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Incase You Had Any Questions. Started by: Valmont on Jun 19, '12 07:59

Well I do not know those people very well and as it seams there are 2 different stories , I cant know which one to belive, except Valmont realy had to have a reason to do what he did as it was obvious that we will lose, so guess he have some good arguments and I more belive his story, but I cant know for 100% so wont talk too much about that, what I know is that my friend got killed cos he mugged someone who pp him and he clearly said if someone take 5k to pay it back on his profile, also reason why my other friend Barney died is same very lame reasons and also I know that I lost more then 16 millions I hard earned and I do not know is Valmont right or not, obviously it wasnt right move he should do as we all died, but I understand him if what he said is true and you try to puppet everyone, then I understand Valmont 100%. I dont know well him nor I know well DS and with Marston I never talked to I think, but I did knew Kisuke and whole his crew and about that crew you cant say anything bad as it was great crew. And I want to say that I was honored to work with all those people and was honored to die alongside them.

Now you guys excuse me I am going to kill myself, seams like dieing became my habbit:Dhaha



PS: Lancelot realy no need to insult people, this is discussion here and you should try prove your arguments , calling someone idiot on here is pretty much idiotic:D

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Well said Paul. It was a pleasure working with you.

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Jelena hears a conversation about the recent events and decides to add her two cents. She found one particular part interesting.


Recently I had a boss die in my crew, killed minutes after mugging a VWP NYC member. We were sure that the NYC member took the shot however after numerous requests the WS never came up. … Well word on the street says that CHI caught the WS and was told to bury it by Marston himself. Interesting…

Ok... So now why is this important? Ok, So this Boss within the Detroit set up, Had every right to mug a hand from another city.Bit of a "pop shot?" To cover it up was... Well... ridiculous. And its a huge shame Detroit couldn't get revenge the full for it.

I'm sure New York will handle situations of mugging alot better in future. Eh who knows, Philly and New York might get members shooting at each other for mugging... Pha.


A hand was not mugged. Not any of the hands at the time anyway. Frankly, I doubt anything was learned from this either. Usually nothing is when someone does something and gets away with it. It takes balls to man up and some people will just never have them. As for name calling, people tend to resort to that when they have nothing intelligent to add.


Jelena gets away from here as the whole thing disgusts her anyway. She has work to do.

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IN THE MAFIA?!?!?! :o

Why God, why?

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 I also want to ask Phil_Steak publicly; Yo whats the deal with specifically Pickpocketing the people who have a warning for mugging? You gonna cap everyone who mugs you? I know for a fact you had Detroit on your target list for it.

Reply by: Jessie at Jun 20, '12 11:12

    Jun 15, '12 16:30     You PICKPOCKETED! Krim1nal.
    Jun 14, '12 23:02     You PICKPOCKETED! Krim1nal.
    Jun 14, '12 16:47     You PICKPOCKETED! Krim1nal.
    Jun 14, '12 05:02     You PICKPOCKETED! Krim1nal.

If I had targeted anyone, it was Krim1nal(rip), simply because I wanted to get to know him better... although he never messaged me about any of the PPs. I truely respected how he didn't whine and complain about it and stopped after I saw I wasn't going to get him to message me about it.

Yes, I was totally picking on Detroit with my PPs...
How about this for me PPing Detroit, Detroit stole a Capo from my family.
I targeted two specific people in Detroit. Why? Because I didn't like those two people.
All other PPs were/are random acts.

Jesus, the theories and hypothesis are hilarious. Can someone please provide some proper facts..

PS.. I'm still waiting for the first wave to finish... that couldn't possibly have been it.

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PS: Lancelot realy no need to insult people, this is discussion here and you should try prove your arguments , calling someone idiot on here is pretty much idiotic:D

I dont need to prove my arguement here Donnie already did that many times over!

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As you can see -Donnie is no longer with us. His comments speculating on orders and protection of other cities was out of line and in contradication of my rules regarding both Omerta and respect. Although I do not condone shooting of members for speaking their mind, this rumor mill was over and above normal street chatter and -Donnie should have known better.

Lancelot I will ask that in the future when an issue with a member of mine arises you contact me instead of threatening to bury him in the streets.

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IN THE MAFIA?!?!?! :o


Why God, why?"



I'm just gonna go ahead and put it out there that this was the best reply. 

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