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GAME CHANGE: BG degradation Started by: Squishy on May 10, '11 19:32

We have modified the nightly BG degradation script. BGs may now go below 20 hp down to 1hp.

We are in the process of giving every BG a +10 hp to offset it this change for those who already have bgs.

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Now that BG's go all the way down to 1HP does this mean the 250k that was added on to the price previously will be removed again?

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This is definitely a step in the right direction.

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Now that BG's go all the way down to 1HP does this mean the 250k that was added on to the price previously will be removed again?

I believe the 130hp plus the +10 here, more than covers the cost of the 250k price increase given two years ago when we did the 250k increase, so I don't feel its necessary to decrease the price of BGs.

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Does this mean we will get BG Protection status reflective of BG effectiveness now?

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Nah, this is just for hp degradation, its not reflected in the public profiles.

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I love it. This changes things to no longer make it more cost efficient to buy more bgs and re-demote rather than train bgs for accounts that are expected to live a long time. Excellent.

The only thing I could ask for in addition would be "decay to zero and leave" or "bg wacks target highest-HP bgs instead of lowest." My concern being that someone walking around with 15-20 1hp bgs (as someone who is unable to maintain all of theirs would likely be retraining from the top down) will just suck up bg shooters' wack timers without losing any appreciable amount of defense. That minor point aside, this is an excellent change in its own right, because it changes the incentive structure away from re-demotes in the case of anyone who already can't afford to upkeep their bgs.

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I was thinking more of people getting BG's in the future not those who have just benefitted from the +10hp today. So say people with a start date of today they get a cheaper BG rate, not sure how it would be codded. In fact I believe the 250k was added on to offset the fact BG's stopped degrading at 60 rather than 20 then it was changed back to 20, I could be wrong but that's the way I remeber it.

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I think that it all needs left alone. Too many bgs means people are living too long. So either kill each other or reset the game instead of changing the code every 6 months because people are having bigger/stronger accounts.

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And what does Reseting the game solve? Absolutely nothing. It would just mean those who worked hard on their accounts would just not bother coming back so that isn't going to happen.

Also, I don't see much affect coming to those who train from this change but those who get BG's and just leave them well.. its a pretty good change.

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Precisely Mrs Doubtfire! I keep my BGs healthy, good employer that I am. So the added boost in health was rather handy.

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i play another game as well as this which recently reset, nothing has changed there,those who played more before the reset are back in charge, those who put more into the game hold an advantage over others where can get boosts and those who play less or are new feel just as vulnerable as previously.


The temporary drop in the credit market there since 50 days has gone from $1 - 4000 to $1 for 1.5  million so a month or two time everything will be exactly the same as before the reset.  THe bg situation is always gonna be crazy when can have endless amounts as i have said before, i have always been against bg's in general but understand the difficulty balancing defence and attack

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This is a step in the right direction, hopefully one day things will go back to being suposidly realistic the the mafia at the time, which i'm happy for anyone to prove me rong but I do not recall any mobster of any rank walking around with 100+ bodyguards walking around with him. A sugestion of mine would also to be that you have to pay a price for the flight costs of moving the bodyguards from city to city as you cant realisticaly get 300 people on 1 ticket now can you? If the game is to stay in charecter and realistic like ive heard stated many times by admins and players then thats my two pence worth of input.

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You do have to pay more to fly

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"A sugestion of mine would also to be that you have to pay a price for the flight costs of moving the bodyguards from city to city as you cant realisticaly get 300 people on 1 ticket now can you?"

When you get Bodyguards, the flight costs increase depending on the number. If you have 101 or so, which is IWP, your costs go from $200 or whatever it is, to a couple thousand. The flights to Las Vegas and Los Angeles go up to 12K or so and long distance flights are increased from 20Kish to roughly 200K.

As for the game change, I love it. As rofldog has stated on numerous occasions, it was cheaper to buy 401 bodyguards and never train them than to buy 101 bodyguards and keep them trained. Now that they drop to 1 health, that advantage is gone. I also appreciate the +10 health, as it helped alot.

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Resetting the game won't do anything to the underlying imbalance. All that would do is level the playing field for a short whlie before a new top dog emerges. Once someone gets ahead of the pack again, they'll stay on top because game mechanics make it too easy for them.

Short version of the problem: increasing defense is (1) dirt cheap, (2) freely transferable between accounts, and (3) not limited either in maximum value or in amount per day. Wack is (1) capped to a max gain per day, and (2) not freely transferable between accounts. Result: anyone with the ability to focus significant sums of cash is able to stack defenses in a way that should foil any attack. Not to mention their ability to launch preemptive strikes.

That's not to say we can point to any specific part of that equation and say "that's the problem!" Really, it's all of it combined that does it. A significant enough change to any element of that would make the site run completely different. Examples: Make the "buy bg" button have a 48 hour cooldown. Set up a "group wack" button where people's wack skills are added together and the combined total decides if you hit. Make the training range cost more money, but not have a timer and not have a maximum effect. All any of those do is make one part of defense, or one part of wack, more like the other.

I wouldn't say any of those are good ideas. My point in mentioning them is to illustrate how how the lack of any restrictions on the ability to "pile up" defense renders it completely over powered and something about it has to change.

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Mrs-Doubtfire my point of a reset was that the whole fucking reason this is being put in place is because the fact is some don't train their bgs. So by that standard, they die easier bg wise or account wise. So now, bgs go down even further. There wouldn't be a need for that unless a few reasons.

One, people are bitching because theres too many bgs.... which is constantly going on non stop.
Two, the site wants another reason for people to spend money on credits more often.

By a reset, you'd make everyone start from ground zero, no bodyguards. Thus, it'd be easier to kill and people would stop bitching that accounts are so hard to kill. Fail again, congrats.

My point is, this is a useless change because it just opens the door to more "well thats not enough so and so has XXX amount of bgs and I'm a whinny bitch" arguments. Dear god, get real on the subject of bgs. The more they're fucked with the more complaints keep coming and coming and coming.

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By the way, since resetting is a temperorary fix, why not do this. Age degradation? I mean in the long terms of things people die from diseases and all that back then. The oldest of people lived to like 60 back then at it's highest. So make up a mathematical way people die off from old age.... or is that too unfair? Because in reality it would end all of this bullshit about imbalance and coding of changing the way bgs work etc.

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Absolut, I understand where you're coming from but even that age degradation it doesn't end well for the game as a whole. So I summarize this.

Reset = Players who worked hard will quit playing. Why have they put 100's of hours work to just lose it like that.
Age Deg = Exactly the same as the point above. Why should they the game have every account a walking time bomb till they die?

If we wanted that we would go play one of those games were you have to do things with 'turns' and then once the month is up. All the turns are reset and you go again. Its completely pointless and will kill the game off. I know there is a huge unblanace of Defence to Wack and I am sure that the admins are constantly trying to find ways to balance it. Like rofldog said..

Group Wack
BG Button Have a Cooldown (Not sure how that works)

Maybe a change I've seen suggested a few times like.. once you rank to Gangster the price of the BG then is what price it will be. Then once you get Capo. The price is then stays at that. Each rank the BG price goes up and it sticks there even if demotion. That would solve the demotion to BG up problem. However then people just wouldn't make an account till the city they are joining have the money to BG them up while they remain at thug.

Every time you suggest something its going to have good and bad points so.. its never going to be completely fixed, and until then you have to take it on the chin and soak it up instead of moaning.

(That isn't just aimed at one person. To anyone who 'moans' about the inbalance. If you don't like it then try suggest stuff to help out the coders fix it!)

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i must admit i have played games with age degredation and in 2 forms.


form one after a certain level of earns the earns mean less to the strength of your character, a player online less wouldnt be punished this way though hard to code was the main problem.

the second you die aftrer a set period which meant these people knowing close to their time went on a shooting spree a lot of the time to take out all the similar level and middle ranked players.


now both drove people away from the game, but option one was more out of paranoia as no one knew the cut off point where doing things stopped helping as much so shot others, and option two meant people hid when the aged players were on which may make people killable but in the long term would be my concern as if people die too much they wont come back like another game that uses the jaundies server.  


Is like being stuck between a rock and a hard place

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