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The Big War - And the Fall of ForkRourke Started by: ThomasRourke on Jun 15, '09 08:41
I've been avoiding making a speech until now. A lot of us have been left stunned and confused by the attacks launched by JimmyTheLionHeart, Chicago, New Orleans, and Los Angeles. The immensity of what has happened to us all should not be lost on any one of you. We are at a time of great indecision, a time when there seem to be too many crossroads blocking the straight road we'd like to travel. I've always been a large proponent of coming out here and talking about the merits of business and making money, whether it be my promotion for money offer, or paying a weekly tribute to me for a crew. Right now though all I can do is look at the obituaries and ask myself, "Well where do we start from? From the rubble of the cities where does new life begin again?" I suppose it will begin with an explanation. I won't try to pull the wool over your eyes and say that my word is the gospel, I am going to speak to you based on how I saw the events unfold this weekend. I hope it provides some clarity, but if it doesn't, I want you all to know that I too have been left with just as many questions as everyone else. I think the survivors, and confused descendants of those killed while they slept deserve any kind of information that I can provide.

Everything started Thursday following the death of Don AlfonsiTimello. I won't bore you with the details aside from the fact that he posed an imminent threat to the ways of life in both New York and Detroit. This is not just speculation, as several members from that very crew admitted that they were gearing up to take down Marietta and myself in the near future. If you want the full details of his death you can find them in the transcript of Marietta's speech to the public on June 11th:

Later that day, JimmyTheLionHeart returned to his home in Philadelphia after being harassed by members of other families that he was too cowardly to act for the death of AlfonsiTimello. What the people who contacted him forgot to mention was that the death of AlfonsiTimello was the most justified act I may have ever personally contributed to. In what Jimmy described during the war as being a rushed, knee-jerk reaction, he shot Don Cruel, the first person he saw. Jimmy told me that he knew he had acted too hurriedly, but by that point everything was in motion and Jimmy's words could not outweigh the course he had taken.

What followed was a course of brutal slayings that put members of Detroit, New York, and Philadelphia into an early and awful grave. About two hours into the fight I began receiving intelligence from several sources that New Orleans and Chicago were going to enter the fray on behalf of Godfather Jimmy. After matching up the stories of these people and confirming many of the facts they had presented such as the locations and targets of the potential warring cities I determined that the intelligence was legitimate and should be acted upon immediately.

Wasting no time, I took the first flight to Philadelphia and killed Godfather Adrian immediately. I warned Chicago in no uncertain words that if they did not back out of the war at that moment we would consider them enemies. This seemed to back them down as no attempts at attacks were made for a while. New Orleans, however, was undeterred and entered the war.

Another hour or so passed, and the life of JimmyTheLionHeart had begun to be extinguished as waves of his bodyguards fell. After that hour, Chicago decided to enter into the war themselves, except for Boss Brick who claimed he would remain neutral. Under me and Marietta's orders, the hitters stood down and focused on the new crews in the war.

At one point in the war, Godfather Jimmy made what would be his last trip to Philadelphia to kill Don RourkeyRourke. Unfortunately for him, that is where I had been waiting, and after he successfully killed the Detroit Don, I shot Jimmy dead. All was not quiet however, because as Godfather Jimmy fell, Los Angeles decided to enter into the war.

I will take this time, an intermission if you will, to explain the reasons I could gather about why New Orleans, Chicago, and Los Angeles entered into the war that Jimmy had started. New Orleans was the only city with a reason that could remotely justify their action. Godfather Brick contacted me and told me that he respected Marietta and myself, but had to back the man who had given him his city, much as I would back Marietta in a war. When put in that context, I could certainly understand his point of view, as it was Marietta who gave me my own start.

Chicago's reasons were muddled at best. Their most clear and concise answer was, "Because you killed Adrian, and we don't believe that you won't attack us for planning on entering the war." That is more or less paraphrased as the most most popular reason. I don't need to point out the irony in this, as it was Godfather Adrian who had decided he wanted to enter his city into the war to begin with. Considering this was their most agreed upon excuse, I will leave the outrage over the many deaths they caused to the public.

Los Angeles had a much more sinister and hurtful reason for entering. Don Gravol proclaimed, "You honestly didn't think we'd continue to take this anymore, did you? We're all sick of it. Sometimes one can only take so much. And I've had enough of bowing down in fear. I'll stand up for what I believe in. And do it with pride." That's a very moving speech, and it was probably in those few moments where Project Freedom was conceived. The problem is, I do not see an actual reason. What oppression exactly was Don Gravol talking about? She cited no examples, but instead came off as a person whose family lineage never lived up to the hype and was several moments from needing to be institutionalized, for these truly were the ravings of a lunatic. The only example I could think of on my own was that she was bitter I had locked her out of the city of New York as I consistently found her, as a leader, to have poor judgment with regards to punishing members. While that is not my business on how things should be handled within her family, I always thought punishments for -48s or protected unsponsoreds were pretty uniform, so while I had no intention of telling her how to run her family, I did not want that element in my city to corrupt my people. However, I did not kill her, that was the point of the lockdown, to show that not everything had to lead to the death of a family figurehead. From that point on, I believe the paranoia took over. This is pure speculation on my part, but considering Los Angeles offered no better, than I can only assume I am right.

The war followed the path it normally does, there were highs and lows as people who had worked hard on both sides were killed for the sake of victory. Finally, several days into war, it was Vicodin, Gravol, and Snip left from the side that had attacked us. Despite launching the war, they dutifully hid behind their protection for another day while their people were killed one by one. At any time they could have chosen to stop it, even admitting themselves, that the war was futile to win. Instead they decided to push the casualties to an alarming, and frankly, heartbreaking total.

Vicodin was the first to drop, as I found him scampering to New Orleans for a protection shot, and beat them to the punch. Gravol was the next to fall, as Aurora cornered her and her protection wacker in the New York jail. On Aurora's command, ScipitaRourke broke Don Gravol from jail where Aurora waited with open shot. Snip was the last to fall, failing an attempt to assassinate Deimne, and being killed in the return fire.

As we had done before... We survived. There is a difference though, between winning and victory. What we savored the night after that war was not victory. Instead it was dread and overwhelming sadness. We looked at our depleted numbers and realized that victory does not take so much from both sides. We did what we had to do to win, but the cost of this war was too great. The damage was immeasurable to both sides. After a victory I feel on top of the universe and let it be known. As Snip finally fell and we won, there was no such feeling, instead there was a somber realization that most of what Marietta and I had worked hard to achieve for the last few months such as cities that could be self-sufficient had been torn to shreds by people who couldn't even form a coherent reason to answer, "Why?"

Now I'm here, one of the few survivors, trying to explain something so massive that as I speak, I'm filled with more questions. The biggest one is this: For a group of people, one that even playfully labeled themselves "Project Freedom", that made me into their enemy, why did none of the leaders who attacked us shoot at me? Not one attempt. They were more than happy to tear down the hard work of everyone else, but I skated through this with ease. I had two attempts on my bodyguards which led to one being killed, and two attempts on my life (one by a Gangster), but not once did these "heroes" shoot at me. I never hid behind protection, I put myself in cities they were in, and waited. Instead they killed the rest of you. They used Marietta and me as their reasoning for war, but they slaughtered your families and your friends. It was a disgusting moment in our history, one I hope we can learn from... No, it is one we have to learn from. As leaders we need to be better for our people, because this cannot happen again. The people who launched this war are not "heroes" or "legends", they are butchers. There were heroes in the war, but they were not the people in bold suits, they were the every day member on each side that now find themselves in the obituaries for following orders.

The weeks that follow will be full of rebuilding. We can only ask that you be patient while we find people who are able to lead families. I still don't know how we tackle something so large, and I don't know what the future will bring. I do know that we will continue trying for the rest of you to accomplish the highest goals that you set for yourself. For those that have survived, the burden is now on us to make sure that we work hard and earn it for the rest that did not make it through the war.
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Godfather ThomasRourke, I have to say, as someone that is new to this world, I am happy to see that you took the time and effort to give your reasons when you didn't have to. You came out and spoke from your heart and mind, that I do respect. My father told me about the times of the great war and although all his information didn't line up to yours, it was good to see things from two different sides. Nobody wanted the war, the deaths, the panic and everything that came with it, now it is indeed time to rebuild and that responsibility is left to yourself and the other members of the mafia world. I hope you do the right thing. Thank you.
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I won't discuss the sequence of events or the motivations for the war, as I wasn't around for them.

Whilst I can appreciate the effort required to marshall a force consisting of about half the world is massive, the fact that nobody who even had a remote chance of breaching ThomasRourke's bodyguard wall, attempted to do so, should be a large point of concern.

You cannot win a war of any magnitude without taking on the big shots. Given the volume of people that "Project Freedom" had at their disposal, surely several families leading men & women discussed strategy. The primary strategy should obviously have included how you intended to remove your main enemies. If nobody identified the correct approach, or even considered an approach that could lead to victory, then I think it would be wise to reconsider the long devalued position of hitsquad leader and the individuals you are gracing with this title. It is not about getting IA lists and keeping a fancy charts of everyone's totals. These individuals should be your strategists and can ultimately be the difference between success and failure. Any worth their salt would quickly have identified the best method to give "Project Freedom" a shot at victory.

The approach adopted was destined for failure long before the final blow was (eventually) struck. An evaluation of your methods would be most prudent, particularly in light of the old 'Lets auth a Gangster to take out of Godfather' strategy rearing it's ugly head once more.

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Understandably, this speech has the NY/Det slant on things running through its tones, however, such a frank laying of the events from your perspective is to be commended. It is good to hear your genuine thoughts with a distinct lack of the bravado and bluster we have become accustomed to from NY. No disrespect meant. The sombre mood fits the current situation very well.

Regarding the city reasons for entry to the war, one thing I did think as I listened to your speech was that, really, no matter Chicago's original stance, you probably gave some of them reason to join by taking the life of Adrian. I'm not questioning the decision to kill him, just acknowledging that it was probably reason enough for them to enter. Just as Brick was perhaps justified in backing the man that gave him his chance, I would argue that certain Chicago members shouldn't necessarily be criticised too harshly for entering a war on the opposing side to the man who'd just removed their Godfather. Infact, I would argue you made it their responsibility by shooting at their boss. Note, I'm not commenting on a personal level here, I'm talking about the bigger picture and loyalty to a leader as opposed to the masses.

As for LA, well, whatever their reasons, Vicodin and Gravol had earnt the privilege of taking these decisions I guess. The banning of Gravol from your city obviously exacerbated this feeling. War happens and, for better or worse, people make decisions to get involved. As you felt threatened by sections of Philadelphia, it sounds like they felt threatened by you. By the sound of what you say, those feelings might've been misplaced. I think what I'm trying to say is that sometimes these situations arise without anyone necessarily being fundamentally wrong. People stand up for what they believe and they use the power they have to try and affect things, that is reason enough and the "Why?" becomes irrelevant.

The undesirable side effect is what we have seen here in many, many deaths. More important is the "How?", in terms of rebuilding. However, given that Marietta has been here once before not that long ago and, assisted by others, rebuilt, so I'm sure it will be done again.

One thing I will say is that I am completely stunned at the relevation about none of them shooting at you despite you not having protection. That, and the fact your BGs had next to no trouble at all, is pretty despicable given the number of "guns" they must have had kicking around in order to do some "BG work". That revelation alone makes the number of deaths seem more futile than anything else I have listened to or read on the war. Shocking. I do not believe I often refer to it, but I remember reading my great great great (cont.) grandfather's notes on his war against Marietta. At least that old twit actually missed her 3 times. For them not to try, given the situation, is unforgivable and definitely where they let their families down.
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Your all a bunch of idiots if you dont take out marietta and thomas rourke. If you dont see that they are taking over everything then you are all stupid.
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I appreciate that you took the time to explain this all for those of us who weren't around when it all began and just rode the roller coaster as it went. I also appreciate that you didn't give story where it wasn't nescessary, I know my former family appreciates it.
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"Your all a bunch of idiots if you dont take out marietta and thomas rourke. If you dont see that they are taking over everything then you are all stupid."

They have taken over but this is not in the slightest a bad thing of course they have taken over they are Godfather and Godmother, they're top of the food chain. they survived this war and i believe they will make this thing of ours great once again.

don't like it? then maybe you should do something about it instead of moaning about it here.
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Again, ThomasRourke and Marietta must at least be admired for their skills on the battle field, if you cannot respect them in day to day life. They have, yet again, fended off a monstrous attack with tactical poise and organization few can say they have seen before. You have to admire the following and loyalty that they demand from their cities. Such leadership skills are something to be admired, at least in my book. Regardless of if you hate them or respect them, you have to respect the jobs they have done leading their cities.
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A lot of people died, good and bad including my gambling addicted father. A day (well a few days) that will live in our history, and from now all we can do is rebuild...

Watches all the new mobsters rejoin families and work their way up in the world..

At least Cav died - thats the only plus I see from this whole war.
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Striphe go die.
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Certainly a tragic event to see so many established men and women lose their wives, and so much money flushed down the drain.

However, difficulties also tend to present opportunities. I, for one, am very curious and enthusiastic about the future of this thing of ours.
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I learned that is is a tad ridiculous that people can have up to 147 BG's...

I mean really, 147 ? You can only have 50 actually people in your family but someone how manage to house 147 BG's ?

Your BG total should be a direct capacity issue with the number of people you can house at max.

We can get into a debate on Strategy Tallien but it would seem a but redundant... How ever When you are looking at taking a shot at an Retardledly OverProtected Godfather or a Well Protected Don who is also shooting who are you gonna shoot at ? Yep the one you can actually hit ...

The oppression Thomas is in your and Marietta seemingly oblivious manner of which you simply take matters into your own hands. This latest one being AT, other times you have outstretched your hands into other cities business and influenced either verbally or physically the outcomes Munchkin comes to mind. We can go on and on, but anyone with half a brain can see this.
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You act like there is nothing that could be done to defeat someone with that many bodyguards. Give me four other good, trained, intelligent hitters.... say Evsie, Fakeman, Manny Luciano, and Depth. I guarantee you the five of us would tear the shit out of a Godfather with any number of bodyguards. As has been said, it requires a STRATEGY. There was no planning here by "Project Freedom". It was a knee-jerk reaction attack. Once events were in motion, little was done to attempt to win, only to stay alive longer. A war of attrition cannot be won here. Thomas and Marietta's bodyguards were hardly touched. How could anyone expect to win with such a "strategy"? DAYS should be spent planning an attack, right down to minor details.

Go on, blame the futility, but that's just a whiney excuse. Greater odds have been overcome by people who have actually implemented a plan.
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Godfather Thomas, I do have to say, you have an amazing way with words. You made the speech very elegantly, and easy to understand. After hardships like this, it is one of the things we need.

I know many people have said so already, but I want to thank you for clearing things up. Throughout the entire war, I stood in confusion even while firing my weapon. All questions can never be answered, but at least you made the attempt in answering them. It seems that the fog surrounding the war is beginning to fade, and this was a big step. Thank you, sir.
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Gaius smiled at his Godfather and only entered a few words into the fray

Godfather, once again you show that you are a better man then I. Coming and openly providing the above information, when you didn't have to.

Commendable to say the least.

Gaius goes back to his lamp post and takes a hit from his flask...
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Was this close to one of the biggest wars? Iv never seen so many Gf's killed and all the citys wiped out the map.
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So many people are missing so many points.

What The leaders of Detroit and New York do are based simply on the notion of what needs to be done. Not because they want to, or to have a bit of target practice, but because it is business.

They have made their place in the world and if you like it or not, that's where they'll be, waiting for your thoughts and actions on the matter right at the top of the heap. Ultimately you are all trying to achieve that, so stop bitching about it and work. If they wanted to see masses of deaths and throw their numerous BG's and firepower around, there would be weeks of war and oppression, not eons of opportunity and the construction of what was a damn good community. This was life before the war, and while they are still free from the threat of death to themselves and more importantly, and I can personally vouch for this, the lives of those working every day for their cause, we will have that peaceful, relaxed life once more.

Business, power, money, you all wish you had it, and some are getting sore that they can't get it, but that's what we, this world is all about.
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ThomasRourke... Your time will come, and on that that you will come to know those who brought you down, were those same names you held in trust.

Your reign will end, this is assured!


...well not yet, because you're expecting it....BUT SOON!!..or maybe later O.0

Good Day!
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Rourke calmly extended a hand towards the Godfather and anxiously awaited a return handshake. After waiting several minutes and noticing that the Godfather was nowhere near the site of his speech, Rourke ran his hand through his hair and pretended this was his original plan all along. A newspaper boy brought the latest edition with ThomasRourke's speech on the front page and Rourke eagerly read through the now-famous address at the conclusion of the war. After he was finished, Rourke spoke aloud to no one in particular:

Thank you for this account of the war, good sir. Unfortunately I arrived on these shores in the middle of the conflict and was unsure what had caused it and why it was still continuing. I appreciate that you took the time out of your busy schedule to give us common folk an account from your side.

Rourke tipped his fedora to nobody in particular and continued rambling:

I look forward to the rebuilding of This World of Ours and offer my humble services in the effort. I am a bit of a carpenter myself, and I'm more than happy to pull my weight. Let's get to work.

Rourke picks up a hammer and begins construction right in the middle of the street.

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I will add this for starters.

What Tallien said.

I will also add this. Someone somewhere has the ability to find me in the locals. Yet you are either too lazy to work for your kills or I have missed some strange and wonderful new law that allows me the freedom of Detroit for 4 days +

Now, put some effort in, stand up to the plate with something better than a hope that other families will join in and help your merry little band of earners to shoot people. Otherwise, you may aswell stop bitching about Marietta et al and just accept what they give to you.

So, this is the easy part. I am in Detroit, Unsponsored and amazed to be alive. Who will be the first to get to me? and how long will they take? I will gauge the worlds hitters on this little experiment.

P.S I bet it is one of those you all claim to want to kill. Know why? because they are showing you to be the lazy tards with no vision that you have turned in to.

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