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E~ Cake House Started by: Heartless on Jun 20, '18 15:11

After the success of H~ Cake House at Chicago, Heartless deciides to open Cake house at DT too,he walked in the streets searching for place to start his business. He stopped in front of Trane Station thinking when he saw an empty place just infront of it. He walked saying to him self "How come nobody saw this amazing place"

He started the work from the early morning, its gonna be red walls from outside, the door is white glass, and you can notice a big stature of a cheesecake and wrote above it "E~ Cake House"

if you step inside you will smell strong coffee and cake everywhere inside the house and there will be two bars, at the right is for cake, you will see plenty of cakes that are all "homemade", at the left there will be the coffee bar with best coffee beans at the city.

there is a small bar between them for special orders or pre-order cakes as you will write the occasion you want it for, type, flavor, layers and the date to be ready.

There are many types of tables all over the place and special closed tables for meetings or other things people prefer to be alone.
the tables are singlet, doublet, quadrature and for 8 or 10 people.

the roof is made glass pieces with different colors, and at night it can opened and you can see the stars directly from your chair and relaxing music is heard clearly.

the menu is,,


Caffè Americano - 100$
Cappuccino        - 150$
Espresso            - 150$
Flat White          - 150$
Long Black         - 150$
Irish Coffee        - 150$
Mochachino        - 200$
Special H~         - 200$
Tea "classic"       - 100$
Tea "with flavor"  - 150$
Ice coffee            - 150$
Ice tea                - 150$



Chocolate cake        - 200$
Fruit cake                - 200$
White cake              - 200$
Orange cake            - 250$
Carrot cake              - 250$
Strawberry cake       - 300$
blueberry cake         - 300$ 
Chocolate tower       - 350$
Red velvet               - 300$
Halloween cake        - 300$
Caramel cake           - 300$
Cheesecake "plane" - 300$
Cheesecake "flavor" - 400$

** flavors of cheesecake are : blueberry, strawberry, chocolate, truffle, turtle, caramel, cherry and toffee
** we can bake any special order for a birthday or for new suggestions to added in future.

- You enterd  E~ Cake House, Sally came to you with a smile "how can I help you sir ?"

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Intrigue was in desperate need of therapy of the retail kind. She wasn't much of a lady for the shopping but from time to time it was a need. She had some hours spare whilst she was visiting Detroit and decided then was a good time. She made her way around a variety of shops getting many different things that she needed. She had brought a few new dresses, suits and shoes more suitable for the summer. She has always loved her boots but now that the summer was here she had to compromise for a few months and either wear shoes or sandals. 

After a while and as she found herself carrying more bags of shopping than she could count on one hand she became in need of a rest, "Coffee" she muttered with a bit of a desperate tone in her voice. She looked around for a while until she spotted a new coffee shop in the district of Downtown, E~ Cake House. It brought a smile to her face as she recognised the brand as being related to the branch in Chicago. 

She made herself safely across the road and entered the establishment. She knew without even reading the menu at the counter what she would be ordering. She walked up to the counter and placed her shopping down to order "Good Evening, May I have a slice of Fruitcake and an Irish Coffee please?" she asked the barista at the counter, "Certainly, that will be $350 miss" the barista said replying to Intrigue. She got out the $350 and a few extra for the tip, whilst the server got her order ready. She paid up what she owed and asked if the coffee and cake could be taken over to a table, "that one there" Intrigue said as she pointed to the table she has chosen. 

Intrigue picked up her shopping and went over to sit down, as the barista followed her to place her goods upon the table, "Thank you very much Sally" Intrigue said as she finally noticed the name tag on the barista serving. She then placed the shopping down and went on to enjoy her Irish coffee and cake.

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She had spent half her day at the plaza, doing everything it had to offer.  She realized a couple of hours had passed, it was time for a snack, and maybe some coffee.  She had remembered seeing some type of cake shop a ways back.  It was worth checking out, who could turn down cake.  She crossed the street and made her was back the way she came.  She spotted the shop, seeing it was called the Cake House.  Perfect, just what she needed. 

She entered the building, right away her eyes moved to the cake menu.  She browsed the various cakes, unable to decide as there were so many delicious choices.  Making her way to the counter, she still stared at the menu, indecisive.

Um, can I get a cappuccino and a piece of chocolate cake.  Actually, how about a piece of orange cake to go also.

She waited patiently for her order, looking around the place.  There were not too many people sitting inside, she spotted a nice quiet booth near the back.  A great place to enjoy her cake and relax. 

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Elias was really please to see E~ Cake House now in Detroit, he'd visited this place many times in Chicago, and was over the moon that he now wouldn't have to get on a plane every time he wanted to grab the best cake in the country. Heartless was a very busy mafioso these days, he'd very recently started up his own family in Detroit, aptly named The Nightwalkers..


As he walked up to the counter, he met Heartless himself, and gave him a warm handshake 'Good luck with your new family Heartless, may I pass on my congratulations from the Luciano family. We look forward to working closely together in the weeks to come. I know you're going to be an asset to our city. But, I'm not here for business today, I'm here for one thing only...some chocolate cake & an Irish Coffee please' - as he handed the money over and went to take a seat, he once again saw his dear friend Intrigue sitting down, and went to join her...'Wow! I've bumped into you once again, I think we must be cake addicts. This is the second time is as many weeks that we've bumped into each other once in a cake shop' - as he chuckled and let out a rather loud chuckle.. Waiting for his cake and coffee to arrive, he looked quite attentively at her Fruit Cake, almost tempted to stick a fork in and help himself, but wasn't sure if she would shoot him in the head there and then, if he did..

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Chelsea approached the counter, several dollars stuffed in her hand. She's made it all the way back to Detroit from Chicago before realizing some asshole had stolen her carrot cake. Right out of the parking lot! How she and Fio had missed it, she had no idea, but it was a good thing Fio hadn't seen it; poor Heartless would have had to deal with a corpse on his property. 

Sally addressed her when it was her turn, and Chelsea tried to be civilized, despite her frustration. 

"The carrot cake must be divine; the last one I bought was stolen," she smirked, placing her money down on the counter and shoving her hands inside her pockets so that she'd stop clenching them. It was then that the ceiling opened up, and Chelsea looked up to see an amazing night sky, full of stars. The effect was so calming, she decided to stay for a few moments longer and order some tea.

The duck could wait; he didn't need the carrot cake that badly.

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"Alright but if we're buying Infidel a cake then I absolutely insist on getting a slice for us to share."

"Sounds good to me."  Said Elias as they walked in, the large group of bodyguards trailing behind them.  "What do you think... Chocolate Tower Cake?"

"Who doesn't like Chocolate?"  Isabella wrinkled her nose.

"I heard a rumor that Donny_Donowitz doesn't."

Isabella laughed.  "Why doesn't that surprise me?"  She turned to the man at the counter, "One Chocolate Tower cake to go and could we get a slice to share with two glasses of milk?"

The man rang up the order and Isabella paid before heading to a table with Elias.  

"Thanks for getting me out of the house today.  Dad really wants to keep me safe and I get that, but I can't be kept locked up forever you know?"

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As Elias twisted his fork in the amazing chocolate cake, he made sure to only take small bites, even though he was resisting the urge to faceplant the plate and make himself a chocolate flavoured face..


However, resisting the urge, he replied to Isabella_Luciano - 'I know my dear, it's tough for him, it's tough for you..hell it's tough for us all right now. You can inches from death, he's come inches from death. I mean the Dons nickname is 'Lucky' for a reason. There's definitely something about you Luciano's. God will protect you all, and above anything. The shooting incident put the fear in all of us, if an attack happened on our own home residential turf, then we can be got anywhere. This is a dangerous world we live in Izzy. But that's not to say we can't enjoy the finer things in life after all...' as he took another bite out of the cake.


'Do you know, how tempted I am to wipe some of this chocolate icing on your nose' - he looked at her and chuckled, waiting for her reply. For all Elias knew she was about to throw the remaining cake straight into his face!

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Isabella lowered her voice to a whisper, "About as tempted as I am to smear it on your lips and eat it off?"  She smirked.  "But you're right,"  She ate a tiny bite to make the cake last longer.  "I was scared and we need to keep a tough image out in front of us and me eating cake of my father's favorite Consigliere... not so tough."  She winked at him.

"Though maybe I could take some of this cake to my apartment and keep it in the fridge for a late night snack attack... a girl never knows when at exactly 2:30am she might have a craving... an urge that only one thing will satisfy."  Again she took another bite, this one slow and purposeful while looking at Elias intently.

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The Saiyan Prince TM finds his little business trip to Detroit vastly coming to an end, so many things he had done and experiences while he was visiting the city, experiences to which he would add to his repertoire of pleasant visits. Even still he did not wish to leave the city empty handed, not really finding much in the souvenir department he decides to stop off at a staple of his when he visited Chicago a delighted look on his face to see the cake shop opened up in the motor city.

Upon his entrance to the business he is hit in the face by the pleasant scents of all the baked goods. As usual making his way to the display counter to take a look at the various cakes being served. Each one he perused looking better then the last, finally with a wide grin he points to his selection. Already removing the cash from the money clip and sliding it across the counter, whistling along melody playing in the background while he waits for his confectionary good to be boxed. Upon receiving his order he gives the clerk his thanks before hastily departing to the airport to catch his flight.

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Elias chuckled at how forward Isabella_Luciano was being with him..'well one thing that certainly hasn't changed is your bravery my dear. But the braver you become, the more likely I'm going to end up dead, from a bullet shot from you know who!..and anyway I think it's a great idea to get another cake to go, and keep in your fridge. What's to say one night I might decide to pop over and we can taste it all over again..with no forks! That'll be a sight to see I'm sure! But Izzy, could you keep up with me?' 


Elias looked at her, whilst still chewing on his last bite, trying to make it last for eternity. 'What on earth does Heartless put in this? It's just too good. I WANT MORE' he shouts before gesturing the server over..'my friend and I would like this again please, boxed up fresh to go, and please send my regards to the baker!' Elias' eyes stayed on Isabella..was he even talking about the cake?

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She lowered her voice and leaned in to Elias  "I haven't had any complaints in the past."  She winked at him.  "Don't worry cowboy, this ain't my first rodeo.  You worry about keep your ass out of the fire with my father and I'll stay focused on what my limitations are."

She wiped her lips with the napkin.  "Besides,"  She said a little louder.  "We both know I was just joking.  A little fun.  That's all."  Under the table she let her foot brush across the back of his calf.  "Nothing my dad has to worry about at all."

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Elias was almost at breaking point with Isabella_Luciano, what they were both saying, and what they were both doing.. it was going to get to a point eventually, and if their two lines of thought ever did criss-cross, before Elias had even attempted to approach the Don, he was a dead man. For absolute certain.


'My dear I'll keep out of the fire, you don't need to worry about me, I believe you underestimate my prowess de la resistance' as he laughed before leaving the table with her, holding the cake delicately in the box...'so where do we keep this...your fridge or mine - who's the more trustworthy one out of the two of us?' 

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"We can give the cake to my father and ask him to put it in the ice box until he wants us to enjoy cake together.  Another way of letting him know we respect hi wishes in this matter.  Though, perhaps we leave out the innuendos we exchanged?"  She laughed and leaned close to whisper, "When the time comes, you will know why it was worth the wait.  Trust in that."

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'But how do we know the Don won't share the cake with Marie?' Elias laughed towards Isabella_Luciano - 'you know what Italians get like with cake, you can see it now...we give it to the Don for safe-keeping, he can't resist seeing it every day, and gifts it to Marie, and they both enjoy it for themselves!' It's risky business this cake smuggling!'


'I do agree though, it's definitely best that we do not tell him how suggestive you are being, I mean...all I wanted to do was wipe chocolate icing on your nose, and you turned it into something that it wasn't! I think the Don has me wrong, maybe it's you who needs to be watched' he chuckled before holding Isabella's hand...come on dear, let's take the cake and get a move on. We still have much to do!'

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"Nothing like a good piece of cake in the morning" Greybeard was thinking, walking down the streets of Detroit. All of a sudden. as if it was fate or magic, he stumbled upon a fancy shop. He looked inside and he saw all those gorgeous cakes hanging around the counter and it was a sight that he couldn't resist.

He entered and with his gaze being focused on a certain cake, he moved towards the counter. He found the menu there and took a couple of minutes trying to decide with what he should accompany his cake.

"Hello and good morning there. I would like a piece of that delicious red velvet cake and a cappuccino please."

Greybeard stood there looking as the cake was being cut. He took his order and sat comfortably in a table to enjoy his cake in peace and quiet.

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The day has been quite a busy one and despite it being in the evening, Lushie was in need of coffee. She made her way through the districts of Detroit until she got to Corktown. She had heard of a place that not only did good coffees but was also exceptional when it came to their cakes. She soon arrived at its location and looked through the window. She may have been just outside but she could smell the wonderful aromas in the air of freshly baked cakes and freshly made coffees combined.

She opened the door and walked into the establishment, E~ Cake House and went towards the counter to read the menu. She smiled, there was a lot of choices and she often found trying to decide on things like this tricky. If she had her way she of had 1 of everything but that of being a bit extreme, so she knew she had to make a decision. 

"Decisions, decisions" she muttered to herself as she stood in line until it was her turn to be served. She was greeted by the barista who judging by her name badge name was Sally. "Evening Sally", Lushie said as she went to make her order, "May I have Mochaccino and a Truffle cheesecake please?, They do look very nice, if I may say so!" Lushie said, as her eyes lit up as she took a look at the cheesecakes on offer. Sally got her order together as Lushie paid up with a tip, "Thank you" she said as she picked up her tray with the coffee and cheesecake and turned to go sit down at a table to enjoy.

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It had been a long day for more than one reason and it was damn well time to make something good come of it. He'd spent the better part of a day talking up how they couldn't possibly screw up a robbery at the jewelry shop as long as he was there. Being new in town he knew he'd need to make a name for himself early and all the better if he could show off for a troublesome woman like Yvette in the process. Trouble makers were always the most fun to spend time around. Unfortunately, he'd also made the common mistake of letting fate get an earful of the plan and fate enjoyed nothing so much as stuffing a man's confidence right back down his own throat.

They'd avoided the police by the skin of their teeth, but the waste of the day and his own embarrassment left a bitter taste. The red walls of the E~ Cake House caught their eyes and looked like a beautiful place to get something sweet to even things out so William opened the door and grinned at Yvette as he let her go in ahead of him. As she passed by, William couldn't help but appreciate that even if it wasn't a very profitable day the scenery was a hell of a sight.

"You want to make straight for the sweet stuff," William gave a pause and wink before continuing "Or you need a cup of joe while we're here? Hell, let's grab a coffee. If we'd had a round of it before we started out you might have noticed that cop around the corner before we went in. Would have had sweets and a bag of stones then."

Turning and stifling a grin he headed over to the coffee bar. He knew he was just as much to blame for missing the guy, but he wasn't about to let on to her. Besides, he was curious to see what it would take to get her riled up. She'd be fun riled up.

"Two espressos, please, it's been a rough day. Oh, and whatever she'd like too."

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What a disaster, was all Yvette thought about the job and could not wait to try and calm back down again. William or 'Billy' as he liked to be called had insisted that the job would be infallible, so naturally what could go wrong did. Thankfully the cops, that tried to pursue them, had clearly spent many years on the doughnut and coffee diet and quite possibly on someones payroll. Therefore probably just needed to be seen making some sort of effort to uphold the law.

Once they were both sure the cops had been ditched and gone back to doing what cops did best, eating doughnuts and drinking coffee while waiting for either god or kickbacks. William had spotted a lovely looking place called 'E~ Cake House' something delicious and sweet was just what she needed to help calm down and put the disaster of a day behind them both. As he held open the door the wonderful aromas hit her senses and then he just had to open is mouth.

"You want to make straight for the sweet stuff.Or you need a cup of joe while we'er here?" That was not so bad but as Yvette walked through the open door the next comment he made nearly had her taking a swing at him "you might have noticed that cop around the corner before we went in." Her back stiffened and she clamped her mouth shut and muttered "Do not beat him, you are a lady and in public." Hiding a viscous scowl decided that doing something nice for the crew would help keep her calm. Looking at the menu decided what she wanted and even managed to smile pleasantly, even if it did not quite manage to reach her eyes.

"You know what I would love a coffee and a slice of that wonderful looking chocolate cake. Also I would like a selection of cakes boxed to take away. Thank you."

Having placed their orders William and Yvette made their way over to a table and waited for the order to turn up. Coffee and cake was definitely what was needed. Carefully unfolding her napkin and placing it across her knee looked up at William, while maintaining a deceptively sweet smile. "So Billy, have you ever managed a successful job or are you contemplating a new career in the circus." Before he could answer their orders arrived along with the boxed up cakes to be taken back the the HQ.
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Ah, there it was. He'd struck a nerve and raised up some fire in Yvette. He couldn't help but grin a little as he snapped back a retort.

"Plenty of times. I just usually work alone cause it's hard to find folks who can keep up. I'll give ya credit though, when that alarm went off I thought you were gonna lose me with how fast you booked it. I was almost the one who couldn't keep up. It's like you've had a lot of practice running from coppers."

William sipped his espresso and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the warmth spread through him and help put energy back in his tired muscles. He was having fun in spite of himself and his aches. In reality, he'd been impressed with how cool headed she'd kept when things went south. It's a time when most folks panic and make dumb mistakes, but she'd kept control and all he had to do was follow her lead. It HAD been a struggle to keep up with her, but pride would never let him admit it. He'd had to swallow his pride too many times lately. The sting of that thought set him back to rambling to distract himself.

"I suppose I could keep the circus open as an option though if I ever retire. They always got a strong man that shows off and I could probably handle that pretty good. Too bad the place is always full of a bunch of fruit cakes." His eyes suddenly lit up and he called over to the cake bar with a chuckle.

"Throw some fruit cake onto that order! It's been a while since I could find a good one."

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While listening to William's retort, Yvette picked up her fork and took a controlled bite sized piece of cake to eat. Pure will power stopped her from lunging across the table and stabbing one of those lovely eyes of his. Just as William sipped coffee and momentarily closed his eyes Yvette looked down at her plate and inwardly sighed, the cake looked like it been viciously attacked and barely resembled the pretty slice previously placed in front of her.

Determined to enjoy what was left of the chocolate, scooped what she could on to her fork and was about to take a bite. Pausing mid bite she could not help but smirk as he ordered a piece of fruit cake after having made comparisons of others to it. "Ha, the only fruit cake around here is." Quickly pointed with her fork "You!"

The cake flying from her fork and where it landed took a moment to register, quickly dropping the fork like it was hot. "Oh, my what a shot!" Escaped from her lips before being able to stop them. Watching as the chocolate began to slide down Yvette had to cover her mouth with her hand, hoping it would stop the laughter that was bubbling to the surface and threatening to escape. "Err I meant sorry, that was not" Suddenly Yvette stopped what she was about to say and watched as William began to remove cake, her eyes began to dart around the room "You do realise that was an accident!"
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