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An associate for Made. Started by: O_Banion on Mar 02, '10 17:30

O'Banion steps out into the crowd where it looks like some guy just got shot. Blood stains on the ground dead body laying there getting cold not moving, and a .38 laying there beside the body with a taped up handle. O'Banion begins to talk.

What makes a Made Man more important that a wise guy, or is there a difference? I mean one can carry more drug's than the other, they can start doing multi user crimes, maybe it's because we now call him a member of a family and not an associate.

Reaches slowly down in his pocket and pull's out a Rockey Patel cigar, and put's it into his mouth and bites the end off and spits it out.

So I guess what i'm really thinking is not what makes a Made better than wise guy or any other lower rank, but what is the difference between an associate and a true family member? Is there a difference? Do you treat them any different or would you defend them any different for one is family and the other hasn't proved his self worthy. Would you treat a guy that is proved to be worthy and earn that rank from you the same as any other Joe Blow in the family?

O'Banion reaches into his pocket again and pulls out a small box, and in this small box he pulls out a match. He closes the box back and strikes the match on the side of the box in which he pulled it from. He takes a big drag and takes this cigar back out of his mouth with his middle and index finger.

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Alexander listens to the young man with interest before getting up to speak.

I admire the fact that you come to the streets to ask about something you are unsure of. However, this topic is more family related. It depends on what an individual family's beliefs are. For most families that I have seen, becoming a Made Man is a huge thing. It is your induction into the family. You become more than just a "friend of mine."

Do I personally treat Made Men and higher ranks better than associates? Hell yes. When someone is a Made Man, they carry more responsibility, more power and more decision making capabilities in most families. For instance, if an associate were to insult me, he would most likely earn himself a new pair of shoes. However, the price for a Made would be quite a bit smaller.

That's just my take on the situation. Others may feel completely different about it. 

With his opinion being known, Alexander walks back to his apartment.

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Being a Made Man yourself, you should know the fucking difference. Why you come out here and ask? A little history lesson perhaps?

Back home, a Made Man is untouchable. It is a sin to kill one, regardless of grievance laid against him, without permission higher up in the Organziation. Whereas an associate has neither that privilege nor does he have the same protection. Not just any fucking Joe schmo can be given this honor. You have to be Italian or Sicilian for this honor.

By blood, can we trust those with our business.

Adelaide holds up her hand to forestall any "This isn't Italy" and continues

Now here, in the Eight Crime Cities, things run slightly differently.

You are here to represent your family as a full fledged member. Conduct business, earn for the leader of your crew, and prove to be a valuable member. You've made your bones and may be called upon to do something an Associate would either not understand or not be trusted enough to do.

See the fucking difference yet?

Unlike back home, you needn't be Italian or Sicilian for the chance to be made. However, loyalty to the family is still needed. Honor and respect is still to be shown. Full protection is even extended to associates, for matters of stability. Otherwise, we would live in far more hostile times.

Adelaide wrinkles her nose and peers closer at O_Banion

You on something? What is this multi-user garbage?

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Monty walks up and smiles at the man as he searches his pockets himself for his own smokes.

"Well mate, the answer to this is simple and compicated at the same time. While yes a Made Man is capable of much more than any associate of a family could ever be, that is not all that seperates them. A true family member has shown dedication and loyalty to his boss and his cause. Any group of people can answer to orders and be an associate, but a Made Man finally deserves the right to speak and help decide where those orders come from, and more importantly see that they are carried out."

Monty finds his cigar in an interior pocket and nods at it, then goes on to search for a match.

"So I guess the answer you are looking for is not really just one answer, but several. You can ask any member of a family what they feel it means to them and they will all have different answers. To me, it's a symbol of responsibility, where once I was being taken care of by everybody, now I am doing everything in my power to take care of those under me and look out for them, just as any member of my family would for me. It's one of many things that seperate the two."

Monty finally gives up looking for his matchbox and goes to put his cigar away.

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O'Banion takes another hit off his cigar and smiles at the language Adelaide used and the humor.

Well Muli user is where more than one can commit a crime at the same time togethor. I'm Irish maybe that's our lingo and not yours.

Also the whole in the eight cities we do it this way.. I have to be with Alexander and say what you may do with your family in your city is different from what another guy does in his city. You might not hold no value to yours but another guy might.

That's why i'm out here now. To see the difference in how people treat the Made to the associate. I know me being made I don't wanna be treated as the thug. Whats the point in being Made? I also think this is something that could help maybe another immigrant or non immigrant pick a family, maybe you wanna join a family that treats them the same maybe you wanna different.

I could be misunderstanding from all your ranting and raving but from what I got, you treat yours the same.

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Bell sits amazed at the words being spoken on the streets about Made Men and how they are "different" than lower ranked associates.   Taking a sip of her coffee, she notices her dear friend & right hand of the family, Adelaide speak up. Nodding her head in agreement several times with what her friend was saying, she smiled as Adelaide finished and waved her over to the coffee shop to sit and have a cup of coffee.

Adelaide, as always a pleasure to see you.  I couldn't have answered this attrocious question any better myself.  Please sit, have a cup of coffee with me.  I'll buy since it seems you have said everything I already wanted to this young man here. I would refer to him as a made Man, but it seems that even he himself doesn't understand or respect the title.

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Laugh's once again as he her's Bellissima comment on how he understand or respect the title of made men.

I don't know what to say about that i'm lost for words.. Cause i'm trying to learn about how different families treat the Made and wanna know the general mobster's idea on if they should be treated the same as an associate I don't respect or understand.

Shakes his head laughing

I think you got away from the whole point of this being about the way you treat Made and associate's. To wanting to bash me. I think its rather funny though I actually kind of like it. Show's me more the people behind the different families.

So far I got Alexander believe every family treat's the Made diff from family to family but his they cherish the made, Adelaide likes to treat them like the are the same no matter if you are a thug or a Made, Montiego believes diff families have different opinions and believe the Made should be treated with more respect. Bellissima Thinks her and Adelaide should have some coffee and thinks I don't understand or respect being a Made Man cause i'm curious of other families view's of how Made differs from associate's...

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An attrocious question? Really? I have to disagree, strongly.

While it's obvious to some, it's not at all common for every young thug, or even some button men, to fully understand the difference. Sadly, there are idiots in this thing of ours, some at a rank that should know better... yet don't. Would I expect to see a button man from another city come out on the streets and patronise a button man from New York? No. I'd expect them to know a hell of a lot better than that. Sadly, some don't.

As an example of why this is a very valid question here and now, in the home country we'd never see a female Capo walking the streets. Yet, here and now, it can, will and does happen. We've got female Godfathers, this would have been unheard of in the old days or the old country.

Back in the home country, or even in the early days here on our shores, anyone not of Italian blood could ever hope to earn their button. Yet here, with my Irish blood, I sit atop one of the countries strongest cities heaped in cosa nostra history.

Things can and do change. If I were to walk out tomorrow and instruct people to in the future ignore any previously held beliefs of the respect a button man could be given, could you or anyone else stop me? No, didn't think so. Am I going to do it? Hell no, I have a great respect for cosa nostra and hold the pillars of this thing of ours close to my heart. That doesn't mean that certain things won't change in time or that everyone in this thing of ours holds the same beliefs as I do. So someone questioning this, even one of our most vital tenants, is a perfectly fair and valid (hell, given some of the acts taken at times it's blooded needed) question to be raised.

I believe the answer will be a uniform and expected one, that having earned their button their is no question that a button man should and will be treated in an entirely different light, but to say that it shouldn't be asked, in a time where we've seen Godfathers tear their own cities to the ground for nothing more than a quick kill for their own shits and giggles, is naive and patronising to the extreme. If you wish to point out the importance a button holds, I'd suggest you treat a button man with the respect he deserves before taking such a patronising tone with him.

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Bell listens to Deimne speak quietly. Taking a sip of her coffee, she sets the cup down before composing her reply.

Godfather Deimne,  I can respect whre you are coming from with the points you have made.  However, I still feel that if a button man has to ask why he's more important than a wise guy, then he clearly doesn't understand his position.  Do Made's get treated differently?  Hell yes we do.  People notice as soon as you get your button. Getting Made in this thing of ours, past or present, has never been easy.  Genders on the wayside, as I don't see how my being a female has any bearing in the here & now, becoming a Made Man is an honor! 

Perhaps if this man had been out here asking this question prior to him havin ghis button, I would have felt differently.  But to have a button man out here asking why his button makes him special,  it just apals me and I do find it attrocious.

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Actually as he quite clearly stated, Bellissima, he was asking others views as to why they are treated differently.  I don't know about else where but where I come from you aren't just handed an honor, you earn it.  He obviously knows the difference or he would not have been able to achieve it.

Just because he was not able to word his topic of discussion in the manner he would have liked to does not make him a complete imbecile, simply means he needs to work on his street appearance a bit.

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I would agree with you... except we're speaking about what the man in question has asked, not what you have suggested or believed he has asked. The two being two very different questions, with one being a fact and one being a figment of your imagination.

At no time has he suggested that he is no better than an associate, that he is or should be treated as an associate or than any made member should be treated as an associate, despite your suggestion that he has. He is asking how you treat the divide, which again I'm sure all will agree is a huge step, and how it makes a difference in how you treat them. You've said it's an honour, that it's not easy, that it 'hell yes' makes a difference... yet haven't once touched on what was actually asked and suggested how this difference causes a change in how you treat the two.

It is actually one of the more interesting discussions I've seen raised in the recent days, so to see you try and belittle the man for it is utterly and completly attrocious. If I were to answer the question using an example at hand, had Bellissima been an associate, I very well might have shot her for this. As a made member, I might simply instruct her leader or the Godfather of her city to shoot her. Obviously, that's an extreme example of how it might cause a difference and I'm not suggesting it is the case... but it's something to think about... and unlike some responses this speech has recieved, actually tackles the question asked.

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Sitting calmly, sipping her coffee, Adelaide lets the speakers present their views. After the silence reigned for a moment, she stood up and began with a purpose.

Godfather Deimne, my presenting of history was not to be patronizing nor did I present it as how things are run here in America. There are a long line of men and women that have shaped this Thing of Ours into what it is today and it is markedly different to how it is back home. My presenting of the facts in Italy were suppose to be used as a contrast to things here. Something I hope the Mr. Banion would be able to learn from.

I can also understand my friend here in her distress over how Mr. Obanion approached this. Even to me, it seemed that he was unsure on what separates a Made from an Associate. Something I would think a man that is Made would already known.

Also, as a female Boss, I know well I could never be where I am now. I would have be content wielding the power of a mother or of a wife.

Turning to O_Banion, she offers her hand

That was hardly a rant or rave or an attempt at a bash, good sir. However, when you do come out onto the streets with such a question, please expect to have every word uttered analyzed and every argument probed. to me treating a thug and a made the same, as you've said was my view, I will strongly disagree.

A Made man I could trust my live with. My family. My business. My Friends. That is something you can't just do to a common thug that works the businesses for you. Collecting money, breaking teeth, shooting kneecaps off is his job. That is it. Family business is Family business and you're not family till you've gotten your button.

As to asking how each family treats their button men...that takes balls. What you are doing is asking how a family runs that is not your own. It's none of your fucking business, or have I been brought up in the wrong all this time?

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O_Banion introduced his speech using rhetorical questions... and his purpose for coming here is to investigate whether or not everybody treats people of his rank any differently, and their personal reasons. this seems absolutely clear to me, we are not deciphering hieroglyphics here.
the man has a valid topic for discussion.

in many instances, I treat every person equally and their individual behaviour is what I judge first. if I am treated with respect I will gratefully return that respect regardless of their rank. on the other hand, I am less likely to retain composure when non-button men purposely attempt to aggravate me - and I would certainly have no regrets if I needed to knock one around a little bit to teach them a lesson. if it were a Made+ I would simply use alternative methods to deal with the issue.

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What confuses me, Adelaide, is that you came back with a passive response and apologies for the misunderstanding then took right back to the bashing again. 

Why are we printing newspapers here in the streets with the news from the underground?

Why did we openly debate "member whoring" members into our Crime Syndicates right out in the streets?

Why are there those that choose to stand on the street corner and tell others about some robbery or kill that partook in earlier in the day?

Why do we publicly announce the setting up of a new crew?

I do realize I am straying a bit off topic but my point is why do a lot of things happen around here in a manner in which they would not have back in the Old Country.  Times are changing constantly, what was one time unacceptable is now acceptable and vice versa and I am sure they will change again.

This man came to the streets on a matter that had crossed his mind and if you do not wish to tell him about what goes on in your family then don't.  The idea of a man telling another everything about his family is far worse than the man asking.  That's just how I see, for what do I know i'm just a Made Man.

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Yet another example of our great southern neighbours letting us stupid northerners know how to speak. Damn shame we haven't picked up on their tips and tricks yet. One day we might learn.

Firstly Bellissima, I really hope you are not questioning the judgement of CrazyNine by giving this man his button. That is what I am hearing and I must say I am really not liking it.

Secondly Adelaide, you have already stated a made man deserves respect but then you continually come out here insulting one of ours? Especially after Godfather Deimne has stated he believed the subject was very interesting? It seems maybe you have been brought up wrong, the history of this thing of ours in this world has been built on debates in this very street.

O_Banion has now twice clarified what he meant by trying to start this discussion. The negativity against this member of ours should cease right now. I would suggest listening to his words before opening your mouth again, but then again I am a stupid northerner who does not know how to speak so maybe I should not give advice afterall.

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Well, Mr. Advantage, I speak to people with the respect their rank holds. As Godfather Deimne is far above me in rank, I will be deeply respectful to him during any interaction. As with you, I will be respectful as well for being a Made that has been courteous with me.

Mr. Banion has asked a question in a manner that I found to be in error in. I was harsh and direct with him. Since then, I have been told by Mr. Banion I am "ranting and raving" and was even bold enough to put my views forth as if he knew them fully. Now I am not going to be rude however I will still apply my points in the manner that I believe will carry weight in Mr. Banion's mind as he continues thinking over what has been said.

So what if you see it as bashing? I've endured such before and have found it to be a learning experience. Though I do see merit in your last comment. Perhaps I should have just ignored what Mr. Banion had asked and let him find out for himself from another person?

As far as the Streets themselves are concerned, they are ours. I can discuss business at this little coffee shop if I wanted, with no repercussion from the law as their are on the payroll. Why kind of world would this be if we have to hide in basements to discuss business anyways?

I'll tell you, a hard one to live by.

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I've no problem with your use of history Adelaide, I've used it myself to show how things can change in time to show just how valid a question this is. We've seen many cities instigate rules on pickpocketing based solely on rank, which never happened in the past, so the historical information is both relevant and acceptable.

If you or anyone else was unsure of anything, that's your problem. It was perfectly clear to me and most others what was actually being asked, if you took your own view on it, which isn't supported by what was actually said, then the issue is purely with you and doesn't excuse the issues that followed.

As you say, when you come out here, expect to have every word analysed. So seeing you publically support, in your upper structure role, one of your members questioning Don CrazyNine in his choice of button men is an extremely distressing issue. To see you support them in patronising a button man of New York when she and you should know better, for reasons that don't exist other than in your imaginations... did you analyse your words before speaking?

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Well, Ms. Butterfly, I can assure you none of us in the South are questioning the way Northerners speak. Nor have we called you stupid.

Now, I know my friend Bellissima was not question that fact but rather why the question was asked in the first place. I'm hardly insulting, but telling my views in a forceful manner as a way of making a point. I'd be glad to continue with Mr. Banion on the values of this Thing of Ours as it something new gangsters may learn from.

You are correct in saying that the growth of our way of life is tied to the street debates we engage in. Debate is where one points a view and another debates on it. Not all the time will everyone see eye to eye on a matter and it will be drawn out. Seeing as this subject is very interesting indeed, why not continue discussing it?

Turning to Godfather Deimne, she smiles

Bellissima used rather forceful and direct words, I shall admit that. The passion some have can be explosive at times as has been proven in the past. I have already talked with her though in regards to exactly how brutal the streets can be and I can assure you there would never be a hint of patronizing again. I would never support a member in such acts against any city or crew.

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Yet you're standing here, agreeing with her previously, after she openly questioned this button mans possession of a button?

I'm not questioning Bellissima's actions here, I'm questioning both of you. With my patience for both betting extremely short.

You have come out, insulted one of my button men, insulted one of my dons, insulted me and insulted my city. Yet you say it's ok as she'll not patronise us again? My bad, if I'd known that I never would have got pissed off at her having done it once and you allowing it and backing it.

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I see I was in error Godfather. I offer both my apologies to you and your city for being in the wrong and not seeing.

Perhaps I need to remain silent and listen to others more before stating a view.

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Replying to: An associate for Made.
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