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Donations To The Boss Started by: Lanxs on Jul 02, '09 01:14

Lanxs walked into the center of the streets and stood up on the old soap box. He straightened his tie and fixed his hat. He smiled down at the crowd of Mafioso below him.

Hello, my friends, my name is Lanxs. Earlier today, after making a rather large contribution to my family, I began to wonder, "whats the largest amount of money ever donated?" I knew how much I have given in the past, but how about the rest of you?

He smiled and stepped down from the soap box, allowing others to tell what they had done.

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I tend to have this grave paranoia of death. I guess leading the life of a mafiosa does this to me. So unforunately I do not have much to brag about in terms of a large donation amount. I tend to kick up to my boss on a regular basis. There is nothing I would hate more than to carry a large sum of cash on me wanting to surprise the boss with a great lump sum and then BAM! some rival kills me. As my body is still warm I have no doubt they would then search my pockets for anything of value and all my hard work would end up funding my killer.

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Give nothing freely, and expect nothing given returned.

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Idonated Bacon. My boss Loves bacon. He eats it with anything. Bacon wrapped oranges, bacon wrapped popsicles you know everything.

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I agree with Deimna. My father told me about a time he was able to kick up a million a day. He kept that up for almost a month until he was told to start using that money to afford his own protection.

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walks up and begins to talk

i am still new so i know i have nothing to brag about in the donation of large amounts of money yet but sofar i have donated threehundred thousand dollars and it feels like an accomplishment to me.

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I have to agree with the sentiments of Deimna on this one. It's not about the size of a single donation, it's about the attitude and the willingness to give. As a leader, balancing the cashflow is a constant struggle. Frequent small donations which keeps the account ticking over are far more beneficial than a single super large donation. That said, any donation is a good donation ;)

Give nothing freely, and expect nothing given returned. Reply by: Chthulu at Jul 02, '09 02:11

I'm not even sure where to start on this one. It's wrong on so many levels in the current context, if my interpretation of what you are saying is correct.

Your leader provides you with protection, with shelter and with a headquarters to call your home. They, I'm speaking in general for all leaders but also specifically in relation to your current leader here, work their ass off to ensure that you are looked after. They provide guidance, information and help at all times.

Yet you seem to suggest that nothing should be given freely to them? That as long as you don't go and ask for something to be returned, on top of EVERYTHING you already get from your leader, that it's ok not to kick up your share?

As a leader, I keep a close eye on all of members. It's not that I don't trust them, I just like to know how they're doing, where they are and that they're safe. While doing these things, I can normally tell just how much money they appear to have on them. If I were to notice a member, who felt that as they had never asked me for something (I give without being asked, so very rarely a member of my family would ever have to ask) it was ok not to donate, but was walking around with a bulging rich wallet... the price they'd pay would be far more than the cash they were hoarding in a greedy manner.

The minute someone places themselves as being more important than the family, it's no longer about the money. It's about the attitude, the lack of respect and the lack of values!

Thankfully, with members such as Deimna and those like her, it's a problem which hasn't had to be dealth with. Hopefully, it's a case of you meaning something entirly different with that comment... but on the off chance some poor soul took it the way I did, I felt my little rant showing the distain I had for it was fully required.

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Similarly to the previous speakers, I've never given a large 'one off' amount, purely because I never save up enough to do so.

Cumulatively I would imagine my line has given their leaders a vast amount of money. More often than not they saw the eventual benefit from those funds donated.

What people fail to appreciate is just how rarely a family survives its leader. We've negated this to some degree with our 'guide the world along by the hand, with a cookie and a smile' attitude, but on the rare occasion we are gripped by war, the majority of a family will die. Had the 3 million, selfish Wise Guy A had been saving gone to his leader; they may have purchased another bodyguard and ultimately dodged the shot that killed them. Hopefully this would play on Wise Guy A's mind in the afterlife after someone killed his now unprotected self.

Therefore, hanging on to money yourself is not the way to go. Every time I reach a round figure I give it to my boss. People are saying Not Protected is the new Obscenely Well Protected anyway.


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I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I always took it as an honor to be near the top of the published "Crew Earnings" pages that are posted in family HQs on a weekly basis. This is a way to gain recognition within the family, even if you weren't as well known as some of your fellow family members.

I don't see the point, quite honestly, of hoarding all your money for yourself when your future is directly linked to the vitality of your leader. I'd agree with the point Tallien previously made, in that it makes no sense not to kick back as much money as possible to your leader to protect your own future good fortune. So long as your boss is alive and thriving, you should be to, which is all the more reason to look out for their safety.

On a completely selfish note, I love money.

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What can you seriously spend your money on? Money is only worth what you can spend it on, and if you have 1 million dollars sitting between your mattresses, what is the point of keeping it? There are very few things out there that we can buy with 1 million dollars, but there are much more things that our Leaders can spend that much money on.

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I think the donation thing is not supposed to announced in public, its for internal use only.

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Rourke flaps his fairy wings and lands in the middle of the street. He answers a question:

Personally, I donate anything I can find to Marietta. I made a list this morning of things I donated this past week:


1. Belly button lint collected from various belly buttons

2. Framed picture of myself giving a "thumbs up"

3. Four hundred million dollars

4. Coffee mug stolen from Sidious' personal office

5. The head of John the Baptist

6. A rusty trombone

7. BrianRourke's left kidney

8. A menu from each of pedro's fine establishments in the various cities

9. Die_Clause's virginity

10. An expensive bottle of wine that she ended up throwing in my face.

I believe it's a blend of quantity AND quality that one's boss is looking for. The next time you are all reaching to donate, I might suggest adding a few "non-money items" in order to further get in your leader's good graces. If you wish to be fancy, a little bow on top can't hurt anyone!

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Now I know where that coffee mug went. So many heads rolled because of that, and Kizzy received quite a few beatings with the leather strap too.

I hope the Godmother is getting good use out of that mug!

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I heard she doesn't even like it. Just keeps it to be controversial.


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Well isn't that disappointing.

I at least hope she keeps her spare change in it, or at the very least, Rourke's belly button lint.

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about a year ago in the war of the dons I donated close to 6 million right before the death of the current CL i was with :-/

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From where I stand, large donations in one go aren't quite as helpful to a crew leader as having numerous smaller donations. Now I'm not quite sure on some aspects of what a crew leader's faced with in regards to expenses so I'll, if you'll allow me to digress for a moment, start with the crew member for a foundation.

The crew member, from my limited experience, has several expenses set against what he makes each day.

1. Drug Money-The crew member need to have at least some starting capital in order to purchase and then sell the drugs.

2. Tips-The crew member needs to, when he/she reaches the point of needing to tip, have the ability to increase the number of pounds carried and therefore profit of his/her drugs.

3. Drug Front Properties-The crew member needs to be able to, if given permission to purchase and maintain a DFP, upgrade when necessary.

4. Training-For those who become hitters it's expensive and necessary, until a point is reached, to spend large amounts of money at the range.

Now all these expenses apply to Crew Leaders as well. However they have several more, as far as I know that is, to pay.

1. Detroit Death Tax-Infamous (or famous) and costly tax for IA shooting in Detroit.

2. Bodyguards-Not only is the purchase of BG's expensive, rightfully so though, but maintaining them is also a job.

3. Future city-specific taxes, the one-time crew headquarters upgrade...

Now that's exactly why I think balanced and regular donations are far more useful for a crew leader than one large donation whether it be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, ect.

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I never kept track as long as the boss had cash i didn't care about my totals

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Quik clarification that has come a bit late, i dont check up on proverbs just my rp, My apologies for any confusion.

Give nothing freely and expect nothing given to be returned.

in my translation is EVERYTHING you give holds its own subconcious reason ie not free, Do not call favors on a gift was second part.

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Personally I think the most I've donated in one time is $3,000,000 but to a Don with five consiglieres, and about 15 boss, capo, and made man mix that wasn't much. I think donation are just a way of making sure your boss lives. If your boss dies then you're screwed in a way. I think it depends.

I think dying for your boss is the greatest thing you could do. It shows honor, resepect, loyalty and trustworthiness. Your boss could have a hundred bodyguards but if you give up your protection for him and die then it shows that you truly care. I think donations are just the cherry on the top of a sundae.

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