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Whispers in the Dark Started by: Kimble on Oct 21, '15 18:35

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Um, no offence but if Eredin didnt fight for the person who Authed him (Voodoo) of which many at the time thought that was A-okay,

why would you think that he would fight for the people he authed? after all, When John Hartman went with his own little actions and they gave out this big "we are a united front" speech and even though i said he wasnt allowed to act the way he did, i will let it slide. 

What happened to John not long after? did Eredin fight for him?


And yet alot of you's complain because he sat on the fence and watch Kevin Owen and his district get gunned down? and pretend like you didn't see it coming. It is clear to see that Eredin is loyal unto himself and that is it.


Now as for those complaining because you got shot due to your Crew Leader. Oh for goodness sake.

You are meant to go down shooting with your Crew Leader, not be some wimpy person whom jump ships because the current one that they are on is sinking, As a Made Member and higher means that you are LOYAL to your family and your leader, that when the tough gets going, you will be there to back them up until the end. As for Wise guys and under, you should still have enough respect that when the person whom has given you home and protect that if harm comes their way, you are also there to fight or at the very least protect them them when needed. It is no secret that a person whom has spent a full 24 hours amongst our shores still has the possibility of protecting others.


It still amazes me how so many whom have earnt their button think that they should spared in times of a takedown or war, and that is okay to abandon ship when they notice that it is starting to sink.

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Kimble is still the worst bloodliner in MR history, not quite sure how he gets away with other than licking the arse of whomever is in power.

Duplicity, eh... nothing that harsh to say. Bit of a tit?

Eredin still lacks a spine. Voodoo, Hartman, Owens have all fallen... Eredin slimed his way out each and every time. He wasn't even consulted over South Philly because Chicago and Detroit can walk all over the daft brown stain on the mattress.

TIIYAHH, just stfu now... jesus christ.

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"Still" the worst bloodliner in history!? I didn't know I was given the title! It is such an honor to finally be recognized. I don't know who the other contenders for the title were, but I'm sure they fought valiantly. If I had even known I was in the running for such a prestigious title I would have maybe even tried. Maybe it was just too easy?

I guess you could call this my acceptance speech. I would like to thank the Academy, my lovely family, and most importantly the people I have murdered. This wouldn't be possible without you. Thank you and God bless.
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Aww, that is so cute, I could pinch your widdle cheeks, Kimble, if I was your grandparent.
Duplicity seems to have your balls in a jar too. Can't you assert yourself and be honest? Is this what we are reduced to? Swallowing the gulp you are feeding us and reducing us to mindless drones? Are you really the one behind the Duplicity tyranny? Ha!

Don't think you are being flattered by this title. You will meet your maker like we all do.
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Do you really think you're funny Kimble? Glasses of water have given me a bigger laugh... higher IQ too.

Openly admits it in the streets... lol.

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You obviously missed the sarcasm in my voice.

I will make one thing abundantly clear. My mission from the onset of my life was to keep Chicago, Godmother Duplicity, and everyone we hold dear safe. I will gladly take any titles that come with said mission. "Bloodliner", "tyrant", "lapdog", these names matter not to me. I will gladly append any of these after my name much as a doctor does with his degrees. I remember where I came from. I know who my friends and family are.

Please, no one get it confused or twisted.
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You're a turkey; that is all. There is no need to obscure your identity. 

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Backtrack much?

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I'm not back tracking one bit. I fully embrace it as long as the Godmothers are safe.
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You embrace bloodlining. 

Okey dokey.

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It's not bloodlining if peoples' lines are continually dicks to be fair. It's just normal strategy. It has happened in every single era. Usually what happens is those people reform, and wait out for the people they don't like to die... and die they always do.

I don't see Kimble as anything more than Duplicity's knight in shining armor, protecting her from dangerous things and rescuing her from wolves in the forest (Duplicity is more than competent enough to handle herself though, but the Turkey needs something to do to feel accomplished).

Bloodlining is without reason other than emotion, and the self-satisfaction of hurting someone for revenge. Kimble and whoever backs him have a purpose in their actions. In all reality, Kimble is just a fucking turkey. Turkeys aren't really worth a second look, except on one or two holidays a year. Blame blame blame game. 

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I extol your allegorical use of the turkey due to its aptness to the current season. Mmm turkey. How propitious a bird it is.

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SpikeS, be quiet you slimy toad. Never has anyone been more interested in everybody else's business... to the point where it's kinda creepy.

Kindly fuck off and carry on sucking your way up the totem pole, your opinion is not wanted, required or even worth listening to.

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Cato continues to draw his, frankly, over-buttered popcorn from his movie-style popcorn box and stuff his face.

HEY! You! Worst bloodliner in history!

Cato waves an all-too-buttery finger at Kimble.

Your ancestors have been around for fucking ages mate, why aren't you better at this by now? Are you having trouble making enemies? Finding them? Killing them? Killing their children? Fuck, man. Get your shit together. You could have been a pro by now.

Shakes his head, expecting better.

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