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Buisness District Competition Part I Started by: Death-Knight on Jul 10, '09 12:31

Harold steps out of his limo and heads slowly and steadily up onto the stage

Good Afternoon everyone, I hope your all having a fine afternoon.

Im stood infront of you all today to announce another competition. Except this one will invole alot more thought.. and it also makes you look like a good business owner.

The competition is to create a business then send the blueprints of that business to me. Then once the time is up. Me, SkullCandy, LilWayne_ and Marietta. We will judge those entries and then we will pick the best 3. Then I will come back here onto the streets in about 5 days to announce the 3 business's that will be allowed to set up their business in the Detroit Business District.

Anyone is permitted to enter this competition. The only people that aren't allowed is of course the judges. Everyone can feel free to send your blueprints to my mail box. If you can create your business in your back alley district to show it then that would be great also.

Once those 3 have been chosen then they will set up thier business and there will be prizes to 'battle' for..

# Best Presented Business. This prize is the way the business is presented like, the overall blueprint and the way it all goes together.

# Best Customer Support. This prize is the way that the owner of the business replies back to his/her customers like the way they serve them or chat to them.

# Most popular Business. This prize is how popular the business is. However I understand that some people might think oh yeah lets just get as many replies as you can, well it doesn't work like that. Its not about how many times you can get your friends to make it look popular. Its about how many customers you can attract daily and how many people you can attract overall.

Those are the three prizes and to make this more fair because only 3 business's will be picked we have decided that any one business can win more then one prize. That way it is more like a competition to be the best business.

Each prize will be coming from my bank account and my crackdown supply. The prizes are...

$700,000 and 10 Crackdowns.

That is the prize winnings for every single objective if you could call it that. I shall be back in about 5 days to announce the three winning blueprints to be allowed to set up their business's. The exact time for the end of the (Part I) to this is..

July 15th 12:30

Once again I shall say that.. Me, SkullCandy, LilWayne_ and Marietta will be the judges of this entire competition.

I wish everyone the best of luck and I shall be back around July 15th 14:00 to annouce the winners depending on how long it takes us judges to choose the best 3. If anyone has any questions please do mail me.

DK steps over to the back of the stage to have a glass of his favorite scotch

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Pardon me, sir.

I recently opened up a business in Detroit, and I certainly would have held off for the two more days if I were aware of this. Will existing businesses opened within a certain time frame be eligible for this competition?

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DK steps back towards the front of the stage to answer Kates's question

Im afraid not Kates sadly. As when you have the blueprints for your business they will then be judged for the best 3 to go into the district. Im sorry Kates.

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....DK continues what he wanted to say

The business's don't just get posted straight into the district for us judges to judge the best 3 we choose. They blueprints come to my inbox first. I hope you understand Ms Kates.

DK heads back over to the back to have another glass of scotch

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I remember a recent debate in the streets about owning businesses outside of your home town. I am surprised to see a competition like this after several important figures from our world, Mrs. Rossi included, stated that they believe that owning businesses in one's home town is what makes the most sense.

Please do not interpret this as me trying to rain on anybody's parade, but I was wondering how to reconcile both ideas.

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Also, can one person have more than one entry to the competition?

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You can enter more then one blueprint yes. However if you have more then one blueprint and you are a choosen one then we will only pick one of those blueprints.

Also about the recent debate, Im quite aware of it. Yes it is kinda wierd about owning a buisness outside your own city but.. it goes on in everyday life. Im sure that a few people have spare time to open up more then one buisness because when I used to be just a little mobster I used to open up atleat three buisness's and manage to handle all three perfectly fine. Aswell as working for my leader, but hey thats me. I always like to be busy.

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I'm a little confused DK, You said: Im afraid not Kates sadly. As when you have the blueprints for your business they will then be judged for the best 3 to go into the district. Im sorry Kates.

How can you judge on the 2nd and 3rd categories if the business isn't even in business yet?

Or is it just blueprints that are judged in the first category and the 2nd and 3rd categories are businesses already going?

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Odd, i believe what Death-Knight is saying is that out of all the blueprints he recieves, the 3 best business ideas will be chosen by the judges and those plans can be piut into action. ie, the business cn be built. The 3 best sounding blueprints will be judged 1st, 2nd and 3rd, after all how can a business be judged when it does not exist ;)

I hope this clears up you question.

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I think I see, so 3 best blue prints go into business and out of those three they get judged on category 2 and 3...

Can blue print 3 win category 2 and blue print 1 win category 2?

or is it best all around wins?

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I wasn't so clear in my first reply, it's hard to function without my morning fix of coffee :D

The best presented business is best overall blueprint, whoever wins this category will win 1st place and then their business can proceed to be built. The other 2 blueprints can also be actioned (built) but 2nd and 3rd category winners cannot be judged until the business is built and attracting customers.

Can blue print 3 win category 2 and blue print 1 win category 2?

From what i understand i believe this to be true. One blueprint could win both category 2 and category 3.

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Odd, Im sorry If I didn't come across clearly.

In part I of this Contest, Blueprints are sent to me and me and the judges will judge and decide the best 3 to go into the business district. We will not name the 1st 2nd and 3rd out of those 3 picked blueprints.

Then Part II the 3 blueprints are made into buildings in the Detroit Buisness District. Those 3 buildings will then 'battle' it out for the 3 prize titles. The best presented business could go to any because its not just how the business looks. Its how it all fits together with the food, drink etc etc depending on what the buisness is.

One buisness can win more then one title.

I hope that answers your questions Don Odd ?

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Just over 48 hours left everyone. Come on get your blueprints entered :) Win some prizes !!!

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That is it people. The Entries have been chosen and the new speech is up.

Look here for more info.

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