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Wack System Modification Jan 12th Cut-off Started by: Squishy on Jan 11, '24 23:19

What is the thought for the rate of deterioration or am I understanding any of the normal kills after 120 days falls off? How inactive dose one have to be for it to kick in?

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I'd assume it would be like this and I could be wrong

Day 1 you're +25

Day 121 you get +5 .. you would loose 20 shots.

I could be a mile off. But thsts my guess
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I should have a visual demo up in a couple of days to illustrate how it all works.  I still have some massaging to do so that its fair across all use cases, so there is still some work to be done to balance things out so I cant commit to anything yet, I'm sure some things will come up that require adjusting the announcement when I have it all working and can really test all the scenarios.

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Fair enough, i know its gotta go through its iterations and adjustments. 

Will reserve my opinion and statements until we get a better look.

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Is this system live?
Report Post Tip bg wounds disappear or only bg kills?
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I’m also if this system is live or if there is a timeline for when it should become live?

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Any account born on or after Jan 12th, 2024, will be using the new system when shooting at another person born on/after Jan 12th.

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I still have some massaging to do so that its fair across all use cases, so there is still some work to be done to balance things out so I cant commit to anything yet 

Understand the confusion now, Alfie? 

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Aye, I read it that the wack system hasn't been adjusted as of yet and won't be until the gaffer has the visual demo up

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