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Sponsors / Gang Leaders Started by: LuckyLucy on Dec 13, '17 21:48

I hope I can explain this right... here goes:

In our crew we're putting together street gangs (capos/bosses who lead smaller groups of crew members under them - helping mentor them, lead them in crew contests etc) this is a way to help them train up new leaders for the game and to help make it so all the weight of keeping the crew feeling connected doesn't fall on a single (or three) people's shoulders.

These street gang leaders are made sponsors in the group so folks can see the people 'under them' or 'in their gang' on their profiles, which is GREAT except I can't do that with everyone in the crew.  People who are already in the crew can't be linked to their gang leader in the same way as people they recruit into the crew after becoming sponsors. 

I know it's a small thing & really it's not NEEDED cause I can assign people to each other all day long and not NEED it to show on the site - but would be really neat and help street gang leaders and their 'gangs' feel like they have an identity and connectivity that is visual on the site as well as in our notes.

So - is there any way that we could set up our back end to allow a CL to assign crew members under a sponsor/gang leader?


What is your idea?

Allow CLs to assign members of the crew to 'sponsors' or 'gang leaders' as we call them in our crew.

Has your idea already been suggested in some form or another before?

I do not believe this has come up before but keeping it 100% real I may not have searched the right terms.

What does your idea entail?

Some sort of alteration to code to allow CLs to assign members to a sponsor in their crew.

How can your idea be successfully implemented into the game as it stands?

I would think this would be a lot of work for the coders (perhaps) but otherwise it shouldn't be a major change to game function... it could allow for people to use a similar system to the one I described above where we try to encourage people to teach leadership skills and what goes into trying to organize and lead a small group.

What major changes would be needed to make your idea work?

Code changes.  I do not know if this is even possible.

What is the positive impact of your idea?

Hope that people will train up new leaders in the game!

What is the negative impact of your idea?

Not sure ... maybe gang leaders being saddled with someone they don't like, but that's the situation for most leaders in the game (there is always someone who drive you crazy!)  So even learning positive ways to work with those you don't like, is a good thing.

How may your idea affect the rest of the userbase?

No clue.  I'm sure someone will reply with input on it though.

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Ok, I'll make it happen when my plate clears a bit.

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Wow thank you!  :)

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Is this still happening?

Report Post Tips: 3 / Total: $60,000 Tip
This would be an awesome add, little sub crews in our crews would be great! And really reinforce the heirarchy that is the mafia
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Damn how come I never saw this lol. Would love to have the ability to create sub crews within the crew through the game as opposed to doing it all in a google doc or back alley.
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Squishy if we could get some feedback from your initial comment
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I made this mockup on how it'd look on profiles.

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I like Tommy Capello's mockup. Just add a option on the members list drop down options to assign as caporegime and you're set. Can make it so its tied to rank. Must be Capo and above to be assigned as sub crew caporegime.

This would allow for a couple guys within the crew to be assigned as sub crew leaders, giving them some responsibility and some leadership experience on a small scale. A learning experience at how to be a CL.

Would be cool if the sub crews earnings went through their caporegime. Would make for fun with individual sub crews within the family going neck and neck to be the best and most profitable crew on the streets.

If anything this change to the game would no doubt give players something to strive for and bring added socialization within crews.
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I agree this change would only bring good to the game, as it opens more doors and positions for players. Maybe the Capo can be assigned Made Men, and any associates of those members automatically fall into the sub crew.
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The more I think about this the more I think just do away with sponsors and call them caporegimes. Same options as a sponsor. Can recruit, have their own personal crew tag, etc. Would also be nice to be able to assign members to those caporegimes. That way we can assure evenly balanced sub crews. Make sure each has talented individuals.
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Having had a few CL runs under my belt now, I still think this would be a useful and fun addition to the game.

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I’m always happy when this is brought back up, still think it’s the only thing the game has been lacking more than anything
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It’s called having “sub-crews” in old .org lingo. Essentially it’s based on having a “Capo Regime” like the real Mafia. You have your boss and under him are the underboss and sometimes a consigliere though not in all families, here that is kind of left as the LH position. Then under the underboss directly family trees down to the Capos. Basically made guys in the family in charge of a few operations with a crew of goombas, goodfellas, thugs and wannabes who bring in money for whatever rockets assigned to the capo. The capo gets a cut of the profits brought in and kicks up so the boss and underboss and if there’s a consig like lh here them as well get a cut and the associate or what have you gets a cut as well.

What would be SUPER COOL is if we could get a viewable family tree that splits off to show those designated as sponsors as Capos (only viewed within the family of course) and their associates would be in their “capo regime” or sub-crew or whatever. The tribute or earnings would go to the capo who then would be responsible for kicking up to the boss but any associate within the family until made man and or chosen to be a sponsor for the family/capo regime leader would be able to have a clear line showing the family as well as their hierarchy and how this thing works. Also it gives it more of a realistic mob feel and inspires older players to do more than click click bang when they have people reporting to them directly and they have to report to the bosses etc and they’re taking on responsibility for getting a new member of the family moving along, it just flows more like the real mafia and gives defined roles and underlings something to look forward to as they rank and when cities are tied up and not a lot of new auths are occurring. At least there’s something to achieve and a status within the family to shoot for so that it keeps players engaged and having a sense of purpose and create a higher level of retention and activity.

That would be super awesome Squishy. Please review and I apologize for the length.
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Also my phone autocorrected “rackets” to “rockets” please disregard people having rockets.
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Comes in to +1 having his own rocket...........Dammit. But like the initial idea that was posted. I remember these being used loads in the old times. 

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I like this idea. It's a +1 from me.
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We need subcrews

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We do NOT need sub crews! Try getting your shit off elsewhere Tommy

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Was this implemented already?
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Game Suggestions
Replying to: Sponsors / Gang Leaders
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