatever this was I feel it was too little, too late.

Setting up in defiance and then doing absolutely nothing may seem the honourable thing to do but in this case it was seemingly pointless. Your efforts could have been better used when the war was actually taking place.


Whatever though.

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I'm not entirely sure that breaking the blood oath to his leader that the position of Made Man entails could be considered even slightly honourable, or even just seem it.

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I agree with UnderwearBuddy, you dont swear and oath to your city, you swear it to your family and to your boss, that is where your allegiance should lie. If you disagree with something they do you speak about it, you take counsel. When taking such an oath people need to fully understand what it means, you give up certain freedoms - no oath comes without sacrifice, if you don't like it you don't make it.

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Looks around and sees a lot of sheep....

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Rudied dreams of sheep now

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I'm pretty confident that in right time Miss_Niki can be an excellent crewleader. She got her first pieces of experiences under the guidance of Ms. Rayln. Now she knows what it's like to be fun, gentle and social. Excellent qualities, not enough to lead a proper crime family, leave alone running a city. Moving Miss_Niki under the guidance of experienced leaders will only improve her own abilities in areas that I doubt Rayln could've provided. Her future is more promising in Detroit than to try for herself in New York, fighting off the constant abuse from bloodlines who used to be her friends.

Although I can understand the negativity people are throwing towards Miss_Niki, it's not like many of the leaders you now mourn will be remembered for their undying loyalty for their cities and their members. Many of you have watched while your friends and fellow citizens died. It's not so much about who's guilty of what here, it's about who has the opportunity to do better in the future. At this point, with the move to Detroit, Miss_Niki's future, and that of her family, is looking brighter than that off all those who keep insulting a leader in this thing of ours.

Given the choice, based on recent events and context, I'd much rather work with Miss_Niki than with our friend Rudy here.
Rest in peace though, Rudy.

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Henry ducks as a bullet fires past him from the smoking gun of K_W and hits Rogue Rudy Rude in the chest, another stark reminder of the fragility of life. He turns up his coat and disappears before the cops start asking questions. 

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Stefania, I told you Miss_Niki owed no loyalty to SpikeS. So when she found out he was on the way out, why should she intervene to prevent it? I think it's quite a fucking stretch to say she's a traitor for not trying to save a Godfather Chairman in another city. Those branding her a traitor are remarkably ignorant to what really transpired. Maybe when, or if, their bitterness passes they'll understand. But I doubt that amount of salt will fade easily.

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Hahaha Rob are those the beautiful words you used to convince Niki that moving to DT was what was best for her? Giving up her city and her chance to be a Godfather? Well spoken man, if I were new I would easily fall for the elegance of your speech. 

And Cato, I know plenty of what went down because your father told it all. She herself admitted that she was told about the plan, which involved taking out the GFC of NEW YORK. HER OWN CITY. You're bringing SpikeS into this, but this has nothing to do with him. It has to do with her betrayal of her own GFC, Rayln. You can say all the bad things about Rayln that you want, but Niki wouldn't have even been a CL without Rayln, let alone given her own district. Rob himself just flat out said Niki isn't strong enough to lead without "more guidance." All his fluffy words aside, they won't give her a city. That says something.

If you're gonna turn on your own GFC, at least don't run around telling people to listen to "your side of the story." 

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My own opinion of Rayln as a terrible Godfather aside, her inclusion in the WiggleFanGirl takedown was not known by Miss_Niki nor anyone in New York (as far as I know). If she claimed she knew, she misspoke (or is undoubtedly being misunderstood or misquoted). To my knowledge, my father was only told WiggleFanGirl was on the way out (for some beef with Chicago), and that Spike would be targeted later. I mean, you said it yourself:

Because she openly admitted that they approached her with the plan to take out SpikeS before Rayln and WFG4L were taken down.

What she knew was that Spike was on the way out. So like I said, the only reason Niki would intervene is to protect GFCs in other cities. Not exactly traitorous behavior. When shit hit the fan, she did what she had to do to protect her district, while Rayln gave up and died. Her "side of the story" was the best thing she could have done for her people, given what she knew. So fuck off.

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Also Stefania; you can crow all day abouy NY being Rayln's city, but the first person that seemed to forget that was Rayln herself when she shot it up on countless occasions at the request of both Wiggle and Spike for nothing more than a bit of fun at times.

So lets not try and portray her as some poor soul that should be protected. Her days as GF were laughable and an insult to the title itself. Great girl, terrible leader.

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Sorry Cato, your story is proven false by the fact that a witness saw Nikki kill one of Rayln's members, Goliath, to "prove herself." So yeah, she knew Rayln was a target and even helped do it. And wow, that's what you end with? So hurtful.

And Bret, Rayln took out threats to herself, just like many godfathers. Find some new material to hit back with.
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