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Desperate Mafiosi Started by: Eyzlee on Mar 11, '08 01:02
After leaving The ClubPub in Philly with Cage, Eyzlee asked him to take her to the airport. She thought about everything that just happened. How her suspicions of Santino cheating on her were confirmed, how Ariel had been his mistress and how she had kissed Cage. She hoped Cage understood that she had just kissed him to show off to Satino that she didn't need him. Eyzlee looked over at the man, he must have not been much older then herself. His face was still young, eyes soft, hair messy from the window that he had opened. The adrenaline from discovering out Santino still rushed through her veins and Eyzlee had to stop every muscle in her body from grabbing Cage again as they stopped in the parking garage at the airport. She looked into the backseat it was big enough, but figured they day was already to complex.

Cage was quite the gentleman as he insisted to walk her into the airport and not leave her side till she stepped on her plane. He didn't come up to the counter with her as she bought her ticket, but she could see him spying on her from across the room. Her plane wasn't to leave for another hour so they decided to grab a few drinks in the airport lounge. After getting the basic chit chat out of the way she asked Cage how he knew Santino. She almost fell off her stool when he answered her. It seemed Santino worked for Limoncello, the mob boss out of Philadelphia. When Eyzlee was able to have control over her mind again all the pieces started to fall together. Those nights that Santino had stayed out very late with his friends and Eyzlee knew Ariel was out of town, he was doing deals on the streets with the local thugs. She checked her watch and then her plane ticket. Her flight was scheduled to leave in twenty minutes, the flight would be around three hours long. If traffic was good Eyzlee would get home a little after six. She figured Ariel would tell Santino about how she worked for Cab in Chicago and he might be a little angry when he arrived home. Good thing she had a few stashed guns in the gardening shed. Eyzlee realized she was grinning and Cage was giving her a strange look.

Thanks Cage for all your help, I haven't seen Santino in the airport so I don't think he's coming after me here. I'm going to go to the ladies room and freshen up, then it should be time for my flight.

She stood up and gave Cage a hug. He had no choice, he was leaving now. Eyzlee gave him a smile and walked into the women's room. As she applied her make-up she wondered what Santino was up to.
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While on the late night flight from Philly to Chicago Santino thought about what happened earlier at The ClubPub. It started out as a business meeting and ended up in disaster. His wife and mistress showed up at the same time. Santino felt like an idiot because he didn't know Eyzlee and Ariel not only knew each other, but they also worked together.

When he stormed out of the bar that afternoon Ariel followed him. Santino didn't expect her to ever talk to him again after she found out he was married, but she put that aside to tell him Eyzlee worked for Cab_Tufting in Chicago. Santino wondered if Ariel told him that information as a warning. There was no bad blood between Philly and Chicago, but Santino thought Eyzlee could possibly take him out and dump his body somewhere. No one would ever find him or know she killed him.

Damn it! I'm married to a mafioso.

Santino mumbled to himself as the plane landed in Chicago. Instead of going straight home he drove to his butcher shop to pick up a few extra guns and ammo in the basement. After loading the guns Santino left the butcher shop and walked the few blocks to his house, the home he thought he shared with a sweet wife who was a secretary, not a woman in the mafia.
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Eyzlee was in the garden shed before the taxi even pulled out of the driveway. She had no time to waste, Santino could be home any minute for all she knew and she wanted to get some accessories. Pulling the tool drawer open she pulled out a few knives and a gardening spade for good taste. Placing them in her gardening tote Eyzlee looked at her newly manicured hands and sighed. Telling herself she'd be able to get them down again she plunged them into a bag of dirt, digging around until she pulled out two guns. She lifted a few plant pots off a stack and pulled out a few more cases of bullets.

Once she was inside her nerves calmed a bit. Eyzlee told herself that Santino wasn't in the Philly airport the same time she was, wasn't on her flight so he must have taken a later flight. She had some time. Feeling a little spicy she turned on some classical music and made a sandwich. After awhile she just got down right bored and noticed some dusting she needed to do. When the headlights pulled into the drive way she was just finishing up cleaning off the fire place mantel. Eyzlee casual walked into the kitchen and pulled out left over meat loaf from the refrigerator. Keys jingled in the lock and the door opened.

Hunny I'm home.

Santino's voice boomed down the hallway like it was just another night of him coming home from a hard days work. All the lights were off in the house and it tipped her off right away that he also had some tools on him when he didn't turn the hallway light on. Eyzlee's gardening tote sat on the counter a few feet away from her. She grabbed the chef knife out of the knife set and started cutting up the meat loaf.

Oh hi hun, I'm in the kitching CUTTING up dinner!!

She replied daring him to come into the kitchen with him.
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With a gun in each hand Santino walked in the house and announced his arrival. He slammed the door shut behind him and slowly walked through the dark house. Every light switch and lamp he passed he turned on to light up the house. He wanted a clear view in case Eyzlee came out of the kitchen shooting at him.

What are you cutting up, sweetheart? That guy you left the bar with this afternoon.

There was no response. The silence made Santino more nervous as he slowly walked into the kitchen. He immediately noticed the gardening tote on the counter. When he saw it in the shed before he assumed it was full of gardening tools. He worried it might really be full of guns, but at least the only thing Eyzlee had in her hand was a knife. Santino smirked at her.

Hasn't anyone ever told you not to bring a knife to a gun fight, dear?
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And what makes you think I have a gun?

Eyzlee smirked towards him completely un-phased at the guns he held. She stopped slicing the meat loaf, but kept the knife in her hand as she moved to the other side of the kitchen. She picked up the garden tote and moved and turned her back to Santino. Walking into the dining room and around the corner, she put the tote on the table with a thud. Walking back into the kitchen she opened the fridge.

I got a little antsy waiting for you to arrive home, I was able to get a few chores down and even pull out my gardening tools. Can you believe it's almost April?

She pulled out a head of lettuce, two tomatoes, an onion and a cucumber out and placed them on the cutting board.

I feel like salad tonight.

Eyzlee told him, looking straight into his eyes she dropped the knife into the lettuce, showing that she had some skill with knives.

Will you open a bottle of wine?
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Santino stood in the middle of the kitchen stunned that his wife was acting as if nothing was wrong. She was preparing dinner as usual. Santino was tempted to shoot something to get her rattled, but he didn't want to fire the first shot.

You must have a gun somewhere. I know you're not a secretary. You work for Cab_Tufting.

There was a look of surprise on Eyzlee's face after Santino revealed he knew she was in the mafia. He waited for her to deny it, but she didn't. Santino went to the refrigerator, took out a bottle of red wine and put his guns on the counter only long enough to open the bottle.

You're not going to deny it, are you? What right do you have to throw my affair up in my face today? I know most women in the mafia become successful on their backs!

That remark earned Santino a slap across his face from Eyzlee.
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Withdrawing from the slap Eyzlee gave Santino a wink

Cute, real cute, but last time I checked I didn't have to get on my back because you couldn't get it up.

As she said the last word she threw the chef knife at her husband, it grazed passed his ear and stuck into the wall behind his head. Eyzlee quickly darted into the dining room, grabbing her tote and towards the breaker in the spare bedroom. Shutting off the power in the house, only the moons light split through the windows. Eyzlee strapped one of the knives to her leg, stuck a gun in the back of her pants waist and held the other in her hand. Slowly she crept out into the living room.
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Damn it!

Santino reached up and touched his ear. The knife Eyzlee threw grazed his ear enough to make him bleed. Santino was pissed. He couldn't believe she drew first blood. He looked forward getting even as he turned around to aim his guns at her, but she was already out of the room. When the lights went off Santino gave his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the darkness before he walked towards the living room and yelled out loud.

That was a low blow, sweetheart. A lot of guys have that problem. I read that it's caused by their nagging wives. It must be true because I never had that problem with Ariel.

Before going into the living room Santino stopped in the doorway. The sudden noise of the grandfather clock chiming startled him, but it gave him a target to hit. He quickly stepped into the room and aimed at the noise of the clock. After firing a few rounds at it Santino grouched down next to the desk in the living room.

You loved that old clock, didn't you Eyz? Consider it's demise pay back for your stunt with the knife.

As he talked Santino reloaded his guns and tried to look through the dark living room for his wife.

Where are you, dear? You should be in the kitchen. That's where a good wife belongs.
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Yeah your right hun, I should be making you a nice dinner filled with antifreeze.

Eyzlee said as she peeked around the corner noticing Santino loading up his gun. Speaking of loading up he probably did drugs too. For all she knew he could be an orphan from Sweden who survived cancer when he was sixteen. Eyzlee hated the man, hated him. She raised her gun and shot half blindly around the corner in the direction of Santino. He let out a scream, but she didn't think she hit him. Damn it!

I hated that clock, I wanted to break it the moment your mother gave it to me last Christmas. Gosh, maybe I should have since she might have not even been your real mom.

Eyzlee stepped down the hallway, dragging her fingernails lightly across the wall in the darkness.

Tell me something, why did you even come home? Why didn't you just stay out with your little slut?

Eyzlee quickly regretted calling Ariel a slut, she wasn't, she didn't even know Santino was her husband. The two women had worked a bunch of jobs together as there families worked together out of Chicago.
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Leave my mother out of this, Eyz.

When Santino heard his wife walking down the hall outside the living room he stood up. On the desk next to him was a framed photo of him and Eyzlee on their wedding day. Santino picked it up and threw it towards a nearby window. It crashed threw the glass and landed outside on the front lawn.

I'm going to redecorate the living room, sweetheart. I hope you don't mind. Actually, I don't care if you do.

After his words of warning Santino pushed the desk over. Everything on it fell off and scattered on the floor. He walked over the fireplace mantel where various photos and trinkets were. With one quick move of his hand Santino knocked everything off the mantel. He laughed when Eyzlee's favorite glass vase crashed down on the floor. When he looked down at the mess on the floor his eyes glanced over to the fireplace where a pile of logs gave him an idea.

Eyz baby, let's skip dinner tonight and have some wine in front of a romantic fire.

Santino lit his zippo lighter and put it on the couch then took the logs out of the fireplace and threw them on the growing fire on the couch.
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That sounds wonderful! Then when I accidentally kill you I can just tell everyone that you went insane and burnt the house down.

Passing the knife that she had thrown at Santino minutes before, Eyzlee walked into the kitchen. 'I think I'm the one going crazy.' She thought to herself. First the knife and then the bullets. Was she actually trying to kill her husband?

I'll grab the wine.

Picking up the bottle she took a swig. The bitter liquid swam down her throat as she strolled back down the hallway. Eyzlee shivered as a cool breeze blew through the new opening in the living room window.

Why couldn't you just wait for summer?

The smell of burning couch was not a turn on. Eyzlee moved towards the stairs and took each step slowly.

Santino lets go up to the bedroom, I promise I won't bite...hard.
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Great idea. Skip dinner and the romantic fire and lets go straight to bed. That's my girl!

Santino walked away from the burning couch. He heard Eyzlee walking upstairs towards their bedroom. Instead of going up the stairs Santino ran through the house and went out the back door. He quickly climbed up the lattice that went to the bedroom window. The moment the light in the room came on Santino used the handle of his gun to break the window then started firing into the room. He was firing blind and had no way of knowing if he hit anything so he cautiously opened the window and climbed in the bedroom. As soon as he got in Eyzlee fired at him from the hallway. Santino dove down on the floor next to the bed.

It looks like we both missed, baby.

Feeling strangely relieved he didn't hit his wife with his wild firing Santino realized he didn't want to kill her, but he didn't want to die either. He took a deep breath and contemplated the situation. They could continue firing at each other until one of them hit or they both might die when the fire he started spreads to the rest of the house.

Eyzlee, I give up. Let's call a truce.

There was no answer. Santino decided he had to do something to show her he meant it. He slid his guns across the floor towards the hallway then stripped down to his boxers. He threw his clothes on the floor, put his hands up and approached the door. Before going out to the hall he hoped a few more words would calm his wife down.

I'm walking out there, Eyz. I'm unarmed and you'll see I have no where to hide a gun so don't shoot. Let's settle this like civil people. We can split up, divorce or whatever you want.

After a quick silent prayer his wife didn't start shooting at him again Santino walked out of the bedroom into the hallway. To his surprise she wasn't out there.
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A truce!

Eyzlee's voice rose with anger as she pulled open Santino's car door. She had grabbed the keys as she ran out of the house and now stuck them into the car, turning it on. The whole thing was way to much for her, she had to leave the house. Putting the car into reverse tears started to leak from her eyes. Eyzlee was crying way to much over this man, but this man was her husband. Someone she cared about, even loved. Yes when she married him she didn't love him, but she felt it was the right time in her life to settle down. Santino wasn't suppose to be in the mob, he also wasn't suppose to be a cheater. He was suppose to be just some guy that was to dumb to figure out what she actually did for a living. As she pulled out of the drive way Eyzlee paused in front of the house. Her memory was pulled back to the day Santino had brought her home to it.

Hunny what are we doing here?

She had asked him when they pulled into the drive way. She remembered wondering if maybe he had found some long lost siblings and they were visiting.

Well Eyz, I just saw this place and knew you'd be perfect here.

He gave her a tour and whole time her mouth just hung open with aw. The house was beautiful, in a good neighborhood, perfect for kids. She jumped into his arms and didn't leave them until later as they lay in bed.

Santino I love it, but I thought we were going to check out some houses in Philly.

Santino's business did a lot of work out of Philly and sometimes the traveling got to him. He never told her about it, but Eyzlee could tell.

Your happiness means a whole lot more to me then some little commute.

All she could do was smile and be happy that she had found Santino. Now the house looked like a keeper of lies being burned away. She could see the fire creeping up to the second floor.

Santino I hope you get out alive.

Eyzlee whispered and then drove away.
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As the house filled with smoke and flames Santino ran out the back door. Only wearing boxers he was cold outside, but he continued running down the drive way. He stopped on the sidewalk in front of the house and saw his car speeding away.

God damn it!

Santino cursed as his house continued to burn. He paced around the sidewalk, throwing punches in the air and talking to himself.

I guess that's her answer. Leave me with nothing, no car, no house and no clothes. Good for nothing lying vindictive bitch! Good riddance.

Watching the house crumble down in flames Santino thought it was an appropriate symbol of his marriage. The years he spent with Eyzlee seemed like a big waste of time. All the money, gifts and good times meant nothing. Santino felt bad about lying and cheating, but he was so mad at Eyzlee for lying to him he swore he would never ever apologize to her.

Stranded in Chicago with no clothes, car or money Santino could only think of one place to go. He stole his neighbor's car and drove across town to Ariel's apartment. As he knocked on the door he hoped she didn't open it and slam it in his face.
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Ariel heard a knock on her door, she gave the clock on her nightstand a double take.

Eleven PM? Who the hell would be knocking on my door this late?

Ariel grabbed her gun and slowly walked up to the peep hole at her door. She saw that it was Santino standing there shivering in his boxers. She had half the mind to fire a bullet through her door and hitting him, but she thought against it her neighbors would question it in the morning. Plus, she wanted the satisfaction of seeing Santino's face if she did actually shoot him.

What do you want? I can't believe you have the audacity to come knocking on my door at this hour?

Santino replied back

I'm sorry, I had nowhere else to go. My house is burning down, Eyzlee left me. Just open the door, Ariel.

Ariel was completely disgusted by Santino's actions and thought he deserved everything he had coming to him. Still, a part of her felt bad for him. Yes, Ariel was a mafioso, but she was also human. She went to her room, grabbed a pair of Skeptas sweatpants (She hoped Skepta wouldn't be too pissed) and a bottle of water. Ariel marched over to the door still holding her gun and opened her apartment door, revealing how bad Santino really looked.)

Here, put some pants on. You're not a pretty sight right now. Now, get out of my face you disgust me.

Ariel threw the bottle of water at Santino and proceeded to shut her door. She really hoped the bottle hit him.
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Eyzlee put the car in park and turned it off. She had to pull into a parking lot as it started raining and she could see anything while she was crying. Eyzlee also didn't know where she was going. As she sat trying to put herself together a fire truck screamed past, it headed in the direction she had just came from.


If he made it out alive he probably figured this was her answer. Running away and never speaking to him again, but was it really? Part of her never wanted to speak to him, part of her wanted to hunt him down and finish the job and another part wanted things to go back to how it use to be. That wasn't going to happen though and there was no use wishing for it. Eyzlee had to do something, she couldn't sit in the car all night. Opening up the glove box she pulled out a file. Flipping through it she found the paper work that had been laid out on the table between Santino and Cage the other day in Philly. Rummaging through the papers she found Cage's card. Eyzlee remembered that when they had chatted in the airport he said that he also worked out of Chicago, maybe he lived here to. She opened the door of the car and ran across the parking lot to the pay phone, thankfully it had a phone book. Some of the pages were ripped out, but her finger found Johnny Cage, his phone number and address.

It was still raining when Eyzlee arrived at Cage's place. She didn't know anything about the man and really hoped he didn't have a girlfriend or worse, a wife. She checked herself in the rear view mirror, but gave up as she would have to step out into the rain again. By the third knock he answered. Groggy, goofy and almost naked.

Hi. Can I come in?
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It was still raining when Eyzlee arrived at Cage's place. She didn't know anything about the man and really hoped he didn't have a girlfriend or worse, a wife. She checked herself in the rear view mirror, but gave up as she would have to step out into the rain again. By the third knock he answered. Groggy, goofy and almost naked.

Hi. Can I come in?

Cage was sleeping on the couch, having fallen asleep with the radio on, when he heard a knock at the door. After being out for part of the night, he was too tired to even worry about taking precautions. He just got up, wearing nothing but his boxers, and turned off the radio. He made it to the door by the third knock.

Answering the door, he sees Eyzlee standing there in the rain, and just stares at her for a few minutes, trying to figure out if he was dreaming or not. Cage hasn't been quite right since that kiss at the ClubPub.Cage thinks she's been crying, but he couldn't tell if it was that, or just the rain. He shakes himself, and finally talks to the girl standing in his doorway.

Oh...hey, what are you doing here? Come on in, get outta the rain.

Cage shuts the door behind her, and goes to the bathroom, putting on his robe and fuzzy bunny slippers, and grabbing a couple towels for Eyzlee so she can dry off. When he gets back to the living room, he hands her the towels, and stares at her curiously.

Are you ok? What brings you to my place this late? You want something to eat or drink? I can get you some of my clothes to wear for now until yours dry, if you want. You're gonna catch a cold wearing wet clothes.
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Yeah....a shirt....or something would be great.

Eyzlee tried to sound happy, but she just couldn't. The man she had met earlier today was opening his house to her. Feeling bad she gave Cage a smile before he went back to his bedroom. Returning with a shirt and some shorts, he handed them to her. Eyzlee took them, giving him another half smile and asked where the bathroom was. He pointed her in the right direction and she went to change. After changing into the clothes she looked at herself in the mirror.

What a wreck I am.

She said to herself and cleaned her face in the sink. Not finding a brush Eyzlee pulled her fingers through her hair and tried to make herself look half clean. Cage's close were baggy on her slim body, but they smelt nice. She smiled at herself, a real honest bright smile. Walking out into the living room again Cage offered her a glass of water.

I'm really sorry showing up like this. I....

She paused and Cage offered her a seat next to him on the sofa.

I think my house burnt down.
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When Ariel yelled at him and closed the door Santino became more mad than he was before. He dropped the sweat pants on the porch where the bottle of water landed and slammed his fist against the door.

Keep the clothes and fucking bottle of water. I didn't ask for a lecture with it. You're just as bad as my wife. Act innocent like you've never did anything wrong in your life. I hope the police lecture you the next time you're arrested for selling drugs, Ariel!

Santino stormed off and got back in the car he stole. He sped away from Ariel's apartment and hoped he didn't see her or Eyzlee anytime soon. He was so done with these holier than thou women. After slamming his hands on the steering wheel Santino drove to the only other place he knew in Chicago, his butcher shop. Once inside he found money and and a spare suit he kept there. He was anxious to get out of Chicago and back to Philly where he would get some peace and quiet away from women. He thought his neighbor probably already woke up and reported his car stolen. It wasn't a good idea to use it to go to the airport. Santino picked up the phone on his desk and called the young mafioso he had a meeting with earlier that day.

Cage, this is Santino. I need a favor, buddy. Can you give me a ride to the airport?
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Cage grabbed himself a Dr. Pepper while Eyzlee was in the bathroom. When she came out, he was sitting on the sofa. After she sat down next to him, Cage just smiled at Eyzlee. She looked like she'd been through a lot since he last saw her, but she still looked as pretty as she did when he first "met" her. He listened to her talk, and just stared at her, surprised, when she told him she thinks her house burnt down. After a moment of silence he finally says something.

Its ok, don't worry about it. I wasn't doing anything but sleeping. Was getting kinda lonely anyway, I'm glad to have your company. Why do you think your house burnt down?
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