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What sparks your creativity? Started by: Quasimodo on Jan 25, '12 22:58

Quasimodo, while walking along the streets of Chicago, stopped for a moment and turns to all the people in the Streets.


"I sing! I dance! I shout from the rooftops, like i'm on top of the world! What do you do?" Quasimodo shouted to the masses. Some probably thought he was nuts, but Quasimodo didn't mind.

Is it singing in the rain?

Is It dancing in the moonlight?

Is it living in the moment?

Reading a book?

Taking a walk?


I remember as a young lad playing for hours and hours outside until the street lamps were lit late into the evening. I remember that because of the Depression, we had to find creative ways to entertain ourselves. Whether it was listening to Richard E. Byrd and his tales of the world abroad, hearing on the radio about a female pilot who flew lengths no one had, or delving into a good book by Raymond Chandler, There were many ways i could occupy my time and let my mind explore all that life had to offer. It is in exploring this creaitvity, i found myself much interest the life we now live today. So you see, exploring everything the world has to offer, can open your mind to new and exciting possibilities, and lead you down paths in lifwe you never would have thought possible.

Whats your muse? What is it that lights up your imagination, fuels your inspiration and sets you to the task?


What sparks your creativity?


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Usually its sparked by the need for survival, nothing fills you with life more than dodging bullets

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Well, that is quite a notion there Mr Serona. Tell me, when dodging bullets and afterward, once you've been given that new lease on life, do you find yourself in the creative spirit?

Do you set to the task of making a better life for yourself, knowing tomorrow you might not be so lucky? Or do you live on the edge and in the moment, using the adrenaline of the crossfire to fuel more passion for money and power?

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Emilio walking also in the streets of Chicago, hears the man with all the questions, and once again is ready to answer

Quasimodo, you and your questions, I like them, just so you know

Emilio gives a grin and continues with his answer

What truly sparks my imagination the most?  Being alone, on starlit nights, just walking around or staring into the night sky.  It is always at this moment I come up with my greatest ideas, come up with theories to answer different questions, or simply relive memories.  Always something there in my mind at that moment to think about, always ends up more understood and interesting as it goes.  Or when I am playing my guitar, on occasion a note, or chord, or just a simple melody, will spark emotions from deep down, and it gets me thinkin 'bout the meaning of life, or how to put emotions in ways everyone can understand, and in turn help them with their own.

That is what sparks my creativity.

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Tom listened quietly to the man and drew a cigarette. Sparking it alight he began to talk.

No one wants people after their hide, but alas that is one of the reasons I joined this thing of ours. The danger, excitement and fear.

Many generations ago a young Mafioso came to these shores, new to the life of crime he was clueless as to how it all worked. Not knowing even what a family was, he had made it to America on his own and intended to stay that way. So he spent his first day robbing stores, dealing drugs and mugging innocent civilians. On one of his jobs he found a gun, suddenly he felt more powerful. Even though he had never even held a gun yet alone fired one, he suddenly felt like no one would mess with him now he was armed. On his second day a Goomba approached him and told him that if he didn't get a family soon he would die. This was seen as a threat by my gramps, so right there in the middle of the street he drew his gun and shot the Goomba in the face. That action created a whole long bloodline of hitters in years to come, but that's a whole different story. That rush of killing really satisfied my gramps, but ofcourse it was a foolish choice. Nonetheless it gave me a story to tell years later.

I would continue but I feel that the conclusion to this story is not very hard to predict. That day taught my bloodline about shooting, and all of the best stories involve shooting.

I hope that explains alittle better as to what inspires me to speak.

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Tom... I would have very much liked to have met your Grandfather. He seems like an interesting man.

In answer to your question Quasimodo... I must agree with Tom here. Surviving and making something of myself are the two sources of my inspiration, 'my muses' as you so aptly named them.

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Quasimodo shakes hands with EmilionSoldati.


Thank You Emilio. I do enjoy listening to those who choose to wish to allow us a little deeper insight into the man or woman we see day to day. I can see why you favor starlit wandering, the comtemplating of life and the guitar and motivators, or igniters, or your own creative flame. In each exists a well known bout of serenity, unlike any other, bring about a certain tranquility only those who truly appreciate it, can fully understand. Keep at your ways my friend. I am certain that in them, one day, the meaning of life, will become clear.

Perhaps while strumming the guitar, or lying atop a mountaintop underneath the stars, also consider my previous questions. Combined, you might arrive at thoughts you never considered before! Perhaps?

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Tom, i do quite like the tradition explained. It certainly enlightens each of us, to the family name of Serona. We see many people here in this place, and pass by them each day, not knowing much more of them then what is on the surface.


Your great grandfather, came to a place to make a name for himself, and while his actions may be considered a foolish choice, in them he set a precident for his ancestors, to reshape this place in a way that may never have been. He made history on that day and you as his ancestor carry it on. I would quite agree that in that, one could find quite a spark for creativity to flow free from.


Just think, you may yet perform heroic deeds or even seemingly insignificant ones, that seem small in the moment, but could change the very course of history for your Children's Children's Children. Now there's something to think about!

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I will definatly keep them in mind, and have already started comtemplating on them.  If and when I do find any answers I will be sure to share them!

Emilio grins and sits to think of previous questions he has been asked.

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I remember a story from my grandfather, where in the business district of a vacant old street he had accidently driven his RV into a deceased member of the community's old shop, It was an honest mistake, but he was in a rush to get some explosives and didnt have the cash at the time, He did plan to later go and pay for the damages to the shop...

I love stories of the "Good ole days" In general and often sit on rooftops rem-incing

My grandfathers idea was to have fun, Argue sensibly, As crazy as he liked, If thats what ment inorder to have a good time thats what he would do. Your point of view is always valid as long as its sensibly respectful at the same time.

I find most often everyone has their own recreational way of creating themself a spark I personally find mine from brainstorming ideas with friends, After talking about certain subjects it brings up others. Alot of the time I have more idea's then energy to enter the streets.

Jessie takes a toke off his pipe and wanders off thinking "Well it made sense to me... maybe Id smoke abit to much tho..."

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That theory I have to agree with Jessie, and practice frequently.  As long as one has fun, no matter the insanity of it, its fine.  Of course as long as its not taking a dump in someones grave or other such things, hah!

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Mr Dimitri, as always it is quite a pleasure to see you here.

Survival and Substance are two of life's great motivators. The will to carry on and to do so with purpose. With each, a man can be anyone he wishes to be, reach heights he never thought possible, and achieve goals he once only knew in a dream.

Perhaps you to Dimitri, can light a spark, that your family will carry for generations!

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Jessie, it is a great pleasure to meet you. I do not believe i have yet had the honor.


I believe your grandfather was a man of a distinct insight, not possessed by many people. It sounds to me he saw that in life, what was most important, was Enjoying life. He knew that it was not a dress rehearsal. He understood that his life was an occasion and he chose to rise to it. A brilliant man from the look of things, a trait it sounds like he may have passed on.

Gathering friends and loved ones as you mentioned, just to reflect is often a wonderufl place, to find that spark i speak of. In that bonding and camaraderie, we open up and allow our personalities to co exist and create a new force in this world. It seems to me, that you've a great many ideas already. Maybe one day you'll put some of them out into the world for everyone to see your hard work.


In doing so, you could very well inspire someone else to do the very same. My advice? Don't sleep on it! Be that spark for another down the road. Show them the way, through your own success!

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Desmond hesitates a little while pondering his response

What's the catalyst to get my creativity going? Where does that inspiration come from to allow my imagination to go places it wouldn't if it were properly supervised? Well, it might sound silly or sarcastic, but I'm being completely honest here.


From the moment my head hits the pillow until I wake up, my head is racing with ideas and evaluations of those ideas and upon awakening is when final evaluations take place and usually I'll say "That's a stupid idea, why on earth would I think of that" but sometimes they'll actually be good enough to be put into action. As one might suspect, this is also a contributing factor to my insomnia...

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Sneaker doesn't even have to think about the answer to the question posed for she is continually confronted with this.

Adversity sparks my creativity.

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Name this late Crewleader!

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Desmond, sleep is essential for many reasons, but the most beneficial for me has always been exactly what you speak of. Allowing your mind to wander as you rest, at a million miles an hour, sorting thoughts, the days events, and also what could be later on in life. Certainly, a great many things can cross an active mind. If you remember it in the morning when you wake, will you begin to change the world?

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Mr Sal,

While i do not quite understand what it is you are saying, perhaps this late crew leader you speak of, is a spark to your own creativity? Many people influence us to seek out our own passions in life and excel at them.

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I'm saying that riddles spark my creativity and I provided one for you to answer. 

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I am afraid i do not know the answer to your riddle. Dr. something i presume?

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