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GAME CHANGE: HQ Wacks Started by: Squishy on Oct 09, '11 17:07

Within the next few days, the HQ Wack feature is being modified.

HQ Wacking (to those unfamiliar with it) allows the Crewleader or RHM to insta-kill any of their members regardless of pro time, regardless of location, regardless of defense.

The new HQ wack feature will be 100% like regular wack, with two exceptions:
a) if using the HQ wack feature, a CL/RHM does not need an open attack timer, nor is time added on to it.
b) if using the HQ wack feature, a CL/RHM does not get any increase in their gun stats upon a success.

Every other aspect of HQ wack will mimic the current wack function, down to pro times, defense/bodyguards/bla bla bla.

We will make update this thread when the feature goes live.

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Before, for instance, someone who wanted to go rogue had to buy out in order to avoid being HQ'd while roguing. Now, with this change, why would they do that? If they're IWP, we won't be able to "hit" with a HQ wack until we go through their BGs, so why wouldn't they stay in the crew and have that benefit of more defense while they rogue?

HQ wacking is supposed to be the way to kill someone immediately, before they can do any more damage... now you're taking that tool away from us.

I do not like this change, I think it is completely unnecessary, and I do not like it at all.

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I like this feature now.... It defiantly makes it more realistic which is the right way to go.

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"HQ wacking is supposed to be the way to kill someone immediately, before they can do any more damage... now you're taking that tool away from us."

In reality, very few people can build a cannon at wiseguy. Anyone above that, your CL has personally vouched to the entire site that this person is trusted, and is now being brought into your family to represent the family and speak for the family. I felt the HQ wack button offers a little too much control over the crew members, replacing trust with fear. I think the new method sort of intertwines them. You promote those you trust and have earned it. You IWP up those you trust and have earned it. I think the crew members should have to earn the trust to rank up, and I think the crew leaders should have to know their members enough to label them as "I take personal responsibility for this persons actions, and I have plans in place to handle any situation that may arise".

At the end of the day, the CL/RHM/LHM run a business. Good employees need to be treated well. Those that love what they do and where they do it, you'll find rarely rock the boat. Employees that are unhappy, are often the ones that fall to simple temptations. With almost every decision someone makes, someone thinks about the consequences of their actions - this includes their CL/Family. This is when a happy employee pushes the bad thoughts out of their mind.

My personal character TheWildCard often sees things in very black or white. I am hot headed, very easy to anger, and often will take on a cause just because in my mind its the right thing to do. Do you know how many times I've wanted to right a wrong in the game? Waaaay too many to count. We often call these "Izzy Crusades". Know how many times I've actually done it? Very few... because in the end I stop and think that I love my family too much to put them at risk. My boss has treated me fairly, with respect, and has always had my back. It is because of this that, despite the probably 30-40 times I've wanted to snap on this character, I haven't. What keeps me in line is my respect for those in my family. This is the same exact power that every other CL can have in their family.

The HQ button was a way to keep a safety net from trouble. But it was recently that I realized that safety net is and always has been there, and it didnt even need to be coded in. Every one of your mademan has been given the seal of approval by the CL, that the rest of the site is safe from them and that they are doing the CLs bidding.

You control if a member has a gun.
You control if a member has a rank.
You control a members age.
You control a members shooting skill.
You control a members defense.
You control your members sense of family.
You control your members sense of loyalty.
You control your members sense of honor.
You control the procedure if one of your members starts problems with another crew, since you should have already pre-arranged these scenarios with your fellow crewleaders.
You control the procedure if a member of another family starts problems with yours, since you should have already pre-arranged these scenarios with your fellow crewleaders.
You control the procedure if one of your members loses it, since you should have already pre-arranged this scenario with your fellow crewmates/crewleaders.
You control the procedure if a member of another family loses it, since you should have already pre-arranged this scenario with your fellow crewmates/crewleaders.

You guys need to realize that you have all the power and all the options. Have faith in yourselves as great leaders as I take the training wheels off.

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I've often said, including fairly recently, that there are no scripted responses to any situation in MafiaReturns. It should be up to the users to decide when to do something, how to do something and what that something is. The HQ wack was a bit of a get out clause, as in, this guy can buy himself 5000 BGs, because ultimately he can't dodge a HQ wack. Now though, do you really trust that person enough to allow that? I'm not so sure people will be.

If you are concerned about not being able to control your members who are IWP...don't let them become IWP.

A good change in my opinion.


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In my opinion this is a good change, when a high ranked or protected player goes rogue, it will require much more effort and thinking from a CL/RHM, to wack that rogue rather then just pressing that HQ Wack button.

Good change.

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Fantastic addition. I quite like Squishy's summary where he says that this takes the training wheels off. I look forward to more additions along this line of thought.


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poor MR, had to use training wheels until it was middle aged...

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Good change, puts more empahasis back onto the crew leaders to lead, without providing an easy get out clause should the proverbial brown stuff hit the fan

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Seems fair enough as we become more realistic the best we can.. a little worrisome of course but like said above it should not be a problem as long as we don't allow those we cannot trust at all to become so powerful we can do nothing to them. Sometimes the good moves are painful, nice work

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Every other aspect of HQ wack will mimic the current wack function, down to pro times, defense/bodyguards/bla bla bla.

I understand that it will stop the get out clause as they have 1 billion BG's to shoot through. However.. I must ask how is what the wack function is capable of. Does it depend on the person using the HQ wack functions current gun stat?

Also, I must also ask that.. if the HQ wack is capable of in other words.. Failing.. will it pro them?

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The answers to both of those questions will become apparent with use and time.


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This feature will be going live in the next few minutes. If there is anyone you'd like to HQ right now -- Chuckle -- Go for it.

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it's live.

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it might make a few members decide to leave the game due to the fact that now most CL will not promote above WiseGuy cause it is hard to know for sure that they will not max and go rouge . I think the that the feature is cool and real though.

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That's the member's fault for not earning the trust of the Crew Leader.

I like the change. /nod

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I don't see your logic Daniel. I certainly can't see why this change would make anyone want to leave the game. Being able to easily HQ wack someone should have no bearing on whether someone is promoted above WiseGuy or not

If a crew leader isn't prepared to promote someone to MadeMan, then maybe that person needs to take a closer look at what their doing, or more to point what their possibly not doing. Being promoted to made shouldn't be considered a foregone conclusion. Nobody can ever be sure of anything on here, nothing a certainty. Thats the beauty of it

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Combining the demote button with HQ wack makes things a bit easier anyway. Demoting to gangster before shooting will lower defence significantly, and I think most CLs have the gun to shoot through an IWP Gangster anyway so I can't foresee much difference except it will make it more difficult for a lower ranked RH to deal with a crew member that needs killing.

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"so why wouldn't they stay in the crew and have that benefit of more defense while they rogue?"

Adding to what Furby said about demotions, you can also drop them from the crew so they would further loose defense. Although you are better off keeping them in so you can see their location at all times.

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you want to stop someone? demote them to thug and take away their gun.


end of story  you dont need HQ wack

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