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Member whoring reborn Started by: Bobby_Axelrod on Jun 26, '16 21:58

New in town, Bobby Axelrod hopped off the boat and strolled off into America, looking for what everyone else has come here for, the American Dream. He stumbled across a board with odd end jobs; however, one was severely different than all the others. No it was not different because it was better than the rest, but because it was utter shit. To see such a thing, so different than his father wrote to him about made him furious, therefore he grabbed a crate from a warehouse not to far away, stood on it and began his speech....

"When the job board was first set up on the ports into our cities, it was to stop the member whoring practices which many mafasios took apart of. It has now sadly come to my attention that these practices are starting once again. The Crystal Gem's "RP" board went as followed:

Job one- "-"

Job two- "coming soon"

Job three- "coming soon part two"

Truth be told I was first shocked when I saw this... well disgusted to be more truthful. However I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt as maybe they only set up a few days ago as a unsuspected death occurred during a war or what have you. Being the curious man that I am I reached out to Crytsalize to see what was going on, to see why on God's green Earth this was considered RP or to know the explanation for this (again as there could be some). Upon asking her how long her family has been set up, she replied with about a month... a fucking month. I then suggested she fix her boards, as if it made me want to stay as far away from her and her district as possible it may will make others feel the same way. Should I have said so? No, it was out of line I will agree with that; however, if this family won't even attempt to RP on the RP fucking job boards, then why should anyone put any effort into their jobs?Also on the job board page itself, where she, her hands and her sponsors can go and fix these horrid jobs it states that there must be a minimum of 3 ROLE PLAY jobs among other things. If everyone other family can abide by these rules, why is her family the exception? Why is there no punishment for tossing these rules, aside? I've seen some incredible well thought out jobs, and then to see this... it's just sad, especially when mediocrity is given a district of their own. When asking a prominent mafiso known as Squishy he stated that it was sad. Sad that new people to our shores were seeing this, and that he had planned to take these jobs down himself but since their headquarters were full at the time there was no point. Perhaps I am too hard on them, perhaps I am not its only for you to decide."

Bobby anxiously awaits to hear from his peers on the matter...

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What's an RP and an RP board?

Crystalize has 'RP boards'? I'm not going anywhere near Corktown now.

Thanks for the info big guy!

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I've always disliked the jobs board. Not only do I liken it to spoon feeding an infant child but I find it to be irritating and a waste of time. It was something that was forced upon us to encourage leaders and their sponsors to contact potential crew members, why these potentials can't take some kind of initiative to contact someone in a bold suit, go to the crew page, or read the streets is beyond me but it's in place and it's something that we're being forced to use. When you set up there is no obligation for leaders to role play these jobs, they only need to ensure there's something there so that they can see that orange sign pop up when someone completes the jobs. That surely, is enough for the admins, if the players don't like the role play or the lack of role play being offered in a job, they can simply choose to do a job for another crew. The fact that there's something there is surely enough, particularly when only recently we were warned about not contacting potential members as new players can slip through the cracks. Something is better than nothing I would imagine.

I know Crystalize, she's an extremely hard working individual and I would have expected her to be busy when she first set up, it's quite possible that she forgot to revisit the job board once she had got her crew off the ground. Bashing her in the street isn't the best way to get your point across and if the admins are so upset with it, maybe a prompt from them instead of sharing their opinions with other players would have been a better approach.

If your point is that Crystalize is lazy then I'd point to this thread as an example of laziness, what started off as an attempt at role play was completely obliterated when you started talking about role playing jobs several times. Ironic when the content of the thread was about how other people won't role play. Heh.

I'd also like to point out that it's not a rule to have jobs role played, its only an advisory so nobody has to abide by it and as such there would be no punishment for it.

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"We seem to get a lot of crazy people in the streets these days. This fellah for instance seems to have gotten very stalkery to Crystalize. I am not sure why this man is so obsessed with one crew leader in particular but I would recommend that he get back on his medications and maybe mind his own business before he gets in trouble. One he doesn't know whats hes talking about as Crystalize has jobs posted and two seeing as he is in a crew how would he even know what kind of jobs Crystalize is offering to people new to these shores."

Sinfest finished with his speech goes back to doing his own thing.

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Well Chade, I also thought there was no obligation for leaders to properly do these jobs as well. Until on the page where these jobs are (you and I cannot see these as we aren't sponsors, so I had another prominent leader check to make sure) there is a list of parameters which must be followed. One of which is that they must be "RP". Therefore if someone cannot follow these parameters there should be punishment, in my own opinion, i.e. their jobs removed. Also I am not trying to put all the blame on her for these jobs, as her hands, sponsors and anyone else who had done them could have said something but they didn't. The reason I chose to write this was to bring attention to the matter, so if another leader doesn't want to they won't feel compelled to, as they can't be punished for it.
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"Well Sinfest, you more or less agreed with me that she did not do them properly promptly after claiming I'm not welcome in Detroit. I also don't know how speaking my mind would get myself in trouble, I'm not calling anyone names, making any threats or what have you. Yes you did tell me you'd fix them after the month they had been like that, so I no longer know how bad they are or if they have been improved at all."

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  • To be listed your crew needs the following:
    • A balance of at least $50,000 in the job account.
    • At least three role play texts listed.
    • At least one person capable of inviting new members into the crew currently active.
    • The crew must have open spots and must not be marked as full.
  • Once someone has done as many jobs as your crew has texts, they will no longer be able to work for your crew.
  • Only those members capable of inviting new members will get an alert.
  • The text "%name%" in the role play texts will be replaced with the new players name when they see it.
  • The text "%cl%" in the role play texts will be replaced with the crew leaders name.
  • The text "%sponsor%" in the role play texts will be replaced with the name of the most recently active sponsor. Please note that if the crew leader is currently a sponsor, it is possible for them to be used for this.

These are notes relating to the coding, not rules around what a leader must do.

Although it states your crew needs the following, clearly it doesn't as you can get on without a role play being present. So again, you're not obliged to do it, if you were there wouldn't be an option to refuse it, or there would be a punishment if you didn't follow the notes.

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"At least three role play texts listed"-- I don't believe that's coding. It states that role play is to be present, had they not been full at the time Izzy would've taken their jobs down which is a punishment. Also the only option to refuse it, is not doing it (making at least one keystroke per job is enough apparently to be considered doing them) but should nothing be there they wouldn't have the numbers they do as you can't even see new players on the 60 sec list until a few minutes after they've been here or until they've done your jobs I believe therefore you can't really afford not to do them.
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I'm not a fan of the RP jobs, never have been. I believe the majority of people don't bother reading them. However, I still don't leave them blank. I use them to supply extra information regarding my crew that you may not get elsewhere. AS I said, I don't see the need for there to be an actual RP there... and in fairness it isn't a RP, its a story, the potential recruit can't choose options or actions, ergo no role play. However, I would prefer to see something there rather than nothing or the infamous 'coming soon'

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Madara hears out Bobby_Axelrod's rant. He takes notes on the key issues of the topic and spends some time contemplating them, before deciding for himself to their merit and creating a suitable response. 


"First of all, 'Bobby_Axelrod'..." Madara began sceptically. "With a name like Bobby Axelrod, I'm finding it difficult to believe you really came to this country and wasn't actually born here. I can't imagine many Vietnamese, Egyptian or even British people naming their children Bobby and having the family name Axelrod... However, I'll ignore that for the time being." 

Madara quickly scans over the notes he took and starts by quoting back what he considers one of the more important sentiments expressed

"it made me want to stay as far away from her and her district as possible it may will make others feel the same way." ...

"Well, who cares how it made you feel? If a lack of effort or info being shown on a jobs board, when a family isn't actually in a position to be advertising vacancies anyway is what made you feel like you wanted to stay away... then, stay away? If other's do too, then they can stay away also.

I'm sure with the fact they've got minimal spacing left for new talent anyway, they're not going to be all that concerned their recruitment drive isn't as effective as their competition's is."


Madara wonders for a moment about the role playing aspect that was mentioned. He wasn't entirely sure how to approach this topic without coming across as a crazy person in need of sectioning from society.


"Why must everyone be interested in role playing? Some people are only interested in getting down to business and don't want to embellish their life style with excessive flamboyancy. If some people choose to separate themselves, or not, by their use of "role play" on job notice boards, advertisement campaigns and such... that's really their business and everyone can decide for them self if that's something they're okay with or interested in"


He reaches what he considers to be THE single most important aspect of this argument and quotes back Axelrod's question about it.

"why is her family the exception? Why is there no punishment for tossing these rules, aside? "

"Well, seeing as you've come out here and publicly stated you believe it to be bad taste and made you want to stay away and postulated it would also make others stay away, is that not punishment enough for it?"

Madara didn't care for the assertion that there ought to be punishment for something that wasn't actually detrimental to society as a whole, to new members or old, nor defiant enough of the Gods to warrant any punitive measures.

"What I can't understand is why we're progressively more demanding of the crew leaders to bottleneck their recruitment campaigns in the first place. When your bloodline first gets off the boat, as well as being checked for lice and your ability to speak English to a comprehensible degree, you're given a "tutorial" package. It contains all the basic information required for you to integrate yourself into a productive member of society... EVERYONE ELSE in society, has to look for a job. They don't stand around on the corner complaining because no one's bothering to smoke a cigarette around them, call them "kid" and tell them if they're interested in doing work come find me.. no. You want a job, you get up off your ass and find it.

How, I wonder, is it acceptable for a butcher's to expect an apprentice to apply for the position himself, yet a secret underground organisation like the mob are expected to go out of their way to invite complete strangers from the docks to become an associate? Are you nuts? What kind of lazy ass police detectives can't collar a made man who's walking around inside a sammich board advertising his willingness to assist you in improving your capacity for murder and thievery?

Is this seriously a suggestion that members of the mob ought to rally themselves and over throw their leaders for not being out in public bleating job opportunities for criminals through a bull horn?"


Madara shakes his head disapprovingly at the very notion


"The only thing I will say in support of your argument is... after a month "coming soon" doesn't quite cut it. Even if you don't care to advertise your activities overtly. Also, if your HQ is full and you simply can't find any more space to fit bunks for your people to stay in, you really should take the jobs board down. 


Madara offers Bobby_Axelrod a cookie for taking the time to listen to his rebuttal

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Well Madara, yes they are practically full however, if they have been that bad for a fucking month that says something. That they're too lazy to either delegate it out to someone or do it themselves.

If they're that bad it makes players stay away being punishment enough? No. Not even close to being enough. What is enough, isn't for anyone to decide besides Squishy.

"Madara didn't care for the assertion that there ought to be punishment for something that wasn't actually detrimental to society as a whole, to new members or old, nor defiant enough of the Gods to warrant any punitive measures."--You can't expect any help desk/admin to actually take the time to read through all these jobs, with crews coming and going it'd be just too much for them on top of what they already have to do.
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Ok really all that needs to be said is if you dont like how the other crewleaders are handing their fellow crewleaders then maybe rank up and do something about it. You have no right to be so disrespectful to a crewleader. 

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It depends on how you interpret that part of the notes. Again though, no punishment was given. If a rule is broken you will tend to see a repercussion, there was none so therefore at the time of Crystalize doing this nothing was in place to say you can't do it to my knowledge. Your point is that this is a rule, my point is that it's an advisory on how to get your crew to show up on the jobs section.

Going back to my original response though, if people dislike what's been offered they won't continue with the jobs and they won't join that crew, as it is though the crew is full (lol). I'm not sure why people are forced to role play anymore tbh, this is no longer an RPG and not everyone is comfortable with it.

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"then maybe rank up and do something about it."

Sinfest, are you promoting rogueish behaviour amongst mobsters?

Or in this case as the RH of the CL who's been targeted in this post, I guess more specifically I should ask... are you prompting Axelrod to rank up and rogue against your crew leader?

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All I am saying is that if you do not like how the current management runs things then you should do what the point of the game is. Rank up with your friends and take over. 

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Alright I'll probably be displaying the same aura you showed all of us so keep that in mind just as your exact opposite side of the argument. Let's assess the situation and dig deeper.

You state that a new player would find these jobs you deliberately displayed as "the wrong path" disgraceful. Now if your a new player and you don't know jack about the game and have never seen the job boards before, the tutorial is going to make you do a job. Let's say the job you do says "coming soon". You know the first thing that player is going to think?

That player is going to think there is a new feature coming out soon and it has everything to do with work (Seems pretty neat to a new player that the game does constant updates and they noticed a new one coming out when they first joined)

Moving on... you also state that this will turn new players away from Crystalize's family. This got her crew full so it must be working.

Last but not least, what if all crewleaders did this? You'd probably have all new players convinced that it was indeed an update coming soon.

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Eh Sinfest I just speak my mind, and truly don't care if you or anyone else thinks of my opinion. Also are you suggesting that I kill your leader as doing something about it? If so that's not my style, I don't rouge.

Chade, I will agree with you on that it is how you interpret. Some people will say what she and her crew posted was role play and followed the parameters. I do think of it as a rule as Squishy was going to turn off their jobs (being a repercussion) however again they were full at the time so there was no point. I have no doubt that if he saw them before they were full he would have shut them down.
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Not sure how taking over is being interpreted as Rouging as I am not telling you to shoot my crew leader because shooting my crewleader without shooting other people will not go well for you. Plus shooting one person won't change how the management does things. You have to take over and be management if you want things to change.

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I fail to see how Crystalised was member whoring as you implied.

Wouldnt member whoring be sending out invites to every new off the boat person without even talking to them?

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HAHAHAHA talk about lazy fucking leaders. How much more pathetic can you get? It's one thing to put a notice in your crew details section of coming soon and role play intro just so you can open shop but that is a joke. Just so you can start getting people to do work for you you take the lazy way and do nothing. There is no pride in that and if the other leaders within that city/district take pride in their city/district and only expect the best you would be removed as a disgrace. To me this is the same as spamming in the streets ABOIT utter nonsense and expecting a gain in experience and street smarts. This is a role playing game, so when you are in a position that gives you something and in return you are supposed to role play you do so. Yes this isn't member whoring but this is just as bad since you're taking advantage of the mechanics of the game and putting in no effort.
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