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Closing Seattle Started by: Layne_Staley on Aug 21, '19 18:41

So in all seriousness, given the site's population I think it would a good idea to either close a district in Seattle or the entire city. 

Why? Instead of punishing the powers that be to fill a city that they can't and having them organize some other means of putting bodies there, why not just not have that city and leave the other ones to grow more?

Pros: More room for growth in the already existing cities 

Cons: Uhhh.. No more Seattle. 

I know this suggestion gets tossed around every time a city goes empty but there is a reason. Recruiting nice-sized healthy crews in Seattle once they auth people is going to be difficult just based on the numbers. Why would we want to continue to do that to ourselves? 

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Layne_staley, i can't find the information on when the NPCs will take over Seattle if "The Powers that be" as you put it don't act within a reasonable time and breathe new life into the recently deceased city. Now i know the above words has nothing to do with what you ask, but that is something now apart of this world. Before action was taken this could of been talked about, but as were both young i doubt either one of us would see such transcript.

You say "Instead of punishing the powers that be to fill a city that they can't and having them organize some other means of putting bodies there, why not just not have that city and leave the other ones to grow more?".

What makes you think the powers that be don't have some members ready for the task? I neither agree or disagree with the loss of life yesterday evening, but every action has a reaction.

Looking at the player base:

Chicago: 19

Detroit: 67

Las Vegas: 72

Los Angeles: 54

New York: 76

Philadelphia: 110

Seattle: 0

Total Members: 508 people registered minus the percentage that are ia. Im sure there are plenty people that can build Seattle up to be great without the feeling of "Them being in a punishable postition".
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NPCs is a week isn't it? If it is a whole city, don't they move into all cities? If a district only then just the empty city. Something like that anyway. 

I think Seattle as a city works, but maybe closing a district might be worthwhile

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I believe the timeframe is a week. Cant recall what makes the NPCs take over just one city vs across the board though.

I would say possibly closing off a district and having to earn said closed district would definitely be a good idea.
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Shut it down. Besides the numbers on user base ^ do not warrant Seattle remaining. Shut down all but three.

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With Seattle there are 19 districts in game. Two auths per district comes to 38 CL's. 508/38 is 14 people (i rounded up) So not even half our maximum HQ sizes could be filled with that. One auth per district would be 27 people per crew. Then we would need to factor GF crews also. 

Granted eliminating SEA wouldn't drastically change that average but I do not see the sense in keeping space we absolutely cannot even kind of fill. I hope that makes sense. The punishable position I am referring to his the need to fill it before the NPC's show up. 

You could make the argument that once a big war happens then you'll numbers go to other cities. That still leaves empty cities and not enough to occupy them with a healthy amount of people.

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I would have no issue with closing at least one seattle district. an average of 27 players per district is to small, especially with the increase from 10-15 of GF crew sizes.

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Well Vague, that was pretty vague. 

508 registered and by your numbers on that day 398 in crews. There are another 50+ that should be wacked. They are just boosting the totals for various crews. Several are waiting for major changes here before playing again hence the registered people not playing.

Eliminate Seattle. Eliminate Detroit. Eliminate New York.

1 Godfather per city.

There isn't the userbase to support all these cities and it keeps dropping because of these pointless takedowns.

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Go back to the five cities with two districts and we're good. Sometimes, due to huge ass wars, we can't get the cities filled right away and the administration is generally pretty understanding of this and will only set up container crews when there are people of rank but no auths have been made. We could even keep all the cities we have, close one district in those with three and there we go part of the problem could be solved that way too.  Ultimately, with the development of a new game/version/whatever a change like this probably won't happen until then.

However, in retrospect, with the release of a new "version" former players and those on a temporary break from being active will probably return and new players will come to see what's up therefore we may need the space that the current setup provides (Hopefully, fingers crossed.) to allow for a "regrowth" so to speak. 

The reason we have so many districts and so many cities is to give more people a chance to rise to the top rather than the same four or five people running the show. It encourages people to put effort into their names, it increases the number of crews we had and the variety of crews available to players, and it helps spread the "cliques" out a bit by spreading the stronger people out (If you don't understand the game mechanics you will think that this is meaningless, it's not...).

HQs have gotten considerably smaller over the years and the community has benefited from that to an extent as well. The intentions of this as well as more cities/districts were, as far as I am to understand, to help keep things fresh, give more people a reason to work hard, increase credit sales (the game isn't free to run after all), and more importantly, increase the fun to be had. Whether or not it has happened is up to individual interpretation and I'm sure some members of our community with stronger opinions will voice them in this regard and kudos to them in advance.

Those of you* who are here to do nothing but contribute salty comments should go grab a Snickers and stop trying to disrupt the gameplay for others. Although, people like you DO supply others with a few good laughs and do increase the number of posts by some who would otherwise not be as active in the forums as they are when certain trolls are about. You make your arguments LESS valid and more entertaining for some of the community when you repeatedly behave in this inane manner and lose any credibility you may have ever had. If you ever had any at all. You aren't here to actually PLAY the game or suggest anything to improve the game, you're just here to entertain yourselves with the usual Bitter Betty hypocritical behaviour and comments you always do and attempt to stir the pot resulting in an apathetic IzzyCreamcheese who would rather not interact with the members of the community to avoid your outlandish outbursts. You have no desire to improve anything or work with others to do so as you already know best and others are idiots, be it players or administration. You are simply disruptive and toxic, like the kid at the back of the class who would kick the kid in front of him's chair for a laugh or trip someone walking down a hallway thinking it makes you appear cool to others.

If you don't like something and aren't willing to help change it then find somewhere else to go where you will be happy and floating on Cloud 9. Your troll game is weak, your lines are overused, and you can't rank to make a difference before your character's life is ended because you were a twat. Grow up. Quit being dicks. Get over yourselves. Get that Snickers (maybe it will satisfy you). Invest in a rectal cranial inversion. Have a nice day!

*Isabella (You're easy to spot and this place was better off when you were banned.) and Merc (Who is "Merc" anyway?) I think I'll just call you the Princesses of Toxicity from now on.

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Are you looking to be banned SomethingSomething? You are way off base. 

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Says the level 20 51 day old wiseguy. Posting what one believes should be done is not trolling or salty. It's their reflection of what they believe this place should be. Somewhere in the middle generally lies the answer. You can call either of us whatever you want dear because not a single fuck will be given by us.

Go take your meds. It's way past time.

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Oh for crying out loud. 

I'll make this easy. 

Step 1) Read suggestion

Step 2) Think about it

Step 3) Make a response pertaining to the suggestion, or don't.

Step 4) Fuck off

Anyhow SomethingSomething:

When this new version is released and we assume all these retired people show back up AND want to do another run we still would have plenty of room as is. In the event we didn't then we could easily reopen districts/cities as has been done in the past. 

I am not worried about what happens when the new version is released and I am not arguing the effectiveness of districts. What I am saying is here and now with the current state of the game I think we could stand to lose a few districts because of the amount of the current active userbase. 

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $105,000 Tip

Even when Seattle stood as a City those who were recruiting could tell how slim the pickings were.

As of this moment, there are 242 open spots in all of the crews, not counting the spots that will be filled by Garou's members, which still knocks us down to 215 open spaces.


Out of all of that, there are:

5 crews that have 20+ spots open

6 crews with 10-19 spots open

10 crews with less than 10 spots open. 


There's no way those are going to be filled with the current userbase. How many Sponsors can come out here and say that they have at least 1 person join their jobs a day, consistently. Or is it more like its days between someone doing your jobs?


Really Closing Seattle is going to lessen the strain of spreading people so thin that their crews have barely 10 people in them.


Hell, if it came down to not closing Seattle, take all of the Cities back down to two districts, make people have to actually fill their districts with a certain number for a set time before the third district opens up. We've done that before and it's been fine. Maybe even take the GF crews back down to 11 members instead of the 15 so the Players can get spread out a bit more.

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Stop making sense. 

Way too many cities and districts. way too many CLs and Hands. Way too many empty spaces in HQs. Way too many "zombies" filling up spaces in crews. 

The argument that players can change what they want is tiresome. 


First step needs to be shutting down 3rd districts. What was originally a reward has become the standard. As cities become empty (SEA), the 3rd district needs to be disabled. If the game population continues to be spread thin, then maybe administration considers removing a city in the future. 

Or say fuck districts, delete them all and open up SL and BO. 

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I think the amount of cities needs to be triggered by the user base. 500 User base means 5 cities open meaning around 100 people per city could balance things out, 3 crews of 3 in each city would see a balance but that is down to it being managed by users. Each city has a GF and this means the remaining 10 per city could go there. It would mean full crews and leaders can be more picky and recruit based on what they want in their families.

I think the game is spreading players too thin and has been for some time. There's not enough members to fill crews, meaning it's more difficult to earn the money needed to protect your members and yourself. This can be player controlled but Squishy obviously wants the cities with at least one crew in each district. Although, if the empty cities aren't filled, what is the downfall? Can we not just avoid those cities with NPC crews in?

I think it boils down to the user base, if it is high then we can manage having a 6th city, if not then we are going to struggle to fill everywhere and as I say, leaders will struggle to protect their crews, unless they are pumping RL cash into the game to get credits.

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Shut LA down too. 

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Now, I'm maybe a little biased about this one but being the best white man to play basketball my opinions are valid.  Shut all the cities down, start with Boston and then add another six.  Let's look at this logically:

Boston - obvs

LA - Natural protagonists, just Magic.  Keep them

Detroit - Nothing good comes out of Detroit, but they play decent ball so keep them

Chicago - Always classy, so keep them

New York - Perennial under achievers, why bother but you know.  Guarantees me some wins each season, keep them

Seattle - Nothing.  See New York.

Las Vegas - Nobody plays serious ball in Las Vegas.  Lose them

Philadelphia - Has beens, maybe never really were.  Lose them

The last city should be Houston.  They keep me honest, tough to beat so deserve their chance.

I think the phrase you're looking for is "Make it so".

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Any real considerations here, Gods? We're spread so thin as it is with all the cities and 3 districts

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As one of the people who are now tasked with rebuilding this place, I personally feel that returning to 6 cities for the time being would be a wise move. As of now, getting 6 cities, some of which have 3 districts is enough to make me feel like we're going to be rushed.

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