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Respect? Started by: FiveFingerDeathPunch on Mar 14, '11 15:48

Good day ladies and gentlemen,

I come to you today with a burning issue on my mind, respect. Now... this is probably not going to be the type of speech you were expecting on this subject, most speeches we have seen are about how to show respect and why you should respect people. No, this is more about boundaries of respect.

After a heated exchange with a couple of people here yesterday, there were accusations flying around that I was showing no respect and I was adamant that I didn't need to as the people who were demanding it had done nothing to earn my respect. After mulling this over through the night, awaiting my timely demise, which fortunately for me didn't come (yet). I came up with a question that I feel needs answering.
Why should we show respect to people that are not in our families, our home city or our circle of friends, especially when in a heated argument?

Let me explain my position on this...

I am from a New York family, the people I was exchanging views with were not from New York, therefore I was struggling to comprehend why I was supposed to show these people such respect when in my eyes they hadn't earned it? I understand that the people who have made it to the honoured position of leader should be respected, that's why my replies to Mr. Wad were as respectful as I could be considering my state of emotions at the time. However, showing respect to someone from a different family and even a different city that I'd had no previous contact with didn't sit right with me. If however (and this happened eventually) someone from my own family or from the great city of New York had told me to shut my fat mouth and let it go, I would have... and did. I believe that those are the people I should be respecting, those are the people who protect me, those are the people who gave me home, those people are my FAMILY.

Am I wrong to think this way? Am I the only one to think this way?

I realise after yesterdays episode there will be people who feel I don't even deserve a reply to my question(s), if that is the case then unlucky me, however, if I'm not taught, I will never learn.



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I heard you were only an associate to the family.

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Ahh Mr. Punch,

Respect in this thing of ours breaks down to one simple thing.  You never know who is who. 

The reason I say this is because I witnessed your exchange in the streets yesterday, and to be frank with you, I was a bit appalled.  Yes, you may feel you do not need to show respect to anyone that you do not know personally, however, who is to say that the person you are showing no respect to is not a great friend of your Boss? Or your family Right or Left hand? What if they are the pivitol essense that holds an alliance together and you're fucking it all up?

In essense, it's not about whom you feel needs to be respected or give respect.  It's all about the Family as a whole.  So when you come out, and disrespect someone based on your opinions? You are not showing any respect for your Family, your city, and in the end, yourself. 

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I heard your opinion on who deserves respect doesn't matter, FFDP.

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"when in my eyes they hadn't earned it?"

Did I hear you right there? If I recall the conversation you are talking about, the person you should such blatant disrespect to was a Boss from Detroit? Correct? Please, can you explain to the rest of us why you feel this person hasn't earned your respect? Do you think that people in Detroit are given promotions to such a high rank for the sake of it, just for breathing? I dont. I believe they are held to the same high standard as everyone else that wants to earn their way in this thing of ours. If someone is Made or higher, it doesn't matter a single fucking bit whether you think they have earned it, the fact they are of that status means their boss believes they have, and by insinuating that this holds no weight with you, it means you are insulting that leader, which brings us back to the fact that you state you showed respect to Mr Wad purely because of the fact he is a leader.. Do you realise by saying a Boss in Gaius's family hasn't earnt your respect, is like shoving two fingers up at Gaius?

For someone who I believe to have come from a bloodline that has been around these parts for a long time, you certainly seem to be showing you know nothing about our way of life.

Now, i'm just an associate, like yourself, so feel free to look at me as an equal and talk to me how you like, as i've done nothing of merit in my life Yet, but you would do well to bite your tongue when addressing anyone Made or above.

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Firstly I wanna say I am admiring your new conduct in the Streets FFDP, it takes a big man to step down from an argument when he is told to do so and come out to the streets the next day with a fresh start.

I assumed it was well known that this world of ours runs on respect. Without it there would be chaos and guns going off left right and centre.

I would also like to point out that there is a difference between a heated argument and name calling. Fair enough everyone should be able to debate their views, nobody is imediately right just because they have the higher rank.

Ofcourse you should respect people from other cities and crews, where on earth did you assume you didnt. Mabye within your own crew you can be less respectful because you all know each other and can have a laugh. I sometimes call my boss "Dick", because i am mad like that. But other cities and crews definatly deserve respect, reguardless of rank. You must remember when you come to the Streets you are representing your family and if you go running your mouth thats not gunna put your crew in good favour.

Also I like the fact you respected Mr RichardWads response because he was in the "honoured position of leader" yet you do not show the same respect to his right hand man.

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I hear what you're saying and i am not going to agree or dis-agree with it. I will however say that times have changed, things just aren't what they used to be and quite frankly, i am glad for it. I heard stories passed down through my generations of how things used to be in this world, where lives as a mobster were very short lived for everyone. The streets were barely visited and when it was, there was a high chance there would be heated exchanges, which very often led to wars. That just seems like bullshit to me. We now live in a world where almost anyone can be a someone with hard work, dedication and most importantly, respect.

Respect is the reason there are more opportunities for people in this world, more people climbing the ladder, more people ranking right up there at the top and more people/cities building good defences and strong families. Surely you would agree that is a much better world to live in than times of past?

No matter what city or family, i will always respect a button man. He/she may not have any affiliation to me but they have obviously done something in their own city to have earned the trust of their boss. Now, if you get a button man out here being dis-respectful and running his mouth off, not acting like the rank they hold then they would be almost instantly dead and if he wasn't, then his cities capability to lead and make the right decisions when promoting would be called into question. This is where a mutual respect between cities comes into play, people nowadays know where to draw the line when out in the streets. It's all about knowing how far you can push the boundaries given the rank and calibre you fit into. Also, most of the people here understand the importance of being respectful at all times.

It's like i said, times change and no doubt in time to come, they will keep changing. It is better to be safe than sorry around these parts and if you have nothing good to say, don't say it because you may just rub some people up the wrong way.

Nando tips his hat and floats off into the clear blue skies.

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If you really want to break it down FiveFingerDeathPunch, you don't actually have to do anything. Respect is not mandatory in the Mafia despite popular opinion. The Mafia is about Power. Respect is earned through power, even if the respect shown is disingenuous and insincere. Anyone can demand respect, but if you have no power or bite behind your bark, you'll find no one is going to respect you merely out of some purist sense of obligation based on rank and heirarchy. For better or for worse, if some gangster from a powerhouse organization decides he demands respect from a Don of some toiletbowl city full of chumps, the Don may want to consider showing that gangster the respect demanded of him, or at the very least not showing disrespect. Using a gangster and a Don in my hypothetical may be a little extreme, but you get the idea. It's just how it is, my Friend.

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Betty, you are correct, you never know who is who and if I'm being honest, no I did not think about the people I was exchanging heated views with were friends of my Boss, it never entered my mind and yes, I am an idiot for thinking that way. Narrow-minded? Yes.

As for not showing respect to my family, if you read on in my previous speech, you will see that I realised this and did not reply any further as I felt I couldn't hold my tongue.

Alabama, I feel I answered your question in my original speech here about why I felt this person or persons had not earned my respect. They had done nothing for me and I'd had no contact with them, not seen any contribution they'd made to the community, therefore I didn't feel I owed them any respect. As I have said to Betty, yes it was a very narrow-minded view, but still... it was my view.
Yes, I realise NOW (I didn't then) that showing a Boss in Gaius' family no respect I was effectively sticking 2 fingers up at Gaius. I cannot change the past, only the future and after being given a shake down by my boss, I have promised to try and improve my future conduct. However, this is very hard to do when you are replying is such a forceful manner yourself.

As you've brought my bloodline into this, I'll answer that with... you know my bloodline and you know how we have always acted, what has made you think I would be any different to them? We are cut from the same cloth. Again, that is probably a bad thing, but it is still a fact. I won't talk to you as I would like to as I am trying to learn from my mistakes, no matter how much you would like to get a reaction out of me.

Datsik, firstly, thank you for the compliment, as I've said to Betty and Alabama, I AM trying. There IS a difference between a heated argument and name calling, but I believe you also acted in a very similar fashion when replying to my WMOB speech, so I replied to you there in turn. As for your comment about me not showing any respect to Mr. Wad's RHM. I'll just be honest again... I did not realise that the person I was replying to was Mr. Wad's right hand. I was in a frazzled state of emotions and just replied with what was on my mind without even checking as to who I was replying to.

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I feel there is not enough piano wire in this discussion.

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FFDP, Datsik may have said something in your speech, but I dont think he told you to crawl into a hole and die..That is where the line must be drawn.

I did not realise that the person I was replying to was Mr. Wad's right hand. I was in a frazzled state of emotions and just replied with what was on my mind without even checking as to who I was replying to.

Perhaps if you paid attention to these crew announcements, that you strongly dislike, you would know who to show respect to, and know who is in the upper structure of a crew of city.

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As I was party to the conversation yesterday I feel it only right that I say something again today. It is a big step for you to come out here and admit when you are wrong and for that I commend you.

I can kind of see your logic behind your thinking when it comes to respect of the person, but the key here is that every person in some way is connected to someone more powerful than yourself, that is the thing you need to be mindful of.

Now to answer one of your questions, in a heated argument with a member of another family, well that's a tricky one. If you are in the right and they are lower ranked than you then you could tear them a new one. Although that might be their goal to get you to lose it in the streets.

If they are higher ranked than you, well unless you know your back is covered by people bigger than them and who they represent it's sometimes better to just eat the humble pie, even if your don't like the taste of it.

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Mr_Green runs down the stairs of the nearby building, then leaps from the 6th step and superman punches FiveFingerDeathPunch.

Respect is bullshit, were competing families.. it's my fking job to hate people from another city as one day i may have to shoot them.. theres no rivaly to this "thing of ours", just back stabbing and political bullshit. 

As the old saying goes, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." My view is, i've got a gun.. so why bother


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"I am from a New York family, the people I was exchanging views with were not from New York, therefore I was struggling to comprehend why I was supposed to show these people such respect when in my eyes they hadn't earned it?"

So by your logic, I shouldn't act like a civilised person, or maybe even go as far as banning you from entering my city, since me being from another city, means you should be a disrespectful fuck, who has no idea to act.

I mean why would i want someone of such low respect to enter my city.

When someone is from another city, i show them the best i can, because i represent my whole city, so instead of me making my whole city look like shit, i make them look like a great place to go and visit.

Respect goes a long way

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Yet another interesting debate.  I'm just sorry I wsan't around to see the other "hot" topic. 

I think Betty has said it best...and concise too.  Respect is definitely tricky and you definitely have to know who you're talking to.  I'd be more concerned about who may be a friend of my boss - those people I'd definitely want to be respectful towards because of that relationship they have with my boss. 

That brings up an interesting question about respect.  Do you have to respect somebody to speak to them respectfully?  I'm not sure I can answer that question.  I can only say - I'm sure I've had conversations with people whom I did not respect, but with whom I had a respectful conversation. 

That being said - a heated debate is a heated debate.  Seeing the error of our ways is the sign of a man willing to learn.  That's the kind of people we want - those who will learn from mistakes.  We all make 'em. 

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I usually find that talking to anyone you have no respect for leads to sticky situations.

In example. I could now refer to someone making absolutely no sense in what they have said in this speech. It could be a mob boss who I know of, and the things they have done, and have no respect for or it could be a Thug who holds no rank in the world and I have never heard of but offer an interesting comment. I would bite my tongue to the man who is in power I.E the mob boss and reply to the thug who's views I may respect and as such I respect the man.

If that makes sense. Basically. Respect is not key as such. You can make your way around respecting someone by avoiding them. Should they then try and force themselves upon you then they have broken the line and, in theory, your fellow family members should be on your side as this man has disrespected you by intruding upon your personal space.

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This is the mafia you dont have to respect anyone if you dont want too.  Just dont speak or interact with those you have no respect for. If you dont put yourself in a position where you would "have" to respect a person, you can call them all the candy asses and fuck faces you want from a distance.

I only speak with very few people in this thing of ours, which always me to choose who and who not to respect. Let me just say there are very few people around here I respect, but power is the essential factor around these parts so most times you're better of with your candy asses and fuck faces from a distance.

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It doesn't matter what city they're from, if it's a boss, respect them. If al capone went to New York, you would either respect him, or get shot.

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There is one thing that has been learned from all of this. It really does not matter who you like or dislike just show them respect. In any city I 'm in I always respect those members of that city or any other city because I do not know what connections they have and that leaves me from causing any kinds of conflicts for the city I'm loyal to. For and example, any time a rival family invites me to help them on a crime I always let them know that I'm grateful for them selecting me to help with that job. Which then, even though I do not know them or if I dislike them should I still show them the respect for allowing me to help them? I don't have to but I do because maybe the next time I'm in their city I will be at a disadvantage because of not showing those members of that city respect. I would rather shake the hands of a rival family than to spit in their faces.

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Mr. -Premeir, if thats how you feel about me, then maybe you should ban me from your city, that is something that is totally out of my hands and is down to your personal opinion of me. But like I have said, I now realise I was wrong to go about things the way I did last night, the red mist well and truly descended, but I am making the effort to change my ways after a dressing down from my own Boss, I am TRYING to learn... something my blood has never been willing to do. That is why I have been a lot more subdued since the episode of last night.

Mr. Paxton, tough question, previously I have been very single-minded in my thinking and the chances of me having a respectful conversation with someone I don't respect were slim to none, much like bighead has said... it would lead to sticky situations. But times change, people change and with time and guidance, maybe I will too. Only time will answer that.

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