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New? Watch out. The whores be out there. Started by: RavenPritchard on Apr 10, '11 06:02

Feeling weary from her trip she wandered the streets of This Thing of Ours stealing purses to buy herself a few necessities when she was approached by a gentleman. He looked desperate as he motioned for her to come speak to him. His lips mouthed the words..

Not so smooth recruit attempt

Feeling brave she approached the man who lead her into an alley and begain to speak boistrously.

Hi Raven! The names ****! How are ya?

Her eyes widened at his instant feeling of familiarity toward her. So she delicately responded..

I am fine thank you.

Continuing to speak in a very exhuberant manner the man seemed to have slipped into a state of mind that forced himself to speak in the third person using terms that would be considered a sign of OOCitis.

That's good to hear! Are you new? Judging by your profile **** would have to guess not.

Growing concerned about the decision she had made to speak to this person she felt that hot Irish temper rising within her.

Then the person speaking in the third person would have guessed correctly.

Suddenly and without any prior discussion the man shoved a crumpled piece of paper into her hand with the address to what could only be thought of as the headquarters for one of the many local crime families. Shocked at the man's expectation for her to accept such information so quickly she asked him a few questions. Her family's memoirs had always described membership into such an organization as valued, respected, and something to not be taken lightly..

Aren't you being a bit presumptuous? For all you know I could be awaiting the same protection from another family. Isn't this a bit of a chance to take on someone whom you have taken 30 seconds to get to know and did not once mention a membership offer other than in the topic before sending this invite?

Would your leader approve?

Instead of answering her questions the man laughed walking away cheerfully saying...

HA! What damage can a weak civilian do?

Feeling her blood boil, but knowing her place in the world as a resident without sponsorship was as low as low got she calmly stated a few facts. New people to the cities had always been looked down upon when they first arrived, it was just as her relatives had explained in their journals over the years.

A weak civilian can have connections. A weak civilian can make your invite practices public. A weak civilian has the power of speech.

The man turned to her and snarled, still suffering from whatever medical condition caused him to speak in the third person.

If **** cared **** wouldn't have done it. Take the invite or not **** was just trying to help you out and you disrespect ****. So stop talking to me.

Shocked she thought to herself... So he won't answer simple questions. He just out of the blue offers me a spot in his crew without knowing a thing about me beyond my "newness"... Is he really that desperate? Is he one of those fabled Member Whores?

You were trying to member whore me. Nothing more. You and a few others.

There is no disrespect shown in asking questions.. I didn't call you weak now did I? Please, no need to answer that, it was rhetorical.

Have a nice day.

Hearing a noise behind her she saw the man squatting in the middle of the alley performing what can only be described as a rather indecent act for someone of his stature. With that she turned her back to the man and made her way through the crowd on the sidewalk to find a diner with a strong cup of coffee for a fair price hoping she would find someone on her way that could explain how the kind of welcome she had been shown would encourage membership to anyone's crew or family.

(A Civilian or Petty Thief may not be a physical threat, but we are your crew or family's future. Without us there would be no growth. Is this truly what the cities have become?)

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This topic has been beatin so that the horses brains are now one with the earth.  Next issue please before it puts me to sleep. 

Thank you.

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On the contrary sir. I do not think it has been looked at from my point of view before. I mean no disrespect when saying this of course.

I feel that the sharing of personal experiences with others in this Thing of Ours may get people thinking about who they approach so openly with offers of protection.

If even one sponsor reads this and changes their recruiting practices then I have succeeded.

Hell, if someone else new to these streets hears this story and it encourages them to think about accepting that piece of paper, invitation in a fancy envelope, or key to a sekrit hangout then I have succeeded.

The topic of Member Whoring has been discussed many times, yet, there has been no change. If my words inspire change, then I have succeeded.

I encourage open discussion about this every day occurrence in our world to become something that brings forth even the slightest change in the flagrant handing out of family and crew secrets to people soon after they enter the cities. It's not like there's a rush to get to know someone and protect them given the fact those new to the world cannot be murdered for 24-hours and the 48-hour clause most crews and families uphold. One can take time in getting to know a prospective member. I have read that they managed to do so in the old days.

If you do not agree that this topic warrants further discussion that is your decision, your point of view, your opinion. Others may not agree with your standpoint. Others may feel it needs to be discussed publicly and not privately.

So, if you aren't interested Mr. Zerk, move on. Don't participate. No one forced you to listen to my tale.

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Zerk, I would point out that nearly every topic that has graced the fine Streets has done so more then once. Even though it's an oft spoken on subject, it does not mean that it can't be revisited again. How else would the young ones know anything of our ways and our opinions, if they do not have the benefit of listening to debates in the streets?

I would also point out that transcripts of past conversations only serve so much use...

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Zerk never said Zerk had a stand point, however, Zerk is quit tired of all the trash polluting the streets so Zerk will most definitely move on for that reason.  NOT because Zerk has somehow felt magically inspired by words you've copied and pasted into our lovely streets. 

My meaning is,  it's been said before a millions times, nothing has changed even when high statures have made rules about it and it's not ever going to change.  Why do you think the "city rules" never mention this?  Now, I'm not taking a side either way.  Only making a point that, try as you might,  it wont change a thing but Zerk does in-fact wish you the best of luck in doing so.  Zerk deeply hopes that you will make a difference, so carry on as you were. 

And yes people if you didn't notice, it is Zerk that she is talking about.  Zerk member whored this ONE TIME and now it had to be made a public issue for everyone to see,  just Zerk's luck! 

Zerk brings down his beam of light to transport himself home, blinding everyone who dared to look at it.  After the light finally disappeared you see a golden turd laying on the sidewalk.  100% gold in turd shape.

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Trolley Snatcha was casualy walking past when something caught his ear and confused him slightly. He walks towards the small group to get some clarification.

So let me get this straight Mr Zerk, first you admit the old member whoring problem has been raised so many times that it has become boring to you.

Yet you then admit to still do it.

Now in my view there is a difference between whoring and recruiting. Recruiting needs to be done as many people new to these shores need help and advice in the right direction, but thrusting an invite under their nose is different.

I dont blame RavenPritchard for bringing this public as clearly the horse hasnt been beaten enough.

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Alabama listens to what the others have said before motioning forward to speak

Thank you, Raven, for sharing your experience with us. There are many people in the world of crime that find member whoring to be the lowest and most deplorable act a mobster can commit, where as others see no issue with it. In fact, some even geniunly think they are helping those that are new off the boat. I applaud you for taking the time to stop and tell us your tale, whether or not there has been 100 similar tales before yours, not everyone will have heard them, as was touched on already by Naenia.

Personally, im in the club that hates membor whoring, i've never done it and have no inclination to start, but in the current days where finding new associates is becoming increasingly difficult due to the ties that have been formed by the parents of a lot of the "new" blood, this means there are very few actual new people joining this thing of ours, so finding them quickly and bringing them into your family requires you to be very apt at recruiting.. sadly, I don't think there are many people around that fit this bill.

Alabama turns to Zerk

Whilst I dont encourage or support your actions, no-one other than your immediate leader and Godfather can tell you what you did was wrong. There are no city rules to stop you from thrusting an invite in someones direction. I do believe you when you say its not a common action that you take, you do come across as someone with a degree of intelligence at least. I guess now you'll think twice before doing such a thing, though. You never know who's palm you're putting that invite into, so best get to know the person a lot better first.

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Once member whoring was downright outlawed, then intervention came from city hall and things where changed. There is no way to stop member whoring. You can only hope that teachers in familes work harder to instill proper values in their sponsors. But the reality is, at the end of the day, its the sponsor who has to make the proper judgement call on if what they're doing is right or not.

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Zerk will do no such thing Alabama.  If Zerk wants to member whore, then Zerk will member whore.  The only people that will stop Zerk is Zerk's Godfather or Zerk's CL.  Zerk's not saying Zerk is going to member whore but if Zerk chooses too and anyone has a problem (beside those that decide his fate) then Zerk supposes the streets shall be a great place for venting your emo frustrations out about it.  Basically Zerk is saying if you don't like the fact that Zerk member whored ONCE then you have literally nothing better to do than bitch and moan about it instead of taking action.  OFF WITH HIS HEAD FOR MEMBER WHORING your kind would say.  Zerk says get over it and stop being an emo and be a mafioso.  Zerk's right here, take your shot if you don't like that Zerk member whored ONCE!  Don't want to kill someone for member whoring ONCE?  Then bitch-on I suppose. 

Zerk's point is member whoring is like emo people,  can't stop people them from crying like little babies and you can't stop member whoring.

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Err right, well Zerk I do apoligise for being an emo, would help if I knew what such a thing is or how I compared to it. But interesting point none the less.

Also are you emphasizing the fact that you whored once or that someone called you out on it once? I suspect the later.

Your absolutely right though, you cant stop member whoring, but then you cant stop insest... dosen't make it right though.

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Mrs-Doubtfire looks over the top of her newspaper and stands up off the bench

"Member Whoring?"

"I wouldn't bring this subject around again. The last time this happened the city leaders put a ban on it. And what did that bring us after a few months of it happening? The gods went against the descion as it was messing up the amount of new people around and they did what they had to do. Then the ban was lifted and we are here now."

Mrs-Doubtfire sighs

"It's a completely pointless topic as it won't change. The only thing we can do is the way we go about member whoring. Approaching those new just saying hello and offering a family isn't acceptable in my eyes. However I have spoke to a few new members to our shore in the past few weeks and those that have replied to me you can ask not once did I say 'Do you want to join my family'. I introduced myself and offered them any help they wished. I explained what my position was in my family and that it was in their best intrests to find a family before they become 48hrs old."

Mrs-Doubtfire pushes her glasses up her nose

"The best thing is to live with what happens and hope that the leaders that are around make sure their 'Sponsors' aren't just offering and family right away and are getting to know them and offering their help. You just invite anyone to your family and you don't know what your taking on. For all you know it could be a bloodline well known for Roguing or mouthing off in the streets."

Mrs-Doubtfire smiles and just sits back down on the bench reading her paper

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She listens to Zerk's words and smiles sweetly.

Sir, how would anyone have guessed it was you? I mentioned no names, no cities, just the words that were spoken to me. You made the decision to come forward and identify yourself as the self-proclaimed one-time member whore. Whether you did this to defend yourself, move yourself into the limelight, or bring quality arguments in favour of the practice to light I do not know, but you and no one else chose to let the world know who's actions inspired this discussion.

She turns to those that have also spoken and bows her head in respect.

I thank you for your words, your opinions, and your support. It's refreshing to see that this place has not completely turned into a quantity before quality arena. It makes me very happy to see that this has not devolved into a name calling, shit-slinging match and that true opinions are being shared. If enough of us speak up, who knows what could happen. Like I said, if this changes the way even one person views those golden tickets handed out so freely then I succeeded.

She turns to look at Zerk again..

I see one person acting overly emotional here today and it sure as Hell isn't me? I see people sharing stories, opinions, and participating in a public discussion about something that concerns every single person in This Thing of Ours.

Is the term "emo" new? I haven't heard it before. I've heard of people being referred to as an Abercrombie and police as Coppers... Some people even carry Chicago Lawnmowers. I'll even sit around in a dirty old clip joint to hear a man play a gobble pipe if they're any good. I have never heard the term "emo" though. Thank you for enlightening me as to their existence.

Also, no one has called for your death and had you not drawn attention to yourself by admitting it was you there'd probably be no discussion about you or directed at you specifically. You asked for people to address you in regards to the subject the moment you outed yourself. No one is bitching, people are discussing the topic I have brought forward. It appears you are the one being emotional with your yelling and carrying on.

She nods toward Zerk..

You be sure to have a fantastic day sir.

Feeling at peace with the world she looks down at her shoddy handbag and decides to go shopping thanks to her more than generous sponsor who took the time to get to know her before mentioning the possibility of working in New York.

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She turns hearing Mrs. Doubtfire's words with a puzzled look upon her face and brow furrowed.

You wouldn't bring the topic to light again why? Mere discussion about the topic will not bring upon a ban. A few people sharing opinions and stories will not directly result in the practice of member whoring to the point of extremes such as bans on inviting everyone and their son to a family paying no regard to whether or not you can trust them with your crew structure, hitsquad leader, hitsquad, or whatever family secrets may exist.

I am not meaning to sound disrespectful, but if people walked around thinking "Shit, that's been said before." and not discussing things or telling stories these Streets would be a very quiet place. After as many years and as many faces that have passed pretty much EVERYTHING has been said and done before.

I feel I've put a new spin on the discussion. New faces arrive every day and haven't seen the previous speeches and bans on Member Whoring. Is it wrong to educate them or encourage them to share their stories?

Again, if even one person changes their practices of inviting members to their crew then I succeeded.

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Just because somethings been discussed before doesnt mean it cant be spoken about again. There are plenty of fresh faces in these cities that are not familar with events that occured in the past. Maybe someone will hear our words and take them to heart.

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"I understand where you're coming from Raven and Falcon. Yes it is nice to share stories and obviously there are fresh faces but this subject other then the Respect subject.. is one of the most discussed subjects and has been every month for the past... god knows how long. I am just expressing my opinion and even the most smallest discussion can become escalated within moments."

Mrs-Doubtfire smiles

"As for what you said if someone changes thier practice on member whoring through this thread you've succeeded then I would be extremely happy because I myself think that people take a too 'direct' approach to inviting members. Sometimes just a friendly chat can lead to a success of that young one. Even if they don't join your family you can at least know that you gave them their first bit of guidance and advice in our world. That feeling alone is a good one."

"Now I must make way and go and find some cakes for Fernando, hes ran out and well.. if he doesn't get his daily cake intake.. god only knows what happens."

Mrs-Doubtfire chuckles and nods at Raven. She waves goodbye and makes way down the street to find a cake shop

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Just put someting in your profile info. That's what i did with mine, I just put, 'please don't harass me with invites, if I want to join then I'll come to you,' or something like that.

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Where are these whores, and why has no one introduced me to any of them?!

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Because they're really talking about you Enzyte.

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Or maybe they're all Call Girls, really?

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As Angel listens to the conversation in the streets she steps up and clears her voice before she begins speaking.

RavenPritchard that is a very prevalent issue that you have brought up. Yes many people have brougth it up in the past, and yes it still continues to occur. There are even times that it is perceived by some that it is considered member whoring and that was not the intention that they had. Personally when I see someone new to these shores, I will send them a letter asking if they are new to this world, or are in need of any assistance. If they tell me they are new, I give them a short run-through of how things work, and direct them to the crew list to select a family. If the decide they wish to be a part of the family I am in then I assist them in that. If they decide that they with to join another family, then I explain to them how to best go about requesting to become a part of that family.

Personally I believe that if everyone took a similar approach with newcomers, we would have a lot less member whoring. I am not saying anyone is wrong in how they do things, only that a gentler, and more helpful approach could be used by those who do member whore.

Having spoken her mind, she looked at the diamond watch on her wrist and noticed that she was running late. She then smiled at the few gathered, and hurried on her way.

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