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Mom News 3 Started by: Pavement on Nov 18, '09 17:30

ELLO Ladies and Gentleman and Rourke and WeedBoy and Fat Albert and um.... I don't know. If you want to send me a name to put up
here. Give me a buck. First 25 names will be up there. (I'm serice. No lie!!!) It can be anyone, I don't really care. Oh other
will be annonyed and I keep the money. :D

But anyways it's pavement. Not Sweeney. That's my dad. I'm takin over his place. So yep. Deal with it. :)

NOV 15:

Puffs Well pitaful. I mean there was a big argument with the paper people. It was involving myself,
b9ganster, Tommy_Gatto, and well sorry to say dumbass Ruaidhri. Was involed. It all start when Tommy_Gatto put his paper out. (A
day earlier then b9ganster's paper. I had no idea the paper came out till I found out his dad made a paper. Also his grandad did
too. When I saw that, I rembered my dad (Sweeney) had a paper too. So I made announcement that I'll be makin my dads paper. But I
had really bad speaking issues. Cause well Corky tried to help me out. ;). And yea I'm not goin any further. But anyways after I
made the speech, Tommy came up to me. Just me and him, one on one. Amigo, Amigo. Sayin that I copied his dad. Which I didn't know.
Cause really. And accualy my dad made the paper first after Vincent_Pirazzi died. Then everyone copied. First b7ganster then
mnirem, then well I forgot. :D That's all I rembered. So the argue continued and continued until it came to the streets. He
startin arguing about b9ganster's paper then he came up to the people who were listing to my announcement. Startin up trouble. So
I argued then b9ganster argued then out of NOWHERE Ruaidhri started arguing. I think he was helpin me out. I don't know. But it
kept goin until I said fuck it. So those three people kept arguing and arguing until well El_Nino (RHM of the Reporabtes.) Said
everyone to stop and shut up. Then Ruaidhri said no and argued with him. So Rhurac (Leader of the Reporabtes) said to shut up.
Which he didn't. So pretty much someone killed him. And I don't really know who. After that arguing one was dead. That's when it
came to everyone's head. They need to shut the fuck up. Tommy came to applogize to me. Which I said applogize accepted. So were
now neterual. I haven't hear of b9ganster after that. So I don't know about him. So in conculsion 3 alive and 1 dead. WHAT THE
FU... Now if you wanna see the argument. HERE IT IS. Oh and to be in fact. There are two of them. :D

Mob News Annoucement

The Mafioso newspaper-November 15


I forgot to mention that CONGRATS BrianRourke, you made it a whole god DAMN year. I was gonna say whole year. But you deserve a
DAMN!!!! :D. Gongrats. Grin, was the person who made the announcement of you bein a meber of the year club. Congrats of bein the
RHM of the beautiful Godmother of Las Vegas. (Lucky Baster.) And makin it a whole year. WHOOOOO!!!!

NOV 16:

Well today was an auth for St. Louis. Today (Nov 16) came to the streets and told everyone, his trusted and beautiful RHM
(Fizztastic) is the new crew leader for St. Louis. Which makes the only Made Gurl that has a crew. As to this date. (Nov 16) And
congrats to the new RHM too. Rizztastic. ;). Good luck sexy people. ;)

NOV 17:

Here it is people the winner of the Detriot pickpocket competion. Now you probably know that Knud was the one who made the contest
and it came up to be a huge, huge, huge thing. The competion was sussposed to be notice by Nov 10, but Knud had a buzy week. Plus
the war was last week too. So no one should be mad at him for bein late. But here is the winner of the Detriot Pickpockiting

Ladies and Gentleman there's a serious matter here. WillHayes is dead! IF you would please not shot any of his fallin men. Thanks
a lot. And the home city is New York. Rember New York. If you shoot them. You die. Simple right!?

Right after the annoucement of not shoting the people of WillHayes crew. NY got a new crew leader. And his name is CrazyNine. So
go spam all the happy letters. :)

Damn another Auth today in New Orleans, GiovanniBovine. As I said like a minute ago. (If you read it.) Go spam his mailbox full of
Good Luck letters. If not, you'll get crushed by a cow. :)

NOV 18:

Alright now about the WillHayes dyin thing. He's alive??? But I want ya people not to kill New York unsponcers! ARIGHT!!! DO IT!!!


So YO people. You know this collum. (I think I spelled that right?) But anyways this is the best thing of paper. Well my favorite.
IF you don't know what it is. It's everything you need to know. But don't need to know. Understand? O well. I'm goin to but the
interview at the end today, cause I already wrote this. :). So here we go.


Special Offer. But first. No one ask so no information. So if you wanna do it. Come meet me. First one will get the free offer for
next weeks paper. But you got to but ADD on the mail so I know what it is. Oh same thing if you wanna but a name up there too.
(The very top.)

Joke of the week:

Ok I heard this one: There's a cat in a tree and it's hangin off a branch. Right under the branch there's a puddle. And right
beside the tree is a barn with a roster on it. Well the cat falls in to the puddle and the roster starts laughing. Do you know
what the role of the story is? Wet pussy makes cock happy. LOL!!!

Need to Say: Alright now you probably know that I didn't metion the war. I know what happen and who died and all that stuff. But
it's been like a week. It's old news. Plus there's to other paper who already did it. If you wanna see it? Here it is.

The Mafioso Newspaper

Mafia Times

See how nice I am. I'm showin you people the other papers. :)

Alright now, here the interview with Mr. WillHayes. I didn't go to the interview but my hepler, BenjaminRuggiero did this. Not I
think this interview is way better then my paper and probably longer. So your free to say DAMN!!! lol. Well here it is:

Benajamin "Lefty" Ruggiero show up at my Haye's personal house to give an interview that he as requested. Details on the house and
what it looks like can not be given out due to the vile mobster's our there

Upon his arrival Mr. Hayes show's him the utmost respect and invites him in to a beautiful home the inside lined with red curtains
and marble floors with big status all around, and a big staircase that semi wind's to the center of the floor.

Right this way Hayes says As he takes him into the master Living room. Soon as you walked in you had a big plush fuller with the
staircase that escalated it seemed to the middle of the room and to the right, well that was where we was going into the master
living room. The room had the same nice tile with line and circle swirls through out it that had to be placed just right or it
wouldn't line up, nice big leather couches chair's and two love seats, the same red curtain's that was in the other room. Omg this
place was nice, but i'm not here to comment him on that NO.. I'm here to ask the question's. That's right the questions. So with
out further a due I bring to you. Mr/My boss Hayes.

We both sit down in an wing back leather chair around a fireplace that has been lite. OMG yes a fireplace. I take out a pencil and
pad, for I know not that I can remember all this, I must right it down and write it down I must. So I begin

There has been a recent war and your family was involved in it what got you involved?

The man surprisingly hesitates none as I sit there in front of him with all these questions and just ask them at random he takes
the first one in stride.

- The Godfather of NY was involved. My loyalties are to him and to the city of NY. Where he goes, I go. He has done everything in
his power to defend the city of NY. I will do everything in my power to defend him, and our city.

So I hit him with next question, trying to throw him off gaurd a little bit

What do you think about war, what is your stand point?

- What do I think about war? I try not to think about war. It's a last resort. I would much prefer to resolve problems by sitting
down and talking them through. Sometimes that's not possible. Sometimes, action is needed. And unfortunately, wars take place.

Valid point I think to myself, well let's try him again with another question.

In a war do you think there could ever be a peace talk or do you think it will always be full blown?

- I don't know. Once a war has begun, it's very difficult to rewind. Assuming the sides have had the opportunity to discuss issues
before a war has started, it's reached the point where communication has broken down. And there's not really a whole lot more that
can be said. At other times, there are no discussions beforehand. Either way, I really don't think peace talks really have any
effect in the middle of a war.

He has a point here.. After i'm getting my but kicked I guess I can't throw a white flag now can I?

Well let me ask you one thing do you think war causes more bad blood?

- Yes.

People have been to war over many different things is there any that you remember that was funnier or different than the others?

- The reasons for war are complicated. Nothing about war is ever funny. And they're all different. Issues surrounding particular
wars really don't need to be hashed out or rehashed out in public.

Do you think you will ever be brought in to war, as in someone trying to kill you or your family?

- War is a part of life, it happens. I think we've had some periods of long-lasting peace. I hope we are in one of those periods
now. I can't speculate as to other people's reasons for war. I can only run my family with the support and the guidance of the
Godfather of New York. And I think if I do that, I won't give anybody any reason to dislike me or want to kill me.

We take a few minute break here he offer's me one fine cigar and a scotch on the rocks a civil drink for civilized people

Well let me ask you a few questions about yourself. I begin to set in on him again.

Is this the first time your family has ever had a family, or has there been a uncle cousin father brother that had one also?

- No, this is not the first time my family line has run a family. But I try to stand on my own two feet. My father's
accomplishments are not mine, and mine are not his. I will rise or fall because of the life I live, not the life that was led by
some of my ancestors who may have been successful in this life. That's not to say that I didn't learn from my father, or my other
ancestors. I've learned quite a bit. But it's me who's taken those lessons to heart and will make my own way.

I recall hearing a street speech by BoabyWanKenobi talking about something like this. That your family bloodline should or
shouldn't have an effect on you.

How do you feel about your family now you think everything is going the way you hoped?

- I love my family, and every member and associate of my family. They are tremendously hard workers and make me proud every day.
That's not to say we don't make mistakes. I make mistakes, they make mistakes. I think it's how we respond to those mistakes that
will define who we are. Will we accept responsibility for those mistakes, learn from them, and grow? Or will we continue to make
the same mistakes over and over? That's the challenge I offer to those who work with me in the Knickerbockers. And so far, they've
accepted the challenge and shown tremendous growth. So, things are going well. There is room for improvement, and we will always
continue to strive for perfection.

Street speeches, your a big fan of these coming from your family do you in any way censorship your people on what they say? Do you
think they should be?

- Do I censor my family or somehow try to control what they say? No. I don't censor. I encourage. I encourage everybody in my
family, and in every family for that matter, to make use of the power of the streets. I express to them that I find a street
presence to be extremely important, and would hope they take it to heart and make the effort to be a part of the community. That
being said, I also stress the importance of quality, and the importance of remaining respectful in everything they do, including
street speeches.

If one of your member's lets say under Made insults a made or another CL what would you do? You think he should be punished? At
the same time how about a made and above?

- This is really a topic that I'm not going to address in public. My family is well aware of how they are expected to interact
with other members of the community.

Have to respect a man for his privacy

That brings me to this question.. What separates a Made from anyone under made?

- This is another complicated issue. And a topic my family has addressed many times over the years. It's one thing I have learned
from my father, and will pass along to anybody and everybody who will listen. Becoming a Made Man should be a tremendous honor. In
the recent past, some have seen it only as a rank. But to me, it is much more. It signifies the true beginning of your existence,
and is when you truly become part of this family. It is not something we take lightly, and the promotion is celebrated. Getting to
that promotion takes a lot of hard work, and requires not only that you can earn, but that you have earned the respect of me and
my right and left hands. Made Men should have more privileges, and are treated with more respect. They are offered greater
opportunities. But along with that opportunity also flows responsibility. They are expected to be accountable, and are expected to
guide those who have not yet reached the rank of Made.

Well how did you come to where you are right now?

- I grew up in Deimne's family here in New York. I spent some time as his LH, and a lot of time learning from him and his RH,
Deimna. I soaked up the knowledge I could soak up, worked hard, and then I got called away for a while to deal with some family
issues. That's when I truly learned about loyalty. I was away for quite a while; Deimne and Deimna housed me and protected me even
though I was useless to them for quite a while. And when I returned, I re-dedicated myself to working my ass off for them and the
city of NY. And when Godfather Rourke retired, and Deimne ascended to the city head, I accepted his challenge to take over as one
of his bosses, and continue to make NY great. The rest, as they say, is history.

So what advice could you give to any newcomer coming up now that dreams of having there own family one day?

- There's a lot of advice I could offer. But I'm sure we're running low on time. So, I'll just say this. Work hard, take any job
you are offered and do it to the best of your ability. Be accountable, be loyal, and live by the code - whatever code your family
might have. Loyalty, honor, respect, omerta...aren't just words; they are words to live by.

I'll end this interview with you with this last question.

Is there anyone out there right now that you think you owe a lot to that helped make you what you are?

- Some I've already mentioned: Deimne and Deimna. CrazyNine (the hardest working left hand in the land), Awesome (a freaking
earning machine), and all the members of the Knickerbockers for their hard work. And Ginger. My better-looking-half. Her gentle
and sometimes not so gentle guidance makes my job so much easier.

That concluded my questions for Mr Hayes, I thanked him generously with my weekly vig and he showed me the door. Now this is where
me as a witter address you if you like this interview please contact the paper and let us know. If you don't like it we don't
wanna print it. If we don't print it you don't see it. I'm Benjamin aka Lefty Ruggiero till the next time I hope to hear from you.

And that concludes today's paper. Now I know this is a lil earlier then scheaule bt I might not be here tommaro. So please enjoy
the paper.

Special ThanK: Marrieta, Rourke, WillHayes, and all the people I offended in the paper. People that I metion. And big big big thanks to
BenjaminRuggiero. THATNKS PEOPLE.

P.S: Now I didn't have a competion today because I couldn't think of one. So if you have an idea tell me.

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Dude - I was authed ages ago.

Thanks for watching the cow carefully.

Now the cow will be watching you. Hoof raised, snail poised. To the max.

Pope style.


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OPPS Sorry mate. lol.

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Vegas_Gionni sits back

"Good stuff i enjoyed it, i think my favorite part is the whole interview it really lets you get to know a guy! you should let us know who will be interviewed each week that'd be cool!"

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Nice paper Pavement. If I may ask one question though,why did you decide to name it, Mom News?

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I did another mistake lol.

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Wraith made a 'notbad' sign with his hands. Very detailed to read, which is a change, but you really need to improve on the spelling.

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Feeling the urge to caffeinate herself she finds herself in a back alley cafe. Looking around as she awaits her beverage she snacks on a bowl of apple crisp and vanilla ice cream thumbing through a copy of the Mom News someone had left on the table.

Finding herself deeply enthralled in the content, wishing to herself that she had the time to offer her editorial skills to the latest publication to hit the Streets she forgets about her oozy goozy apple crisp. As the waitress places her coffee on the table she looks up momentarily to speak to her.

Erm, miss? Where did you get this.. erm.. Paper?

Looking startled the waitress shrugs and walks away.

Well, glad she could help.

Sipping her coffee she smiles to herself as she thinks of the future of the world in the hands of such up and comers as the publisher of such a fine piece of literary genius.

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Pavement, I appreciate the effort you have put into this paper. However, the title alone made me not wish to read it. Then, after seeing the title I look through reactions from people and see that you got the date wrong about an auth. I see that you state "I did another mistake lol." That turns me off of your paper completely.

My suggestion to you, get some editors. I spoke with your father about his paper and the numerous errors in his paper. I also offered to help your father. However, he did not seem to want help. Now, I see you return to these streets doing the same exact thing your father did?

Honest, Pavement, I find that a bit disrespectful to the people that have actually put effort into their papers. By that statement, I mean people like Marietta and SaintFreeman. It is sad that Marietta couldn't continue her paper so things of this nature wouldn't happen.

Once more, Pavement, I beg you to get an editor. If not, I assure you, people will stop reading your paper.

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I'm afraid I second his opinion on this matter.

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Good effort Pavement, you have evidently put some work into this and it was a good read despite some errors, lol.

If you do feel the need to get an editor then I will volunteer to do so, drop me a line when you get the chance.


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Your paper is kind of hard to read. Needs more proper organization...And lots of mistakes. Anyway, there's a lot of stuff on this paper to read, and I like that 'wet pussy' joke. Keep the jokes coming and good luck with your next paper.

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Pavement thank you for a funny and intersting paper  i will be looking forward to reading more just like this one .. And as for the Interview i really enjoyed it ..I think lefty did a great job on it and it helped me learn some things about my great boss WillHayes ...Well congrats to everyone who got there Promotions and Congrats to CrazyNine for receiving him-self a family i'm sure he will do a great job..Well like i said thank you for a very interesting paper and now that i'm done with my coffee ill be off to work and JohnnyP walks off rushing to work .....

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Well people who thinks I need editors, I know I very very VERY bad spelling. And I know I need an editor. See the reason that I'm not good at writing the paper is because on everything I write I can't see at all. I mean right now I'm writing and I can't see what I'm writing. It's a pain in the ass. Plus if I get an editor he/she will change everything I wrot. Like the last paper I did. Not goin to metion names, but he canged it all. And I had to do it all over agian.

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Im curious Wraith_reborn is the paper not bad as you first indicated or is it following on from Alexander not worth reading.

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Ladies and gentleman, after lots of thought I decided to get an editoor. So I like to introduce TesleR

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On a different note, like the paper Pavement. I'm not one for messing about with punctuation. I skim read most things and have no difficulty skipping over the odd word as long as I can follow the theme its perfectly fine.

However, I if were you I would take up the offers coming in regarding editing and spell checking. If you have worked with some dodgy people in the past speak to bighead in our family. He will be more than happy to proof read your offering.

Finally, I am still hearing whispers that "The Tissue" may return.

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What's "The Tissue?"

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Oh The Tissue

The Bloody Tissue is one of the best newspapers this thing of ours has seen, satirical in nature it was well written, blunt and well just simply the best.

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One of the best papers written and edited by one of the biggest arseholes going. A real good read.

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