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Detroit Started by: -Premeir on Jul 25, '11 00:32

Stepping from his vehicle, Godfather Premeir closes the door behind him, and approaches the growing crowd.

Thank you all for coming tonight, as you can see the city of Detroit has been taken down; I will explain why.

First I would like to say- I have always respected Godfather Gadget, and on more occasions then I can count, have done amazing business with his city and enjoyed a great friendship with him.

However, some things have to be dealt with.

Over time, my working relationship with Detroit has become strained and tense. Over the past few months, I have had dealings with Detroit that left a bad taste in my mouth.

The first incident I will cite is when Bettino_Casimiro, the former right hand man to Mr.Gadget, and TheGreenFairy, took to public insults, laughing at a tragedy that struck my city, saying they were glad it happened to New York.

In this case Godfather Roman talked to us both and we quickly reached an agreement. I myself was content with the outcome due to my business relationships with both Godfather Roman and Godfather Gadget; the incident was buried and put to bed.

Later down the road incidents like this kept popping up. A Don by the name of Hickey insulted me in the street. A Don from a bloodline long banned by New York said Godfather Gadget should kill me. But for the sake of peace I ignored them, until today.

Today, i was approached with an audio recording. A right hand man of Detroit was talking to a person by the name of DickTrick. Giving him advice on how to hurt my city, ways to cost my city money.

Removing a tape recorder from his pocket he plays part of the tape

"From: -iocaste

Mmmmh. So, like that, your main goal is to keep Prem out. You know you can't stop him from getting a stronger gun, right ? But you do have "deadly hitters" to shoot BGs. My question is : in that case, why don't you aim Prem's BG's ? As you stated, time is on your side. It would be the best way to make sure he either loses a lot of money on new BGs or loses a bit of what makes him so scared nowadays, that is, his defense. Not that I back your actions, of course not. Just wondering why you play it like that."

Turning off the tape recorder Premeir slips in back into his pocket.

After hearing this, I was shocked and angered. I approached Godfather Gadget to get this fixed as quickly as possible. Godfather Gadget informed me he believed his member acted correctly, he was merely trying to draw information from the person, by giving him tips and advice. I was told nothing would happen to the right hand man.

Talking to Godfather Roman I exhausted every other option. We tried every avenue for this to end peacefully, sadly it could not be done.

I would like to thank Godfather Roman, for assisting me in trying to get all this put to bed without bloodshed. He did all he could to avoid this, as did I.

Thank you.

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ya horse bollox

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all this because of some nobody weirdly named: dicktrick trichcheap and so on? for a no body he must be laughing his arse off as he jsut did more damage than he could ever do by making up stories.


nonetheless: long live : NY, philly and chicago.


and rip to the innocents...

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All I have to say about this is that I hope people wake up and don't believe the lies that are getting spouted randomly every day on these streets.

That, and I'm VERY entertained that something I said two characters ago is still bothering yall enough to get a mention in this thread. Grow a pair.

Much love and respect to everyone who died, I loved being part of the city and I hope we can do it again sometime.

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RIP to all the fallen.

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Rest in peace to all that have Fallen.

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I personally knew -iocaste well, and if he sent a message, it was to get the hitters to attack BGs, so that ppl wouldnt die, just BGs and we could find their hitters (which they probably dont even have). I'm not going to argue, RIP to the Fallen, and Please don't look poorly on -iocaste for this misunderstanding.

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all this because of some nobody weirdly named: dicktrick trichcheap and so on? for a no body he must be laughing his arse off as he jsut did more damage than he could ever do by making up stories.

No, it doesnt look like that is the case at all.... It looks like iocaste was literally telling that fool what he believed to be a "better" way to get at the Godfather of New York, and that InspectorGadget did nothing about it.  You cannot blame the fall of Detroit on dicktrick, it seems clear to me that they brought it upon themselves. 

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I don't mind dying, but it sure was classy of you to target those that weren't Made.

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I'm going to say this concisely.  For the last 2 weeks my top priority was keeping peace between Detroit and New York.  As both cities have come from Chicago's proverbial loins they held special spots in my heart and it is hard to see harm come to either one.  Unfortunately what Premeir says is true, validated by InspectorGadget himself.  Godfather Gadget had confirmed the audio recordings and said -iocaste would be spared.  The frightening part is Premeir has only shared part of the tapes, there is even more damning evidence that sealed the fate of Detroit today.  But based on my own mediations, I have to say Bettino, TheGreenFairy (who seems to have poisoned the minds of others and led us to these crossroads), Trevor, and Hickey all share equal pull in the devastation that has occurred.  5 high ranking insults and plans for attack on one city in a 2 week span is just too many.  Rest in Peace, Detroit.  You did not deserve the fate brought on to you by the few that disrespected your ways of life.

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It was clear that Lovegun was talking about my Godfather in the thread. What am I supposed to say? nothing?

And the reply was nearly worse. I cant remember it exactely but I think it was Prem or Lovegun who said how did I even get to the rank of Don.

I mean, thats another dig at my Godfather since he promoted me.

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Indeed. Rest Well to those that fell. Detroit was a good city however some actions can not just be ignored like that. Roman did what he could to keep the two at peace but sometimes.. once all fails. This is the only way to solve it.

Mrs-D lays a white flower on the grass in which she stood in respects for the fallen

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I think Roman has said it best, this wasnt an isolated incident, as there has been several over the past 2 weeks. This was obviously the straw that broke the camels back.

As many of you, we too have lost good friends.  Vagrant i think it goes without saying that war is war. When you join a family whether youre made or not you should be willing to die for that family.  Many did, and should be honored to have served and died.

RIP Detroit

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Hulkster laughs at Vagrants comment.

Times change brother, People get put to wise guy just so they can get bodygaurds no one is excluded from a war anymore man!

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"I'm quite sorry to Detroit for this having to happen. There were many good people there and the few sour ones ruined it all for them. You can sit here and argue, but the fact is you won't be able to change a thing. What happened, happened. Whether you were innocent or guilty, your city was charged for the crimes and shot down."

Simplicity then followed Mrs-Doubtfire by placing a white flower down also. Then turning around and walking back she placed her arm around the nannies shoulder.

"Take this and learn from it. Allow it to better you as a person and come back and change things if you don't like it. Granted many people speak of change, but no one really attempts it. So I wish everyone the best of luck and rest in peace for those fallen."

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It is clear that New York exhausted every avenue possible before coming to this decision. Godfather Premeir was proactive in protecting his city, and Godfather Roman felt this was urgent enough to assist in order to keep things as peaceful as possible.

While it is a shame many lost their lives today, some things just need to be done in order to maintain order. RIP Detroit

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I can respect that war is war. Technically, you're not actually "family" until you're Made, however. Still, I have no problems with -Premier's actions. He did what he wanted to do and did it well.

RIP Detroit.

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Rest well Detroit, its a fine city and have loads of friends there.

Its a hard decision that Godfather Roman had done today and so is with Premier, but they have to do the best course there is if all things fail.

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Looking down at a Evie a former member of the fox family. She had nothing to do with what went down but its a family and if you take down one you go down as a whole those cowards who made it out of the mess lucky for them. Chasing them down would be a joke we aren't cops. 

My greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising everytime I fall.

It was something that had to be done therefore great job for making it a clean well done Decision.

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 if you take down one the whole family should go down as a whole those cowards who made it out of the mess lucky for them. Chasing them down would be a joke we aren't cops. Edit

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