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Hotel California Started by: Silk on Mar 26, '13 16:54

After unpacking her suitcase Silk looked around her studio apartment next to HotIce Family Suits and thought it was perfect except for one thing, the refrigerator was empty. The young mobster often craved pretzels, ham and cheese omelets at three o clock in the morning and cookies when she was stoned. Food was definitely needed in her new home, a lot of food. With a pen in hand Silk sat down at the desk in her apartment and wrote a grocery list. Ten minutes later she changed her clothes, put on her jacket, grabbed her gun and and checked herself in the mirror. Perfect!

As she walked outside Silk saw Almonette leaving her shop. Reluctant to bother her busy sponsor with a stupid question Silk wondered if she should call Giovanni to ask him where to buy groceries in Corktown. Unfortunately the California girl didn't even know where the nearest pay phone was. "Hey Miss Almonette!" Silk called out loud to get her sponsor's attention. "Sorry to bother you. Where's the nearest supermarket? I need to stock up on a few essentials." The young mobster was surprised when Almonette told her to get in the car. "Yes, ma'am!" Silk replied and rushed to get in her her sponsor's car parked on the street in front of the shop.

The Corktown Supermarket

In the supermarket Silk got a cart and took her list out of her pocket. To her surprise Almonette had shopping to do too, but she used a small basket she picked up near the door and didn't have a list. While shopping they chatted about business. Silk was eager to learn everything from the older more experienced mafioso. When Almonette mentioned The Family the young mobster thought about her parents.

"It's going to take awhile for me to think of family as a good thing." Silk said as they walked down the snack aisle. "A few years ago I got pinched by the cops with a little weed. My parents kicked me out and said they never want to see me again. I got disowned just like that..." Silk snapped her fingers to show how quickly she meant. "They said they didn't want a daughter who was a criminal. They're both square goodie two shoes, dress to impress, worry what the neighbors think, into politics, church.... the whole nine yards. Most people would think them being so square is why they disowned me, but it's for a whole different reason my father will have a heart attack over it he ever finds out I know about it."

"When I was thirteen I got a homework assignment to write an essay about a grandparent." Silk continued to talk as she put five bags of pretzels and four bags of chips in her cart. "I went home and asked my father about his mother. Before that day I never heard my old man raise his voice or get mad. He yelled at me to never ask about her again. Naturally that made me curious about her. Tell a kid they can't do something and it makes them want to do it more. You know what parents should tell their kids if they want the rugrats to be good? Don't clean their room and don't eat vegetables." Silk checked her list and looked at every brand of cashews on a shelf before picking a jar. "Where was I? Oh yeah... my grandmother was a mobster."

"I went to the library and looked through a bunch of old newspapers. Thanks to good old nosy reporters I found out my father's mother was some sort of mafia big wig in LA. A few articles called her The Godfather, but I don't believe everything I read. According to records I found in city hall my grandmother had two kids, my father and his sister, Brandy. She was Martina's mother. After his mother died my father became an accountant and lived a straight and narrow life. Details I found about his sister are a little sketchy. Some say she was in the mafia then went off the deep end one day and wacked an innocent mobster. Others say she was locked up in a mental institution somewhere in Italy. Either way, it sounds like my aunt was fucking crazy.."

"The way I figure it is my father doesn't want me to be like his mother and sister." Silk pushed her cart past the vegetable aisle without stopping and looked for the aisle of soda. "But that's no reason to disown your own flesh and blood. When he kicked me out I wanted to tell him off and let him know I found out about his mother was a big bad ass mafioso, but I didn't say a fucking word. In one of those old articles I read a quote my grandmother said, 'Knowledge is the most powerful when you use it at the right time.' Someday I might cross paths with my parents again. When I do the stuff I know about my father might come in handy."

The mobsters finished shopping and left the supermarket. In the car Silk put her list back in her pocket and found a piece of paper she forgot about. It was the address to a business her cousin owned. She showed it to Almonette and asked, "Do you mind driving past this place so I can check it out? Zero gave me the deed to the building."

The Corktown Cocktown Cathouse

Although the sign on the hotel was faded and spray painted Silk could clearly see the name of it. "Damn, my cousin must've been as crazy as her mother. I can't believe she put a sign up advertising what kind of business this was." The California girl rolled a perfect joint and handed it to Almonette. As they sat in the car getting high Silk looked at the building and said, "You know what? Fuck it. I'm going to reopen the brothel, but rename it."

Hotel California
Corktown, Detroit

Rooms $5 per night or $1 per hour.
$5 for clean sheets.
$200 for maid service.

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Welcome To Hotel California
Formally The Corktown Cathouse

No freebies. No refunds.
Order your maid service by name.


~ California Love ~

The GoodFellas Swag
30 Bitches In The Kitchen

"I couldn't stop swooning." - Satisfied Customer

The Dirty D
Hold on and enjoy the ride!

"Detroit Rocks!" - Satisfied Customer

The Cocktown Special
VinceNoir's Favorite Position

"Good choice by The Prince of Cocktown." - Satisfied Customer

Mistress Intrigue's Hot Seat
A spanking for your pleasure

"Thank you, Mistress. May I have another?" - Very Satisfied Customer

A Warped Night
Pretty Asian ladies served with whipped cream.

"One dip isn't enough." - Satisfied Customer

The Five Year Grudge Fuck
By the time it's over you won't know what started it.

"FUCK YOU!" - Very Satisfied Customer

Most Popular Maid Services

The Wackgasm Success!
Race your friends to a fine piece of meat.

The Wargasm Success!
Big orgy with everyone from every city.


~ Cathouse Classics ~

The Raoul_Silva Date
Gimp suit, handcuffs and high powered vibrators. Oh my!

The Jace_Herondale Double Date
Two hot and spicy red heads for the price of one.

The Captious3 Three Way
Hot cougars unleashed from the local coffee shop.

EAforAA's Mom
MILF with over 50 years of experience.

The SpikeSpiegel All Nighter
All tongue :P

The Good Old Days Circle Jerk
A good screw, but not as good as you'll reminisce about in five years.

The Cory_Chase Bromance
A bromantic trip to Brokeback Mountain.

The Bi Girl Experience
Your choice of any straight girl. Just add alcohol.

"Vegeta Meow!"
When you're too drunk to say, "Vagina Now!"

The Whitey Special
A Hand Job

The Godfather S&M Duel
Safe words are for pussies.

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Warped was swinging by The Corktown Cathouse to check in it when she noticed it had already been reopened. She was surprised by how quick this was done.The sign out front had been changed thoough.

Hotel California

The name was odd for the heart of the seedy district in Detroit. Jace, she thought. She bet he had swooped in and taken over.That would be just like hi,. She went to the entrance and entered.The place had not been changed, just reopened. It was looking more and more like the work of that sleazy guy. The women milling about approached her. She waived them off while looking around. There was a new menu on the wall as well. She read it.


Welcome To Hotel California
Formally The Corktown Cathouse

No freebies. No refunds.
Order your maid service by name.


~ California Love ~

The GoodFellas Swag
30 Bitches In The Kitchen

"I couldn't stop swooning." - Satisfied Customer

The Dirty D
Hold on and enjoy the ride!

"Detroit Rocks!" - Satisfied Customer

The Cocktown Special
VinceNoir's Favorite Position

"Good choice by The Prince of Cocktown." - Satisfied Customer

Mistress Intrigue's Hot Seat
A spanking for your pleasure

"Thank you, Mistress. May I have another?" - Very Satisfied Customer

A Warped Night
Pretty Asian ladies served with whipped cream.

"One dip isn't enough." - Satisfied Customer

The Five Year Grudge Fuck
By the time it's over you won't know what started it.

"FUCK YOU!" - Very Satisfied Customer

Most Popular Maid Services

The Wackgasm Success!
Race your friends to a fine piece of meat.

The Wargasm Success!
Big orgy with everyone from every city.


~ Cathouse Classics ~

The Raoul_Silva Date
Gimp suit, handcuffs and high powered vibrators. Oh my!

The Jace_Herondale Double Date
Two hot and spicy red heads for the price of one.

The Captious3 Three Way
Hot cougars unleashed from the local coffee shop.

EAforAA's Mom
MILF with over 50 years of experience.

The SpikeSpiegel All Nighter
All tongue :P

The Good Old Days Circle Jerk
A good screw, but not as good as you'll reminisce about in five years.

The Cory_Chase Bromance
A bromantic trip to Brokeback Mountain.

The Bi Girl Experience
Your choice of any straight girl. Just add alcohol.

"Vegeta Meow!"
When you're too drunk to say, "Vagina Now!"

The Whitey Special
A Hand Job

The Godfather S&M Duel
Safe words are for pussies.


WARPED? That little prick had used HER name in his menu? Asians and whipped cream? What the hell was going on? With an indignant look, Warped stormed out the door intent on tracking down that little hooligan. ASIANS!!!! She would see about that!

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Jace had promised Zero that the two of them will have some bromance this coming week , it has been well overdue , and since he had finished some of his task way ahead of schedule Jace have the leisure now to visit and dine good ole' motor city.

He still remembers their conversation a forthnight ago.

"Hey Herondale , I miss you so much 'bro . It's not the same without you bar hopping, drinking, whoring and setting ablaze some of these establishment. I mean man, one can get boring of the same old stuff again and again. " Jace listens to Zero silently . " Plus what with the passing of Martina, you remember her right, that badass mofo that owns that whorehouse both in Chicago and Detroit. You should remember her, she always tells stories about your antics, your fetish with red haired woman, as for me you know my love interest , this chit Ada something , man she can make any man bend on their knees. " Zero continues .

Jace still listens to the blaberring of Zero waiting for it to end, half the time he wanted to put down the phone but he cant do that , his mom and Zero's dad are bestfriends and the two had been brought up like brothers so he have to endure it even if he wanted to punch the face of Zero right now. 

" as I was saying let us meet this week , say Wednesday , I have done much here and would really love to have a simple vacation and what great feat it to be but to have them with you " Jace swear that Zero tends to swing on his own kind , that half the time he have to question his masculinity and have him dragged to brothels just to see if he is just all talk or he can also deliver.

Just to end the conversation he replied curtly "Sure why not Zero, I will be in Detroit . I miss the place anyway and I have to visit a place hopefully its re-opened now " Zero and Jace finished talking and settled for a bromance date .



Arriving at the Detroit airport , Jace looked at his watch , for the first time that he can remember the flight had went smoothly at the same time it arrive at precisely its travel time. Jace_Herondale hope its a good sign for his visit at Deroit.

He used the rented car he had reserve, that same day when Zero called . If he wanted to have a bit of vacation these 3 days he wanted to do it in style , at his own leisure too. And driving his own car is one of those. 

While driving peacefully on the main road of Motor City , Jace got this crazy idea to drive on the sleazy streets where the old Cocktown Supermarket resides. He is grinning wickedly because he had a phone call right after he hang up with Zero . And he knew he will be very entertain when a certain person read the new menu of the newly renovated, re-opened establishment.

He slowly drive through the crazy neighborhood , slowly looking at the exact location of the place . When he spotted it he drives a few more blocks and hid his car. He already noticed a fair lady and by the looks of it she doesnt like what she saw.

Jace alight from his car and slowly approach the woman before tapping her at her shoulder.

"Well hello _Warped , fancy seeing you at this side of town, have you seen the MENU " Jace chuckles emphasizing the word menu.

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Warped swung around fusrious when she hear LITTLE Jace's voice. He had just confirmed what she had just saw! What the hell was wrong with this idiot?

Asiana? ASIANS? What the hell is WRONG with you? We just got out of a war the damn ASIANS dragged us into and you think I wan anything to do with ANY of them!

Warped shoved him with all her might and watched as he hit the ground. Get back to your fucking whore house. What a piece of work you are Warped said looking down on the little man. Martina hasn't been dead but a few days and you are grabbing her business! Heaven forbid you ever muster the creativity to have your own fucking idea! Warped said emphatically as she turned around and continued down the street. She had better get away from this prick before she killed him!

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He expected her wrath just now and tries to keep a straight face when she was ranting like a lunatic. The woman stormed off and that is when he roars with laughter . 

"Damn, its so great to hear her getting all worked up " he looks at his materpiece and put his hand under his chin , thinking what could be wrong at the said menu.


Welcome To Hotel California
Formally The Corktown Cathouse

No freebies. No refunds.
Order your maid service by name.


~ California Love ~ 

The GoodFellas Swag
30 Bitches In The Kitchen

"I couldn't stop swooning." - Satisfied Customer 

The Dirty D
Hold on and enjoy the ride!

"Detroit Rocks!" - Satisfied Customer 

The Cocktown Special
VinceNoir's Favorite Position

"Good choice by The Prince of Cocktown." - Satisfied Customer 

Mistress Intrigue's Hot Seat
A spanking for your pleasure

"Thank you, Mistress. May I have another?" - Very Satisfied Customer

A Warped Night
Pretty Asian ladies served with whipped cream.

"One dip isn't enough." - Satisfied Customer

The Five Year Grudge Fuck
By the time it's over you won't know what started it.

"FUCK YOU!" - Very Satisfied Customer

Most Popular Maid Services

The Wackgasm Success!
Race your friends to a fine piece of meat.

The Wargasm Success!
Big orgy with everyone from every city.


~ Cathouse Classics ~

The Raoul_Silva Date
Gimp suit, handcuffs and high powered vibrators. Oh my!

The Jace_Herondale Double Date
Two hot and spicy red heads for the price of one.

The Captious3 Three Way
Hot cougars unleashed from the local coffee shop.

EAforAA's Mom
MILF with over 50 years of experience.

The SpikeSpiegel All Nighter
All tongue :P

The Good Old Days Circle Jerk
A good screw, but not as good as you'll reminisce about in five years.

The Cory_Chase Bromance
A bromantic trip to Brokeback Mountain.

The Bi Girl Experience
Your choice of any straight girl. Just add alcohol.

"Vegeta Meow!"
When you're too drunk to say, "Vagina Now!"

The Whitey Special
A Hand Job

The Godfather S&M Duel
Safe words are for pussies.



He then shakes his head and said with the enthusiasm of a genius that found the answer for the world's great mystery . 'None its utterly PERFECT"

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Warped had had it with that little rodent. She went down the street to find a pay phone. She reached in her pocket for change and found she didn't have any. This infuriated her even further. She walked a few blocks up, found a newspaper stand and got change for a dollar. She went back to teh pay phone and made a couple calls. She was going to burn that damn place to the ground! Jace had shown NO repsect for the dead by grabbing the business, reopening it and using HER name! FUCK THAT!

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Jace enters the newly re-open whore house. He scanned the place and saw that all are in perfect order , he seems please at the result . He knew that in time it will be booming just like that brothel that Martina owns. The owner of this new place is a cousin of Martina , and he knew so well that blood runs deep between the two. The cousins think alike and he is more than welcome to help Silk on this new place.

A whore pass by him and he spanks her ass playfully.

"Is Silk in the house?" 

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"LITTLE JACE!" Silk greeted enthusiastically and hugged the handsome mafioso from Chicago. "It's totally awesome to finally meet you!"

Although they never met face to face before the young mobster received a telegram a few days earlier from Jace with condolences for her loss and advice about reopening the brothel. The new maid service named for Warped was all Jace's idea. If it was up to Silk she would've made the Warped night Italian ladies served with hot fudge.

"Thank you for your help with the new list." Silk said to Jace as they walked over to the bar in the brothel. Behind the bar a topless woman smiled at Jace then leaned over the bar and kissed his neck. It was obvious to Silk all the prostitutes loved Jace. "I heard you were my cousin's best customer. From now on anytime you want services here it's free. No charge for you, my friend. Do as many of the ladies as you want. Just don't leave them too tired to take care of my paying customers." Silk smiled at Jace then ordered drinks from the topless bartender. "So, where's Warped? I thought I'd meet her by now."

Silk laughed when Jace told her about a big scene that happened outside between him and Warped. "Don't worry about it." Silk responded although Jace didn't looked worried at that moment with his hands all over a prostitute on the bar stool next to him. "I'll go find Warped and talk to her."

Outside Silk looked around and saw a woman at the corner next to a phone booth. That must be Warped, Silk thought as she remembered how Jace described her.

"HEY WARPED!" The California girl yelled as she walked to the corner. "I'm Silk. It's so fucking awesome to meet you! I've heard a lot about you. Do you know our bloodlines go waaaaaaaaay back? I found out when I dug up some dirt on my family tree." Silk took a joint out of her cigarette pack as she rambled on. She showed it to Warped and said, "This is the best bud from LA. Let's go back to the cathouse, smoke up and talk about the good old days. I heard your relative who worked with my grandmother was a rock star with a fucking 1k cannon. I wanna hear all about it!"

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Almonette drove up and got out of her car.  As she was walking up she could see her associate Silk, smiling and talking with Warped.  She laughed to herself and thought, "With a smile like that, I bet she gets whatever she wants."

As she walks in she spots Jace, and takes a good long look.  "Damn, that's a fine looking mafioso."  Almonette says as she keeps walking, looking for Mary Jane.  As She turned the corer thats when Almonette spotted Mary Jane.  "Mary Jane!"  the mobster called out.  "Hey, I wanted to talk with you and say first I am sorry about Martina, and second I wanted to appologize since I wasn't exactly nice the first time we met."

Mary Jane looked at Almonette and said "I know you, you are the one..."

She cut Mary Jane off, "Yeah, I'm the one that took out the driver" then after a short pause, "and the cop.  I just wanted to appologize."

Mary Jane walked up to Almonette and wrapped her arms around her then whispered in her ear, "Well I know one way you can make it up to me."

The mobster grinned and said, "Lead the way."  As the two women walk towards their room, Almonette spots the the hot redhead that was in Martina's office that one night, and she whistles.  The blonde from that same night looks over and starts to smile, but Almonette intrupts by yelling "NOT YOU BLONDIE, YOUR RED HEADED FRIEND!"  The blonde pouts and taps the redhead on the shoulder, who immediately runs over and kisses the mobster, then says "I knew you'd be back for me sugar."

After several hours, Almonette takes two stacks of cash from her bag, and puts one between the breasts of each woman. She then walks out the door buttoning up her shirt. Not bothering to put her hair back up in its normal pony tail, she leaves the two tricks sleeping in bed, and the room a disaster.   She smirks and says "I hope we didn't cause too much a commotion but, this should cover the room damages"  Almonette tosses another stack on the counter, and walks out the door.

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Sitting at a table in the brothel with her new bff Silk got stoned and excitably exchanged stories with Warped about trouble their relatives got into back in the day.

"FUCK!" Silk cursed when she noticed she was almost out of weed. "I have to go to my apartment and get more good bud I brought with me from LA." The California girl said to Warped. "Stay here. When I get back I'm gonna get high as fuck and you can tell me more about the miracle worker." On the other side of the room Jace was still at the bar drinking and flirting with the prostitutes. Silk could clearly see Warped wanted to pummel Jace again. "Hey if you want to drag him out of here and kick his ass go for it, but please not in here..." Silk made a grand gesture to indicate her respectable establishment. "This place is for love... California Love!"

As Silk stood up to leave Almonette walked into the crowded brothel. Before Silk could say hello to her sponsor one of the prostitutes rushed up to Almonette. That must be the trick the old man mentioned last night, Silk thought and rushed out the door to get more weed.

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When Silk walked back into the brothel Warped was still at the same table staring daggers across the room at Jace who had his hands full with the topless bartender. Silk looked around the room for Almonette, but didn't see her. Going to Warped's table Silk sat down and took a bag of weed out of her pocket. "More good bud from LA!" The young mobster happily said and rolled a joint. With another look around for her sponsor Silk lit the joint and asked, "Have you seen Almonette? She's the hottie who walked in here before I left." Leaning across the table Silk quietly told Warped. "She must've heard LA girls rock between the sheets. She totally wants me."

Where the fuck did she go? Silk wondered and waved across the room at one of the prostitutes. "Did my friend Almonette leave?"

The blonde sighed and shook her head. "No, she got a room with Mary Jane and the red headed bitch. They're probably fucking her brains out."

Like the night before when she dropped pizza on the floor Silk looked down and frowned.

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What an odd girl, Mary Jane thought of Silk. The prostitute's new boss was definitely a lot different than her former boss. The most obvious thing was Silk didn't yell at her employees. Another difference was Silk seemed to care more about getting high than counting every penny the working girls made every night. Instead of running the business herself the young mobster from California put Mary Jane in charge of the brothel. There were more than a few untrustworthy whores in the business. Mary Jane wasn't one of them. She never stole from a john and she never stole from her bosses. The worst thing she ever did was kill one of them.

Heartbreak Hotel
Manhattan, New York

After working for a year as a prostitute Mary Jane knew enough to keep her nose clean and out of other people's business. Unfortunately one night her pimp, Sonny made her forget everything she learned. Sonny was an asshole who wasn't good enough to be in the mafia, but he named dropped about mobsters he claimed to know. Mary Jane always thought he was full of shit. He never sent her or the other working girls to any of the people he bragged about. One night Mary Jane walked into Sonny's office at The Heartbreak Hotel and witnessed him pistol whipping a new prostitute. 'We take care of our own' wasn't just a slogan in the mafia. Working girls looked out for each other too, but Sonny was too stupid to know that. When he gave Mary Jane his gun and told her to wack the girl Mary Jane aimed the pistol and the pimp and blew his brains out.

Carmine's Brothel
South Side Philadelphia

Working for Carmine was short and sweet. He was an old man who spend most of his life running prostitute rings. The thing Mary Jane liked about him the most was he respected the working girls. He called them ladies and if any of the johns wanted rough stuff he told them to look elsewhere. Carmine also spoiled his girls with jewelry, expensive perfume and fur coats on their birthdays. Every night was a party at Carmine's Brothel. Sadly the good times ended one night when two men showed up and took Carmine away. Mary Jane never saw him again. The prostitute later found out Carmine had a gambling problem and owed the mafia a lot of money.

Giorgio's House of Ill Repute
Chicago, Illinois

MartinaGiorgio was the coldest bitch Mary Jane ever met. The only thing the mobster cared about was money. As if the yelling at them wasn't bad enough Martina had the habit of making snide remarks to the working girls. She often told them they were only good for one thing, what they did for customers between the sheets. After one of the prostitutes "accidentally" fell down a flight of stairs Mary Jane wanted to kill the brothel owner, but she knew Martina was connected to the mafia. The prostitute was smart enough to know not to fuck with powerful people.

Hotel California
Corktown, Detroit

Mary Jane got out of bed after a few hours with a customer. What was her name? The prostitute wondered as she went to the bathroom to take a shower. There were so many men and women over the years she couldn't remember how many let alone the name of the one she just did. Looking at the scratches and bruises on her body the prostitute frowned slightly. The last customer was a wild one. After taking a shower and putting on a clean robe Mary Jane walked around the brothel then went upstairs to the office where she found Silk sitting on the floor with her cousin's cat. Watching the young carefree California girl pet the cat as if it the most precious thing in the world Mary Jane smiled and thought, yep, she's an odd girl.

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As Almonette was walking out she noticed the Ford Coupe. Her face lit-up like an excited child opening a present. "EEHEE!" The mobster uncharacteristically squeeled. "She found the car! I must go see if she likes it." Almonette looks around the packed hotel for a bit, and finds Silk sitting in the office playing with Killer.

Almonette quickly walks up, and pulls up a chair sitting with her front to the back of the chair, not caring how 'unladylike' she was being at the moment. She wanted to know how her associate liked the little present she left her. "Heya Silky" Almonette say happily, until she notices the frown on Silk's face. "Oh darlin', why the frown? When I came in you were smiling brighter than the sun itself.  Does the thing with your cousin bother you?" She paused for a moment, and paniced  "Do you not like the car?" Almonette thinks for a second and jokes, "Did I forget to take the dead body out of the trunk?"

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Warped was in the process of ordering the Hotel California burnt to the ground when someone she didn't know yelled for her from down the street. Warped instinctively reached for her gun. Had she not been a smoking hot youngun, Warped would have shot first and wondered later.

Hold off on that for now, Warped said into the phone and hung it up. The woman made her way to Warped talking the entire time. Something about bloodlines going way back. California.A Cali girl! When she pulled out a cigarette pack and tapped out a joint. Warped should have known.Why not, Warped thought.It was either that or she was going to Kill Jace. Even though this girl appears to have taken over Martina's business, the only way she could have gotten onto this "MENU" was with Jace being involved.

Warped went with Silk back to the Hotel California. She sat with her and found their relatives did indeed share a past. Warped's Grandmother had been very close with her Grandmother and Silks Great Grandmother had given Warped's relative their start in NEw York before the family had moved West.She told Silk how her grandmother had been working in another city. Her grandmother was called upon by Silks to help her in LA after a very bloody war.

Warped was blazing with Silk as they were talking. It seemed to be one after another. She noticed Jace kept looking her way and glared daggers back each time she caught him. Silk noticed too. She said something about taking him outside to beat his ass.

Now why would I take him outside and beat his ass when I can put a bullet between his eyes from right here? Warped said to her. While we are on the subject of that little snake, how about we talk about that menu of yours? You want to use my name? Fine. Lets set it straight though. Wait. Never straight, always forward. Lets make it more realistic. "Asians" has to go. There is not a damn thing that is alluring about them. There are billions of them and, well, frankly, they all look alike to me. Shange the menu to "Beautiful Italians Served with Hot Fudge" or "Beautiful Italians served with your choice of toppings" and I won't complain. Warped stated.

Silk was promptly sidetracked by a lack of smoke. She waited while Silk ran off after more. It had been a long time since Warped had been this stoned. Silk came bouncing back and realized her friend Almonette had been gone quite awhile. She said something about Almonette totally wanting her. Warped smiled and replied.

Who could blame her? You have your grandmothers genes and they look great on you. Warped left it at that and took another hit before passing the joint back to Silk.When silk wandered off to her office, Warped was so stoned she didn't even realize it. She sat there staring at nothing yet staring at everything all at the same time. Didn't she have work to do?

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After hearing stories about her grandmother she would never read about in newspaper articles Silk felt more confident about her decision to join the mafia. Being a mobster was in her blood despite how her father felt about it.

"I found pictures of my grandmother in old newspapers." Silk told Warped as they blazed up more good bud from LA. "In every picture she had her two kids. Crazy, huh? She must've loved them more than life itself. Hard to believe my dad was raised like that but doesn't give a fuck about his own kid." Silk shook her head and ranted, "Fuck it and fuck him! If I ever see him again I might kill him. Fucking bastard..."

In the middle of her rant a cat ran through the room and caught Silk's attention. For a moment the California girl thought she was so stoned she imagined seeing it. The young mobster stood up and went towards the stairs the cat ran up.

"Where are you going, baby?" A blonde prostitute asked Silk before she got to the staircase. "You haven't sampled the maid services yet."

"Maybe later." Silk replied and pointed up the stairs. "I just saw a cat. Who does it belong to?"

"Oh, Killer? She was your cousin's cat." The prostitute answered.

"Mine now!" Silk said with a wink then ran up the stairs.

In the office where the new owner earlier told Mary Jane to run the brothel Silk found her new pet. "Hey there, you furry little thing." The California girl greeted as she sat down on the floor next to the cat. "I inherited a lot of stuff from my cousin, but you are by far the cutest. I hope Almonette will let me keep you in the apartment."

"Almonette!" Mary Jane said from the doorway after she overheard Silk's conversation with the cat. "That was her name. She sure knows how to...."

"I don't want to hear about it." Silk interrupted with a scowl and changed the subject. "How are the books since I reopened the business?"

After giving the new owner an update about the brothel Mary Jane left the office. Still on the floor with her cat Silk lit a cigarette and confided in her new pet. "I don't know why Almonette paid for a good time with a couple tricks. Why pay for it when I live right next door to her shop and I'm ready to rock 24 7." The California girl shook her head and frowned as she mumbled, "Warped is right. Women are crazy."

A few minutes later Almonette walked into the office and sat down like she owned the place. When she questioned Silk about her frown the young mobster knew better than to tell the truth. Silk was scared she'd get her throat sliced open by her sponsor's knife. "Nothing's wrong. The car is great. Thank you. Ah..." The California girl tried to think of something to explain her frown. "I guess I'm a little home sick." She picked up the cat and asked, "Can I keep Killer in the apartment?"

Before Almonette could answer a prostitute in the hallway yelled, "COPS!"

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Warped was still in a haze when she heard one of the prostitues yell COPS! "Eh, who cares",, Warped thought. Surely they had been paid off to leave this place alone. While everyone scrambled, Warped went behind the bar and got the Scotch off the top shelf. She slammed a shot just as the cops burst in the door. These keystone cops would learn soon enough they had wandered into the wrong placve. Warped KNEW Martina had paid them off. If they thought they were going to walk on SIlk because she was new in town they had another thing coming. Warped leaned against the bar and watched as the prostitues and little Jace scrambled. "Nothing like acting guilt"y, she thought. Sheesh!

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Thirty minutes later all the mobsters, prostitutes and hotel guests the police found in the brothel were outside in front of the building in handcuffs. Several police cars were on the street and all the business owners on the block were outside staring at the crowd in front of the hotel. In the middle of the crowd Warped was yelling at Jace.

"I guess I forgot to pay off Detroit's finest before I reopened the business." Silk said to Almonette who was standing next to her. This certainly isn't the way I imagined us spending time together with handcuffs, the young mobster thought.

When Almonette offered to pay off the police Silk shook her head, "No, I got this. It's my responsibility."

The police were walking through the crowd asking everyone their names and who the owner was. The loyal employees of the hotel denied knowing who their boss was.

"HEY!" Silk yelled at a young policeman standing nearby. Finally someone who looks younger than me she thought and stared the man down with a menacing look in her eyes. "I'M THE OWNER, MARTINA FUCKING GIORGIO!" The young police man was stunned by her outburst. "You guys have been paid off!" Silk told him and spit at his feet because she figured that was something her crazy cousin would do. "Take the fucking cuffs off of us NOW!"

"Sorry, ma'am." The police man said and quickly took the handcuffs off Silk. "I.... ah, I mean, we didn't know you were still running this place." He nervously rushed to remove the handcuffs from Almonette's wrists and rambled on, "Guess the news we heard about you was wrong." As soon as she was free Almonette walked away in a hurry. Silk started to follow her, but a voice behind her stopped the mobster.

"Good job impersonating your cousin." Officer Chelton commented and smiled at the young mobster. "Bet you made the rookie flatfoot almost piss his pants."

"Good to see you, Chelton." Silk said to the crooked FBN agent. "But bad timing. I'm kinda busy." With a glance over her shoulder she wondered where Almonette went and why she left in a hurry.

"I have some info for you." Officer Chelton said and took a step closer to the mobster. "The raid on your brothel happened because the police are looking for the owner of that car." He pointed at the Red Ford Coupe. "It was the get away car in a bank robbery last summer. The assailants got away with 5 million dollars and killed three people in the bank. One of those people was the mayor's daughter. She was a bank teller. The mayor wants blood for blood." The FBN agent took a cigar out of his pocket and added, "Just thought I'd let you know, kid."

"Alright, thanks." Silk replied and looked over at her car. "I hope I have an alibi for the day of that bank robbery. I don't wanna get pinched for something I didn't do." No one ever believes i'm innocent, The California girl thought and frowned.

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Thirty minutes later Warped found herself handcuffed outside. Of the thirty people or so handcuffed outside, the fucking cops HAD to stand her beside Jace. When the cops came around asking for names Warped gave the flatfoot a cold stare and didn't answer.

Her name is Warped. W A R P E D, Jace chimed in.

Warped looked at him with daggers in her eyes. If she hadn't set her gun behind the counter before the cops came in she would have shot Jace then and there.ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU'RE FUCKING GIVING NAMES UP TO THE COPS? WHAT THE FUCK! Warped was furious! Never in her life had she ever met such a pain in the ass before!. Just about the time she was ready to legitimately light into him, Silk made a scene. The cops quickly unhandcuffed everyone. She smacked Jace in the back of the head and walked towards Silk as she was talking to a cop. She heard him mention why the raid had gone down.

"The raid on your brothel happened because the police are looking for the owner of that car." He pointed at the Red Ford Coupe. "It was the get away car in a bank robbery last summer. The assailants got away with 5 million dollars and killed three people in the bank. One of those people was the mayor's daughter. She was a bank teller. The mayor wants blood for blood."

Warped walked up to the conversation. She got the officer's attention and pointed at Jace. That Red Ford Coupe  belongs to that little bastard over there. Warped informed him. I watched him drive up in it, she went on to say. Feeling a sense of retribution, Warped walked away and disappeared down the street. She would return later.

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Almonette looked at Silk and knew there was something more to the disappearance of that beautiful smile than just a bout of home sickness. She looked at how happy Killer made Silk though, and couldn't refuse her associate's request to keep the cat. Almonette gave her associate a big smile but before she could say, "Of course you can keep her." The two women were handcuffed an taken outside. "What the fuck officer, this place has been paid off!" Almonette argued with the cop taking them out.

The cop said nothing but forced the two ladies against the wall. Almonette looked over to her associate and said, "I can clear this up, let me pay the bribe."

"I got this," Silk said and went on to do a perfect impersonation of Martina to a rookie at the scene.

Pain pinged in Almonettes heart. "Was that a stab at me?" she wondered. As the cop uncuffed her she gave a pained look toward her associate. When she was free, she turned and walked away.

As she was leaving, she came up behind another rookie cop going on about this being his big break in finding that get away car. "Fuck Jeff, what the hell did you do with that car?" Almonette wondered.

The mobster pulled out her kinfe and rushed up behind the cop before he could call in. "Look here. You are going to call in and say this was the wrong car. You intrupted the birthday party of that pretty thing over there." Almonette turned him so he was looking at Silk. "See, her sugar daddy over there" motioning to Jace, "got it for her. You understand?"

"Yesss maam" the cop studdered.

"Make it so she is never bothered about that car again. If I find out she is bothered about it, for any reason. I dont give a fuck if its a busted tail light. If I find out, I will hunt you down, cut off your ears and feed them to you. At least THEN you will have a reason for not listening to me. We understand eachother?" Almonette coldly asked the cop.

" Crystal clear miss. So sorry for the mix up." the cop replied.

"Good boy, and let Silk know she can keep the cat." Almonette said as she left to head back to the shop to get drunk.

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