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Distance Matters, but why?? Started by: Goblin on Dec 05, '23 13:01

Squishy can we get a confirmation on this statement from the Distance post, please? 

"As an existing CL, moving your HQ into a different home city, your modifier will slowly ramp up to your new city's location over the course of 7 days, as it degrades form your old city."

^ Currently people are able to move HQs and (seemingly) immediately thereafter they see the distance hindrance go bye-bye. Is it supposed to take the 7 days to go away fully? 

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`Currently people are able to move HQs and (seemingly) immediately thereafter they see the distance hindrance go bye-bye. Is it supposed to take the 7 days to go away fully? 

Only members can do that at the moment. Not sure if its intentional but that's  also how it is worded on the post. 

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Goblin aye just wondering if it's still the case for CLs - as I sort of recall* Marston moving HQs two or three times during one of the semi-recent wars. 

*Maybe he dropped HQ and re-set up though? 

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The math here is not one of my stronger suits. Based on what I have seen off and on overtime, there are ways around the distancing particularly in regard to East and West Coast cities.  And I imagine the good idea put forth by National there will be a way around that too.

I do question the strength of the maxed defense mechanism and couple that with well managed IWP bodyguards and regardless of the distance factor should not be a one shot deal. Did we not bg wave years ago before we could get the kill? 

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Few things here that do not make sense firstly, how is it my rank is not recognized across the country? If I am committing arson, murder and jail breaks without repercussions , then surely my rank as a mobster must be recognized.  In fact once you become proficient at some of these crimes the local pd tend to leave you alone,  clear example of my status/skillset being held into regard.

For more than a decade, distance has been a thing behind the scenes.  Your current location matters.  Your home city matters.  These things have been in the code for literal *years* prior to the Distance Matters thread you are quoting. If we ignore trying to put an RP spin on the wording, allow me to rewrite it:

from: "The further you are away from your home city, the less your rank is recognized and therefor, the less effective their gun/defense is the further away from their home city they are. .... The closer you are to your home city, the more your rank is recognized, and therefor, the more effective your gun/defense is."

to: "The new math we will use for wack takes into account the differences between locations and home cities more so than before"

Does this fix your first point?  Would you like me to repost it with corrected wording to settle your 1st argument?

Secondly I'm completely unsure how any of the cities were unbalanced in the first place when it came to shooting/defending. To my knowledge that was not a thing you had the same equiv in PH as you did in LA. Only the GFC at the time benefited from being in his/her city. Same with your gun.

Ill quote the original thread: 

It is our hopes that this will balance all the cities a little more and provide a safety net for those who maintain a distance from each other.

I can correct the wording from "balance all the cities" to "balance all the crews occupying those cities" if that helps.  The primary goal of Distance Matters is providing a little bit more of a buffer from groups that have different playing styles and different objectives.  Scorched Earth policy is not something that all enjoy, most people and and the game itself does not benefit from it.  The game, for all intents and purposes, would be better if you could isolate yourself from the people you do not want to interact with.  The game would be better if you didn't die 5 times in a row by some group that you literally have nothing to do with, pose no threat to, and don't even want to interact with.  Some people play this game as a zero sum game, in their mind for them to win others need to lose.  Some people play the exact polar opposite.  The goal is to enable a way to meet in the middle by providing a way to allow for both to coincide.  If you don't like group A or B, go to the other coast where they and you are not as big of a threat towards each other.  

There is no math posted on any Distance thread, you gave us an example. To say people are not using the math we used prior to distance is the biggest fuck you to the players who build. Do you truly believe people who have been killing others on here for almost 15 years do not know how to calculate a gun pre distance? 

Put the crackpipe down.  You are literally making shit up.  I did not say that, and if you somehow distorted what I did say in full context to interpret it that way, then allow me a moment to correct you so that you can reform your opinion on what happened, what was said, what was meant, and we can quell your misplaced outrage at a perceived slight to others that simply did not exist.

Lets talk a little bit about cognitive bias.  Cognitive bias comes in many forms, most notably in this thread and the conversation on lounge are Availability Heuristic Bias, Confirmation Bias, Anchoring Bias, False Consensus Bias, Self-Serving Bias, Actor-Observer Bias as well as a side serving of a little bit of Apophenia.

You say that you don't have the math, so I'll give an example on something that you do have, something that we publish for all to see after every single shot that someone takes.  The dreaded 1% (Or wonderful 1% depending on what your intent was when it happened).

Here are a few facts to help you work out what I am talking about.

There are currently 20,887 1% shots currently in the database.
  - This means that there are 20,887 shots that - no matter what they rolled, they rolled a 1, therefor, its an auto hit regardless of the wack vs defense math.

Of the 20,887 1% shots, 189 of them were from an account that had less than a 0% chance of killing their target.
  - This means no matter how many times they roll, they will never roll well enough to get the kill other than the 1%)

Lets drill down to just this past 1 year:
There have been 2,854 1% shots in the past year.
Of the 2,854 1% shots, 17 of them were from an account that had a 0% chance of killing their target
Of those 17 shots, a 3 were pretty close (Meaning a handful of additional kills and they would have had a postive chance of an actual non 1% success)
So of the remaining 14, most would have taken place during a war.
Let me guess, the fact that 2,854 1%s happened was off your radar?
But you noticed some of the 14 that died.
And you noticed they were during wars.

So why do 1%s happen so often during wars?

Thats the thing, they don't.  It's that 1%s happen *constantly* but its off your radar because the extreme overwhelming majority of them would have hit anyway, so your mind doesn't make the connection that they died to a 1%.  The 2,837 never even raise an eyebrow.  But I bet a few of those 14 may have.  So what does this mean in the grand scheme of things?  Despite the game showing this information after every single wack attempt in the game, our interpretation of it is skewed. We only remember the 1%s that happen during wars - ignoring the other 2,854 datapoints and extrapolating from just 14, thus drawing a bad conclusion based on limited (or unintentionally ignored) information.

You are falling victim to the same thing.  Despite the maxed+ D math being in the news and announcements forum notifying everyone how it works and how often it works, you are attributing misses to distance.

You are falling victim to the time line of the shift of people realizing how important a max+ D character is, combined with the availability to max their D, causing new misses that otherwise would hit.  You are attributing that to distance on its own.

You are buying into the hyperbole of people who say 'omg i missed with a 3k gun, fuck distance'.  No, they didn't.  They didn't miss on a 3K gun cross country due to distance.  They missed on a 3k gun because of the hardcoded failure rate of a max+ D account.  You don't need a 5k gun. You don't need a 30k gun.  A 4 kill gun, a 400 kill gun, a 1,400 kill gun, a 4,400 kill gun, a 44,000 kill gun all have the minimum failure rate of about 9.5% when shooting a max+ D account.

Recently there was a rogue that shot and missed 2 people.  Was it from distance? Its easy to blame it on distance.  With the new knowledge that they would have failed if it was in the same city, and they still would have failed if they had 3 million more kills - does that change things? Yes?  No? So go back and think how many times you have attributed things to distance that may not have been.  When your knowledge of distance is severely colored by incorrect interpretations of what happened with the math, yeah, I will say you are doing the math wrong.  It's not an insult, its me correcting you so that you have a better understanding of how the game works.  Removing distance would not change a significant amount of the misses that get attributed to distance. 

Like real life, knowledge is passed down.  When we introduced distance matter, we had a page dedicated to a chart showing the relationship s via color between each city to each opposing city.  Like the tricks used to figure out HP remaining during certain events, people were able to figure out the distances. I am sorry no one shared this with you, or perhaps you forgot.  We do not simply give 100% of the whole picture of the math behind the scenes, nor should we - and if I correct a misunderstanding of something then fuck me right?  If I say you are doing it wrong, and heres why... then fuck me?  You are putting me in an impossible position here.  You want the the information. I give you the information. You then get upset at the information. I say I am always open to a better way of doing it and look forward to seeing your replacement idea... and I get this?  Fuck me right :D


The full scorched earth policy has only been done by one regime since iv been playing here. I don't know another regime that full wipes the game on a monthly quota and even then its been years.  You say this is not why it was changed but I do not see another logistical reason being you mentioned scorch earth. 

Maybe that was a poor choice of wording, allow me to reword it to "Scorched Everyone But Us" or "Scorched Continents As A Whole" or "Scorch these 138 people because of 2".  Does that change anything? 


That being said its completely absurd to tell your player base whom has been playing and building well over 10 years that they do not know how to math, When most 

Dude, do I need to put on my mittens when dealing with your brand of snowflake?  If you are doing the math wrong and blaming distance for things that removing distance *would not change the result* then yes, your math is wrong.  When someone says they need a 5k wack to kill someone, they are wrong and are doing the math wrong.  It would not benefit anyone if I put a gold star on your paper, patted you on your head and said "Whose got good math? YOU got good math, you're soooo good at math!'  No, that benefits no one.  Instead I pointed out the very flawed logic that is creating the incorrect assumptions hoping that you can get a better understanding on how it actually is.

You came out swinging with a fight to pick from the start, I gave you as much respect as you deserve.  Don't lump in others without the same history of problems with yourself, thats just being disingenuous.  Like I said in the past, I look forward to your replacement idea that can achieve the same goals. Now I feel if you take to heart what I said and rethink all your preconceived notions that cloud your math, you may be better equipped to make a suggestion that helps.  I am always willing to replace/alter something when a better idea comes along.

While we wait, would you like me to go back and make those wording changes?  Sometimes trying to word something in RP misses the mark. I get that.

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For more than a decade, distance has been a thing behind the scenes.  Your current location matters.  Your home city matters.  These things have been in the code for literal *years* prior to the Distance Matters thread you are quoting. If we ignore trying to put an RP spin on the wording, allow me to rewrite it:

from: "The further you are away from your home city, the less your rank is recognized and therefor, the less effective their gun/defense is the further away from their home city they are. .... The closer you are to your home city, the more your rank is recognized, and therefor, the more effective your gun/defense is."

to: "The new math we will use for wack takes into account the differences between locations and home cities more so than before"

Does this fix your first point?  Would you like me to repost it with corrected wording to settle your 1st argument

So then how is it our fault we misunderstand the things you mean if they are worded wrong? How are we supposed to gauge what RP is coded and what is not? 

  The game would be better if you didn't die 5 times in a row by some group that you literally have nothing to do with, pose no threat to, and don't even want to interact with.  Some people play this game as a zero sum game, in their mind for them to win others need to lose. 

Maybe that was a poor choice of wording, allow me to reword it to "Scorched Everyone But Us" or "Scorched Continents As A Whole" or "Scorch these 138 people because of 2".  Does that change anything? 

This does not happen and has not happened in years, I mean Curtis just lived to take GF lol, that is the point i was trying to make.  Neither of these things are prominent lmao I(one of your most hated players as your would say) just lived well long enough to kill someone if i was building, I died because of a comment I made and I knew I would get killed. People war for reason not everything is a purge , accounts live long these days scorch anything simply does not happen anymore. 

You cannot get 138 people online for a capped rogue you think you have 138 worthwhile accounts to kill in any singular city? This is not 2017   

Recently there was a rogue that shot and missed 2 people.  Was it from distance? Its easy to blame it on distance.  With the new knowledge that they would have failed if it was in the same city, and they still would have failed if they had 3 million more kills - does that change things? Yes?  No? So go back and think how many times you have attributed things to distance that may not have been.  When your knowledge of distance is severely colored by incorrect interpretations of what happened with the math, yeah, I will say you are doing the math wrong.  It's not an insult, its me correcting you so that you have a better understanding of how the game works.  Removing distance would not change a significant amount of the misses that get attributed to distance. 

 Not arguing the math after distance was Live  I made it very clear we do not know what it is. It is very evident the player base does not know as they express this to you by bitching as you say. There was a time period that hustle was implemented and distance was not yet live, we did not see nearly as many misses as we do now, with people being 103 D and the player base having a higher player count, you would assume there would be more missed from 103 D back then.  If something is live in the background and we the players do not know, I'm not sure getting upset is the correct response, when we express our opinions on something. Telling us "you don't know the math is belittling" , obviously we do not know the math only you do .  Now that we are on the same page here, I'm willing to bet more than a handful of players could tell you they knew what they needed to hit pre distance, and after they are unsure. I'm sure plenty of people would love to know the math to see if you are correct, we cannot pretend you have always coded things as you have worded them. 

ere are a few facts to help you work out what I am talking about.

There are currently 20,887 1% shots currently in the database.
  - This means that there are 20,887 shots that - no matter what they rolled, they rolled a 1, therefor, its an auto hit regardless of the wack vs defense math.

Of the 20,887 1% shots, 189 of them were from an account that had less than a 0% chance of killing their target.
  - This means no matter how many times they roll, they will never roll well enough to get the kill other than the 1%)

Lets drill down to just this past 1 year:
There have been 2,854 1% shots in the past year.
Of the 2,854 1% shots, 17 of them were from an account that had a 0% chance of killing their target
Of those 17 shots, a 3 were pretty close (Meaning a handful of additional kills and they would have had a postive chance of an actual non 1% success)
So of the remaining 14, most would have taken place during a war.
Let me guess, the fact that 2,854 1%s happened was off your radar?
But you noticed some of the 14 that died.
And you noticed they were during wars.

So why do 1%s happen so often during wars?




It is our hopes that this will balance all the cities a little more and provide a safety net for those who maintain a distance from each other.

My main point was not the math, my main point was the free blanket of protection everyone gets , that has no RP sense to it and has 0 fundamental value as all it has done is frustrate your community and completely kill the middle guns participation in war. I can elaborate on this but i feel you will just call me a crackhead . I mean this when i say this I do not give a fuck about distance, my opinion on it stands as I said but it would not hinder me from playing the game if i wanted too. Distance is not the cause of that, that would be the lack of new things to do, or the fact that jailing is still the only real activity to do here.  Shit is boring, I enjoy talking to people more than playing, I'm sure many feel this way.

Dude, do I need to put on my mittens when dealing with your brand of snowflake?

You came out swinging with a fight to pick from the start, I gave you as much respect as you deserve.  Don't lump in others without the same history of problems with yourself, that's just being disingenuous.

Look how emotional you get.  You took everything I said as disrespect because of the player who said it. I pleaded with others to speak up but everyone would rather not deal with you. I wish you could see peoples honest opinions about the state of the game and how stale it is . I come here and open up the door for conversations on  improvement on something I don't even fucking play seriously. Just because we got some solid ass people here who I know enjoy the game/community, but would rather not deal with this. Stop with the bullshit about the past get over it. I have not build in years I do not play your game seriously, if you think I am advocating for these changes for myself you are just fucking crazy.  I have never once personally complained to you about math, I have never had an issue shooting. The people you are referring to that bitch is the rest of your player base not the guy who hardly plays. I know you would like to use me as a scapegoat and that's fine go for it but I'm telling you right now as long as I don't get banned because you feel like it, I'm going to keep creating post like this until you get off your ass and create something better for the players. 10 years and the only new shit we got was hustle, took 1 year before you put that shit for sale, not even a new fucking color on the UI, but let me guess its coming out in the new game.  I really hope you don't DD me as i haven't said anything even remotely as disrespectful as you and I have a lot of suggestions I been getting together from players, to help make what's left of the community enjoyable in some sense. 

While we wait, would you like me to go back and make those wording changes?  Sometimes trying to word something in RP misses the mark. I get that.

No Izzy I would like you to stop being so emotional every time I critique something lmao. You called me a crackhead twice now and you know I only smoke weed, however you have a plethora of players here who struggle with drug abuse, how about keeping them in mind when insulting me next time. Call me fat ass instead, its got more flare to it. Crackhead is ghetto. 

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So then how is it our fault we misunderstand the things you mean if they are worded wrong? How are we supposed to gauge what RP is coded and what is not? 

Fault? Who is assigning fault? Where is fault being assigned?  What is the fault?  If you don't understand the math, thats not *your fault*, its *you* simply *not understanding the math behind it*.  If *you* don't know 100% of every bit of the math behind things, that is OK.  It is, however, *your fault* if you continue to blame distance when you now know you are assigning blame to it for use cases where its not the reason for the missed shot. 


As far as "gauging what RP is coded and what is not?", can you elaborate a little more, I am not understanding exactly what you are asking.  Did you misunderstand the post where it said things like "Example, a Philly attacker will have an easier time picking off a NY target rather than an LA target."  I thought that was pretty clear.  Can you walk me through better example wording on how a X city attacker will have an easier time picking off a Y target than a Z target?  Can you walk me through how you interpreted the original and follow up threads/posts and how the past 6 years you are now finding it different enough to question that the word Rank is your #1 point made in your thread?

The next update that stated "When the last account born as of this post dies, we will be turning on new math for Distance Matters.  This increase the separation of the coasts when it comes to skills when visiting other cities." - Any suggestion on how I could have better said it?

When I said  "I believe this will give cities increased independence from other cities based upon their proximity." - Can you walk me through how I could have avoided someone misunderstanding this with better wording that isn't wrong?

If your #1 issue is the wording, then lets go through the 6 years of posts/threads about this subject and find common ground on wording that will properly convey what distance is to people who may read it differently than it was intended.  I am not being sarcastic, I am legitimately confused by your first major point.


This does not happen and has not happened in years, I mean Curtis just lived to take GF lol, that is the point i was trying to make.  Neither of these things are prominent lmao I(one of your most hated players as your would say) just lived well long enough to kill someone if i was building, I died because of a comment I made and I knew I would get killed. People war for reason not everything is a purge , accounts live long these days scorch anything simply does not happen anymore. 

What does not happen and has not happened in years?  Are you saying no one dies 5 times in a row?  I say everyone dies 5 times in a row. (Unless you haven't had 6 accounts yet or retired in the middle of the count).  A person dying that is unrelated to the events that started it happens constantly, and even more so in the past.  The goal is when you start over you can choose to start in a different zone and be as far away as possible and be as little of a threat and vice versa.  Don't like NY and their cronies? go to LA.  Don't like LV? Fuck em' go to Philly.  (Before you cry that how dare I insult the current NY and current LV, I am naming cities as logistical examples, past present and future, not the current leadership in them)  As the original post says "It is our hopes that this will balance all the cities a little more and provide a safety net for those who maintain a distance from each other."  If you don't like a group, faction, crew, city, whatever - go further away to stay out of their way.

A little more independence and autonomy from completely different crews is not a bad thing.

I agree not everything is a purge, why are you bringing up purging?  Not every car is blue. BAM (drops mic).  With you bringing up Curtis and purging, are you under the misunderstanding that despite the reasons stated for the feature mutiple times in multiple threads over the past 6 years, you ignore all that and think its because of... curtis? and purging? 


 If something is live in the background and we the players do not know, I'm not sure getting upset is the correct response,

I am not getting upset at a player not knowing something, I am getting upset of having to keep dealing with your attacks knowing that if I remove you from the game (like you should be) that you'll start your little rampage again and release nudes of players that don't deserve it, followed by multiple harassment campaigns years in length - its just who you are and what you do.  Your constant jabs are just uncalled for man.  I do not like you, at all.  And you do not like me, fair enough.  But for the love of god, just be a better human and leave and when you do, try not to harm all those you hold hostage on the way out.

You going to come threaten to kick my ass again?  You going to charge back your vacation and make me pay for it? You going to threaten to release nudes of the women who made the mistake of believing you were not the predator you are?  I despise you and the way you are.  I have given you 10000 chances and I absolutely hate that you hold people hostage with threats so that you do not have to endure the consequences of your actions - well I'm about near my limit.

If you want the feature gone, have another user who isn't a human garbage pitch a better idea on how to achieve the same goals.

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Has anyone actually ever hit a 12 hour without leaving the crew and setting up?

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This will be the last I say on the subject for now, but overall I think the biggest problem with this is it's not fun.  Whatever the reasoning, it's painful and agonizing and absolutely 0 fun.  And the fact that we all know the 'work around' (really the exploitable bug that is allowed), so clearly something is not right.

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The game, for all intents and purposes, would be better if you could isolate yourself from the people you do not want to interact with. The game would be better if you didn't die 5 times in a row by some group that you literally have nothing to do with, pose no threat to, and don't even want to interact with. Some people play this game as a zero sum game, in their mind for them to win others need to lose. Some people play the exact polar opposite. The goal is to enable a way to meet in the middle by providing a way to allow for both to coincide. If you don't like group A or B, go to the other coast where they and you are not as big of a threat towards each other.

How's that working out for you? When it's just a case of leaning on that cities uppers to shoot that person anyway. The few deaths we've just seen for example...... so while I get and understand the rational... it just doesn't work.  The player base will never accept the game split into 2. 

People are too scared to loose thier account for a feature like this to ever actually work. 

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 Not even gonna respond to the distance stuff because you are just so out of touch with your game I cant deal with it. You do not play, I don't expect you to understand why the players do not want distance. Plus I have no plans on coming back after my year is up, the owner of this site is just a raging lunatic. 

I am not getting upset at a player not knowing something, I am getting upset of having to keep dealing with your attacks knowing that if I remove you from the game (like you should be) that you'll start your little rampage again and release nudes of players that don't deserve it, followed by multiple harassment campaigns years in length - its just who you are and what you do.  Your constant jabs are just uncalled for man.  I do not like you, at all.  And you do not like me, fair enough.  But for the love of god, just be a better human and leave and when you do, try not to harm all those you hold hostage on the way out.

 This is untrue and you posted a reply but DD me before i could respond to defend myself. I have never threatened a player with nudity here.  I have never used nudes as ammo to hold anyone hostage . You think females are sending me nudes knowing I might hold them hostage with it? LMAO dude you are legit either a retard or just confusing me with someone else. Honestly i cannot tell. 

I do not like you, at all.  And you do not like me, fair enough.

No here is the truth, I do not mind you at all. You have this idea in your head that I am here to ruin the game or sully the playerbase. I am not sure if another player is telling you this or you just assuming. However its just not true, I loved this game for a point and time. But look at how you come out here and attack me and still I have not even got nearly as disrespectful as you. You do not like me because I troll some of your friends to the point it makes them upset and I'm sure they bitch to you. Those players are 10x more toxxic for the game than me and im not sure how you cant see it. All this animosity you have towards me is because what i say to others on main. Nothing else as i hardly speak to players outside the game. You are the developer it should not be like that. You have to stop having these issues with players. You are legit speed running the death of this community. When you get called out on it you throw numbers out there like we are fucking stupid and don't play the game. You don't have active players most of the base is IA. Half the solid players don't want to play because of you. Not distance izzy. YOU, how you operate things, how you said you would not get involved years ago but alas get involved every chance you get. 

you going to come threaten to kick my ass again?

No Izzy I think you are just a lunatic and I  feel bad ever threatening you. Its obvious something is wrong with you and has little to do with me. 

You going to charge back your vacation and make me pay for it?

You DD me 3 months later, over an opinion, tell the full story. I also dropped the charge back after we spoke and gave you the money? 

You going to threaten to release nudes of the women who made the mistake of believing you were not the predator you are?

I have never done this You are confusing me with another player, like I cannot stress this enough Izzy. Every single female that has sent me nudes in the past has no issues with me.  This has never been something id do to get back at a female. I don't even share with my homeboys. 

followed by multiple harassment campaigns years in length

To who? Tell me the player I have been harassing for multiple years. 

You? I harass you for years? No Izzy you say something out your mouth that you'd never say in person and I get upset and respond accordingly. That is not harassment.  

So what player have I harassed for years?  See you don't even know me . Not a single player on here does, I hardly talk to people outside here. Anyone who has spoken to me on voice , knows I just want better for the community. Anyone who has ever been on discord with me can attest to this. You just see me rage on main and think damn he hates everyone, you are an idiot man stop holding me to shit i did years ago its silly.  You know nothing about me I have spoken to so many of your friends on Discord and get along with them fine. You just do not like me reasons you cannot explain. I mean be real man your very first words to me on this site were "I have heard of you and not good things". Stop taking opinions from other players whom may or may not like me based off in game choices. All in all , you are just an unprofessional/soft ass admin, who plays favorites but pretends he does not. It makes me sick people still spend money here and you do nothing for the community. Guy reskins an event and we praise him like hes the most creative person on the planet. Those events are dog shit , No one wants to afk shoot for 24 hours. You could help make this community so much more enjoyable for players but you don't speak to them lol, I do that's why i speak up.  So many suggestions these players have but they are afraid to talk because of shit like this, so I come out and speak because im accustomed to fucking dealing with this shit, its as if I'm the admin now .  So much wasted potential because the owner and lead developer is just to emotional about certain players giving there opinions. 


Izzy stop with the bullshit Focus on making the game better so more people come back. All that other shit is for the birds, You are the owner act like it. Act like the player base matters. Not just the 15 people you like .

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You also just banned me for 0 reason as I did not disrespect you nor did I harass anyone in the community. Your reason for my DD holds not substance because it did not happen. This is to let the players know izzy can and will DD you whenever he feels like it, if he does not like you don't invest in his game it is a waste of time. I am not the only player this happens too. Look last year.

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Seeing as this thread is going a bit off course, I will add that I actually like the distance changes and think they are good for the game.

I disagree with this assessment that the playerbase as a whole doesnt like it. Once you spend some time to actually understand the math, distance is a refreshing change on things. Is there ways around it? Yes. However, it creates complications that require the playerbase to think outside the box a little more.
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I've neve4 said its not good. It is, but you're totally missing/ignoring the point being made and its design. It's not doing what it's designed to do. Stop looking at from a gun pov, its blinkere. It's designed to split the game. It's not doing that. Simple as that.
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Im looking at it from a gun point of view because thats how I choose to look at it. Alliances are alliances and those will always be a random factor thrown in. Its not a constant, gun is.
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Im looking at it from a gun point of view because thats how I choose to look at it. Alliances are alliances and those will always be a random factor thrown in. Its not a constant, gun is.

A gun is no longer a constant when the player base is confused on the mechanics behind it. You dont know the math on distance we have discussed this before. The feature of distance does not serve its orginal purpose as space has said multiple times. I will correct myself if I said everyone I should have said a vast majority of the players I speak too on here.  I'm quite unsure how any of us can appreciate  a feature that would require your entire upper structure to setup should you wish to attack. It is absolutely goofy from a gun perspective. 

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Please do not assume what I do and do not know :p
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Consider yourself assumed
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Thats fine with me 😁
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I mean. *talking ribbish*
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Replying to: Distance Matters, but why??
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