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GAME CHANGE: Hitlist anonymous modification Started by: Squishy on Sep 20, '11 16:11

A while ago, a few very large hits went up that caused quite a stir on MR. I am OK with large hits, but I worried when two of them were so large that it requires means outside of the game to remove it. Our initial reaction was to change the buy off to 1.25x rather than the normal 2x price, but then it sort of removes one of the purposes of the hitlist; a weapon to drain your target financially.

I wanted to create a situation where you still had a way for the hit to go away, without buying it off. (Previously you could just kill people until it went off, but anonymous now is truly anonymous, so finding and removing the poster does not remove the hit). I think we figured out a way to do it, and it just been coded in.

As of now, when you post an anonymous hitlist, it is a 1 day hit. You can (anyone can, actually) renew the hit for another 24 hours at 1% of the total price. The buyoff is now also back to its former 2x price.

Anyone in the site can renew the hit, not just the original poster. The renewing process is anonymous. There is no "renewing stacking" - it maxes out at 24 hours, doing it twice does not add 48 hours to the counter. So to keep a hit up, you need to make sure that someone (or anyone) pays the 1% fee to keep it alive for another 24 hours, and continues to do so or else the hit times out.

This now gives the poster an additional choice to the victim, he can now choose to buy off the hit, and possibly match up 60 second lists to the renewal date, with the downside of it being back at the normal 2x buy off price.



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Im a little confused.

So, if no-one takes the hit in the first 24hrs, it disappears? What happens to the cash?

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Just to clarify something if possible:

I put a hit out on Klasky.

AlabamaWorley decides to renew my hit 12 hours later.

SpunkTrumpet thinks that Klasky really has to go and renews is an hour after Alabama, 13 hours after I originally placed the hit.

My question is, in the above scenario, would the 24 hour timer renew each time that someone renews it? Therefore, when Alabama renews the hit, it'll be 24 hours from then that it'll expire. Then when SpunkTrumpet renews it, it'll be 24 hours from then?

I hope that makes sense.

And that someone hitlists Klasky.


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I say we Hitlist Klasky anyway to test it, Chuckle?

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That sounds like it would be in everyone's best interest.


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Really, I can just wait 24 hours and if no one renews the listing, I'm free and clear? What's the point of the list, then? Always before it was to make a statement, or to tempt some desperate wacker to trying for a kill above their grade. Now the hit will just go away if you ignore it? Where's the realism? I mean, if you put a bounty on someone's head, you don't have to keep paying to have it out there.

I understand this was in reaction to extraordinarily large listings, but that is just a symptom of a different problem, not a problem with the hit list. It just highlights the large amount of cash that's available at any given time in the game. Knee-jerk reactions tend to be bad ones, and I don't see how this is any different.

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I suggest that instead of the hit disappearing if it doesn't get renewed, the hit goes down 1 or 2%.

That way if the post stays there a long time, it depreciates, but 24 hours is too short of a period to make such big decisions.

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I feel like Karl Pilkington here.

I see whats where your coming from in regards to the extraordinary large hits, though not keen on the 24 hour thing.That said though, if Chuckle and Alabama are having shits and giggles and I end up on there, I may change mmy mind and pray for a day.

Seriously though,I like Axe's suggestion of it actually dropping a % to buy off after 'x' amount of days, rather that the initial option.

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If I were in the position of wanting to add a large hit I would go about it way differently with this new addition. Instead of one large hit I would now break it up into smaller hits. It is draining the same amount of money from my target and each smaller hit is more likely to get renewed by random people than a larger hit.

Want to pay 2mil? Hell no.

Want to pay 20k, fine whatever.

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Just to detail the 24 hour process.

Sept 20, 17:29 a hit goes up
(It is set to expire Sept 21, 17:29)

Sept 21, 10:53 someone pays 1% and renews it.
(It is now set to expire Sept 22 10:53)

Sept 21, 11:53 someone pays 1% and renews it (only one hour in, sort of a waste, but whatever, its an example)
(It is now set to expire Sept 22 11:53)

Sept 22, 11:53, no one has done anything in the past 24 hours.
Sept 22, 11:54, hit comes down. The hitlist gets absorbed into the game.

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I like Axe's suggestion is not as well, though I could see maybe up to 10% coming off a day if it is not renewed.  Any chance of this slight modification? 


Overall though, good change, Thanks Izzy

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I agree with Axe and EveValon, keep the option to renew the hit to 100%...but have it depreciate by X% every day if it isn't maintained

This way if people can't get on within 24hrs for whatever reason to renew (broken internet connection etc), they aren't loosing out big money on the overall hit, just a small slice of the pie. If the poster is no longer of his world, then the hit will die naturally, unless somebody decides to take over

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Previously, the anonymous poster really doesn't have any risks or work to do outside of gathering money. They put up money, and the victim dies (eventually, that process is sped up by the amount listed). The hitlister remains anonymous and he knows that if the hit gets bought off, its being bought off at a 2 to 1 price.

All we are asking is that the hitlister, or any single other person in the entire site who believes in the hit, puts up 1% on a daily basis to keep the process going. Is it worth logging in and pressing a button to renew the hit? You are putting a huge financial drain on your target who did not ask for it, the game is simply asking that you be willing to place yourself in their shoes. This means that you are consenting to a financial burden just like you are placing on your target.

To me this makes the action/reaction equal in this case.

By making it only go down a little bit of money if you do not renew, makes being dedicated to the hit a little less important. I would be ok with this, but only if we lowered the buy off from 2x to a lower amount to bring it back into the whole "equal" zone.

I really do like this idea, I think this is a better way of addressing the issue without having to hurt the financial side of this type of warfare, which is what I did by making it 1.25 a few weeks ago.

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So if I put a hit up on someone for 100 million, I have to find 1 million each day to keep that hit up (because lets face it, nobody is going to shell out 1 million for someone else's hit)?

Hits of anything less will be bought off pretty quickly, as we have seen already.

I like that you are trying new things instead of stagnating but I don't see how this is any better than the reduction to x1.25 to buy off the hitlist.

R.I.P. anonymous hitlisting.

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Perhaps for hits over a certain amount, the 1% could be lowered to reflect a more realistic daily maintenance fee?


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My only complaint is that it disappears at the end of the 24hrs. IMO it would be a waste of money entirely with that in place.

Though then again, ive never put up an Anon hit, so guess it doesn't effect me.

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I agree, I did prefer a system where you either bought it off or searched for the culprit responsible and shot them.

However, the hitlist is largely redundant and anyone who puts up hits on people is an idiot and would be better spent investing that money in bodyguards anyway.


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Well I guess this takes some of the realism out of the game. Contracts hold their value intill the target is dead; but I guess the few that have been selected to be targeted don't want others to get any kind of temptations to actually take the shot. So I really see why this has been added.

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"but I guess the few that have been selected to be targeted don't want others to get any kind of temptations to actually take the shot. So I really see why this has been added."

A 104 million dollar hit today is still as tempting as a 104 million dollar hit two weeks ago. What part of the temptation changed?

I want to see hits in the game, which is why I felt this was a better solution than the 1.25x buy off.

Are you suggesting that people who don't want the hits up, want a higher buy out rate, so they suggested this to be added?

I'm not following your logic :(

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Im totally lost as to why this has been put in place. Why would anybody put up 100 million in a hit that was going to disappear, absorbed into the game as you put it, 24 hours later. Because thats exactly what would happen. If someone invests 100 million into a hit, it should stay there until the hit is either bought off or the person is dead.

ANY OTHER way is a total farce and unrealistic. It really saddens me to see this addition being in place. I believe that this will be seen as "yet another code change to keep the people on top at the top". And in light of all the recent talk about BGs and the direction the game is going in, it only serves to twist a knife deeper into an already deep gash of a wound.

But hey, its your playground, not mine. Why dont you just make another code change to prevent anybody wacking the top 10 highest players and save all this running around. Open a shop that sells palm leaves and bowls of fruit and we can stand over them all day fanning them and feeding them fruit like proper little slaves. Wouldnt that be more idealistic? :-P

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