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Orenda - Disrupt and Grow Started by: Insidious1 on Aug 15, '17 23:14

I really like this trend of "Power Rangers" references. DanGleeballs, you're the pink one aye?

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This actually isn't about me or the regime, this is about you and I'm asking you a fairly straightforward question, which you evidently have no worthwhile response to.

Polemic's answer is better and laudable as far as intent goes, but doesn't really explain what growth you're achieving.

Anyway, seeing as you won't/can't answer, I will leave to your disrupting and growing(?).

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I really like this trend of "Power Rangers" references. DanGleeballs, you're the pink one aye?


 Way ahead of you, already decided this will be the case but I'm glad to see my thoughts are shared.

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Excellent, now I know what to get the bastard for Christmas. Thanks for the idea.

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This actually isn't about me or the regime, this is about you and I'm asking you a fairly straightforward question, which you evidently have no worthwhile response to.

Polemic's answer is better and laudable as far as intent goes, but doesn't really explain what growth you're achieving.

Anyway, seeing as you won't/can't answer, I will leave to your disrupting and growing(?).


What the hell is all this? Help the aged?

I'm sorry that you cant accept your own answer and/or see what is being implied by myself in amoungst all the nonsense. I'll help you old man, don't you worry about a thing.




The important thing is that regardless of how much growth there has been, there has actually been growth.

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I'm sure there has.

Just like there has been 90 straight days of rogues since 26th July.

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Has there? I wouldn't know if there had been or why you would even bring it up like I should know?

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It’s almost been a week since I originally spoke out about Orenda and so far everything is moving forward as expected (albeit certain individuals seem to think we should have an army capable of invading Guam by now). Having had numerous conversations with many amazing people, it's become apparent that a quick update with frequently asked questions and answers would be of benefit.


Are you mental? - Yes.

What is Orenda? - It's a word. The meaning of which was mentioned previously at the start of this discussion.

What’s the purpose of what you are doing? - I feel the key to a successful campaign would be to establish effective communication between interested parties, however I appreciate that in this world that is easier said than done, especially when there has been bad blood previously. So I have nominated myself as a middleman to help everyone work together. So far based on a short period of time this appears to be heading in the right direction.

Are you sure about using IRC? - Yes. Other applications such as Whatsapp and Skype require too much personal information to be of use. On the IRC anyone can join using whatever name they wish thus protecting themselves from harm as long as they are careful what they say. A perfect example of the need for this security was shown literally the first day after the IRC channel went live. The-Mick had joined the channel without changing his name (albeit he didn’t discuss or say anything that deserved to be shot, he was merely curious) yet Thedangleeballs has his character shot for having the audacity to even join for a look.

[15:43:19] Polemic: Yo what happened Mick?
[15:43:36] Mick: Got ded.
[15:44:10] DanGleeballs: How come?
[15:44:20] Insidious1: Ha
[15:44:58] Insidious1: What surprises me is that you had him shot for attending a chatroom that you yourself have attended
[15:45:04] Insidious1: are you going to shoot yourself?
[15:45:31] Polemic: Wait what?! Haha that's why he was shot??
[15:45:37] DanGleeballs: Almost
[15:45:38] Polemic: What a joke
[15:45:49] DanGleeballs: If you plot, you'll get shot
[15:45:54] DanGleeballs: My new motto
[15:46:03] DanGleeballs: What's amusing is it wasn't even subtle
[15:46:05] Insidious1: You all plot
[15:46:10] Insidious1: are you going to get shot?
[15:46:10] DanGleeballs: So shoot us
[15:46:15] DanGleeballs: We get shot all the time
[15:46:17] DanGleeballs: We just don't die
[15:46:30] Insidious1: Hows Fitzchiverly?
[15:46:49] DanGleeballs: Never heard of him
[15:50:22] Polemic: Killed for joining a chat room. What if he was just there to laugh at Insidious?!
[15:50:36] DanGleeballs: Well, I was in there too
[15:51:31] Insidious1: if mick was to be accused of anything it would be that he was having an open and honest discussion about tactics being currently used against you all
[15:51:42] Insidious1: similar discussions to being held in the streets right now
[15:51:45] Insidious1: and in ooc
[15:51:52] Insidious1: please start shooting everyone
[15:53:07] DanGleeballs: Too late for that Insidious

Why are you doing this? - Because I’m sick of myself and others bending over backwards only for all our effort to be thrown back in our face with a bullet and piss poor explanation. I’m sick of seeing innocents get lazily wiped out as a solution to a rogue situation due to excessive paranoia. I’m sick of seeing people be controlled and manipulated to help fund the greed of the few and I’m sick of people being made to feel miserable when they should be enjoying themselves.

Aren’t you just controlling people? - Thus far I have yet to order, control or force anyone to do anything and I never will. All I do is encourage people to continue with all their hard work and provide advice/assistance when asked. Other than that I just enjoy spending my free time picking apart and ending ‘discussions’ in the streets/OOC. 

Are you a rogue? - Depends on how you define the word ‘rogue’. The dictionary states that it means’ a dishonest or unprincipled man.’ and if that's to be believed then Disorder is more of a rogue that I am. I have not fired one single shot nor have I lied to anyone. 

Do I need to speak to you? - Not if you don’t want to, ultimately any help is appreciated even if that help involves someone just doing their own thing to disrupt and annoy the regime however communication is required for real growth and organisation so please feel free to drop me a message. 

Why should I trust you? - I can't TELL you any reason why you should trust me, it would be counterproductive to the whole process of trust. I would however like you to give me the chance to earn your trust, like I have already started doing with others.

How do I know you are you? - Cause of the whole dying a lot thing right? That's to be expected I guess considering what I’m attempting to do. Firstly you can send mob mails to dead people so if you really want to know what my new child's name is (and to check its not been compromised) then mail my father. Aside from that I’m the only one with any kind of owner/sop access on the IRC channel so you could always ask me on there.

What can I do if I’ve had enough? - Shoot them, shoot their members, shoot their bodyguards, shoot their corrupt agents, shoot their forts, send them fake logs, disrupt their speeches. Whether you chose to repeat the same 1% attempt on someone every day or so or chose to hide in the shadows and build a higher gun or chose to just throw propaganda around or even come up with your own ways to disrupt their regime and waste their money, time and effort. Every little bit that you do helps regardless of how much they attempt to demean or put down your efforts.

Who are The Power Rangers? -       Disorder              = Red Power Ranger
                                                        LarryLongNeck     = Yellow Power Ranger
                                                        Monsterhair         = Blue Power Ranger
                                                        Kharon                = Black Power Ranger
                                                        Angy                   = Green Power Ranger
                                                        Dangleeballs        = Pink Power Ranger

That's all for now, I look forward to our future and hope to hear from you all.


Disrupt and Grow.

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Excuse me you're forgetting the Orange Power Ranger? 

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All you've managed are failed shots and dead 'members'. Not one single kill since you've started your whine fest. So, you've convinced people to die for a cause you cannot carry out. Kudos. Instead of disrupting, all I see you doing is giving the 'horrible regime (Proud to be hated right along with them, btw, hate breeds strength, thanks for that)' +1's, and a bit of a chuckle. Thanks for that too, I guess.

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Excuse me you're forgetting the Orange Power Ranger? 

Didn't even realise there was one, oops.


All you've managed are failed shots and dead 'members'. Not one single kill since you've started your whine fest. So, you've convinced people to die for a cause you cannot carry out. Kudos. Instead of disrupting, all I see you doing is giving the 'horrible regime (Proud to be hated right along with them, btw, hate breeds strength, thanks for that)' +1's, and a bit of a chuckle. Thanks for that too, I guess.

Blind, naive and stupidly runs his mouth off without thinking, you're gonna go far kid.  As previously mentioned I came here with zero intention of merely just shooting people and I do not have 'members'. I've worked to convince people to fight back and from what I can see, its already taking place.

Do you not find it odd that anyone of importance has stopped engaging in conversation with me bar to throw mild insults? I guess you could believe its because they have decided that I'm a sad little twat who they don't need to bother with or maybe your theory about hate breeding strength holds true, just not in the direction you seem to think it does.

+1's?! Have you not seen the amount of -1's that have been killed recently??

Shall we have a look at what have you achieved since I've shown up? Getting shot down in arguments to the point that you've forced yourself to shut your mouth? Having to create your own crew just to reach a rank above wise guy? Having a right hand who's track record in that position is poor at best? Having only recruited a grand total of 7 members? Taking command of an entire family who you should be going out of your way to protect yet haven't even got IWP forts? Never mind trying to guess how pathetic you're own bodyguards are.

Face it, you should probably consider yourself lucky the recent 'rogues' haven't taken a interest in you.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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Shot down in arguments? lololol. Your delusion is indeed getting worse my friend. I do not argue with children who make up things in their head and believe it to be true. People have stopped engaging you because your pathetic tirades are old news. Your original writings were good stuff, but you've descended into a child who can't face reality, so makes all the monsters and myths in his head real. Just because you think you're right, does not make it so.

My RH, you apparently have no idea about, my recruiting practices are going just fine, I didn't set up just to be made, on that note, I never did get vouched for...or, did I? Forts are paid for by members, not CL's, and as far as my BG readiness, any time you're ready to prove your theory, I'm here.

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 Forts are paid for by members, not CL's

What? You're not being serious are you? A good CL provides for his/her crew to protect them. They don't just wait around for others to take care of them.

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I'll have you know that I've been a child who can't face reality since day one, that doesn't mean I'm wrong about you and what I said.


1. Its well known who your RH is regardless of the attempt at incognito.

2. You've recruited less than a whole person each day since you started.

3. You were a wise guy who went to the streets to beg people to vouch for you (have you seen anyone else do this recently?) then gave up the       attempt and suddenly had a crew and went up a rank to made.

4. Who cares about who'S paying for them? My point was that you as a crew leader can't even provide them to your members.

5. I won't need to prove my theory, someone will do it for me eventually even if they are your own allies.


Sit down son.

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Ragnarok, you've been around a while, you know what you just said is bullshit. Since the day I started playing, fort donations are a group effort.

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1. Never stated she was incog. I stated you don't have a clue about her.

2. You can't count. 7 members, Crew has been up 4 or 5 days.

3. Call it what you will, instead of pestering in mails, I decided to put myself out there on the streets. We all saw how that turned out. I did indeed suddenly have a crew. Wonder how that happened?

4. If I thought it was my sole responsibility, they'd be purchased. Stop contradicting yourself.

5. You won't, because you can't, and never will. Nor will any of your cronies. But, I'm always here, lest you decide to take that 1% you so heavily rely upon.

I am indeed sitting down, in a comfortable ass chair, loving life, while you sit there hating your own existence. Grow up, realize it's just a game, and have some fun.

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Weird point of view Indubitably..... You clearly stated that forts are paid by members, not CL's. I find that a weird thing to say but I guess each to their own. You run your crew how you want to, I wont stop you, but.. I hope you atleast consider putting some money on the table to help protect your members, or else it will likely take quite a while :)

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I clearly misrepresented myself. Forts are not fully paid for by members, but my stance is they are not fully paid for by myself either. Would you rather have full forts, or a protected CL? No shame in admitting this is my first run as a leader. I'll make mistakes. If folks don't like the way I do things, there are many other families for them to choose.

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At the risk of being called a power ranger I am curious why the decision to put this thread in OOC?  There isn't anything inherently OOC about it, at least no verbiage that couldn't be worked around to make it appropriate for the streets.  The same inflammatory rhetoric could still be used against the powers that be, same name-calling etc.  Plenty of groups such as this have mobilized and made their intentions known to the game in the past in the streets, boasted their victories and successes regardless of how major or minor and still managed to piss a lot of people off, which I have to assume is your intent.  That's all well and good and is to be expected, but in OOC it comes off as very personal. 

Or, maybe it is very personal for you, in which case carry on I suppose, but :/

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romance you'd be a lovely power ranger dressed in a shade of crimson red!
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