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GAME CHANGE: Tyler is a greedy one. (Hitlist) Started by: Squishy on May 12, '14 22:39

In a few days time, the following code will be added to the game:


Tyler is always looking for ways to pad his bank account.  When TylerDurden is active, he will check the hitlist for opportunities to use his gun to make some quick cash.  Tyler hates competition so he will wait until a hit is older than 24 hours since placed, and at least 24 hours since the last attempt on the target before he would even remotely consider taking it.  While earning money via the hitlist is fun, he's got better shit to do during his time - so don't expect a whole lot of action every time he is around.

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Very nice.

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So if the target hasn't been tried on in the time frame and the hour is old enough, is it 100% he will attempt?
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When all the qualifications are met, there is a small chance that is rolled every so often.  If given enough time, he will 100% shoot.  He may roll the right number on the first minute, it may take 1200, all depends on math and his random rolling.  (More or less to answer your question, yes, he will shoot, but if someone buys the hit off quick, he may not)

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I'd assume there is a minimum value for the hit before Tyler will attempt?

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Keep in mind the hit has to be up for a full 24 hours before tyler will even look at it, so that means an entire crew will have to ignore the hit for tyler to look at it.

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at least 24 hours since the last attempt on the target before he would even remotely consider taking it


While earning money via the hitlist is fun, he's got better shit to do during his time - so don't expect a whole lot of action every time he is around.


Jun 29, 18:48:02 dtnrlerydue tried to WACK! you.
Jun 29, 23:11:03 lueytdrdner tried to WACK! you.



Jun 29, 18:48:02 rldrynuetde tried to WACK! you.

Jun 29, 23:11:03 eryddteulrn tried to WACK! you.


And I'd post rw318's but sadly he was killed with the second shot. His was the same as mine and Armin's though.


I'm really hoping this is some kind of glitch... maybe because it hits home so I'm a bit touchy about it, but this is seriously overkill. For Tyler to shoot all three of us at the same time, twice, way too much imo. I was all for this when I thought he'd only shoot once in a 24 hour period, I clearly misunderstood, but now.... can't say I agree or like this. For being a tiny family that isn't bringing in much cash yet... and that seems to be the center of some lovely attention... I'm having a hard time wondering why I should even bother when somebody can just hitlist me, after probably cashing in a lot of credits, repeatedly and just let me die by TylerDurden. It'd be one thing if an actual person took the hit, but an NPC... that really adds nothing to the actual game play.

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I'm certain, I'll come off as a bitter little bitch but that's not what I'm about.

I never even knew this existed until the first missed shot and now it's coming off as complete shit. For Durden to shoot three people hitlisted in ONE FAMILY twice in four hours is out of fucking hand.

What's the point of even trying if you can't afford to buy your name off the hitlist? You're fucking guaranteed too die within 48 hours after the shooting starts at this rate.

Obviously, this whole announcement needs to be re-posted with the correct wording. This makes it seem like he would only shoot ONCE every TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Not once for every member in his family whenever the fuck he feels like it, one hour, two hours, three get the picture. 

This isn't fair to anyone. 

(Oh, hopefully this only applies to when the game spawns durdens based off MIAs...or else who the fuck thought this disaster up?)

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This whole feature is rather silly now that I've seen it in action. As if getting shot by Tyler wasn't already a slap in the face, but now an idiot with an extremely tiny amount of money and a hitlist can be your downfall, which is stupid. The game is currently set up, and taken away all other features, to make it where the players are going to die by other players, instead of WB death. I understand that you might want something to balance that, but this is just stupid to have as a counter to having another "risk" in the game.

It's not a risk at all, and it doesn't even come by your own hands. You don't shoot at Tyler, you don't PP him. You can ignore him and still die from him.

Mehhhhhhh. No point in this feature besides to put a few extra people in bodybags, and not even done by the users' guns of the game, but a side mechanic at that.

Please... just take this out. It's worked once and it killed someone that I'm sure this feature wasn't really designed for. People don't want to die from TylerDurden, unless they take a shot and miss, putting themselves in that risk. The game is designed for player on player killing as of now and has been adjusted to, keep it like that or bring back WB death.

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this feature has been grossely overpowered, i can see the hitlist being used to takedown lots of players without any players shooting one another basically proxy killing via tyler

how does one gun shoot 3 bullets at a time? realistic or not i bet they werent even in the same city so that means his bullets travelled thousands of miles as well

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how does one gun shoot 3 bullets at a time? realistic or not i bet they werent even in the same city so that means his bullets travelled thousands of miles as well

We were all in the same city, just to clarify. I was told that another hitlisted person was shot at, but I can't say what time or city that happened.

As for the 3 bullets at a time, from what I was told this is because it's a shot for Tyler Marla and Robert. They just all show up as Tyler. 



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As for the 3 bullets at a time, from what I was told this is because it's a shot for Tyler Marla and Robert. They just all show up as Tyler. 

Shenanigans! That wasn't mentioned anywhere ever!

Easter egg! Hidden goodies are awesome lol

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We have made a few changes, and also I will give some clarification.


To avoid getting shot by Tyler:

Do not stay on the hitlist for more than 24 hours.

If you stay on the hitlist, do not stay in the same city as Tyler.


Tyler WILL shoot at anyone on the hitlist if they have been up for more than 24 hours, no player has attempted on them in the past 24 hours, their family hasnt been shot at by Tyler via the hitlist within the last 4 hours, and you are in the same city as Tyler. Tyler will now be the only one shooting and has a 1 hour timer on his wack.

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Much more reasonable Squishy. Thanks for the update!
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those changes look sweet although i dont like the "no player has attempted on them in the past 24 hours" part it looks like some might pro to avoid tyler killing them

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Which is risky in itself, TheTripleDeuce and I think that is a reasonable option someone should have to protect themselves.

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i love the idea
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Please bring it back. My two cents. 

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I agree with bacon!
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