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Events around Chicago Started by: Stamina on Feb 16, '12 04:07

As many of you will have noticed by now, just a short while ago war had been declared against the city of Chicago.

Let me first start by saying that we did not come to this decision lightly, a lot of thought was put into it before we decided to unite forces to make a stand against actions and behaviour that we deemed inappropriate.

For the longest time Chicago has been a city that I've done much business with, up to and prior to the days of Godfather JesseJames. After the Godfather died in a tragic accident, certain actions and decisions made by Chicago have slowly started to go against our beliefs and wishes.

I don't want to go into too much detail here as I don't think it necessary to drag any names through the mud, but a few incidents that forced us into the decision will be brought to explain our actions.

Just over a couple of weeks ago Chicago found themselves in a bit of a mess when former head, PizzaTheHut, took it upon himself to take a vacation to the Sunshine State. Moments later war broke out when EveValon made the decision to take the fight for power to Monet. New Orleans made the decision to go and defend Monet and the rest of Chicago by bringing the conflict to an end, but at cost to my city. We lost the life of an incredibly loyal Don, a huge importance to our operation. She put her life on the line and lost, dying with a bank account full of cash and with two Corrupt Agents on the payroll.

Two days later a Wise Guy from New Orleans, for unknown reasons took it upon himself to wage war against another Wise Guy from Chicago. As soon as the news hit my office, I personally saw to it that he would be going for a swim. To my amazement, we were then approached by Chicago with a bill for the expense of 2 Corrupt Agents. Only 48 hours after we stepped in to help, it was thrown back at us by demanding compensation.

Two weeks ago today, the city leaders got together and sat around to discuss a few issues that we had with our world and also to discuss changes as we move forward. One of the topics discussed was the future of Detroit. We all agreed on conditions surrounding the city and a deadline to send one member each to Detroit, in order for them to go bold and work their magic in an attempt to encourage growth in and around our cities. Deadline time came and went without problem for most of the candidates, all but RickJames. It seems RickJames missed the deadline by 24 hours as a result of his last minute demote in an effort to strengthen him with some hired muscle.

Still on the subject of Detroit, we saw the removal of one of the leaders there this week. Batman, the member sent over by Las Vegas, had his time with us cut short along with the majority of his crew. Chicago claimed responsibility for the action and almost immediately afterwards came to the streets to give us their reasoning, also suggesting a replacement auth for Detroit despite previously agreeing to them being limited to four outfits. The reasons given, I won't go into too much detail as they're out there for all to see already. I know the large majority of people I have heard from afterwards didn't buy into the stories told by an unknown mobster, after his outbursts of OOC drivel found himself serving time by the hands of the gods. The support for their action here can be seen mainly by the prominent figures within Chicago only.

Most recently regarding Detroit, we saw internal problems when power was turned against RickJames after his attempt to implement a less than orthodox method of increasing bodyguard numbers in the city. Many hours after the initial strikes against his crew, RickJames found himself still standing and then saw the rest of the world waking up and enquiring about what had been taking place over night.
I found myself brought out of sleep by a phone call from Chicago asking for my position on the matter as they wanted to back their representative within the city. Advising that I would look into the issues and give my opinion, I made it clear I would get back to them as soon as possible. Before being able to get back to them, they had sent not one, but two messages to the leaders of Detroit ordering a ceasefire within the city, explaining this had been issued by the Godfather Council. They made it clear than any infractions of the ceasefire would be met with the force of Chicago.

I explained my position on the city and spoke of my desire to leave them to their own devices. I had spoken to the other leaders in Detroit and it was clear from my point of view that they all knew the reason for attacking RickJames and had all agreed to this. When Detroit was formed, it was on the basis that we were all sending members there but that it was their own city to be governed by themselves. Unhappy with this, I was pressed by Chicago that this wasn't the case and that they had invested money in RickJames so they should be able to back him. I made it clear that we had all invested in the members of Detroit and that as soon as they set up home there, they were then leaders in another city and were not to be seen as an extension of their previous cities.

Speaking to the other cities, it was clear to me that the ceasefire which had been so strongly enforced by Chicago, had not been cleared with the other city heads at all and in fact other cities knew nothing of the order. With this in mind, New York and New Orleans got together and we had agreed that they were continuing their less than desirable behaviour and could only see things getting worse. The way they were ordering another city around, a city they had nothing to do with, using the names of other leaders to enforce their threats is completely inappropriate. You will see examples of this below for you to examine.

From: Monet
Sent: Feb 14, '12 11:09
Subject: #Ceasefire

Good morning,

Due to the recent events surrounding yourselves and that of RickJames, the Godfather Council asks you kindly to ceasefire pending a Godfather Council Discussion.

Thank you,


From: _Raptor_
Sent: Feb 14, '12 11:44
Subject: #

To clarify things as it seems there was misunderstanding...

You are being ordered to bring a cessation to your hostile activities.. That means no shots at any member of DT or any of their bodyguards.

This is not negotiable, and you will comply with this instruction pending a possible hearing at the godfather council to plead your case. Failure to comply will result in dire consequences.

Furthermore you will reply immediately to confirm your acceptance and compliance of this instruction.

Any shots occurring after receipt of this message will be taken extremely seriously.


Above this, there were other incidents which were adding up here and there which had been causing concern. The fact that pretty much every city out there has been having problems with Chicago, Detroit being ordered around, Las Vegas loosing a sponsored member by a member of Chicago who wasn't punished. Much to the contrary, he got a promotion to RHM. Other cities being charged compensation as much as possible, it was noticeable that Chicago were taking a very aggressive position. A position that we believe they cannot afford to have towards this community.

We decided that we didn't want to put our cities in this position as we move forward. This is why we stand here right now, making a stand against the city, standing up for what we believe. If any other cities feel they have been wronged by Chicago and their actions, we invite you to join the cause and assist in the removal of the city.

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This is unbelievable. I hope you sleep well tonight. 

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I would say, they had the mindset of being able to do whatever they wanted since they had JesseJames and his canon backing them. Once he was gone they kept that same mindset.

IT was their downfall

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I know I shall be sleeping great tonight! You have very valid reasons Stamina and wish your city the best of luck picking off the remainding threats.

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From a dark cloud of smoke comes a spooky character.  One to which the likes of you have never seen before.  One who the shear sound of his voice could bring chills to the largest, meanest mans bones.  As Demonic levitated himself above the sidewalk, people began to take notice.  Using this opportunity Demonic begins to speak to the mere mortals before him.

I couldn't agree more with SpaceCowboy here.  These reasons are more then enough in this demons eyes.  I do hate to see more blood upon our streets,  but I am happy to receive the souls you present to me.  Thank you my godfather for taking the time to to speak to us here tonight.

With the blink of an eye, Demonic vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

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Slab ducks a flying bullet and runs past the small crowd, shouting

"I'm pretty sure you gave us permission to call for a ceasefire via a telephone call, and then changed your mind! Anyway, I can't stay, it seems that I'm not long for this world, and I want to die in clean trousers!"

Slab disappears into the distance, followed by his bodyguards, some limping terribly

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That is totally untrue Sir. Slab. I know for a fact that Stamina has never given permission for this ceasefire, neither would him lie about it if he had done so.

Either way, to me, just the simple fact that he was charged 20 credits after saving chicago's life is enough reason for this attack. Business is business and Stamina being clearly stronger then Monet and yourself shouldn't bow down to any of you.

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Slab sprints past, running in the opposite direction. He is followed by significantly fewer bodyguards. Swearing can be heard

"I guess we all get our information from sources, and then act on them. History will be written by the victors, always. It's been a good life in Chicagoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Slabs voice fades into the distance as he zigzags up the street, trying to throw off his assailants aim

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Godfather stamina I feel I must salute you for the speed you have come to the streets to explain your actions it is a most refreshing approach.

As for the reasons two points raised did quite shock me.

When las Vegas lost one of its own it was quite shocking to see the person responsible get away Scott free.

The other point is the charging of 20 credits so soon after you personally had stepped in to help them.

Again thank you for coming to the streets so soon.

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Tonight's action was not based on a single event. It was the culmination of many questionable at best moves made by Chicago. Whatever the deal was between Chicago and Stamina I will not comment on as I was not a party to it but the mails clearly stated that this was an order of the Godfather Council which carries the weight of not just Chicago and New Orleans but New York and the other cities as well. I know no one from New York gave any permission for any intervention and to insinuate that we did was a serious problem in our eyes.

This was on top of the take down of a Detroit crew that was based on information that, quite frankly, I felt had little to no merit. This take down reeked of reckless violence from a city that was seemingly losing stability by the day. There were incidences that seemed to always be surrounding a certain hand from the city and it was clear that the city had become a threat to everyone.

This war was particularly difficult for me and every shot fired was felt on an already heavy heart. Not only because of the personal friends that I lost from Chicago, of which there were many, but because my family line was deeply entrenched in Chicago for so long. My father worked in Chicago as his father did before him. My Grandfather stood next to Roman in the early days against long odds to build Chicago into a city which stood the test of time to remain one of the strongest and most active cities in this thing of ours. It was heart breaking to me to see it end tonight but I can assure you that it was most necessary.

I will always remember those lost tonight and offer my sincere condolences to their offspring. This was something I had hoped I would never have to see.

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Khione listens to the speech of Godfather Stamina nods her head as the respectful Godfather points out the reason behind the event this evening.

Godfather Stamina you have to do what is best for the community, its a hard decision but as you have pointed out it is done not because of only one event but series of events.

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You and others did what you figured was the right move. I believe that many will agree with you on your actions. Yet there of course will be those who do not agree with it or will bash you for your decisions. 

But in the end it cannot be changed. You made a decision as a City Head and you did what you thought was the right move. Those who come out here to disagree and say these were invalid reasons will most likely be angry over the event. But the points made in this speech are valid and there are many reasons in there as to why Chicago had to be taken down.

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Hard, but wise decisions, you have done what you thought was the right thing for this community and for that I thank you.

Arse salutes, then walks off into the moonlight.

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May the bullies RIP. 

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"I don't want to drag any names through the mud"

Yet you show two mails sent by two different people, with their names attached to them? That's the first bit of contradictory for you.

We have seen so many wars recently, I really thought somebody who had been allowed to get Godfather would want stability and growth, however, you've proved yourself to be a piss poor godfather, and i detect a hint of paranoia.

Also given that you weren't ever authed into your own city, more so rogued against your own Godfather, Kimble, for, let's say, much much worse reasoning than anything Chicago has done over the last couple of months.

You will meet your demise Stamina, and I will laugh at your corpse when it comes.

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While i certainly sympathize with the fallen and never quite a fan of those who rewrite history once the voices who held position to speak have been silenced, i think seeing the children of the fallen arriving here to voice frustration, only further silences any real injustice that may have occurred.

But hey what do i know, i'm only a petty thief! Rest in Peace to the Fallen!

May you rise again in another life and be successful again

P.S. I is here!

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Agreed High-Society. Mistakes were made and they were paid for. No reason to be a dick from the grave. Cut your losses and be on your way. Our sons will do something great again.

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It serves no purpose, and in turn sully's the good name of those who once held great title.

Let it lye, i say.

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Rot in hell Chicago. Now its time for another piece of crap Godfather to rot with them

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Wow. Crazy...Toothless - c'mon man

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