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VDay Thoughts, Ideas, Improvements, Complaints. Started by: Squishy on Feb 25, '18 12:48

So now that we wrapped up 2018s Vday, I want to hear some thoughts on what we can do to make the experience better.

Soo if you guys could address the following 3 things, that would be awesome.

1) What did you like?

2) What did you not like?

3) What can we improve upon?

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1) I liked the whole anonymous concept, was like a masquerade of killing, plus without regular wacks, felt like a peaceful time for people just to spend some good time playing with others


2) The teaming up. Ruined it for me, reason why I didnt participate more. Free for all was how it should have been, not getting gangbanged in 1 2 minutes per round.  

But not much one can do to stop this, I guess


3) Not sure! A way to prevent so much teaming? I dont see how tho lol

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1. It was a very funny idea to have in the game and it went good on all ways.


2. As we saw were there way to big alliance in the game so perhaps til next time it should just be allowed to lets say have 10-15 in each team which had make the Vday much funnier next time.


3. Not easy to see what to imorove since every thing went smoothly.

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I feel that it was a good event.  I feel that something like this should happen more often. Yea I got jumped, i worked with a team, both were very fun to me.  for it is a game and that is what is was about so the two rounds i did get to partake in .   I give it a Koolaid up .    /o  


I totally forgot about this event but they always fall on my work day.  I just hope next time I can participate more.  


Great event, tho    need more of this.  like every 90 days or somn. 



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I didn't participate due to the teaming, as Deckard said. It's too much like the regular wars or wipes for my taste. Why bother being anonymous?

Having played in years past when you could run around free-for-all style, yeah...that was a blast!

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I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. There were teams yes but I watched whole cities pull together, and then split into smaller and smaller groups from there as it got down to the last few people. At one point in round six it was just three of us in LV and we died pretty quick once it got down that low but we had fun doing it.

It's up to each city, then district, down to the crew itself, to coordinate those groups. I joined the lounge rooms that my city had set up and felt the teamwork there.

Any opportunity for crews, districts, cities, etc to come together and bond is good. I love that wack is disabled during it too, so people can just have fun without worrying about potential war during it. Plus even if you don't get one of the big prizes there are the achievements and perk drops that everyone can get.

Once again one of the best events of the year.
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As a small district/city it was frustrating knowing 2-3 cities were gonna wave you at a time as other cities had better working together ways but was easier communication wise as a small team.

Would things have been different if thoros, maddy were still around, maybe, but is generally the same way each year people either get shot before or after vday for team work.

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1) I felt like it was a good bonding moment to go run around and gun anonymous users, it was great and the chats were fun every now and then, sure the teaming was extracurricular for some people but it was good because coordination is what gets you far and teamwork is a virtue.

2) In all honesty? I felt like it was another good Vday, no complaints really from me.

3) Not much else to improve.

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1) I liked the bonding and meeting more people that I don't normally talk with. Even when working with an alliance the build up to that moment that you know it's going to be somewhat Free-for-all is pretty tense, but for sure worth it.

2) Being too late with busting out someone and having to go back and find another :D

3) The teaming-up makes sense and will be hard to avoid, but I understand how it can be demotivating for those not part of the bigger teams. I'm not saying that the rules should change, but there's things to think about in that aspect:

  • Higher rewards (to gun-damage) when working less populated cities. If 50% of the players sits in one city, they're safe and sound, but on a personal level people won't grow in strength that much.
  • On Guard damage prevention for online players. Each subsequent shot on the same target within N seconds does Gun-Damage * 0.something (based of time since last shot at), meaning a wave will become somewhat useless. If the damage reduction is void after ten seconds for example, a team of 5 people would make up for an okay squad, but anything bigger than that becomes useless. I guess that in the later stages with less people alive, the damage reduction concept should phase out as it would slow things too much.
  • Each subsequent shot on an online player (by the same player) grants better rewards (bigger alliances won't benefit from that).

Anyway, the above are just ideas to think if the goal is to attempt to balance the playing field for everyone. I realise they'd remove transparency and would change the dynamics of the event, which overall seemed pretty good already. If you'd want to balance things, I'd suggest to not test it on next years edition, but rather create like a beta event of 1 or 2 rounds, to see how it goes.

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1) What did you like?

I enjoyed that people were anonymous.

I enjoyed some of the VDay names because they were amusing as all hell.

In some aspects I even liked having our team trying to come up with strategies to outsmart, and get further ahead then people thought we could do.

2) What did you not like?

The largest cities teaming up. That put a damper on even trying to get excited to play at times. It could be very frustrating.

3) What can we improve upon?

I wish there was a way to make it that a city could team up together but not half the site.  Maybe even 1-2 cities but surely not the biggest 3 cities versus the smallest cities. Perhaps some of the prizes could be for other things and not necessarily the top because clearly its far too easy for massive cities to team up and dominate the top player spots. Maybe the prizes next year can include district and crew prizes for total work? I am not sure just throwing out ideas.


With all that being said though, my team was awesome. Even if we were very much outnumbered I enjoyed myself.

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One method to reduce the teaming up is to have names change within the round and people be randomly moved across cities every x minutes. 

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Not knowing your own VDay name would certainly make things interesting, heh.

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If this is supposed to be played with teams, add actual functionality for teams. Make it so you are enrolled with an X man team, include a private in-game 'team' chat, for the much needed communication and whatnot.

If it's meant to be played free for all, enforce free for all. There shouldn't be a middle ground. That's just my opinion.

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It was fun, I enjoyed that it kind of forces you to work as a team and cooperate. As much as it would suck to be working with a smaller team and get wiped by a group of 40+ I still think removing teamwork and making it 100% anonymous would make it worse. Just clicking all day without communication or team work would get old quick. 

Overall though it was a fun day and I can't really think of any improvements.

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A fun time. My work schedule allowed me to participate in one round and I opted not to finish the round because my show came on. For me working solo was fun too.

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Probably my fav day of the year on MR. I love it. 

Team work really makes this thing blossom. And its not always that bigger teams that do better. There are years when more organized smaller cities come together to beat massive cities. All really comes down to communication. Getting your butt beat? Expand your communication, add on allies till you can outdo the other squad. Not a perfect sys, but fun as it gets. 

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Best year yet in my opinion. Sure, they big cities may have a size advantage, but there were groups that did't work with the main group of a city. There were smaller cities that teamed up with big cities. We are given quite a bit of notice, use those ties and friendships to organize and expand the size of your team. This even is all about teamwork, sometimes it's harder for a large group to work together and be as effective as smaller groups. 

I feel closer to those in my city now and the cities we worked with as well. Made a new friend or two as well. It's not all about getting your wackgasm, it's about getting to know and working with people you wouldn't normally work with. Best "team building" activity ever.

Thank you Izzy and enkindle and everyone involved in organizing these events.

This is one of those events you can work/have a life yet still participate in for a round or two and still get something in the end. You don't have to be a nutter and do the whole thing to benefit or participate.

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Before anything is said, Thank you for yet another comp!! :) 


1. I enjoyed it as a whole, and wouldn't hesitate to participate again!


2. I didn't enjoy the teaming up so much, and if you didn't team you stood no chance what so ever.. I understand a team effort, maybe family only teams or city only teams with no partnering up, It was more or less a three on three.. and if you aren't a big name it was near impossible to win. ( Though I still enjoyed it as a whole, winning isn't everything for myself )


3. Cutting the time down a wee bit, adding more rounds at 2 hour's per round rounds sorta thing.. I was thoroughly annoyed "accidentally" getting called out in the chat, then getting gun downed in the first 20 minutes then having to wait 2 hours 40 minutes to get back into it. 

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Wasnt a fan of being "forced" in to participating. (unable to do a bunch of basic content unless you were vday dead.)

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