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IRC/Lounge Started by: ConstanceBonacieux on Dec 30, '18 21:03

The Lounge/IRC:

If you don't want to use your character name to chat use the following link:

If you want to use your character to name to chat go to the Chat tab and click Lounge. From there you will be directed to the main channel as well as #ph our home channel. Occasionally the MR bots will private message you with a Hustle point.  There is no action required for this, it is simply added to your balance.

- Hustle points are given at random time intervals to people that are currently active in game and have typed at least 2 lines with 2+ words in #main within the last 6 hours.

 - Credit codes will be private messaged to groups of people that have recently spoken in Lounge. Other people will receive the same link so you have to race for it. Use this link to view if you are eligible for any of the benefits from the lounge:

- A new feature on Lounge IRC is Private Rogues.  These rogues will be private messaged to you via MR Bot just like the hustle points and lounge credits based on activity.  It is sent to 5 active people at random.  You will be able to click the URL and race for the rogue against those 5 random people if you are paying attention.  Just like any other rogue spawned by lounge it is a race and you may or may not get the kill but your chances are far better than the public rogues.

Sample MRBot message: <MRBot> ROGUE: Will be unproed in 10 seconds.  Please do not share this with anyone."

Admin Announcement:

Lounge Settings

(Click the gear on the bottom left hand facing corner of the Lounge tab)



If you want them to open in your browser when you click on them check the box.



If you want lounge to sync with other clients, check the box.



If you want to see the server Message of the Day check the box.



If you want to see seconds in your timestamps check the box.


Status Messages: 

This is where you decide if you want to see, and how you want to see, status messages like joins, parts, away, back... 


Visual Aids:

This is where you decide how you want nicknames to be displayed in your chat windows. 


Push Notifications: 

If you wish to subscribe to push notifications click the "Push Notifications" button.


Browser Notifications:

This is where you select how your browser notifies you if your name is said, you can also add more words to notify you on using the box in this section and following the directions in it.


Change Password:

Follow the instructions to change your password.


Custom Style Sheets:

The best resource I could find is on the following page:



This is where you can view a list of the devices and places you have used The Lounge.


Standalone IRC Clients:

In-Game Kiwi Client:

If you are old school and still like an IRC client there is the game provided Kiwi Chat. You can find it under chat or by clicking the following link:

This client allows you to change your name and join whichever channels you would like. 


Standalone IRC Clients:

You can find many standalone IRC clients on Google, below are some of my preferred clients: (My personal fav)

You can find other clients here:


The server information to enter is port 6697. 


Basic Commands for Both Lounge and IRC Clients:

/join #channelname <---- join a channel

/join #channelname keyword <---- join a channel that has a sekrit keyword

/part #channelname <---- leave a channel

/away <message here> <---- mark yourself away

/back <message here> <---- mark yourself back and available


If you have any questions please feel free to ask. 

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Our new IRC/Lounge channel for the Old City District is #OCD so feel free to join! We don't bite. Okay, Molly likes to nibble a bit...

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A comprehensive list of Lounge commands:


Customizing Lounge using CSS:

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Can I steal some of this?

- Telkin

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This Forum Is For Private Threads (AKA Back Alley)
Replying to: IRC/Lounge
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How much do you want to tip for this post?

Minimum $20,000

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