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GF Chairman should see the crew lists Started by: Jemaine_Clement on Dec 16, '18 16:58

If I wanted to talk to people I would text my mates or go to the pub. Why cant I play this like I would play Fallout 4? (glorious game)

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 "Why are people in top positions suggesting a ways and means of avoiding potential challenges and people in top positions supporting such?"

Because the game has basically divided into two camps the people who want to PLAY a mafia GAME and the people who want to be pseudo novelists, the people who want to play a game view the text side as a clunky addition and want more things hard coded because it makes things more simple, cohisive and not to mention quantifiable.

Lets be honest the communications your talking about is the gfc asking them to send a screenshot of their district view or a copy and pasted message, is that really the thrilling exciting communication this game needs? 

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Very well said, yes. 

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I would just like to point out that it's very easy for a GFC to get a list of all the members in their city. It's as simple as Mass Mailing the whole city, or popping into Lounge and looking at the list of usernames in your Home City's Chat. 

That having been said, I'm still 100% for seeing this coded in solely on the basis that the Chairman tags barely comes with any of its own perks. 

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If it is so easy Zoom then why waste the Gawds time by having it coded? Are you saying you and the other GF's are lazy fuks?

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PS If any coding should be changed it should be the inability of a GF to gather info on any district but their own.

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PS If any coding should be changed it should be the inability of a GF to gather info on any district but their own.

Being it is already in place where the GF can only see the entire district's members, I'm in favor of this idea because it should lead to the cooperation of each GF in the city to work together and be trusting of each other versus making it easy for just one person in the city to have all the info at their fingertips. 

Also in those cases that some districts might actually select 'disloyal' to the gfc, imo it wouldn't be fair to said leader to have all their info easily displayed in that case of the entire district's list of members.

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I 110% don't approve of this suggestion. There's really no reason why a GFC would need to see all members in the city. I think it needs to be up to CLs to decide what information that they deem necessary to send up the pipeline. This just seems like a suggestion that would aid in establishing a dictator mentality. 

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