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The New Leader of the Streets: Kuku Started by: Kuku on May 15, '24 12:58

Sadly, I would misuse my power. It would be a reign of tyranny. A bloodbath. The Streets are better off in your fair, even-tempered hands.

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Teyla, please come get your RHM and instruct him on proper conduct and etiquette.

Larry bursts from the long grass near the calm pond where he resides.


What do we have here? A Wise Guy with regular length legs yelling at a Godfather/Godmother and barking orders. Quite the testicular fortitude to come out to my pond and demand anything at all.

Now.. is your physique incredible? Admittedly yes. Do people ask me if I can get an autograph from you and send it to them wherever I go? Also yes. Do they request that I pay the postage? Yeah they do. But does that give YOU the right to demand anything from a Godfather, specifically mine? I do not believe it does.

Our offices are open if you wish to come and have a civilized conversation about the gripes with your errand boy instead of shit slinging in the streets like a bunch of animals."


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I did say "please", Larry. It was a request, not a demand, perhaps poorly phrased. Teyla knows all too well why I am upset. An ancestor of hers got in a little hot water doing the same thing Rufus has done, but luckily an ancestor of mine went to bat for her ancestor and saved her life. Saved her life - meaning that death was considered the acceptable punishment at the time for someone who praised a rogue that had just murdered a Godfather Chair. So, if anyone could teach Rufus how a respectable mobster should conduct himself in these matters, it's Teyla.

Meanwhile, here we are. Death was never even considered for Rufus' insults. For all I know, he was never even reprimanded. He has been unapologetic for weeks now.

He insults the memory of our GFC, he insults our hosted competitions, and he continues to shit all over the city of Philadelphia almost daily. It's getting very tiresome. A simple apology would be a step in the right direction, but instead we keep getting insults.

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