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Simple people get it easy Started by: Platinum on Feb 27, '08 20:19
In the quest for a deabate, maybe a fight. Just something to end the plague of boredom, Platinum Steps onto the streets to ask a question, and wonders what response he will recieve

Do simpletons, the people which are unnoticed and bland get an easy life here? And should we stand or it?

I think they do,

Usually, Boring people are not trusted with responsibilty, they do not make massive amounts of cash to donate or spend, tand they cannot rank past Goomba within a month. However i think theyve got an easy life, they have no expectations. They have no responisbily to help, donate, Rank, train, and become a worthy member of a crew. They often survive wars because they are so low on the list of people to kill from the opposite side, and they can never manage to kill anyone themselves,

So what do you think, would it just be easier to become a lazy, simple, plain, bland and uneventful member, happily staying at whatever rank you are minding your own business, and talking to the wall. Or do you think everyone should HAVE to do something, they should have to contribute something! these people are sheltered by the CL's but they should be put in front of a firing squad because they have absaloutly no use whatsoever, what do you think?
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I am pretty sure I'm a simpleton. I do enjoy the easy life. I prefer surviving wars, living a relatively anonymous life. You're right. The flashier one is, the bigger the target on their back.
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In my opinion there are few simpletons as you say. Many of the people do crave responsibility, and do things other than sit on their ass to get this responsibility. I will give it to you though, there are a few of them that you never hear from in the streets, never see any of them do anything worth noting. In my opinion I think they should be eliminated. People join a family to make it better, that is what we've known. If people can get the energy to do anything to further themselves in the family or to make it stronger,then they do not have the right to be a part of the family.

Again this is only my opinion. Say what you wish, but this is what I think.
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I also think a problem is that some of these people are unseen, and survive the wars, they live for a long time and go on to reach high ranks where as the important people who put the effort in are targeted from the start. Obviously targeting the better ones in a family is the tactic i would use, im not complaining about that, its just that we allow the unimportant survivors to live on for ever, without any contribution.
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The worthless survivors should not be allowed to join other familes after they survive a war. If they can't contribute to one family what makes anyone else think they will contribute to the one that just killed their old family. It makes no sense that these people are let to live. In a war the important ones should be taken care of, but also, the unimportant ones should be taken care of eventually, instead of being given the oppurtunity of being dead weight.
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*Nods at ThaProducer*

Totally agree with you sir.
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Why thank you kindly sir. Glad to see someone cares/agrees with my opinion.

Shakes the mans hand.
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The Producer is Correct,

It is Agreed.
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Hopefully this won't be like other complaints and not have any action towards it. Maybe we can change this by killing the useless people next time a war rolls around.

I am glad to see that other people share the same opinion as me for once.
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*puts his hand on ThaProducer's shoulder*

Make the most of it sir, it won't happen again. :P

*walks off laughing to himself*
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Chuckles at Vasilli as he walks away.

You're probably right but don't ruin my moment, it may happen again next blue moon.
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*puts his thumb up at ThaProducer as he walks away*

Don't worry sir, if all your comments are as correct and agreeable as the one you have placed today, i'm sure there will be plenty more times when people agree with you in numbers.
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Why may not a man who did not contribute much to his family be allowed to live? If they did contribute much, then they would be dead. A man is just a chest which needs to be open. What is inside will surpise most people when it is opened however. A man who contributed nothing would be dead by the boss anyway so we don't need to worry about that question.

Every man has done something, from donating money to helping out in the subcrew. Simple people do not get it easy at all. Most of them are shy, lonely, and not used to this world and all it offers yet. They are not grand public speakers or hitters. As such they are held to much different expectations for me. A man is a flower waiting to blossom into something great.

Now there will be the argument that some people don't do nothing. Bull shit! They are alive and working! They donate which is all some should expect. My answer is that they do not get easy.
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I would like you to think of a man most of you will be aware of, Tom Hagen.

He holds no rank. He earns no money for the Corleone family...

Is he worthless?

The Godfather clearly values his counsel, he clearly has a very important role to play in the running of the family, but he remains separate from it. Just because they are not listed as consigliere' in the HQ's posted structure, doesn't mean they don't perform a vital service, perhaps the boss just considers it in the family's best interest if his work isn't made public.
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*Walking to get myself some breakfast, I'm thinking a bagel this morning, bit of cheese (we have to eat cheese daily or we're executed at dawn), bit of bacon and roughly half a bottle of brown sauce. As I meander though the street, I hear a discussion about executing the quiet, "worthless" people*

"Did they not eat their cheese?" I wondered.

*I listen more intently and discover that, they may well have eaten their cheese, in fact, this was a moot point, the reason these people should be lined up and shot is that they live long lives and a relatively peaceful existence.*

"Hello gents, being a simpleton myself, albeit one who enjoys a natter on the street and likes to ramble and rant, I feel I must offer my fellow simpletons a voice before we line them up against a wall and waste our bullets in a pointless slaughter.

This society needs these "worthless" people, we need gangsters, goomba's and earners to go out into the world and earn cash. They don't need to be vocal on the street; they just need to active in the world. Just because we don't know them, it doesn't mean they are not doing anything and thus that they should be executed.

If this world was full of ambitious, crew leader types, who strive for power and responsibility, there would be no long lasting families and no continuity in the world, as everyone would be striving for responsibility to reach the top.

I can say flat out, I have no desire to lead a crew. This is not because I don't put the effort in, I've ranked to earner at a good speed, donated plenty to my family and am active in the street, so it's not because I am worthless either. I don't want to lead a crew, because I can't be bothered with the hassle. I bug the hell out of PrinceofCheese everyday about more comfortable sleeping conditions, I ask him questions about the world, why we exist and where are we going? With infinite patience, I am answered, shoe on the other foot, the words "off", "piss" and "now" would come out of my mouth, not necessarily in that order.

Point is, we're not all leaders, some people are born to lead, some born to follow. More importantly, I'm starving . . . . ."

*walks off to the field to graze with the other sheep*
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Martin You are wrong, the CL's do not excecute people who donate or contribute nothing, they allow them shelter and protection in return for the Crew Memebers: Number going up.

Ive served under alot of families, alot of which have also protected inactives. Why? What is the point?

But that gets us onto another arguement of whether you should be able to shoot a sponsered Inactive (Yes, You should is my opinion).

Anyways Rhuarc, The point isnt that everyone should wish to run a crew, alot of people do not wish to, me also for the same reasons as you. But the people who are not active in the streets, dont buy crackdowns and contribute little are simpletons who just waste space.
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*looks up from grazing*

"I don't wish to argue, just express my opinion so please, keep this in mind, along with the fact that I am a self confessed simpleton.

That being said, I'm going to have to disagree on the grounds that some people aren't big talkers, I know lots of people I speak with daily who do not talk on the street at all. They are shy and introvert but still worthy of our respect. I know Mademen and Capo's, who have definitely contributed more money to the family cause than I have and have not spoken in public or do so rarely.

I think, judging people on their activity on the streets is harsh, I can see why you could give criticism to a Crew Leader for being mute, in my eyes, a crew leader should lead from the front and therefore, should be vocal. Even if they speak through a companion who is more gifted vocally. I think we should know our leaders, know their policy's and what they are like.

*I'm clearly deviating from the point so will stop, collect myself and summarise*

I guess it's a matter of opinion, I think worth can come in many forms, vocally, financial, culinary . . ."
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This is a vocal world but it's more than that, people enjoy it for the companionship they get from their families, they enjoy drug trafficking and fighting wars. Being vocal in the streets is a part of this world but not all of this world.

I do find it strange when I see people who are older than Jesus at a low rank but to me, they're harmless. They probably have some close friends in the world and chose to go through life at their own pace.

OOC - I don't mind about aggression but if you criticise about people not using the streets, when you use them, please use them properly and remain in character :)
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Considers Rhuarc's words

Ok, fair enough.

These people may be harmless, i just think they waste space. They should have to contribute to debates amongst us. I think that the CL's should enforce this, and make their older members come out, and occassionally address their fellow gangsters.
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"I actually agree there. It would be a better place if we all contributed and I think a little pressure from the Crew Leaders to encourage active street talking would be a good thing, I'd definitely advise this before the gun squad."

*Walks off happily, considers skipping but opts for a casual walk*
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